
Friday, June 6, 2014

FINISH IT UP FRIDAY-More Random Nonsense

Well, I see you came back around again.
Just can't stand not knowing 
I am going to be throwing out there, can you?

Here we go!

This is a French Lilac just about 
ready to open.
The blooms are HUGE-but there are only two.
I am talking at least 16 inches for each bloom.

This happened on Mother's Day
at the Algoma, WI beach.
Lulu, Ria & SweetCheeks made it.
It says MOM!
There better be one just a couple steps over
that said NANA...
and that's all I'm gonna say about that!
We went out on my son & daughter-in-law's pontoon boat the other evening.
This is Bird Island.
All those THINGS are NOT ROCKS.
They are birds.
Let's just say you want to stay 
UPWIND from this place on a hot day.
Here are Papa & CJK 
chatting each other up on the ride.
Isn't that a dear picture?
When the rain comes in off the bay it comes down in sheets!
It is hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins.
Speaking of SHEETS!
I see someone has crawled under them AGAIN!
I have threatened to smother him 
if he keeps taking naps
every time I need want something done.
However, it looks like he is trying to smother himself this time!
Hey- Why don't you use that
you've got there?
Have a great Friday!
I'll be around with more nonsense tomorrow!
You can bet on it.


  1. Diana, I do love the picture of your husband and grandson. Those young girls are beauties. Oh yea, I would not get near those know what that many birds can do...poop lots. Hope you are getting some of this pleasant weather we are having. I am loving it. xoxo,Susie

  2. I am surprised you are still married. LOL I had very few lilacs on my bushes this year, one only had a small branch with life :-( LOVE the 'mom' in the sand!!!

  3. Wow, those are birds? That's a whole lot of birds. I bet there is a whole lot of bird poop, too. :)

  4. That is a great picture of your Hero and CJK, Diana! I consider something like that "frame worthy". The girls look lovely in front of their beach art ~ another frame worthy shot! Have a great weekend!

  5. LOL on the birds! The pontoon ride looks like fun. We had one for a couple of years-- nice ride! Those lilacs are going to be fabulous as they finish opening. Mine are still dragging. Wouldn't you know I found a lilac to plant the usually blooms two weeks later than the common lilac! I want one of thse deep dark purple ones- probably the French lilac? The lilacs in in full bloom around town here. I'd like to get up to Mackinac Island to see them too. Working on hubby on that one! Have a great weekend.

  6. We have the same type of island on the coast. It is full of pelicans. And the smell? Whew! We've gotten down to walk on the island a couple times and had to don umbrellas because you know why! P.U.!!! xo

  7. I would have thought those birds were rocks, yes! :)

    Here my Japanese lilac is about or two little blooms left and that's it til next year :( Those are some amazing large blooms there!

  8. How fun! Love your random post. :) And I also love the picture of papa and CJK. So cute! Have a great weekend, Diana! Hugs, Maria

  9. I enjoy your nonsense Diana.
    Keep it coming!

  10. That pic, of papa and grand, should be framed!!!

    Remember D-Day,
    June 6, 1944

  11. that beach photo is beautiful! So are the Lilacs, you are so hard on that poor husband, its a sweet photo them in the boat, you are bad, , lol!!!!

  12. Your sense of humor's delightful! Thanks for sharing.


  13. Mercifully, you have a great deal of blog fodder! You must keep that fertile mind busy! What kind of birds? Seagulls?

  14. Oh your 'nonsense' is so much fun! Have a great weekend!!!

  15. I love rain off the water....storms at the beach...there is something very exciting and wondrous about it, to me anyway! As long as there is no damage involved and everyone is safe, of course, I love watching lightening over the ocean, better than tv! Call me crazy!

  16. Always love your random posts! When it rains here it is like a monsoon!! That pic of CJK with his papa is adorable!!!

  17. I love how you take each wonderful photo and make my heart smile with your clever words. You are a smart and fun-filled lady.
    Isn't it wonderful to be a Nana? I love it more than words can say.

  18. Diana, such wonderful photos! I have always wanted to grow lilacs, but the AZ sun won't have it! You must be beaming to have such blooms!
    Tell me what kind of fragrance will this French lilac have? I can only imagine! =)
    Your grand kids and hubby are so photogenic! Well, most of the time! TeeHeHee!

  19. That is a wonderful picture of your husband and grandson. So sweet!

  20. Diana, such beauty....Those lilacs are huge and gorgeous. Gotta love that sweet picture of the girls. Getting older, we do nap more....LOL xo

  21. Diana those lilacs are gorgeous! That is a precious picture of grandpa and the baby chatting each other up. So sweet.

  22. Those lilacs are just unbelievable! Sounds like you enjoyed your day out on the water! Sweet picture of the two of them.


    PS Does he know how many times you take his picture? LOL

  23. you are going to put me out of business with your 'randomness!' love, love, love it. have a great weekend, can't believe how fast this week went and I did nothing. ha.

  24. Love how they spelled out "mom" with all those rocks! Such sweet girls! That's funny about being upwind at Bird Island...makes me think of Alcatraz. It was a fun tour, but the birds definitely like to take up residence there. ;) Love the sweet pic on the pontoon boat too. Little captured moments like that are the best. Maybe you could send some of that rain here...I love it when it rains like that. :)

  25. Always fun to come see what you have to share Diana! Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Great pictures and stories, Diana! We could use some of that rain here! xo Nellie

  27. Great little randoms. Loved them all.

  28. How I love lilacs! You two try to behave this weekend.

  29. Sometimes random stuff is just what we need on a Friday evening! Love the pic of gramps and CJK, so sweet!!!

  30. That is a darling picture of "Your hero" and grandson. He seems like he really loves all of his grandchildren and that is so wonderful. A lot of men don't show their affections.
    I loved the play house - it is darling and I know the "Girls" are going to have a terrific time in there this summer.
    Have a grat weekend Diana.

  31. Oh Diana, your random posts make my heart glad. I can't believe those are birds - I would have thought they were rocks! The heart in the sand that the girls made their mom is precious, and the French lilac is beautiful. Also, that picture of grandpa is sweet.

    Have a nice weekend, Diana, doing fun and random things. :~)


  32. My hub would kill me if I published his photo (even hiding behind his hand) on my blog. Guess if we had such a cute grandson that he would not care. ;) Have a good weekend! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  33. Steve takes a nap every single day. He says it is one of the perks of old age.

  34. oh... napping husbands really annoy me! LOL! oh well.. Im sure I annoy my husband pretty much every day... we just have to deal with it! lol!
    looks like you had a nice time.. even inspite of the rain!

  35. Playing catch-up from yesterday. Love the beach/pontoon photos. What fun to have water access (even the rain type).

  36. He's hiding from the camera!! The girls and their art work looks awesome.


  37. I have someone here that could use a good old fashioned smothering, too! LOL- I miss the pontoon boat and cruising on the lake. I may just have to come up there and you and I could sneak out!

  38. I love rainy days! Those flowers are gorgeous Diana and so are those girls! That man hiding behind one hand is a little sketchy. You might want to be careful :)


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