
Friday, June 20, 2014


Well, now that the front porch is done
I am working on the porch off the 
Is it proper to cage an angel?
Sometimes I feel caged!
Caught in the midst of all that needs to be done.
Caught in the web of life.
So, I am taking a break.
A real break this time.

I have been swamped this summer.
There is a lot going on here
"behind the scenes".

No one is sick.
No one is in trouble.
No one is missing.
But there are things 
that need to be taken care of..
Things I need to do... 
 places I need to go
to do them.

I will be checking emails but not blogging
so feel free to email me if you like.

I promise to come back again when 
life settles down a bit.
Meanwhile, enjoy the 

I am going to try to carve out a little time
to sit here and enjoy this.....
And this....
and even this family of pelicans 
down by the bay....
Wishing you joy in the everyday moments of life
until I return~

Oooops-gotta go!
I have people waiting for me!!!
Looks like one of them is 
waiting for a TOOTH, too!
(the other one is waiting for food)


 I will also have a prayer post going
up for a special blogger as soon as she
gives me the word....because....
I promised her I would~
and a promise is a promise.


  1. Enjoy your respite from blogging. You will be missed. Have fun loving up those grands and your special guy! I hope you can take some time for YOU too!

  2. I understand totallly. Since, baby grands have entered this world, my posting has drastically reduced!

  3. Diana, I will miss you so much. Your blog is the first I check out. Hug everyone for me. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  4. Have a good day Diana! See you soon!

  5. Oh your time away will be wonderful! We will miss you. Just remember, the light is on and the key is under the mat!

  6. Diana.... enjoy the summer. I will miss you!

  7. Blessings Diana ~ enjoy your break & summer!! Vicki

  8. Hi Diana, enjoy your summer and you will be missed!

  9. Have a great summer vacation. Hope you get to feel like you did in Elementary school when you got the summer off school and the world was your oyster. Take your shoes off and go running through the lawn, jump around in a sprinkler and eat a lot of cotton candy. Enjoy!

  10. Enjoy your Summer time and get some rest. Come back soon! xoxo Maria

  11. it is wisdom, to know when to take a break.

    and more wisdom, to do it.

    hooray for you!

    do what needs to be done.

    but more importantly, do what will give you peace and contentment.


    gentle hugs,

  12. take all the time you need, just know we are all right here for you,

  13. Enjoy your break, you'll be missed!

  14. You will be missed. Stay safe and be happy!!

  15. Enjoy your summer and relax and have fun with family and friends.....

  16. I can understand the need to take the time, especially when there are a lot of pressing matters.

  17. Well, we will miss you, but I hope you enjoy your break! And enjoy those blessings. That little one will probably not stay toothless long, so enjoy the toothless stage as well. We all need a break from time to time. And I know how it is when there is a lot going on behind the scenes. :-)

  18. I hope you have some time for RELAX! I'll keep you in my prayers and hope everything goes well. Take care my friend! God bless you. Hugs, Diane

  19. Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your time catching up on life Diana! Hugs to you and all those little love bugs in your life!

  20. The porch swing and bay look inviting. Enjoy!

  21. Have a great summer, Diana.
    We know where you live if we need you. ;)
    xo, T.

  22. Enjoy your time off. I am right there with you. Lots going on and lots to do!! A break is good. Enjoy!!!

  23. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Have been thinking about doing the same thing myself! Hugs, Penny

  24. Diana, it's a mystery to me how you manage to do so much all the time! I'm so glad you decided to take a vacation from blogging! Enjoy your time off. You have more than earned it!

  25. Diana, I laughed out loud because - as God is my witness - I actually caged an angel the other day. It was my tall one holding a pineapple. I kept going past her and thinking "hrm." I felt so guilty - lol what an Irish thing, we invented True Guilt - anyway I ended up changing it and putting one of my zillions of birdies in it. Angel's free and I am guilt free YOU should be taking a break. I don't know of anyone in blogville who visits and comments on bloggers posts more than you do. And you are always posting too - that alone warrants a well needed break.

    Enjoy your summer, sweet friend. And if you visit Ohio please come visit me and stay a spell. Hugs.

  26. Well, Diana, just as my busy week comes to a close, you are ready to "take a leave.":-) I totally understand how life gets in the way of blogging at times! Take care, and you will be missed! xo Nellie

  27. I completely understand that sometimes you just need some time off from blogging. Since the weather has changed, I haven't been visiting blogs and posting a lot these days either. It's fun, but it can be very time consuming so enjoy your family and the warm weather... :)

  28. Enjoy your break, Diana! Hope you get renewed, refreshed and enjoy the summer! xoxo

  29. Have a wonderful break, Diana! This blogging sure does take a lot out of us...I hope you enjoy the summer with your family, and looking forward to when you return!

  30. What? Depriving us of your blog? How will we survive? How can you do this to us? You should have let us vote on this decision!
    Well, if you must, you must. I'll sit and pout like a spoiled brat until you return. As you are having fun relaxing and frolicking with your family, just think of my sad little face.
    (good for you and have a blast!)

  31. I just wrote a nice post and it disappeared. ;) I know you need some time. Take some time for you.

  32. Okay...take that break...are you headed for those sandy beaches I have been dreaming about going to??? If so, ENJOY you deserve a break, you're a very busy lady, wifie, mom, grandma, friend, blogger, cook, decorator, gardener, artist, and the list goes on for one with many hats to wear. Have a good one and take that rest. Even Jesus got a way for some time alone with his father.

  33. Enjoy your time away, Diana!! You have a beautiful family, have fun with them and take a break :)

  34. My dear Diana,
    I will miss you, but I'm so glad that you're taking a break for awhile because it seemed to me that you were on overload. It's nice to relax, enjoy, and be still once in awhile. I will miss your sweet face on my blog posts, but I totally understand the need for rest. And I don't think angels should be caged, but this one looks like your friend so maybe she doesn't mind. hehehe. Have a good rest, my dear friend. You mean so much to me. Enjoy the summer days.


  35. ps I was thinking about you the other day because some of the people in my life don't bother to reply to e-mails......most do, but some don't. And I was just thinking about how you reply to every one of my comments and probably everyone else's too, and that's alot to cover. I don't know if I told you or not, but I appreciate that, and it means a lot. You are loved by so many people. :~)

  36. Enjoy your break, Diana! We will miss you but know real life takes priority. I hope you get to spend some time with that new baby, too.

  37. Can you really cage an angel? I think not and therefore Diana, you should have no worries and be free to do the things you need to do! I love all your decorating and continue you must!!!
    Ahh, such beautiful ferns grace your home! Ugh, I do have two ferns, a fourth the size of yours, I struggle to keep from drying up.
    Diana, have a relaxing time off. Enjoy the family the bay and and all the time you need to accomplish what your heart desires! <3

  38. Diana,
    Be happy and well. Your Summer season awaits with your sweet family and a well deserved/earned blogging break. Wishing you much
    Sunshine, happiness blessings with lots of laughter and smiles beaming across your loved ones faces. How adorable to see the missing tooth on your Grands precious face, I remember those times and still cherish them.

  39. Thank you for popping in on me.....your joy in my becoming a grammie was very sweet. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER MY FRIEND.....still waiting for baby on this end. xoxoxo

  40. Enjoy your break and try to get some rest and relaxation. :) See you when you get back. :)

  41. You deserve a break, Diana! I sure will miss you, the blogging world just won't be the same without you! Love your caged angel. Boy, do I feel
    that way myself! Enjoy summer, sending you a BIG hug:)

  42. Enjoy your break! I'll miss you! If you're gone too long, I'll be emailing ... in need of a good laugh! Maybe tomorrow -Ha!

  43. Good for you. A little down time is so helpful in getting things done and visiting the loved ones. Hope it's peaceful and exciting.

  44. Diana,
    I wish you a fabulous summer! Enjoy real life with both hands!! :)

  45. Enjoy your summer but, will miss your wit and wisdom!


  46. It wasn't long ago when that was all snow. Hope everything goes well for you Diana. Stay safe.

  47. Enjoy your break...see you when you are back blogging.

  48. It is always good to take some time for yourself and your loved ones! Enjoy!

  49. Take a break! You deserve it! We will be here when you get back!

  50. I will miss you, Diana, but totally understand the need for a break.
    Have a wonderful summer and don't work too hard 'behind the scenes'!

  51. I say, enjoy!!!! We only get one life, right? And it's too dang short to feel overwhelmed. Cross them there things off your to-do list. :0)

  52. Hi Diana, WOW do I understand this totally. Take the time you need and enjoy the summer on your gorgeous porch when you can.
    Life marches on and you have to do what needs to be done. Miss you already but sending a big Texas hug your way.

  53. Much deserved! Enjoy the time and hopefully it will be filled with a bit of pampering for Diana!

  54. I am with you on this. Life has been busy and I am loving the time that I get to spend with my family and friends "face to face". One thing is true: each day goes by, and it will not come back. Enjoy Summer.

  55. I understand TOTALLY what it means to feel caged. I think you need a REAL break. I really do. Then come back refreshed and ready to go again. Enjoy the kids and the husband!!!!!!!!!! I will look for the prayer blog. And thanks for praying for me! sandie

  56. Enjoy your break Diana! But mostly, enjoy your family, spend time just loving on them and allowing them to love on you!!!! Blessings, Cindy

  57. Diana, Enjoy your time away from blogging...Blessings~~~Roxie

  58. You will be missed, but you do deserve a nice blog break! Enjoy your time away and enjoy your family! We'll all be here when you get back.
    Take care!

  59. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a blog break! Take care & enjoy every minute of it!

    And...I don't know if it's right to cage an angel, but I do love the way he looks all caged up like that.

  60. enjoy. your family will be so happy to have you paying more attention to them....maybe. Keep in touch if something comes up, I'm only an email away and I will miss you. take care dear

  61. Wonderful fun family day ahead!
    Enjoy it...
    see you when you return dear! Pat

  62. Diana you deserve a break for sure. But don't you dare leave us for good we would be super sad and lonely without your wonderful presence in our lives. So if you don't come back, we'll come looking for you, we know where you live! Well not really but a few well placed phone calls to NSA and we'd find ya in short order! Enjoy your time off and bask in the surf and sand. Love ya girl!

  63. I must say I am shocked that you are taking a break. At the same time, I often wondered how you did it all. Ah, life can be sometimes overwhelming and I'm glad you are taking some time to get everything in order and reconnect with just you!

  64. You go girl! (and enjoy every precious moment.)
    I will be right here when you get back.
    Love to you,

  65. I know how it is to need time away from the computer. I try to carve out computer time rather than the other way around. Summer can be both lazy and busy. Hope you enjoy your time off and feel a sense of accomplishment when you get back.

  66. Enjoy your break and some summer family time.

  67. Enjoy your time...but remember you will be come back soon!

  68. Have a lovely break! We will miss you. Summer awaits!

  69. I will miss ya friend!!!! Enjoy your time and have fun on that beautiful bench taking in the view! Hugs to you!!! Nicole xoxo

  70. Enjoy your break! I will miss you and your wonderful posts and look forward to hearing from you again when you are all refreshed!! Enjoy family and life!~~Angela

  71. Have a wonderful time on your time away....we all should do the same and I probably will take a few short breaks along the summer path..:)

  72. No, you absolutely cannot cage an angel! How are they able to be a guardian angel if they are caged? LOL Have a good break!

  73. I totally understand about taking a break, blogging is time consuming. It can easily consume our lives, and then we aren't enjoying our lifes. After last year, I decided blogging would be part of my life, but not take over my life. I hope you enjoy your time off and enjoy yourselves. We'll be here when you come back!'

  74. Have a blessed summer with family -- and your sweet porch, Diana. I will miss your posts which always put a smile on my face...but will see you again when the leaves begin to change. :)

    xoxo laurie

  75. Enjoy your summer! It got busy around our place too, and I cut back a bit.

  76. I know exactly how you feel Diana. With life as it is now, I have slowed down on the blogging, trying to keep up with the facebook and all the other stuff, I am stretched. Enjoy your time off~~~ xoxo

  77. Oh Diana I'm going to miss you but I totally get the need for a break!! I won't be posting too much the next few months family time awaits!!

  78. enjoy your time off, diana! can't the the beautiful weather slip by:)

  79. Lovely will be missed. Have a wonderful time. :)

    Take care, Janet W

  80. Hope treat yourself to some great "me" time too!!!!...see you when you return!

  81. Well well well - Nana Diana is FINALLY taking a break !
    I don't know how you do all that you do Diana - glad to hear everyone is ok - take as much time as you need
    ( you have my permission lol )
    Much love,

  82. Summers are gone in a flash, children grow up in a flash..our lives go by too fast so go enjoy it! Will miss you!

  83. I hope you enjoy your break…. we all need one now and then…I will miss your post for sure!!!

  84. Enjoy your 'time out', Diana and come back to us rested and refreshed, if that is even possible! Don't work too hard and save some time for that gorgeous porch of yours. Love your 'caged angel', and your two 'earth angels', too. xo Karen

  85. Diana, you deserve a 'break'! :)
    Enjoy your beautiful porch and view!

  86. Enjoy your break. We will miss you!

  87. Have a lovely break. You will be missed and must promise to return.

  88. Have a great summer, Diana. Enjoy your break.

  89. Have fun, Diana, and enjoy your break.

  90. Have a wonderful summer, Diana! Enjoy your break... I will be back to check in on you. :)


  91. Have a wonderful summer, Diana! I know just what you mean by taking a break! Sometimes it's necessary to get things done and rest a little! Enjoy! You will be thought of often!

  92. Enjoy your well deserved break Diana! :)

    xo Kat

  93. Hi sweet Diana! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing summer filled with many special moments :) Looking forward to your return!

    Hugs to you.

  94. Well I support you 100% A nana's gotta do what she's gotta do.Have a wonderful summer and don't you worry about us one little bit!

  95. I love the above true...have a happy go lucky summer sweet lady!

  96. Just checking in...I had not seen a post for awhile. so glad you are enjoying your summer, we will all be here when you get back.....Oh BTW, not so sure a caged angel will stay a caged angel, could just disappear/fly away one day!


  97. You certainly deserve a break. You are always so kind with your comments, and I don't know HOW you do it. I just blogged for the first time since April this week. I had really been missing my blogger friends, but life got too hectic. Sometimes it's good to take a rest and just enjoy the home you spend so much time making pretty. I hope you have a wonderful summer!

  98. I've been missing you. enjoy your well deserved break, my friend. xo Laura

  99. Just don't take too long, okay? No, seriously.....enjoy your time away, doing what you must. Enjoy those precious grandchildren! Hear from you soon!

  100. Diana...I also have been missing you, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do! So enjoy your break, know you are missed, and will be here when you return!
    Have a great summer and happy 4th of July!
    XO Barbara
    ps...may have to drop you a few emails to get my Nana Diana fix!

  101. Me too Diana, I am missing you too. Life has been passing us all by so quickly, it is hard to blog and pay attention to all of the things that really matter like our families. Enjoy your time off and give the grands all of the hugs and kisses they can possibly ever want. We all have the opportunity to create the memories that last a lifetime for the children in our lives. The birthdays, the graduations, the holidays, the christenings, the confirmations, the weddings, and the simple picnics on warm summer days. It only takes our time, so enjoy Diana, enjoy.

  102. Good for you! I sort of took an unannounced break, I guess. Just not enough time for everything so something had to go for a while. Looking forward to seeing you back here when the time is right!

  103. Wishing you a wonderful summer, sweet Diana! xo

  104. Hope your summer is going well!

  105. Thank you sooo much for Mom's card. She couldn't believe it! So sweet of you!

  106. Happy summertime break, Diana. You deserve it!

    Have a lovely weekend,

  107. Well, it's about time, you took a break....LOL Well deserved. Relax in that porch swing and enjoy your summer. xo

  108. I've been missing you, but that's ok, enjoy your summer and have fun with your gorgeous kiddoes! I will be mailing you some fun things I always get from my school friends back in NYC. I'm in bed with an ugly cold, lol! Anyway, it's good cause it lets me catch up on everyone too.
    Big hugs,

  109. Hey, I've been missing you! Enjoy the break, the Summer, the family!

  110. Hi Diana, Miss you and stopping in to say hi and wish you a great break.

  111. It's been just a little over a month and miss your daily visits. Hope all is okay! xoxoxo

  112. Waaaaaa I miss you. xoxo,Susie

  113. Missing you, dear Blogger friend!!!!! ♥

  114. G'morning, Diana...just by to say hi and hope things are good there. :)

  115. Have a nice summer break. I am on my way to see daughter and family for a week.
    In case you have not heard. I am doing great Praise the Lord and my prayers have been answered. . I am out and about. Specialist took me off 5 meds. Gave me a new one. I am off G free he took me off. Now I am having no problems with digestion . I am smelling the roses of life as well. Thank you for praying for me Di. I was wondering where you were but I knew you had some things about the house to do and G. kiddies and to put your feet up and smell the roses of life as well. . See you when you get back on. I miss you just like all your bloggers do. Yet I am happy you are taking a big break. Hugs Carol Ann xxoo

  116. I hope that you are enjoying your break . . . we can not continue to burn our candle at both ends without getting burned out :)
    Here's to R&R . . . you deserve it.
    God bless you.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  117. Hope you are enjoying your break Diana. XO

  118. I hope you have enjoyed your break... now come back!! LOLI changed my blog address so I'm no longer on any of your follow lists, please note my new address, it's ... I miss my blogging friends!
    xx Tammy

  119. Hi Diana! I am SO far behind in reading blogs that I hadn't seen this until now BUT I had noticed that you weren't In my mailbox and got worried! Glad to hear that all are ok and that you are allowing yourself a little break for some needed and wanted things this summer! I know it's hard to prioritize everything and sometimes you just have to set something on hold until everything else falls into place. I sure miss your posts but you will have lots to write about when you get back, aka "how I spent my summer vacation" LOL! Take care and enjoy summer! Hugs, Leena

  120. Hi Diana! Miss you! I hope you are having a great summer with your adorable family.

  121. Enjoy you break. Blogging is so fun to share your life and to read about others, pray for others,and support but it takes a lot of time and we all need a break. I love your porch by the way!

  122. Love your blog, but hoping you are coming back soon.

  123. I'm missin' my blogging buddy...hope you are able to come back soon.
    I am still trying to come up with something to fill that large wall over the basement stairway and thought again of a mural. Do you remember where you bought yours?

  124. Miss you! Enjoy your break while I'm moving to upstate New York to be with our grandbabies! Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  125. Stopping by to check on you - Hope this long break doesn't mean something is wrong. Thinking about you. -deb

  126. we will be here waiting here for you when you get back! :) Have a good break and come back refreshed and relaxed.

  127. Hello...helloooo...hellooooo...there's a definite echo in here. Hope that all is well and that you'll be back one day soon.

  128. just wanted to see if you're back to sweet tea above, i hope nothing is wrong and you are okay....please check in and let us know everything's good!

    we miss you!

  129. 'Just a note to say hello. I hope your summer's been sweet and smooth-sailing. ♥

  130. Just a pop in to say hello, We both have stepped away i guess for some ME time. LOVE the post my friend. Hope that all is well

  131. I trust you're enjoying your blogging break and that summer has been kind to you.

  132. Hope you're enjoying your summer. Now don't answer this comment, just go out and smell a rose for me! : )

  133. Hi... miss your stories!!! Hope your Summer was an what is left of it good!

  134. I came anyway, caz I was missing ya! Than when you said goodbye with this post I wasn't around, I was at my DD Sofia's for sweet Victoria's 10th. b'day.
    Anyway, I hope you are getting everything done that there is to do at your end and that you have enjoyed summer until now.
    I know what you mean, life does get on the way at times.

    Big hugs sweet friend.

  135. I understand completely .
    I just came off blog break a week or so ago myself.
    Hope you are having the time of your life :)

  136. I'm delighted that you are taking time for family and summer . . . do know that you are missed.
    Enjoy each wonderful day:)

  137. Enjoy your time away! Summer is the perfect time to take it easy. Hope to "see" you again soon! I always love your sense of humor.~TJ

  138. Beautiful the swing and caged angel (:)

  139. 145 comments and counting..guess you were missed!!!


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