
Thursday, September 18, 2014

View From The New Craft/Sewing Room AND Booby Trapped

the cord I needed to load pictures
from my camera to my computer.

Here is the view looking from the patio doors
towards the bay.
See the storm coming in
over the water?
Awesome, isn't it?

ready yet.
I had a sick kiddo here and then I 
got "the bug".
While I had "the bug"
I managed to keep the kitchen clean
and do laundry.
MyHero has the bug, too.
He has managed to 
and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

I will give you a peek at what I 
have been up to out there.
This was an addition in the back
corner of the garage.
We used the windows that we 
took out of the main house when we
rehabbed it.
They are good windows-just not
what we were using in the house.
They are brown here-but the 
sliding glass door was already white.
Here they are with one coat of 
white primer on them.
1 coat of primer and  
2 coats of paint and they look like this.
The room looks bigger and brighter now.

I should finish the room up this Friday
and then I will show you the whole thing.

Here are the girls at the beach.
Two of them are waterside.
The 11 year old, 
wanted me to bury her in sand.
and I obliged.
her little sister decided to
 the fun.
The moral of the story is...
Your little sister can always
Hmmm...Little sister is going to need some
if she is going to be a plastic surgeon!


  1. you are so silly. I bet you keep those sweet girls laughing all the time. looking forward to seeing you room.

  2. LOL Never a dull moment! I hope that bug flies away and never comes back!
    Gorgeous view from your home - most people have to go on vacation to have that!
    Can't wait to see your finished crafty room!

  3. Such cute beach pics! Can't wait to see the new sewing room!

  4. Beautiful view, no matter what kind of weather! And the painted window opened up the world. Grand-daughters are divine, aren't they? Hope to have some one day. :) Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. LOL that last photo cracked me up...yes I'd say she needs a little training!! That first shot looking out towards the bay is stunning Diana!! Can't wait for the room reveal!

  6. Hope you're feeling better! The window looks so nice with the white paint. I think those girls get their sense of humor from Nana!

  7. sorry to hear you all had that flu, but hopefully its short lived, where do kids think of these things, lol, they look like they're having fun!! Isn't it amazing what a coat of paint can do, wow, looks great!

  8. Oh Diana, I'm smiling and I'm speechless :) Glad you are feeling better and can't wait to see the entire room. The window trims looks much better white - so clean and open.

    Hugs to you!

  9. It's so nice to have you back, Sweet D! I have been a bit behind on my blog visits. The past couple months have kept me focusing on my parents health and finally the demolition, replacement, and doubling the size of our deck. We had the warmest Summer on record, which always pulled me outdoors when I wasn't at work.
    Did your dollies sell cookies again this Summer? I sort of lost track...
    The view of the bay from your home is breathtaking. I am always overwhelmed at the size of The Great Lakes!
    It's obvious that Body Sculpting is the new Sand Castle on your beach!

  10. LOL! So adorable! Thanks for the smile, Diana!

    Hugs from the Hartford airport,

  11. You have the best view! And love the beach photos - too cute. Hope everyone is feeling well soon!

  12. LOL. That is just too funny! And yes - sisters - little or big - can make a boob out of you. Or at least make you look like one. My sister used to be pretty cool - most of the time - but then, out of nowhere, she'd attack and do something to intentionally embarrass me. Later, I figured out that she did it when things were going well, and she was jealous. Too bad she didn't live long enough to see any real success of her own. :-( But - she had plenty of chances.

  13. How will you ever be able to get anything done with that gorgeous view to sit and enjoy! Glad every one is on the mend....hugs, Penny

  14. Ha ha what fun with the girls. Oh I cannot wait to see the craft room. The window looks great and you are right it makes it much brighter. Amazing what a little paint can do.

  15. Ah ha ha...the girls are too funny! That first photo is beautiful...I always love the look of the water when a storm is brewing!
    Looking forward to seeing more of the craft room...but get well first!

  16. I'm totally smiling. What a hoot (or hooters). Such funny beach pics! Can't wait to see the new sewing room!

  17. Love your pictures of the bay! What fun those girls have in the sand! Yes, we women just have to keep going, don't we? xo Nellie

  18. Diana,
    Glad you are feeling better, those pesky bugs just move quickly through the home and makes everyone feel sick. The photograph is beautiful. Your view is breathtaking. Such beauty can be seen with changing forecast's in the sky, especially over water. Diana enjoyed the photos of the girls, How sweet.
    Rest up, be happy, be well.

  19. You have the most amazing property to live where you can see that view every day! Your windows look very nice painted white. I prefer painted white trim too. Sorry to hear that you all have been so sick. I have a cold right now and feeling a bit "foggy" in the head right now. Hope it doesn't last too long. You cracked me up saying how you managed to keep the kitchen clean and the laundry done despite being sick but your husband just "checked out" during his. Isn't that typical???? Not fair! Women rule the world! Your granddaughters are hilarious making sand boobies!

  20. Sorry about the "galloping bug," rushing through your house. "No good deed, goes unpunished" hu? Take care of sick little one, and.... Oooops, you get it toooo.

    Actually, I totally agree with Hero's approach to a "bug invasion."

    But you, being s-t-r-o-n-g, kept going and doing. :-))))

    So cute pics of kids on the beach.


  21. Looking forward to the reveal!
    Typical male...totally down and out when they get sick!

  22. I love it already, Diana, just for the fact that you have windows! : ) Gosh, I wish I had more windows ~ the one downside to condo living. My neighbor just moved because she missed having some patio space where she could sit outside in her pajamas, if she was so inclined to enjoy her coffee in the morning. Pros and cons to everything I guess.

    The girls looked like they were having a good time. I hope "the bug" has left by this time.

  23. Sweet Cheeks strikes again! I love that girl. Looking forward to seeing your room,

  24. Love that shot of the storm. You will love the white trim. You go girl!

  25. Ha ha Diana!!! Only you!!! Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the smile. Jane

  26. Awesome window transformation - and I actually howled at the boobs pic - what a great sense of humor you and your family have! Thanks for the smiles, Diana! Hugs!

  27. I think I can hear the giggling from here! What a blessing to spend fun time with them like that. Your view is gorgeous, I hope it is inspiring and not a hinderence..I would be staring out the window!

  28. LOL! I needed a good laugh, Diana.
    It looks like your new craft room is going to be quite nice. Love the window.
    The view that you look out to is amazing.
    Sweet blessings to you.

  29. The window looks great. Good job. I'm not gonna let her be my plastic surgeon. Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen!.. Glad your cord came . pretty picture.

  30. I think I'd have a hard time crafting or sewing if I had that beautiful view to look at!

  31. What fun with the kiddos. I love the window painted white. Oh to have that view!

  32. I LOVE that view. Water! Water! I love the WATER! xo

  33. LMHO Diana - I wasn't expecting that at all - absolutely hilarious !!!
    Window's looking good too !

  34. LOL, Diana! I have seen some plastic surgeries like this before! Big oops and so cute! I'm sorry you have had the bug, but am happy you're better! Your hero sounds like mine when hes' sick- it's a guy thing! I love your craft room and the view is gorgeous! Wow, I would never get anything done!

  35. Hope you are all recuperated! Looks like a lot of fun!

  36. It's almost always fun times when we have the joy of spending it with our grands :) Love the window, nice paint job! Feel better soon!!! Blessings, Cindy

  37. That view!!! It's amazing and I bet it's pretty in every season. It's so funny how men think the world stops when they get sick. Women are like "I am woman, hear me roar!" Lol! I love the little "enhancements" little sis made to big sis! Ha! I love the white trim on your windows too. Lookin' good!

  38. hahhaa...a most precious post...
    they look like they are having so much fun with their Nana Diana...:)

  39. love your view, doesn't seem real. those honkers are quite impressive, a little wonky but there's still time!

  40. Ridiculous! Your comment about your sock hubby made me laugh...I totally get it. Hope you're all feeling better now! :)

  41. I am hoping y'all are all over the bug soon.
    the beach looks like fun!
    Can't wait to see your room when it's finished. :)

  42. Gorgeous view, Diana - I don't know how you get anything done with that beach right there! Sorry about 'the bug' - hope you are feeling better and able to make the bed soon :) Big improvement with the windows - can't wait to see the finished room. The little mermaids are just too cute. xo Karen

  43. What a gorgeous view you have there! :)

    Love the sand photos!

  44. Wow, what a view! Hope everyone is on the mend. Looking forward to your room reveal. It's nice to see some summer photos!


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