
Friday, September 12, 2014

EASY Guilt Free Cookies! No Sugar-No Flour AND They TASTE GOOD+ Cleaning Up A MESS!

Holy Cow!
We say that a lot in Wisconsin-
even though we KNOW cows are 
You DO know that, right?

Holy Cow- I have been busy.
I didn't get the craft room done yet.
However, I did get the basement sorted.
Yes. I. Did.

To celebrate THAT accomplishment
I wanted something SWEET.
I have been TRYING to eat healthier
so I saw a recipe that someone posted
I decided to make it my own and 
change it up just a bit.
You know me-Can't leave well enough alone.

Look and See!
Look and Smell!
Look and Eat!
uh- oh-
what the heck are those bubbles in my coffee?
I hope SweetCheeks didn't dump a goldfish in there!

Come closer.
Can you smell them?
Hey!  I never said they were PRETTY!
I just said they TASTE GOOD!

See that little Green Bay Beverage bottle
in the top picture?
Here's a closer look.
 THAT was sent to me by my friend, Kris,
She found it in an antique store about 200 miles
South of me.
MyHero grew up drinking soda
from Green Bay Beverage Company.
It has been closed and gone for years
and we have NEVER seen one of  their
bottles anywhere.
How cool is that?
Hmmm...maybe my flowers would 
if I made sure the stems were IN the water.
What do YOU think?

Here is all you need to make these cookies.
Banana Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

2 LARGE very ripe bananas
1-1/3 cups Oatmeal (Quick cook kind)
1/2 cup raisins
2 Tablespoons peanut butter (I used Cashew butter)
1 Teaspoon vanilla (I use Mexican Vanilla)

(optional- Add- 1/3 cup chopped nuts)

Mash bananas completely.  Stir in all ingredients. 
Drop by large tablespoon onto prepared cookie sheet.  I use Baker's Joy spray.
Bake @ 350 until set. (12-15 minutes -or more depending on how dry you like your cookies)

I use air baking sheets.  These take about 18 minutes on airbake sheets.
Cool completely.

These are so moist and sweet-
You won't believe they don't have sugar in them.

I did NOT get the craft room done.
But I DID get the basement pretty well sorted.
Here is a BEFORE.
I hate to even show it.
I am NOT putting MY name on this
cuz I don't want it floating around the 
internet with MY name on it!
I was thinking about putting 
on the picture below.
You know- Someone like
Wouldn't she LOVE to get credit for 
having a basement area that looked like THIS?
She would think she died and went to 
Decorating Hades.
Is that SAD, or what?
Well, a lot of this has now been 
MOVED to the craft room.
And here is that area now.
I stitched some drop cloths,
used clothesline and strung them up
to hide the vacuum, water softener,
and some pipes that run through there.
The table is set up for the kids
to use for craft projects.
All their supplies are in a 
cabinet to the left now.
I can just whip the tablecloth off
if the project is messy.
I see a pillow peeking out
from underneath the table.
Apparently, I didn't do my
"blog picture" check
before snapping pictures.

I have pictures of BigBoy E's
first day of school coming soon.
Maybe even tomorrow IF
I can get myself in gear!

Have a great day.
I will be figuring out storage
solutions in the small craft room today
and HOPE to have pictures of
that in the next day or so.


  1. You sound like you got a lot accomplished, Diana! If anyone deserves a cookie (or five) and some coffee it's you! : )

    Air baking sheets? Is that like playing air guitar?

  2. Oatmeal raisin are my favorite cookies yours look and sound so good...enjoy;-) Have a great weekend Diana!

  3. So glad to see you back to blogging. And I love your basement "before" shot. I am working in my "basement" too. In TX that's known as my 100+ degree garage. I suppose I should take before pics too. We are headed your way in a couple of weeks. I imagine it won't be 100 up there:-) Have a great day!

  4. I love my air bake sheets! And the craft table looks perfectly creative the way it is!

  5. P.S. I switched servers recently, and now my blog isn't updating on your sidebar. I promise I've been posting!!!

  6. I love what you have done with those sheets!!! You should see my scary laundry room...this would make it feel so much brighter! And those cookies....they look amazing!!! I need recipes like this that have less sugar as I am trying to do less sugar for the beans (and me too!) Happy weekend lady!!! Nicole xo

  7. Thanks for the recipe as we are always trying to avoid sugar. A cookie and coffee would go great together (minus the goldfish!)
    Good for you organizing the basement. Our last 3 homes have not had a basement so everything ends up in the garage!

  8. Fun! I recently worked on my basement storage area too. Makes you feel better to go down there doesn't it! The cookies look so good- have to try them!

  9. You have been busy! I really need to tackle the unfinished part of our basement "again". I clean, everyone else dumps, I clean, everyone else get the picture. The cookies look delicious!

  10. Isn't it interesting, how when we want a "treat"... It is something "sweet" that we choose???


    Guess the "blame" has to go back to good ol' Mom. She must have plied us with sweets, early on. And we got-in-the-habit of... Sweet equal Gooooooood!

    So, what if a Mom used only the sweetness of Fruit, for this task? Would the grown child, only want a fruit-reward? A healthy-reward? Instead of a sweet-but-not-necessarily-healthy reward???

    NO, I am not really asking questions there!!!! :-) Just throwing out some "mental ramblings". :-))))


  11. Diana, The cookies sound wonderful and a great reward for all your work. Kris is a sweetheart and it was so kind of her to send you the bottle. Have a great weekend.

  12. That looks like a coold place to go treasure hunting. What is hanging on the door of that white cabinet? A photo? It looks cool. And I love that white cabinet. It looks like you have lots and lots of craft supplies, too. I could imagine the girls having a ton of fun going through things.

  13. Ok Yum on the cookies. I will try these for sure. Glad you like your Green Bay Bottle. It had your name on the minute I saw it. Have a great week end my sweet friend.
    Ughhhh heat had to go on last night. Ughhhh Ughhhhh Ughhhhhhhhh! Did I say Ughhhhhhhhh!

    1. I would have given anything for this house to look like your basement when we moved in last year - HADES is a slice of what WE bought LOL..................
      Great organizing - ( but I'd love to see behind curtain number 1 )
      The cookies look great - I have 3 bananas with that recipe written all over them !

  14. Well you're coming right along with that craft area! No messes upstairs now, right?
    I need to try these cookies, as I'm trying to get away from flour and sugar. Not easy after
    a lifetime of consuming.
    I love your pop bottle gift from Kris-how sweet is that!
    BTW, how's your weather there?

  15. It does make you feel great when you organize something that needs cleared. One day at a time. Your cookies look so yummy and tasty. I love those flavor combinations. Have a wonderful weekend. xo

  16. Very cool beverage bottle and even more special that your Hero used to have drinks from that company!

  17. I have been searching for that recipe ALL week and found every other kind of version that included sugar and flour. Thank you and have a lovely weekend.

  18. Blogging buddies are the best! How fun to have that pop bottle:) The cookies sound prettyy good. Can't wait to see your craft matter what size! LOL. It's great that the grands have their oun craft area. My grandgirl isn't into crafting like she used to be :(

  19. You are too funny Diana! I love reading your posts...they usually have me chuckling away and this one is no different! There was a lot work done in that basement of yours...i have a garage that looks just like your before pic...I need to get motivated and clean it out while the weather is still nice. The cookies sound wonderful and easy!!! Will have to give them a whirl. I actually have all the ingredients...mmmm...maybe I will make them for when the kiddies get off the school bus this afternoon! Have a great day and wonderful weekend Diana!!!
    XO Barbara

  20. Well I love oatmeal, banana's and raisins - Yum - trying your recipe to me seems like a no brainier!!! Especially with them being healthy. I avoid white flour and white sugar. Very sweet of Kris to find and send you the soda bottle. I have never heard of that brand. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Oh by the way... To me cows are Holy and Pigs fly!!!

  21. Just stored your recipe in my iPad notebook for later reference. Think I have frozen bananas that I can use. Will let you know how that works. Glad someone is cool enough for cleaning/organizing. Still too hot here in southwest Louisiana! Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

    1. Yes, I tried your recipe (with a couple of twists). Sweet enough for me, but the husband was expecting something sweeter. Maybe I'll add honey and chocolate chips for those with a "sweet tooth." The frozen bananas thawed quickly in the microwave and worked great. Your recipe is a keeper for me. Check my cookie version on my Wetcreek Blog. Hugs, Linda

  22. I believe that you are extremely crafty and you need that place - and I bet you are busy all the time! And that coffee and cookie looked really good.

  23. I'm going to try that recipe for the cookies. Who cares what they look like? Have a great weekend!

  24. Holy cow - those look good :-)

    my email is

  25. You've gotten a lot done this summer! I came home from Florida and went crazy decluttering and cleaning my house. It doesn't look very different but I took 2 loads to donate! lol I'd love to try this recipe! You had me at....NO sugar! Sweet sugar free hugs, Diane

  26. That recipe is right up my sugar or flour! I'd forgot how much fun reading your blog glad you're back! Hugs, Penny

  27. Your cookies look yummy. Yes, I think the purpose of putting water in a vase or bottle that you're going to put flowers in is to have the Stem in the water so the flowers live longer. You are too funny. The craft room awaits. Have a great weekend.

  28. Well that Kris is just so sweet ~ what a friend to look out for buried treasures for you :) Looking forward to seeing your craft room!!! Blessings, Cindy

  29. Thanks so much for sharing the cookie recipe, the cookie look so good and I bet are yummy. It feels so good to organize things. Have a nice weekend.

  30. Well you've gotten a lot more done than I have.....and your basement looks pretty good. Sure is nice for Kris to find a treasure for you. I will be trying your cookie recipe out, like no flour since I'm gluten free. Now I'm on the hunt for GF quick cooking oats! Have a great weekend!

  31. It's nice to see a peek at your basement storage. I remember sharing mine recently. Hey, it may be messy, but at least you have storage! You did a nice job straightening it up. Those cookies sound like they would be good. The ingredients make me think of banana flavored oatmeal cookies. They sound healthy too. You could eat those for breakfast actually!

  32. I knew you were on a break...I checked in several times. Then I saw your comments out in Blogland and had to come by to see if it were real! Welcome back! I've missed you and I've been a bad blogger with summer zapping up my time. Apologies, dear friend.

    Will you please come and do my basement? It's frightful! I love that you've made curtains. That's a fantastic idea. Most of all I love your sense of humor about it all-that's important!

    Your recipe sounds heavenly...glad to hear you are eating healthy, Keep posting those recipes, I always need them! :)

    Love your new profile pic...your hair is simply beautiful! :)

    Jane xx

  33. I keep saying it would be so nice to have a basement. I can't even imagine all the extra storage it would bring. Maybe one day. :) And how nice to have a table down there for the kids crafts. That recipe sounds good! It's definitely my kind of recipe with just a few ingredients. :)

  34. Holy Moly (don't ask me what a moly is cause I have no idea) I will be making those cookies. No sugar no flower :)

  35. Great cookies! I'd have to use some other type of butter...don't care for PB in a lot of things. I hope you sat down long enough to enjoy them and drink your coffee. :) Do you ever sleep? I have no clue how you accomplish so much!


  36. I made banana cookies last week, too. They weren't my favorite, but everyone else in the house loved them. And that's all that matters, right? And it saved me some empty calories that I could use on wine. :)

  37. These cookie sound amazing...will have to give them a try! You have been busy! looks great!


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