
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Once Upon A School Day 2014

Once upon a time there were
Three Little Girls.
The three little girls woke up 
one morning to find that 
SCHOOL was starting.

They gathered their supplies,
ate their breakfast,
and arrived at the schoolyard.

There the Royal Princess
waved her magic wand and demanded that
her loyal subject tie her shoes
before she tripped.

Nana came along with her camera.
that she was going to have

Thus she had only pulled part of 
HER HAIR back and had
It was NOT Nana's best look
but she grumblingly graciously had her
picture taken with 
Yes- My hair is completely white now~
Thanks for asking!
Keep blogging- it will happen to 
YOU too!

The three little girls,
SweetCheeks, Ria & Lulu,
smiled for the camera.

They each found a friend.
Lulu found her sweet girlfriend, Anika.
Ria found her sweet friend, Livvy.
And SweetCheeks found her girl boy friend.
Is that a parachute he has strapped on in case
he needs to get away from her?

Then, the school bell rang 
and the three little girls
  filed into their school
and Mama & Nana 
cheered and hooted and hollered and 
went to get coffee
went sadly on their way.

The End

Working on a big project so I
may not be around for a couple of days.
Bear with me!


  1. we may be twins with our white hair! lol! happy first day back to school!

  2. Such cute pictures. Nice to see you on the blog too! Mixed blessings for the start of school at our house. My oldest is now driving herself to the high school! How did that happen?

  3. Hope they have a wonderful year. They are all so precious.

  4. Awww, they are all such pretty little girls! I hope they have a wonderful new school year!

  5. The first day of school always makes me weepy. And I used to be a kindergarten teacher!

  6. So glad you are posting again. I have missed you!

  7. So glad to have you back Diana. The girls are so darling.

  8. Diana what an adorable post! So happy you are back and am looking forward to more of your posts!!!
    XO Barbara

  9. cuties all ~!! they are back in school and Nana can play:)

  10. The girls look so grown-up! And you my friend are absolutely gorgeous!

  11. So nice to see you back here. The girls are so sweet!

  12. Oh, my! How those girls have grown and changed over the summer! As to the hair - I feel as though I've been totally white longer than I was any other shade at this point!:-) You are beautiful! xo Nellie

  13. They have changed so much in the last year! Love those sweet faces.
    And speaking of sweet faces, you are radiant.
    xo, T.

  14. I'm so glad they attend a Christian school. I think all of those back to school pictures I see on facebook are depressing. Sweet little children going off to be indoctrinated by a government we can no longer trust. People forget that public schools are government schools. :-( I'm so glad your sweet girls will learn about Jesus and be taught Christian values.

  15. Hi Diana, wow where did the summer go! Your grandkids are so precious and adorable and look so happy. I'm a little sad that the summer vacation went by so fast as my daughter started her first day of high school today! Take care and see you soon.

  16. Oh your G.Children have grown up so quickly since summer. Tall and prettier, prettier. . My children also attended a Christian school. They were not a number there but
    people who needed tender loving care and time from the teachers and small classes. I am glad we did that.

    You are beautiful. Not everyone can wear long hair and look young still but you sure can and you look great. I know there will be a time when I wont cover help from the box. So far just some grays here and there. I am truly waiting for the white to take over. I do not like the grey mousy look. I want your white if it comes. I'll throw my color away.

  17. Beautiful photos, your white hair!

  18. What beautiful photos of the girls and their friends! School started back August 7th, here; it's still so hot and humid. Glad to see your sweet post pop up in my email again! Welcome back and I hope the girls have a fabulous school year! Oh my goodness, I wish I looked as good as you do with no makeup; what a great photo of you and Sweet Cheeks!

  19. Gorgeous~ them and you! I sent mine off this morning, too...last night, I was thrilled at the prospect of a little quiet time, but now I just miss my lunch buddies! ;( I'm sure I will be cured again by dinner!! ;)

  20. I'm happy to see you're back! The girls have grown so much! You look beautiful with your white hair. ;)

  21. Hi Diana! I am very, very behind on my blog visits this summer but am so happy to see these three beauties this morning!
    I wish them all a happy and fast school year...their smiles made my day!

  22. Such sweet girls, you have so much to be grateful for. What a marvelous blessing:)

  23. Adorable! My boys went back yesterday and the house is too darn quiet now. At least I can get some crafting done!


  24. Beautiful girls...

    Beautiful and cute friends...

    Love Nana's white hair! Gorgeous! Full and thick and amazing. You-are-so-lucky! Yes you are!


  25. Diana, I have missed all of you so much. So glad everyone is back. You are so pretty with white hair. :) Look too young to be white haired. So glad the girls found their friends right away. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,Susie

  26. They are precious!! So glad you are back blogging. You have been missed.

  27. Hi Di, so you know how you wrote..,3 little girls, they aren't so little anymore! But their still adorable & will always be your babies! Hey by the way.. You look beautiful as always! Xo

  28. Such beautiful girls. They sure are growing up. I love that picture of you with the Princess. Your hair is beautiful. I like it white. Of course, I would. I could never wear mine that long and it look like that. Beautiful.

  29. Oh my gosh - LOL! There's always a cute little twist or a funny little turn here and there as I read along. Love it! ALL of these lovely young ladies (and that includes the one with the white hair too my dear!) - and the boy! - are so beautiful and just radiate the excitement of a new school year! I'll be patient while you finish up "one more thing" - but gosh it's fun having you back! - like opening up a heavy drape and letting the sunshine pour in again!

  30. Oh, too cute! Now those are some sweet, sweet smiles and I do think yours was the sweetest! I always looked forward to that first day of school - ah! the freedom! And then an hour later I would get really lonely and guilty - it was like a roller coaster of emotions, but when they came home squabbling and crabby, I pulled myself together really fast and decided to go with being relieved :) Wish my hair would turn that beautiful white - mine is just steely gray, so Miss Clairol is still my best friend. xo Karen

  31. Looks like the weather was perfect for the BIG day! Great photos.
    Did I mention how happy I am that you're back in Blogland?
    VERY happy! You've been missed.

  32. Diana,
    Love the pictures of the girls going to school. Too cute. You looks so cute in the picture. I love that picture with you and sweet cheeks. Too sweet.

  33. Well that was just precious! Cute girls you got there. And you don't look too bad yourself! I hope you enjoyed that coffee miserably. Haha!

    Take Care of yourself.....


  34. You and your grandbabies look beautiful.


    Cottage Making Mommy

  35. Hi Diana, too cute. The girls have grown over the summer and just adorable. Love the pics and you look so cute with sweet cheeks. Wish I looked so good without makeup!!
    Have fun with your project.

  36. They are totally adorable! Amazing how much they've grown ~ :)


  37. You're more beautiful then when you left and so are the girls! Glad you are home.

  38. Well....we waited all summer long, what's a few more days?? HA! Nana is beautiful! Just like her grandbabies! White hair means wisdom ;-) So glad you're back!

  39. So glad you're back! Yippee! I've missed your posts and seeing pics of all those cuties! They all look so sweet on their first day of school (and so do you!!) :)

  40. The girls are adorable! I snickered through the story about them. You look wonderful- and your hair is pretty- thank the good lord you have such a nice head of hair!

  41. The girls are growing up so fast...they are the cutest!.....your "hair color" is beautiful...

  42. Your grand daughters are lovely. You must be so prod of them. I wish my hair would turn to such a pretty shade of white like yours.

  43. you are a doll and so are those sweet girls!

  44. They all look so pretty for their first day of school. Loved getting a sneak peek of you too!

  45. The beginning of another year. They sure grew over the summer. Just be glad you have hair. I just bought two wigs and they are gray. I kept trying the brown but it just didn't work. Once again I am not getting your posts through email. That means I have to trust my brain. Usually not a good thing.

  46. Oh my goodness. They are growing up so fast and they are all beautiful/ xo Laura

  47. I share your pain on the white haired ole lady thing. looking forward to seeing your new projects.

  48. You look absolutely beautiful! Movie star! Back to school is so exciting... Glad you are okay! Missed you while you truly too a break

  49. Could those girls be any cuter? I think not! Love the hair bows!

  50. Welcome back. I hope the girls have a great school year!

  51. So cute. I need to get our first day of school pictures off my camera still!

  52. Precious girls! So glad you are back. Missed you and your funny stories!


  53. Love the school story and so glad to see you back, even if it may be in spurts. You look beautiful, by the way.

  54. They are so adorable and so are you! Love you hair! You are just too cute with them!

  55. Your grandgirls are you are too!! LOVE your blonde hair and those dark glasses...very intriguing! A beautiful day~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  56. You and the girls look beautiful!
    Best wishes for a wonderful school year! Hugs, Leena

  57. Well I wish I looked that fabulous without makeup on Diana - you look amazing !
    And how come I never notice before that Sweet Cheeks looks like John - has anyone ever mentioned that before?
    I can't believe the resemblance !!!

  58. Diana, I squealed when I saw a post from you in my reader! Yes, I really did :) I somehow missed your Labor Day post probably because I wasn't on the computer that day. Anyway, it's so, so, so, so nice to visit you! You have been missed, dear lady.

    Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful day. Hugs!

  59. So glad the girls off to a good start the first day of school. That Ria's smile sure is heartwarming.

    School days......I have many good memories of them. :~)


  60. Oh you've no idea how happy I was when I saw your post!!! So glad you're back on blogland, Diana! Adorable pics of the girls as usual - and of you and Sweetcheeks. My hair was all white too until a few days ago. When I told her I wanted 'low lights,' I think she thought I said, 'Lights Out.' Oh well, it will fade rapidly. lol

  61. School was never pleasant experience for me, those nums were always beating us up!!!!! But I am glad the girls got off to a good start on their first day of school. My Mom had to carry me to the school bus kicking and screaming! So glad you're back!

  62. What a sweet post. I loved it! My kids are grown now so I really miss those days. I'll have to wait until I have grandkids, too. Then I can enjoy them again... :)

  63. Oh SWEET D!
    Tonight is the night! Your PACKERS are BACK in town and so are YOU!

  64. makes me wish I had gone for my grandson Henry's first day back to school he's is in 6th grade middle school this year
    time goes by so quick
    I have all grandsons no granddaughters
    love your all white hair mine stopped at 1/4 silver 3/4 gray LOL I always wanted all snow white hair like my maternal grandmother

  65. You know the most beautiful three little princesses in the land. Hope they had a good first day of school. Nana's hair is white because she's so smart. Knowledge turns the hair white, you know.

  66. you are so lucky that you were able to share that special day with the girls. BTW my 1/8" stubble of hair is white too, so don't feel bad.

  67. Hi Diana, so glad you are back. I missed you. I hope you had a wonderful summer. Great pics. :)

    Take care. Have a great weekend.

    Janet W

  68. Love the photos of the kids. They are getting so big! They have grown a lot over the summer. Love your white hair!

  69. So good to see these beautiful sweethearts again! Best wishes for a terrific school year!

  70. So nice to see you Diana! The girls are all growing up so fast and pretty as pretty can be.

  71. Oh my sweet and lovely friend! Sorry I haven't come sooner to see this post with "four" gorgeous girls! You look great with your white hair, just like an 'All American beauty...'you look really beautiful Diana. There's a lovely Lulu looking so much like you.
    The girls look so happy going back to school to meet their old friends again; so much to tell and to share.
    Have a wonderful week and happy September too!

  72. So happy you are back Diana! Your girlies are just adorable as are your stories! I know summer dealt you some 'challenges', praying the fall is a time of refreshing for you and the hubs! Blessings, Cindy

  73. They all look so grown-up Diana... and I happen to think you look beautiful with white hair! Wishing them a happy school year!!

  74. I think you look great! White hair suits you.

  75. Aw, the first day of school is the best! Those girls get cuter every day. :) Wishing them a fantastic year. Jane


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