
Thursday, June 12, 2014


We have some of the most amazing sunsets
over the Bay in front of our house.
It can be dark and dreary for most of the day
and just before sunset it will clear
and we will get a sunset that ends like this.
The color is exactly as it appeared
straight from the camera.

It started like this...
The sun still just a bit above water level behind 
a bit of cloud cover.
Slowly the color deepened.
And the sky glowed brighter still.
Then the sky darkened and the glow began to fade.
Another beautiful day has ended.

You all turned out to pray for Sandie the other day.
Here is the note I got from her daughter, Kelly, 
last night.

I can't thank everyone  enough for all your prayers for my mom.  The doctors said they finished early and that it went well.  The preliminary report suggests it had not spread to nodes!!  Final report in about 5 days.  They said she did great!!  Now to the healing process.....


Thank you for all your prayers!!  Kelly

God bless you, Sandie,
I can't wait to see a post from you again!
Thank you EVERYONE 
for all the prayers and 
good thoughts sent her way.

See y'all later today.
I have the Sisters Three here 
for a couple of days.
My Three Little Cookie Makers!
They might make YOU a special treat 
if you are
very, very good!
Ha!  THAT is gonna be hard for some of you!
Guess I just might have to eat
YOUR share!;>)


  1. Beautiful sunset and wonderful news! Isn't God Awesome!

  2. Diana, I would watch the sun set every there. Just beautiful. That is the best news about Sandi. You'll be busy again today then. Tell me if my cookie is any good. LOL. Those little girls would be so fun to be around. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Gorgeous sunset... glad all went well with Sandi.
    The girls are adorable as always... V

  4. your photos are beautiful today, your grand daughters as sweet as their cookies but you brought ears to my eyes with news of Sandy, such great news!

  5. NOthing like the beauty of a sunset. Those girls are prettier than the sunset!

  6. That is a gorgeous sunset! We've been having similar days with cloudy conditions all day, and then the sun appears just in time for a sunset! Are the girls going to be young business women this summer? I know you will have a good time while they are with you. xo Nellie

  7. Beautiful sunset ~ so peaceful! Of course, the girls are adorable. :) Wonderful news about Sandie ~ there is such power in collective prayer!


  8. thank you for capturing this beautiful sunset, and showing it to us. how lucky you are, to have such an uninterrupted view of all sunsets!

    i have noticed this phenomenon... a dark, gray day... then about sunset, the sun seems to break out, "under" those clouds. and peeks in at us, for a few minutes. it also happens at dawn... sunrise will promise a nice day... but clouds come, soon after. again, it seems as if the sun gets to peek at us for a few minutes, under the cloud cover.. :-)

    wonderful news.

    have fun with the girls.


  9. I was hoping to hear something this morning when I came to the laptop. Thank you for sharing this good news!
    Gorgeous sunsets! A Light Show every evening.

  10. I love to watch the sun set.....yours is gorgeous! Have fun with your little bakers.....hugs, Penny

  11. Oh what a dreamy sunset! And yay for good news! Have fun with the girls!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. GLORIOUS sunset! I'd love to have an everyday view of that! The three cookie makers could not be any cuter!

  14. What a view! Or views, I should say! The lovely bay at sunset and the shining grand-daughters! Beautiful! And so glad to hear of your friend's good news. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  15. I am so happy that things went well for Sandie!!!

    Your grand girls are adorable as usual!

  16. What great news !!!
    Love the photos of your sunset - just beautiful ( I did a post on a sun RISE here a couple of weeks ago and the colors were so close to yours !!! )
    Have fun with the cookie " monsters "

  17. What a dreamy sunset Di and Praise the Lord for the great news of Sandie. Thank you for update on her.

    I plan to send a card by mail next week to her.

  18. Such a pretty sunset. And I'm glad to hear a good report from Sandie's daughter. And enjoy those little cookie makers. Maybe they'll bake you up something delicious while they are there.

  19. Such a gorgeous sky...and precious PRECIOUS little ones.
    Thank you to God that Sandie and her family got such a good report.
    Thank you for the update!
    Have a lovely remainder of the week....and weekend!

  20. What beautiful sunset pictures. I'm sure that is a huge perk to living on the bay like that. So happy to hear the good news about Sandie!

  21. Thank you for those amazing photos of sunset at your place. I'm going to pretend that I am still a lovely rosy hue. (I have not seen a sunset like that since 1974.)

    Thank you also for the good news from Sandie's corner. Praise God indeed! Still praying. I told her that I thought we'd hear from her sooner than she thought.

  22. So happy for Sandie.
    Enjoy the weekend with your girlies.
    Sounds wonderful- eating cookies and watching beautiful sunsets!
    xo, T.

  23. Diana, I am so glad to hear the good news! You are a champ at rallying people to pray for someone in need. That's one of the things I love about you!

    Have a great time with your beautiful girls. I've been pretty good. . . think I could qualify for a cookie? :)

  24. The sunset on the bay is stunning! God's painting for sure! Great news about Sandie. I will continue to keep her in my prayers. Are the cookie makers gearing up for another busy season? They are so cute; I would have to but all of their cookies!

  25. Gorgeous sunset! Beautiful pictures
    What kind of camera do you use. thinking about buying my husband a fathers day camera for me.. Haha
    Awesome news about Sandie. God is so Good.
    Xo Marissa

  26. Wonderful pictures.
    Thankful for answered prayers for Sandie.

  27. Beautiful sunset, news and trio of smiles!

  28. Wonderful news about Sandie!!! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for sharing those awesome sunset photos! Beautiful!
    Your 3 little grand girls will be having fun with their Nana...cute photo!

  29. Great news for Sandie! I love the view of the sunset that you get to see. Gorgeous! God paints a beautiful picture.

    xo Danielle

  30. Great news about Sandie, Diana! Your pictures are just beautiful. You are lucky to have that lovely view at the end of the day.

  31. Oh so beautiful! How sweet of you to share such beauty with us. When we lived in Canada we enjoyed some amazing sunsets.
    Enjoy your little ones.
    Blessings, Debbie

  32. I'm so glad to hear that all went well with Sandie. She is a wonderful person. You have captured the magical beauty in the sunsets around your home, Diana. I love the pinks and the purples in them.


  33. Great news about Sandie!!!! Please keep us posted on how she is doing! And your sunset friend is well...just the most gorgeous scene ever! Is that not heaven!?!?! And enjoy your little sweet beans there! They are dolls! Nicole xoxox

  34. That is wonderful news about Sandie! The sunset is truly magnificent...I've noticed we have gorgeous sunsets at the lake, too...wonder if it's from being seen over water, or just open spaces? Your granddaughters are cutie patooties!

  35. GREAT NEWS about Sandie!! She is still in my prayers...

    Thanks for letting us know, Dianna!!


  36. yes that is good the beach infront of your house
    oh my goodness it is wonderful Diana(:)

  37. Diana,
    Wonderful news about Sandie. The power of prayer and her will to get better. Love it. So happy for her. Love the girls and their cookies. I remember them selling those last summer. Too cute.

  38. LOVE those little ladies dressed up in their coordinating cuteness! And I am so happy about Sandie's outcome! You really did rally the troops on her behalf and I'm sure it made a difference. "Where two or more are gathered....."
    Bless you, Diana! You are a friend in every sense of the word!

  39. Such great news about Sandie! That's wonderful to hear! Love your sunset pics with the vibrant colors. Summer sunsets are the best. :)

  40. Stunning sunsets - WOW ..... I am so glad that Sandie came through the surgery and the report looks good. God is good and I know she will recover soon.
    The three sisters are so darn cute all dressed up with their pretty hair bows/flowers. Sounds like there is going to be a lot of fun in that kitchen making cookies. Have a wonderful weekend with them and don't eat to many cookies.

  41. What a beautiful view you have! so glad to hear about Sandie...We love happy endings around blog land. And your grand babies..They are soooo adorable!


  42. That's so good to know your friend Sandie went through the surgery so well and has good results! Your sunsets are gorggeous- looks like something from Hawaii! The girls are too cute with their little skirts! I'm a cookie monster- watch out they'll be gone quickly!

  43. Glad to hear Sadie did so well, all she needs now is a full recovery.
    Great sunset.......

  44. Gorgeous sunset to go along with praises to Him for a good report!!

  45. Hello there girl ! ... glad your friend is doing well after the operation !
    That sunset is simply stunning and my heart would stop, looking at it .. I so love sunsets and sunrises .. and haven't seen any good ones here in so long I can't even say ... neighbor's trees have finally eaten the sky ... big sigh !
    Love seeing yours though so thank you !
    Hope all stays well with your friend and with you !
    Joy : )

  46. Hi Diana, wonderful news about Sandie. PTL that prayers were answered. Lovely pics of your gorgeous sunset! Have fun with the girls!!

  47. What a perfect way to end the day with a view like that. Nothing as fun as keeping the little ones. All so cute.

  48. Gorgeous sunset and pictures! So glad to hear about Sandie! Have fun with your cookie makers! :)

  49. Wonderful news about Sandie! Those are gorgeous sunsets you have there! Have fun this weekend!


  50. What a great way to end the day. Beautiful. Nothing beats having the little ones to share time with. They are so cute.

  51. So happy to hear the good news! The prayers will keep going up for a full recovery and cure! The photos are just so beautiful!

  52. What great news about Sandie, now let's just keep praying that they got everything and that there is Nothing in the nodes!!! Beautiful sunset and Beautiful little Grands :) A Beautiful Life Indeed!!! Blessings, Cindy

  53. beautiful sunset pictures.....and wonderful news about Sandie....I have been unable to reach Kelly...I left a message today but I will be seeing Sandie next Tuesday.....I know I sent you and e-mail about sending get wells cards to me and I will deliver them to her....So far I have gotten 25 cards and hope to get many more...If you know of anyone who would like to send a card please feel free to give out my address....I think she'll get a kick out of getting all the cards at once...I plan on wrapping up all the envelopes in a little package for her...her is my address again...
    Sue Adivari
    2792 Tarpley Place N.W.
    Kennesaw, Georgia 30152


  54. if you would like you can certainly list my name and address on your blog so everyone sees the request....this lovely lady and dear friend needs all the cheering up she can get!!

  55. I love sunsets. I have actually never seen a sunrise! I am not a morning person. I was happy to hear how well everything went for Sandie.

  56. Gorgeous sunset. You are so blessed to get to see that every evening. Good news about Sandie.

  57. Wow! Now that's a view I would never tire of. Gorgeous! I am not familiar with Sandi, but happy to hear all went well. Those sisters are pretty darn sweet!

  58. I love that pic of the three. they look like they are up to something there! So glad Sandy is doing better, I am blown away by the power of prayer.

  59. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Sunsets!!! You are Blessed to see such beauty everyday!!! God's paintings, just for you and your Blog friends!!!

  60. What a beautiful sunset. The way you have captured them is amazing! Happy to hear that she is doing good. Cute little cookie makers!

  61. The sunset looks as if it is from a tropical beach postcard!

    OH yum, cookies with Nana...those are some lucky girls ( and oh so pretty / love that photo! :)

  62. I guess you are referring to me...Enjoy my share..I haven't seen ant great sunsets yet this summer..Beautiful winter/fall ones...That one is gorgeous..

  63. Beautiful sunset. happy that the prayers worked for Sandi, and are the girls selling cookies yet? When do the festivals start there?

  64. Diana, I have been MIA for some length of time. I had hear of our dear Sandi's difficulties. I will go back and read some past posts. I praise our sweet Lord that her surgery gave some good news. I am thinking she has some sort of cancer. Prayers going now for her speedy and complete recovery.
    Thank you for your vigilance.

  65. Diana, I mean't that I had not heard of Sandi's illness.

  66. So happy to hear the good report! Enjoy those girls this weekend!


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