
Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Just popping in to tell you I am still
above ground
and to wish you and your families 
I have the grandgirls here.
Tomorrow they start school
and I am left wondering 

I will be back to blogging regularly 
in a few days....
pinky promise.

I just need to catch up on all the things
I DIDN'T get done on my
"Summer Vacation".

Thank you to all of you ~

that stuck with me-
and wrote to me-
and cheered me on-
and sighed and/or cried with me.
It has been quite a summer!

See you shortly..
well, I am NOT short...
but you know what I mean!

And here, of course, is what
MyHero is doing for 
Labor Day!
Pulling what hair he has left
because I MIGHT have asked
him to do me one little favor....
or maybe it was two...
or it might have been three...

I say..
Labor Day means
and I rest-
for a change


  1. I think of you a lot and have missed you bunches.. Please know that even though I did'nt write I do care.. silly me- I figure if someone says they need a break , they really DO, so I leave them be .....

    big hugs and good wishes

  2. I've missed you and will be happy when I see you back!

  3. So glad to see you pop up today! You have been missed!!!!!

  4. Happy Labor Day to you too, Diana! It will be nice to have you back!!

  5. Hey, happy to see you! Happy Labor Day to you! xx

  6. You have been missed sweet Diana. You always put a smile on my face. Enjoy your day and can't wait til you get back full time!!

  7. You haven't been far away. I saw you sneaking peeks of my blog on my Stats. Hope you had a great summer! Welcome back and look forward to peeking in on you. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  8. It's so great to hear from you.... both! Hope he gets finished with his 'honey dos' in time to relax later. I haven't worried about you but I prayed for you! I knew you were busy with life. It's been a pretty quiet summer in blogland. Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. LOL oh gosh I missed you! Just so glad you're back and weeks and weeks of funnies are ahead again!

  10. oh I too have missed you. Ya kids back to school. Happy Labor day you beautiful lady.

    Carol Ann Canada

  11. It was so nice to see that you are posting again. You have been missed.
    Happy Labor Day . . . don't work your poor hubby too much:)

  12. So happy to have you back, my friend. You were greatly missed. xo Laura

  13. What a pleasure to read your post this morning! It is great to have you back! xo Nellie

  14. Well, above ground is a good place to be! So glad to see you in my feed this morning.

  15. Happy long weekend, Diana! Look forward to catching up soon! :)

  16. Welcome back, dear Diana. I've thought about you along the way. I knew you would come back when the time was right for you. Can you believe it's September? I hope you are enjoying this Labor Day weekend.


  17. Dianna, I won't even start to tell you of some of my experiences(ordeals) with a "helping" husband. I am trying to get caught up with my blogging friends but arthritis in my hands is a real bummer. I know I have missed way too many interesting and beautiful posts. Your porch is beautiful and inviting and your beautiful granddaughter has the same problem as all three of my grand girls right now. They are all losing teeth in different stages. The middle one looks and sounds so funny because she has lost most of her upper and lower front teeth and one of the top ones has almost grown back in. Time flies by and they are no longer our babies!

  18. Hello, glad to see your post pop up! I feel like laughing over your hero's hair pulling request you have given him! Really ,you just snapped that shot this summer and now are putting it to good use to make us laugh!
    Labor Day, I only say I need a bit of a rest1 See you soon....
    Yours, Roxy

  19. I was thinking about you just yesterday. So glad you're back. I have missed you. Looking forward to your humorous posts. Happy Labor Day Diana.

  20. I was JUST thinking of you yesterday and wondering if you were enjoying your summer! Good to see you back!

  21. Welcome back Diana !!!
    Have a great day off and then back to blogging - need my fix lol

  22. Helloooooooo my sweet friend. Glad to see a post! Wooooo Hooooo she's back lol!

  23. Well hello stranger! So nice to see your blog pop up on my list again. Looking forward to seeing you on a regular basis again!

  24. Welcome back, Diana! I have missed you. Don't make that poor hubby work TOO hard!

  25. I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering what mischief you were up to on your break.
    I have missed you!

  26. So glad that you are coming back to us. Yes, you have been missed, can you tell. xo

  27. I missed you. Welcome back.

  28. Hi sweetie, Soooo glad you will be rejoining us once again; I've missed your crazy sense of humor. It is hard to believe that Fall is banging at our doorstep. Hope you had a good summer, don't know how you could have without all of us hanging around. Sending love and hugs to you today.

  29. Good to hear that all is well.....Glad to have you back!!!

  30. Hi Diana, so great to see you again and so glad you will be back to blogging soon. I have missed you this summer too.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Happy Labor Day!!

  31. Ha, ha, yup; I've been laboring. Just got back from my friends house where we have been making concrete leaves. Glad you're back. Get caught up and get busy blogging girl! lol!

  32. It's so good to see you again, but I'm glad you allowed yourself a nice long blogging break. It's good for the soul :)
    Love you and will look forward to your comings and goings in the next few weeks.

  33. Happy Labor Day....glad you're back! Hugs, Penny

  34. Well, its about time you got off your butt, or got on your butt and blogged. You have been so slacking here! I can't believe you have been gone for so long. Good thing we talk every day or I might have to sue for partial custody of those grands... but you can keep the old man with no hair. Got one of those already and sure don't need another one.

  35. Glad you're back. I made my honey do lots of work around here this weekend. He will be happy to go to his real job and rest tomorrow.

  36. I am glad you are back Diana. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  37. Welcome back, Diana! Where did the summer go??
    Mary Alice

  38. Nana Diana, you're back!!! I missed you and the joy you bring.
    Looking forward to visiting again.
    Joy to you!

  39. Diana, was so happy to see your comment. It brought me right over. Welcome back! You've been missed big time. Hope your summer break was restful and offered some fun times as well. Summer is hanging on here, but I suspect you all are enjoying some very pleasant temps.

  40. So glad to see you are well and happy Diana.. Yay you are back blogging xx

  41. Happy to hear you're still alive and kicking. :0)

  42. Oh wow... I was so glad to see that you posted today. It's been a while. Happy Labor Day!

  43. What a treat to see your name pop up again! I thought about you and those cute munchkins often over the last few weeks. I hope your summer was filled with all good things. Can't wait to see what comes next!

  44. Hi Diana, glad that you had a good summer and missed you! See you soon.

  45. Unpacking suitcases and packing school lunches. A busy night but so happy to have you blogging again. Hugs!!!

  46. So glad to have you back blogging again! You really were gone for a long time. I'm sure you have lots of stories to share now.

  47. Hooray you're back! That was a long break! Sometimes you just have to re-prioritize. Good to have you back!

  48. Diana! Yaaaaaaaay! So nice to see you back in my mailbox! I've really missed your posts and am looking forward to you coming back regularly! I can't believe summer is coming to a close. The grandkids start back to school tomorrow and the pool has closed - so sad! At least you have that gorgeous water view still! Hope to see you again soon! Hugs, Leena

  49. Diana, I am so glad you are taking a much needed break. Happy Labor day to you as well. xo

  50. Oh Dana how I've missed you and your humor! Smile...

    Talk to you soon!


  51. I'm so happy to see you back, Diana! The blogging world just wasn't the same without you!! Yes, summer just went way too fast. If only the winters here in the midwest would go as quickly! Looking forward to hearing what you've been up to! Love ya!

  52. Gald to hear you'll be back soon! Hope you had a nice summer and holiday weekend!
    xo Kathleen

  53. Have you been in jail?! What did you do?? Pot is legal in Colorado! Not Wisconsin!! :) glad to see you're back.

  54. So glad to see your post, and glad all is fine, I slacked off on blogging two...For the same reason, not dying, not sick, just catching up on life


  55. I hope you had a great Labor Day Diana and I know you enjoyed your girls.

  56. Hi Diana! I hope your summer has gone sure goes quickly...and it's starting to feel more like fall here now!

  57. Missed you and glad you are back! Hope you had a great summer - but then, I bet you have a great time whatever you are doing!!


  58. You've been missed! Look how many blogging friends you have!!

    Now it's time to get back to blogging and keep us smiling ;).

  59. Welcome back! As you can see you were very much missed!

  60. labor
    1. noun: work, especially hard physical work. 2. verb: work hard; make great effort.
    Yep, I agree!

  61. HOOOOORAY!!!

    She is back!

    With a classy new Icon, toooooooo!

    ONE Request.... Do not, not, not make any email "Reply" to my comments here!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz! The only form of "reply" I want, is for you to comment in my blog, on occasion. Really! Really! Really!

    Look! You have 66+ comments here. Think of all the _wasted_ time it will take you, to email Reply to all of them!!!! Please just comment in their blogs, when you can.


  62. OH my, well at least he'll save money on haircuts.

  63. Diana, so glad to see you're back!! Welcome :)

  64. It's great to see your post pop up in my email! I hope you've been having a great break! Happy Labor Day to you and your family!

  65. Glad to see you are back, a lot of bloggers have taken breaks this summer, as I did. Just too much fun to be had. Hope all is well with you.

  66. Hey There! I left for a long time as well and may not return for a spell. glad you had a happy summer with your family. olive

  67. Good to have you back, Diana! I hope you had a great Summer. Hugs, Maria

  68. Wow, I just came to your blog to send you a message and was delightfully surprised to see a new post. Welcome back! You have been greatly missed.

  69. Wish our school system waited until after Labor Day to begin. We've been in for about three weeks now! Yuck! Too hot.

    Can't wait till you are back in front of your computer more often! Miss you!

  70. WOOO HOOOOZER.....glad to have you back, you little blonde beauty, you !!! :)

  71. Okay... I'm the cows tail ...again. Better late than never! Welcome back! I missed your funnyness!

  72. Hi Toots!!! Hope the girls had a great day at school today! Welcome back.

  73. It's so nice to hear from you, take all the time that you need, we will still be here looking forward to your brand of humor, and hope.


  74. So good to have you back pal!!! Your energy was missed!! And no I can not believe that summer is almost over as I feel as though the snow just melted! HA! Happy week to you!! Talk soon! Nicole xoxo

  75. Hi Diana, I've been doing some catching up, reading a lot of your older posts! As always, you had me smiling ear to ear! You might not remember this little tid bit of info about me, but I live just a wee bit north of the Emerald City! And this Thursday is a biggie for your family, and mine...Need I say more??? GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)~ xo Debbie~

  76. So nice to see that you survived the summer, Diana - hope it was relaxing and restful with not too many mosquito bites. My Mr. is losing his hair, too and I'm sure it is because of that long honey-do list I keep throwing in his face that he keeps ignoring...... Hope the grands 1st day went well. Glad you are back. xo Karen

  77. Diana,
    Hats off to you for taking a break for the Summer. I think I need to take more breaks from Blogging so i appreciate it better when i come back...... Good to see you back, my friend!!


  78. Nice to hear from you Diana!!!...Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!!!

  79. Great to see you back in blogland, Diana! Hope you had a great summer!

  80. So happy you are back!! Missed your stories over the Summer can't wait to read more!


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