
Saturday, September 13, 2014

BigBoyE Heads Off To School & Changing Wisconsin's Motto

First I have to say that these
are NOT my best pictures.
hahahaha- I NEVER have
any best pictures!

I am waiting for a cord for my 
regular camera so that I can load
pictures into my computer.
Sometime over my 
my cord went MIA.

Anyway -these are taken with my
back-up camera...such as it is.

Here is our little guy all 
set to go-shown here with 
Mom, Dad, Charles-In-Charge and
Baby Bright Eyes.
You will notice that 
is looking pretty happy
to think he is now 
You will notice that BigBoy E's smile
is slipping just a bit.

Daddy loves his BigBoyE
but BigBoyE
is getting just a tad nervous..
even though he has his ducks in a row.
He has decided he is going to be an

Guess that means he will swing through
to check on the monkeys?
There was a picture of me with Ethan, too.
However, I only had 3 hours of sleep before
my 2 hour drive down and I 
looked like crap I was really tired..

We walk across the street past the playground
and into the school yard.
Uh-Oh Apprehension strikes!
And we leave just before the tears start.
Ours AND his!
However, SOMEONE doesn't look like
HE is going to cry!
He now has Mom to himself
a few hours a day...
Well-except for 
Baby Bright Eyes
and she is clueless.

She'll catch on in about 
four more years!

Sorting continues in the basement.
You know how Wisconsin is the 
They fondly embrace the
GOT MILK? campaign.
Well, thanks to ME they have decided to
Yes, Indeedy!
Their NEW slogan is
Sadly that is only one section of
Cleverly hidden behind 
Curtain #1!

Back later-
Guess who is visiting
this weekend?!
I'll tell ya all about on Monday!
Have a GREAT weekend!


  1. Great post, Diana. What a beautiful family. Really looks like you caught the dynamic of the day! Have a good weekend!

  2. Awh I hope he enjoyed it- they usually do! The kids are so cute- the baby has grown so much! Hope you have a hood weekend- it's still raining here- too much for too long! The 70's are promised next week.

  3. Transition time for all of them. Wishing them all a wonderful new experience .

  4. Have a great weekend! Looks like the family could keep anyone busy! (the pictures are fine). What a nice day you captured!

  5. Beautiful pictures and congratulations on this major school milestone. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I'll bet he had a great day, Diana. I remember thinking my kids were going to freak on their first days and having one of them (my daughter) tell me, "Okay, you can go now". Unlike kindergarten though when they went by bus and Mom was the one crying as the bus pulled away. Look at how big that pretty baby has gotten!

  7. awwww...first days of school are sooo emotional for them all, I think.
    I love, so much, how you get involved in their little lives...I am ahead of you by about 20 plus years and have been thru all the "hanging and sharing times" with grands and I can PROMISE you that your memories of all that's going on right now in your grands young lives are so precious in your future. You will hang on to them with all your might and realize how blessed you were to want to spend time with them when they were young...time is sooo fleeting. You lie down for a nap and they are 6.....when you wake up....they're 15.
    O, and you had a super idea on the movement shot of my grandgirl on her horse...I will search how to get it reproduced on canvas.....

  8. I know the spotlight is not on her, in this post...

    But I love the expressions on the face of Baby Bright Eyes.

    A loved baby... All her needs taken care of... Totally as ease, with her existence... Knowing she is loved, loved, loved... Not really understanding a lot, of what is going on around her.... But taking it all in... Knowing in her baby way, that everything is fine... Because this is all she knows, of existence...

    Can there be anything more wonderful???????? Nope, I don't think so. And it makes my heart burst with Joy.

    Gentle hugs,

  9. Your family is beauty people. The baby is adorable. Now I know why your all bubbled up over them.

    Here is my get in to my blog

    Take out my old. I seen your Granddaughter singing a year ago and I had made a comment on G1+. So you must at one time been on there. I cant figure it out. Your pic and her are up on profile. That is why I had gone there to join and others. Oh well. I am at both places now.

    Carol Ann

  10. Oh, they grow up so fast don't they? Such a sweet family. I almost thought you were showing a pic of MY basement, lol! Same paint situation, same state. Enjoy the weekend! Jane

  11. Baby Bright eyes says that Charles in Charge goes to school in a couple of years, and SHE will have mom all to herself,
    Paint multiplies when left alone, how do I know, there is a 12 ft section of paint in the shop. Floor to ceiling. BOT he got a deal on it, for sure.

  12. A moment in time...Such a sweet family! Your photos are wonderful!

  13. Your grandaughter belongs in a magazine. Preferably one about Victorian times. She looks just perfect for that!

    The first day of school. ..sweet memories.

  14. Super sweet pictures. Your daughter has your eyes. Gorgeous eyes in the whole family. Hope Big Boy E's first day was great.

  15. What a beautiful family Diana. Such great memories to have. That baby is sure growing and she is as cute as a button. You have the best looking children and grands - you are blessed.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. Such beautiful family! Have fun this weekend!

  17. Great your back up camera. Ethan sure has grown up so fast.

  18. Hello, This was just precious, sorry about the missing cord, I just can't stand it when that happens. So I now have a drawer filled with many cords! How can bright eyes have gotten so big! I will enjoy seeing the next set of pictures!

  19. I was hoping you would show an updated pic of baby bright eyes! My, she's grown! Beautiful family! I still remember how nervous I was on the first day of school. You captured some great moments in these pics!

  20. Precious family. Your back-up camera did just fine.

  21. Gosh all your grandkids got their moms red hair didn't they?! Looks like a very nice family.

  22. Very sweet photos. Hope you guys have a great weekend. Baby Bright Eyes is growing!

  23. It's hard sometimes when they start to grow up.

  24. Beautiful family. Your backup camera works very well. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. How did the first day of school go? Bright eyes is gorgeous.

  25. What a wonderful grandma - to get pictures of the first day of school! I regret not having a camera handy for my son's first day of school - he was 16 waiting for the school bus on the lane. Could have had so much fun with that! But it is also fun to get your posts again.


  26. Those are wonderful pictures Diana! There is nothing like family.

    I would appreciate you doing a prayer blog for me. Thank you so much!

  27. Oh, such a cute family. Mom looks happy to see school start. About that paint...uh, I'm shocked that someone has more cans than I do. My tip is to quit buying (I had to go cold turkey) and mix it together half color half white, add something (Plaster of Paris my preference) to make it chalky and use it as a base coat on furniture. You look like you'll be supplied for the next two years!

  28. What a precious family! I'm hoping the first day was really good and he didn't have any hesitation after that. Such a change for them when "real" school days begin.

    I'm so very sorry that you are lacking in the paint dept!! :)


  29. What a really great family you have! I remember those preschool tears with Emily and it ripped my heart out. Having a few more at home helps but I went home to nothing! Wahhhhh....

    Love the paint. My hubby has leftover paint everywhere. I understand if you may need to touch up within a year...but some is simply dried up. I think they just don't know "how" to dispose of things and never know who to ask. That's for us, Diana!

    Jane xxx

  30. I still take pics of my kids on the first day of school (freshman, 8th and 6th). They've gotten so used to it that they fully expect for it to happen. Your grandkids are absolutely adorable! I just want to squeeze the cheeks of that adorable baby girl! So nice that you were there for the BIG DAY!
    xo Kathleen

  31. Aw...
    those pictures are adorable.
    Our Weston started school this year. I was so worried about him... but he is taking to it pretty well. {sniffle} Having homeschooled my kids... I wasn't looking forward to it. But, for him... I'm happy. I'm happy he likes it. I'm happy he has met friends. I'm happy.
    I didn't go on the first day.
    I just couldn't do it.
    Ethan will do great! I know you're proud of him.

    take care, can't wait to see your craft room.

  32. I always cried when I sent my kids off to school. He is so cute heading off to school as a big boy. All of your grandkids are adorable.
    I love how you hide everything behind curtains :)

  33. Congratulations on his first day at PreK 4! Wow, what a big boy he is! Where do the years go? So glad you were there but, remember to slow down a


  34. I hope all went well the first day of school, Diana. I remember the first day of school with my kids, and all reacted differently, as all kids do. These three are so sweet and I can see why you adore them so much.

    Just catching up on your posts, Diana. It's always so pleasant to visit with you. :~)


  35. aww.. so, so sweet! Your photos are GREAT and perfectly captured all of the emotions surrounding this growing-up step. Best wishes to the next ACROBATIC ZOOKEEPER! There aren't enough of them in the world, you know! A fine profession, indeed.


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