
Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Playhouse Is Open- Come On In

Here it is!
Plug it into your GPS if you are 
coming from a distance.
It is at 1 Lulu Avenue

 Before you come in you must 
You can use this cute little 
It's just below the sweet little hat that
hangs on the door.
(see my ghostly hand in the window holding the camera)-duh--

The flag that hangs off the porch makes me smile.

When you open the door this is immediately in front of you.
There are large double windows above 
 that face South.
This is the back wall, 
and I did not get the windows in the photo.
They take up the whole top of the wall.

This hangs below the window and over the sofa.
Sorry-it is so bright that the light reflected off it.
To the right is the hutch-
It is an old shelf sitting on top of an old French Provincial side table.
I really need to paint the side table to match.
I'll get right on that-
after I catch up on everything else..
(that was a joke)

To the right of the hutch and along the side wall that faces West
sits the STOVE. 
EVERY playhouse needs a STOVE.
Moving further along the wall to the right
is this mirror.
There are hooks beneath it and the girls will
hang their dress up dresses & clothes there
the next time they are here.
There is a leaded glass window to the right.
Yes, I need to paint it white.
These are salesmen's samples from when
we owned a window, siding & door company.

This area is just a little niche.
There is a chandelier....
Those are Heritage Lace curtains that I used 
They are perfect here with their heart design.
Below the chandy sits a little wicker table.
The tablecloth is one my mother treasured.
She lived a plain and simple life 
and I am sure she never
would have imagined that her 
Great-Grandchildren would use it in such
a fancy little playhouse.

It is not ALL fun and games though.
There are babies here that need some care.
The one on the right was my oldest daughter's
Well, that's about it.
It is quiet in the playhouse today 
because school is not out yet.
We close the door and glance back at the
window boxes as the bunny bids us goodbye
until we come again.
And if you come again
plan on spending the night!
Here's WHY!
You think THAT'S GREAT?
Wait till you see what's for BREAKFAST!
THIS kind of MUD PIE.
Hey- you're renting from KIDS!


  1. I'll go right now to Hotwire and book my stay! Adorbs!

    Hugs and happy highways,

  2. Diana, Never get rid of that little is so darn sweet. Don't you wish you had that when you were little? I thought it must tug at your heart strings whenever you see it and think of the little ones. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. That has got to be THE sweetest little space! Oh how I wanted one of these for our daughter for years, but one was never delivered by the playhouse fairies. Everything about yours is precious, and once school is out, I bet that "bed and breakfast" never has a vacancy. :) Thank you so much for sharing it.

  4. That is the sweetest little playhouse I have ever seen. Something like that would have been a dream come true for me as a little girl. You have some very lucky granddaughters, Diana!

  5. Wow…That is a magical place. Your girls are so lucky. Don't the boys try to charge in and stink up the place?

  6. Too darn cute! Your grand kids are blessed to have such an awesome place to play- what great memories! Your mother's tablecloth is perfect in there. Ah to be a kid again!

  7. Love the tour. Josie will be right over to play with your grands! That acorn door knocker is fantastic! I'd love to find one. Have fun making memories!!

  8. I am a sucker for a playhouse and oh my, yours is fabulous!!!!! What wonderful memories all the grands will be backing! Have a great weekend, Lady Di! Jane

  9. This has to be the all time cutest playhouse. I bet the girls can't wait for school to be out so they can get in there and play. I'm moving in with Kim. xo Laura

  10. your grandkids are sooooooooo lucky to have such a fantastic playhouse!!!! I am sure many wonderful hours are spent in and around it. BTW, don't save me a piece of mud pie, my taste buds just aren't what they use to be and I wouldn't appreciate it. :-)

  11. That is so cute, Diana! I think you've done a great job decorating that little house. Those window samples worked perfectly for this. The girls must love it. I'm wondering though, with the grandboys ~ are boys allowed? : )

  12. Precious! I love the house. But what is my favorite thing????? The ACORN doorknocker. Where oh where can I get one of those????? I NEED one:)

  13. Are you kidding?? Can I rent it for the summer? That's got to be every kid's dream house! Love it, Diana.

  14. Perfect...mud pies and all! They are going to have a grand time this summer!

  15. Just beautiful! Every little girls dream!

  16. just precious!!!

    your "grands" are so lucky! you make such lovely memories, for/with them. lucky girls!

    and lucky you toooo, that you do these things. they all make lovely memories, for you tooooooooooo. when they are all grown up, you can say; "do you remember the time when we...............?" :-)


  17. Awwwww, makes me want to have grandkids! Looks like so much fun!

  18. What a gorgeous playhouse! I love it and I know your grandchildren do too! How lucky they are! Have a great day.

  19. Packing my bags, dolls, Disney tea set and on my way! :)

  20. oh it is perfection, what lucky little girls, will you keep it like this when they become older or will you change the theme for those grandbaby boys?

  21. What a lovely, lovely play house! I could actually be content sitting there with my book. xo Nellie

  22. What a sweet and charming little house! Of course the kids want to hang out at Nana's - you make it so much fun! You had me at the door knocker - I want one!

  23. Oh my goodness, so adorable!


  24. That little house is the cutest! It's every little girl's dream! You did a super job on it, Diana!

  25. Oh don't we wish we had something like that when we were little! Must be why I built my garden cottage? But what I am thinking is years from now when your Grandaughters sit down with their grandaughters they will be telling the tale of a beautiful little cottage where they had tea parties and giggle with glee.

  26. a dream for any little girl or Grandma

  27. Ohhhhhhhhh Diana what a pretty place for the girls. I wanna come and play in there. Too sweet.

  28. That's adorable! It looks like so much fun, too.

  29. I know I can always find a good laugh from Diana! Love those mud pies!!! You are too cute Diana. That is absolutely every little girls dream play house! Yes, I will be coming for a visit for sure. Enjoy, and have fun this summer with that precious little place.
    Joy to you! Debbie

  30. I love it! Do you play with them?......I love to play with Kyleigh in her little playhouse! Hugs, Penny

  31. Hello. I think your Momma would be honored to have her tablecloth used like this! Amazing sweet little girls play house to be sure. And all the treasures to play with and dream and enjoy the thoughts of Motherhood. I think so many do not even play with dolls anymore!
    We will see even Motherhood being a lost art!
    Blessings, Roxy

  32. I had a chicken coop playhouse for a few years. It smelled pretty peculiar. Now this is amazing! Do the girls love it? I hope so!

  33. HOLEY KAMOLEY! There is NOTHING left behind here! As if the outside isn't charming enough, I gasped when I saw the first picture of the INSIDE! Omgoodness! Totally furnished with such an abundance of love! Your mom's tablecloth is such a darling touch. I am working on decorating fairy wings for a granddaughter's birthday party. The silk flowers were ones from a dear family friend's estate. I will secretly know that "Esther" is at our party too.
    But enough about me! The windows are blow-your-mind perfect and that chandelier - wowzers! yep, I'd stay in a heartbeat and I'd eat those pies with gusto!
    Very, very well done, Nana!

  34. This is the most wonderful, magical playhouse I've ever seen! You've thought of everything, haven't you? Love that you were able to use those sample windows--that's a great touch! And your mom's tablecloth. That's precious.

    Your grandchildren are so blessed. Every child so be so lucky as to have a Nana Diana!!

  35. Oh, how adorable! I do want to come visit!

  36. Oh my goodness Diana ... I would have never come out if I had a playhouse like this when I was a child. It is absolute heaven !
    The beautiful touches are mind boggling ... how lucky these wee ones are !!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog ... I am still trying to catch up on comments (not that I have that many, but life has been getting in the way ? LOL) ... glad to have seen my ideal picture of a playhouse in reality !!
    Joy : )

  37. Oh, there's the special little doll house. I love so many things about it. I think my favorite is the tablecloth that your mother treasured, and the fact that she led a plain and simple life. I always try to keep things simple myself. Your daughter's first baby doll, oh my.......I bet that is such a keepsake of yours. And I love that glass window - I think it looks good just the way it is, but white would be nice also. Aahh, there's the French Provincial end table, I love it!

    What a wonderful playhouse, Diana. Can we have some tea now?


  38. That is completely and totally adorable. Those girls are very lucky to have such a sweet Grandma.

  39. It breaks my heart that I don't have good photos of my childhood playhouse! I loved looking at these sweet photos, and I would gladly move in tomorrow . . . but I'm too tall.

  40. I want a play house like that!!! It is so adorable. I would just love to come play..... What a treasure for your family to create happy and fun memories in! Very nice.....

    Have a great day, Diana!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  41. I bet you have a ball creating such a fun playhouse and adding to it every year. Love the Lulu Ave sign.

  42. The playhouse is precious and I know the kids will enjoy it so much! Love the mud pies - the dirty ones. My Mom always had a small wrought iron coffeetable out on her patio and it always had spoons and utensils and pans for the kids to make mud pies. They will always remember that. Precious memories!!


  43. Oh my goodness, how absolutely adorable! My girls and I would LOVE this! xoxo Jen

  44. Sweet! The girls will have so much fun. :)

    Take care, Janet W

  45. Super Cute!!! Great job too! The grand kids must just love it Diana! Tickles me that you have added all the special touches and even a chandelier. I especially love the front of the house just as much with the adorable welcome sign and address to get us there! TeeHeHee! <3

  46. Now that is some playhouse! The grandkid's will never want to leave.

  47. Sorry I'm such a suckish blog friend. You desesrve better. But I would love to come over and play in the playhouse! SO CUTE!!!

  48. You did a great job..all ready for visitors..Yummy..Love Mud Pie

  49. Adorable little playhouse. My granddaughter had that same little tea set. I had to buy a similar one for the new grand :) Make believe is such a fun part of childhood.

  50. Diana, that playhouse is beautiful. The girls are so blessed to have it and to have such a special Nana to play there with them.

    xo Danielle

  51. Oh my goodness...the chandelier, the leaded glass window...perfection!!! I would have LOVED something like that when I was little (actually, I would STILL love something like that) :) I love all the special touches too. What lucky grandchildren!!

  52. it's just so charming, the touches! The windows, the chandelier, the wicker couch! Awesome.

  53. Hi Diana, I've had such a hard time getting around to my friends lately but so glad I saw this. I think you need the Nana of the World award-boy do your grands know how blessed they are. Thanks for sharing and I'm not showing my grands. After all, we just bought them a sewing machine.

  54. Oh Diana, this is so adorable! I would have thought I died and went to heaven if I had a little playhouse like this when I was a little girl. I love everything about it and I'm sure the laughter of your grandchildren will be filling it up soon.


  55. My word is that ever a darling little playhouse. I don't think I've ever seen one quite so nice. It's really a little miniature house! I love how you have electricity in it and real working windows. It's decorated so cute. I would've loved to have that when I was little.

  56. What a wonderful place any kid would love it, I would love it but I will give the mud pie a miss.

  57. Your granddaughters must LOVE that sweet playhouse!! Just one request...when I come for a visit I want that first mud pie ;-)

  58. What a lovely spot for little girls to play make-believe. May I rent a room for the night? I'm still a little girl at heart :)

  59. Book the cottage for me, I'll be up next weekend! Your grandkids are so lucky to have such a fun grandma and grandpa!

  60. So cute and fun! Thanks so much for sharing! My girls would have a delightful time there - and they would join right in making mud pies too!

  61. It's all adorable, Diana.
    I bet the girls have so much fun playing house there!

  62. Shades of my own childhood, mud pies and all. This is adorable, Diana. I can tell you my playhouse wasn't furnished nearly as nice as this one.

  63. Oh my goodness! I wanna live there! Love it! XOXO

  64. That is a darling playhouse! The kids must love it!! Oh, I wish I were young again!

  65. Simply adorable! I wish I'd had a gramma like you when I was a kid!!

  66. OH WOW!! that is absolutely precious!! what a great job y'all have done! It is simply adorable and little children will love to play in it!!

  67. I prefer the top mississippi mud pie. but I remember my sisters making mud pies and trying to get the neighbor boys to eat them.

  68. Diana, your dollhouse is splendid! Everything is just perfect for it. It makes me want to be young again and come play house! What a fabulous place to have a tea party and the view is spectacular!

  69. i think every little grand should have a cottage just like this:) adorable! enjoy your weekend!

  70. Is it a good place to hide? I would be in heaven spending the day inside this beautiful house! I'll sit by the window and read! Reservations PLEASE! And have a fabulous weekend my friend! Hugs, Diane

  71. Oh Diana, the girls must adore their little play house. It is perfect and you fixed it up so cute. The girls are going to have a ball in there.

  72. WOW Diana, that make My 3 K's Kottage look like an old shack! Not going to show them these photos, for sure! Beautiful!!

  73. Diana,
    Your Grands are very loved and lucky to enjoy such an artfully design cottage of play. Love every little detail.

  74. Adorable!! Any little girl would absolutely love this precious play house. Can't wait to see Miss Bright Eyes in it ~ :)


  75. Ohh Diana, it's adorable! What a magical place! You have added so many pretty details, love the Lulu Ave. sign :) too cute!
    Hey, I'm still waiting for the fairy garden makeover ;)

  76. Oh my goodness what a treasure you must certainly be to your grandbabies.
    I love everything about the Lulu Av Cottage! So much attention to detail... Lots & lots of beautiful details. I too would like a reservation, please.
    Such a perfect place for a tea party, although the mud pie is adorable, I'll skip due to my strick no dirt diet ;^)
    All this *&* a Fairy Garden... Wow! It must seem so magical there.

  77. This is the sweetest playhouse in all the world. Your granddaughters must feel like princesses. I never had a playhouse and my own children only had a tree house which they loved but nothing like this. I think we may have to do this for our grandchildren if we are blessed with them. I found this post scrolling back to try and figure out if you moved. I am confused because it seems like you moved but you were on water before. I will keep scrolling!


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