
Saturday, September 20, 2014


The truth is that I am not quite done
with the craft/sewing room
but I AM far enough along to 
give you a good peek.

I am going to break this up into
a couple of posts because
I have grandkids here for the weekend
and you can imagine how time 
flies and there's not much time to blog.

This door is INSIDE our garage.
It is the old front door that was
on this house when we bought it.
Too pretty to not re-use somewhere.
There is a car IN THE GARAGE 
to the immediate right.
The "blue" you see to the left
and is full of patterns, etc.
I will show you that another time.
Come-on in!
When you open the door this is 
what you see.
That is my sewing table to the right.
It belonged to hubby's grandmother
and is a true Art-Deco piece.
There was a desk that matched
that we gave to a friend (darn it).
It is the perfect height and size
for this room
You can see the use and age on
the polished black top.  
The top is some kind of "resin".

Immediately inside the door
is a sink.
I picked this old tin & porcelain sink up curbside
when we lived in another town.
It was rusty and back then I 
painted it green when I was using
it for "potting".
Here it is all spray painted and cleaned up.
I spray painted inside and outside.
The bottoms of the shelves
were in pretty bad shape.
So- I covered them with 
self-adhesive tiles.
I do this under all the sinks in my house, too.
I just buy a cheap shiny self-stick tile
and cut to size. 
It makes it so easy to keep clean.

My next post I will show you the rest
of the room.
I should have it completely finished by then.
At least now the basics are all in place.

Okay-Here is your laugh for the day-
At MY expense, of course.

Before I started painting the sink 
I checked my paint supply.
I had 2-1/2 cans of Rustoleum Gloss White Enamel.
Good to go.
I figured I would need 2+ cans.
I start with the 1/2 full can and 
I spray the whole inside
of all the sink cabinets
before I run out of paint.

I open Can #2-
THIS is what the paint does.
Cleaning the nozzle does NOT help.
Not to worry.
I have a THIRD can and by now
I am pretty sure one more can will do 
the whole job.
Whooo Hoooo!

Let me just say-there is something
spray hole and it will
NOT TAKE another nozzle.

Okay- I want to finish this so 
I realize that 
I HAVE to run to Home Depot 
at this point.
I am in an old nightgown to paint.
Yes- It's true.
No pictures of THAT!

I HAVE TO change clothes to go to
Home Depot.

I throw on some clothes-
hop in the car and run to 
Home Depot.
NO ONE in Home Depot
will look me in the face.
I think---
That's ODD!

However, I get TWO NEW CANS
of white spray paint.
I get in the car and look at myself
in the mirror.

My NOSE is full of 
It looks like BOOGERS!

I can't do it- 
I just can't do it!
I CAN'T show you a picture
of a nose full of 

Next time I will wear THIS!
NOT to Home Depot, Silly...
Just to paint!
I will wear something like THIS
to Home Depot next time.
HA!  We'll see who has the 
after all!

I have kids here for the weekend
so I most likely won't be around
until Monday.
Have a GREAT weekend!


  1. Oh boy...I've had days like that! It's always funny after the mortification fades! ;) Place looks great, love the deco piece and the sink!

  2. Every thing is looking GREAT, Sweet D!
    I am going to steal the tip about the stick on tile for under our kitchen sink. I am always readjusting that Rubbermaid shelf liner!
    Enjoy your weekend with your beautiful "Grands"!

  3. Diana, That is funny. I have gone to town with caulking in my hair on a remodel job once. I thought you maybe had paint on your face. I hate to think of the spray cans that we have that probably won't work. I think your room will be very nice . I like that you are using things you already have. xoxo,Susie

  4. Awesome peek reveal = and thank you for the guy laugh. Seriously, you are too funny to share your nose- which prolly looked more like cocaine than boogers if one believes the movies like "Say hello to my little friend" one with Al Pacino.

    Now that is one awesome craft room, I am happy jealous.

    Hope you and the gkids craft up a storm today! Hugs!!

  5. You crack me up Diana. So funny. Love the sweet peeks into the craft room. Love love that sink so wonderful. I cannot wait to see more. Have fun with the kiddo's.

  6. I'm loving the peeks and loving the spray paint story too! That sink is absolutely wonderful. Love that deco table too. I can't wait to see more. Enjoy those grands this weekend. We have fancy hair styling and makeup ahead of us today for homecoming festivities.

  7. Paint boogers are the worst!
    I love your space and the sink/cabinet turned out great.
    Have fun with the grands.

  8. And you thought you "dressed up" for Home Depot! LOL The sink looks great! The view outside your craft room is beautiful. Can't wait to see your finished room. Enjoy your young'uns this weekend. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  9. I think white boogers can make a stunning fashion least that's what I tell myself whenever it happens to me (which is more than I care to admit).

    The view outside your craft space is lovely. I would never leave!

  10. Have a wonderful weekend with the grands! Love that you have repurposed so many wonderful pieces. Love the tip about the stick on tiles!! Perfect for under sinks. Ha, I have been there done that with the nose and spray paint!!

  11. Oh Diane, that is so funny! You started my morning out with a good laugh!

  12. Diana,
    I love that you reused and up cycled meaningful objects in your sewing room. The Art Deco table is amazing! Thanks for sharing your white booger story, it was a good laugh. Have a wonderful weekend with your sweet grands.

  13. Oh Diana, you have the best life...laughing all the way!!! What a nifty craft room. How lucky to have a sink for cleanup AND a coffee pot to boot!! Have a great weekend with your little sweeties. Jane

  14. What a fab craft room!!!! I wish I had a sink! I use our guest bathroom sink to clean off my paint brushes :( not ideal but NEXT HOUSE!!! Thank you for your lovely comment and for becoming a new follower! I am also now following you!!! xoxo PS Love the mask!!! Important to wear one! I used to wear one when I poured porcelain . . . . protect those lungs!

  15. That sink is fabulous! What a great craft room.

  16. LOL.... I totally understand. I just hate having to run to the hardware store when I am in the middle of a project - all dirty and covered in paint. I've done it, though. When it happens I just run to McCoy's. They're less busy than Home Depot and Lowe's so no one is going to see me - but I might have to pay a couple of bucks more.

  17. You've a great eye for what you need to do for those projects to suit your plans. Great work! xo Nellie

  18. I love the sink and the story. Sorry about your nose. The view to the yard is so pretty. Have a great day and a good weekend with your grands.

  19. Wow, what a great view to the outside you have, Diana. I don't know if it would inspire me in the craft sewing room or distract me! : ) Oh, I have had things happen with full cans of spray paint that just make you say "are you bleepin' kidding me?!?" and then have to go out and get more, too. I hate when that happens because you are all in the mood to do your project and then you have to stop.

  20. That sink looks brand new! Thank you for visiting and following me. I am your newest follower. :)

  21. Diana you are just plain awesome!! I can not wait to see your finished craftroom.

  22. Oh Diana you always have me laughing. Enjoy the weekend.

  23. Oh no, you crack me up! I always seem to run into someone I know at Home Depot and I'm usually sweaty, dirty and smelly. Never has white stuff coming out of my nose though!

  24. White boogers, oh my! lol! Well, it looks like it's going to be a great room Diana. Love the sink!

  25. What a transformation. Like the idea of the tile under the are such a fun blogger. Have a great weekend.

  26. Lol too funny! The room is shaping up and I think it's great to have somewhere to do projects. I need a space like this :-)

  27. You're a hoot! What a sight! The door is beautiful. The table reminds me of the old kitchen tables we used to have and the tops were Formica Have a great weekend Diana.

  28. By the time you are finished with your craft room, it's going to be amazing!! I LOVE the sink!! I wish I had a room like that.
    I hope you are having fun with the kiddos.

  29. Well, white paint, boogers and laughing aside, your cabinet looks lovely :) Enjoy those kiddos! Blessings, Cindy

  30. I was wondering about the coffee pot while viewing the first pictures...then I saw it! :) This space is wonderful ~ you're going to enjoy it so much. The Home Depot folks probably love you ~ I'm sure you make them smile each time you visit!


  31. You are so funny! I love it - what a great sense of humor. Have fun with the grands.

  32. Hahaha you made my laugh, I've been there too! :) Love this project, the cabinet looks like new. I have to copy cat the self adhesive tile tip, my sink cabinet doesn't look pretty any longer!

  33. hahaha!
    literally laughing out loud here... so funny, and no one said anything... hilarious.
    It's like they all wanted it to be a surprise.
    That sink... awesome! I can't believe it was just sitting on the curb! I'd scoop it up too. I actually look on craig's list for those sinks all the time...double drain board...I'd love it if the metal cupboard came with it... seriously, what is not to love about that sink. on with the show... let's see you with the Mardi Gras mask on!

  34. I do love that you are using the table that belonged to the husband's GM. Next time you go to Home Depot with paint on your nose, wear the paintin' PJ's. No one will be lookin' at your face. We have a sink in the shop that was a curb rescue. Have a wonderful time with the grandbabies.

  35. Thanks for the first belly laugh I've had today! Still laughing. I do want that sink cabinet though. No idea where I would put it, but I want it. I do love those old kitchen tables. They remind me of one my parents had.

  36. What a fabulous craft room! I love the curbside rescue; what a great find! I am copying your idea about adding the stick on tiles under the sink! Thanks for sharing it- I know you have that lovely bay view. I don't think I would ever leave this area! The door is a wonderful addition that makes this such a great room. I can just see you in here with your Grandchildren having a ball! I love what I'm seeing so far!

  37. I love a person who can laugh at themselves. I forgot to put mascara on ONE eye a few days ago and did a mirror check at the dr. office. OMG, I looked like I was in a fight, or sick, or both.

  38. That's hilarious, Diana! Good thing it was Home Depot, where at least people can assume you were in the middle of a project, rather than the supermarket, or something. Great job on your new room!

  39. You silly silly girl, you...hahhaaaa.
    Your craft room is looking spot your sink cabinet.

  40. Love the cabinet and that table is wonderful, but I really wish I could have seen the paint boogers. Maybe you should have just worn the old nightgown. LOL

  41. Oh, I "NOSE" the ol' spray-paint-in-the-nose deal, for sure! Hilarious!

    ... and painting in a nightgown!

    Hugs and happy week! Your sewing room redo is going to be SEW much fun!


  42. Oh my goodness, you are funny. The cabinet looks wonderful -- aren't those old drainboards fun?

  43. Oh,,this is so pretty! You are so gifted and have such wonderful ideas.....but you really need a mirror when you head out your Too funny! What hoot!


  44. Oh Diana that is just to funny!!! Oh the moments of a true Diy'er!!! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  45. Now who finds a sink????? Great use of it. I hear you about the wearing of the PJ's while painting. I have special "paint" clothes that I wear when I paint. God forbid anyone ever saw me in them! You won't believ this but my husband just bought a Russian-issued gas mask (I kid you not) at a Science supply store this weekend, to wear for Halloween. It's the real deal, kind of scary actually. Maybe you'd like to borrow it?:)

  46. That was my great laugh for the day. Only you that could happen to. I would have loved to seen you at Home Depot. But on the up side, look at how most of the people look going in there - they are not dressed for success. They are busy working on projects and all of a sudden they need something and off they go. I'm sure you were fine.
    Have a great week.

  47. I peed my pants! Just a little...don't do that to someone so close to Medicare! I beg you to show a picture of your painted nose. Please, please, please!

  48. I love the idea of using those peel and stick tiles under your sinks! I told my husband about that. We need to do that! Your story about the spray paint situation was funny!

  49. Diana, you are too funny!! Love this story :)

  50. You are a serious spray painter! Hope the weekend with the grandchildren went well

  51. LOVE your sewing table and your curbside metal sink and kind of junking girl!! I love to read your Lucy and Ethel stories.....yes, there are a few of us left in this world.....funny! Blessings~~~Roxie

  52. Ha ha that's so funny! You'll look a stunner in that mask next time you go. Only trouble is your nose will still be seen.....


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