
Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Special Prayer Request For Beth Marie~ Please leave her a message~

You know
you meet some people in blogland
and they are just the kindest souls-
wonderful people full of sweetness
and love.

Beth @
is one of those people
Over a year ago in July of 2013
Beth had surgery for cancer
that was followed by radiation
and chemo.
She bore it like a trooper
and was pronounced

In November of last year her
house was hit by a tornado
and suffered quite a lot of damage.
She got through that, too, without
a complaint-
glad to be alive and feeling healthy.

Cancer has reared its ugly head again.
A few days ago Beth, once again,
had surgery.

She is meeting with the oncologist 
and is expected to have 
chemo treatments between now and 

That's a tall order for anyone 
at any age.

Beth has asked for prayers.
You know-
it's a hard thing to ask for prayers for yourself.
Especially when you are a strong, independent 
person- as she has had to be since her
husband passed away.
She has been a person that has always
prayed for others.
Now maybe we can repay her just a bit.

Please pray for her.
Pray that she has strength to see this 
unpleasant ordeal through.
Pray for healing of body, soul and spirit.
If you are not a pray-er then please
send her your best wishes,
love and support.

You can leave her a message here and 
she will check them as she can.

Thank you- All of you!
You are the best!


  1. I am praying for Beth. It is a blessing to be able to pray for our blog friends.

  2. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

  3. She's a long-time blogging friend of mine and I love her.

  4. I have got to meet Beth here. She means allot to me. I will be praying for you Beth.

    Hugs and loves continually. From Canada.
    Carol Ann

  5. Good morning Diana. I am saying prayers for Beth. Power of Prayer is so wonderful. What a strong women to indure all she has. You are a sweet angel to do this prayer post for her Diana. Thank you and I am sending prayers.

  6. Wow, strong indeed! I will certainly hold her in prayer as well as the medical team treating her. There is such power in collective prayer!


  7. Praying for Beth! Praying for her medical team as well.

  8. I know how hard it is to ask you prayer for yourself, but we also know the power of prayer. Prayer can pick any situation or circumstance and turn it on it's head. Prayer is the number one power and link between us and our savior. I want Beth to know that she will be in my prayers and with all the others that read Diana's post and join this prayer chain, she can rest in the fact that she has our love and caring and that we will be praying in her behalf. God bless you, Beth.
    Connie :)

  9. Praying...there is power in the that statement. A power that can change things. A power that can lead you on through the next door.

  10. My God bless and strengthen and healing light surround..

  11. I am praying for her for healing and for comfort in this difficult journey. xo Laura

  12. Will hold Beth in my heart and in my prayers,

  13. May the Lord be with you, your Dr.s and your friends as you travel this journey of treatments. Mau HE give you strength and hold you close. Prayers for you at this trying time.

  14. Beth, I pray that you feel the loving arms of our Lord around you. I pray for strength, hope, faith, and courage at this time. May our Lord Bless you and heal you.

  15. Ask and you shall receive - Beth Marie will be added to my prayer list for strength to have all those treatments and that she has a full recovery.

  16. I will be praying for dear Beth and hoping she finds healing and strength from God. Thank you Diana for sharing Beth's story so we can send her our love and prayers. Jane

  17. I most definitely will be praying for Beth. May she get through this and be stronger than ever.

  18. I will certainly be praying for Beth Marie as well as the doctors and others who are a part of her healing team.

  19. I've been praying for Beth since she I first heard the news. Beth, I want you to know I prayed for you in church again this morning and I will continue to pray for you. May God heal you and bless you with the strength you need to get through this... :)

  20. Hello Beth, I am sending you a prayer and a word of encouragement, You my dear are an amazing woman! I am so sorry for yet another struggle. Yet I pray for a healthy report for Christmas! Keep looking up and read those scriptures that have given you strength before.
    Blessings, Roxy

  21. Just said a prayer for your friend, Beth Marie. May God be with her during this most difficult time.


  22. Father in heaven we need your help. Amen

  23. Prayers that the chemo makes her go into remission.

    My sister just had chemo round 5 of 12. Hers are every 2 weeks.

  24. I have been including Beth in thoughts and prayers. Her blog is always positive and she always offers up others for consideration. I am praying for her health care providers as well. When I read her blog today about the 35 treatments before Thanksgiving, I was amazed. So glad to know others are thinking about and praying for her as well. This was a very sweet post.

  25. I'm wishing you all the best, Beth.. Sounds like you're on a three times a week regimen. Hopefully Santa will have some really good news for you.

  26. She is now in my prayer chain. I lost my husband Nov 10 2012 (he was 56 & I was 60 then) and, like her, find it difficult to ask for help as I do not want to be a bother or burden. She is an inspiration to me! May the Lord watch over her.

  27. oh yes praying for her..
    my witch..haha
    like your long lost sis ):)

  28. I don't know her but this brought tears. She has been through so much. How can they expect her to have 35 treatments. That is so many. Of course, she has my prayers. Thanks for asking us. HUGS

  29. I HATE cancer. I'm sorry you are going through this again Beth, please know you are in my prayers, and believe me, I'm a pray-er. Night and day I send up little prayers for those in need. You got them sweet lady, best wishes. thanks D for letting us know.

  30. Dearest prayers are with you during this time. May God watch over you and keep you will be in my prayers every day.....and if you need anything please let us know.....Nicole xoxo

  31. Dear Beth, I pray God's touch of love and grace be felt in very tangible ways as you go through this time of so many chemo treatments. May you be filled with his peace that passeth all understanding, and know that nothing can touch you that hasn't first been sifted through God's hands.
    Mary Alice

  32. Prayers for you, Beth, for strength for healing, for peace.

  33. I don't know Beth, but that's my loss. She sounds like my kinda gal. I wish she didn't have to go thru this. I will be praying for a full and speedy recovery.

  34. Hi, Beth. I am a cancer survivor so I know what you are going through. I will be praying for you along with my Tuesday Ladies Bible Study. God has you in the palm of His hand and won't let you go no matter what. I hope you recover quickly.

    1. Praying God's strength and Love comforts her at this time of her journey! God is always a prayer away.

  35. Dear Beth - Sending prayers for strength....................and virtual hugs all the way from Montreal.

  36. Oh I love Mary Beth's blog but haven't visited in a while. I don't understand why some people suffer so much. I say a prayer right now for her. God, please take away this ugly disease. All good things come from you and I am believing for good things, a good report and good blessings, in Jesus name. Amen May it be so unto Mary Beth. Thanks for sharing, Diana. You are so sweet to remember others.

  37. Diana, Beth is in may prayers. She is a good p[erson . You are too, you ask for prayers for all our blog families. We all are in need of the power of prayers in number. Blessing, xoxo,Susie

  38. Nana - you can count on me - that has to be soooooooo incredibly tough - what a woman of courage.

  39. Diana, My heart goes out to Beth and I am sending prayers and positive thoughts her way.


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