
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My NEW New Dawn Rose

Well, I lured you in, didn't I?
Do you see this rose?
Isn't it a BEAUTY?
It is a NEW DAWN rose!
Isn't it GORGEOUS?
Sadly, it is NOT my own~

But- I have GREAT HOPES- Yes! I! Do!
I came home to find THIS on my front porch.
Opening the box was a wonderful surprise.
There was a healthy WET bare root rose inside.
Healthy and gorgeous!

Yep- While Dave's New Dawn looks like this~
This is how MINE looks!
See it there, do you?
Did you know that New Dawn likes SHADE?
So, the roots are shaded with mulch right now.
I promise YOU that IT has promise.

Meanwhile, the Tansy is keeping it company.
I bought some poppies.
My mother always grew poppies..
I had planted 2 really healthy little 
See them here?
Not so healthy now, huh?
You, too, can have poppies that look like these.
How?  I'll send MyHero over with his
handy-dandy little 
and no instructions.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that!


  1. Diana, I had a boss once that his wife was always chasing him with the broom, because he would mow her flowers. Teddy usually weed whacks and gets a bit too close to the good plants. I would love a beautiful rose like you pictured. Hope you get a nice pretty rose from that start. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. I always remember the time my mother nurtured her Celosia plant all summer only to have my brother cut it down with the weedeater!

  3. I so enjoy visiting you....I just love your sense of humour. My hero would/ and has done exactly the same as that!! My son in law is supposed to be coming to spray as I am no longer allowed to do any of that, and he at least listens to what he's told AND DOES IT!! He also asks if he's not sure ....isn't that wonderful?? Now I've got to remind him, again, to come! Thank you so much for visiting me and encouraging me over these last months. I have been visiting....just not commenting! I appreciate your rose bush too (I can already see it in my minds eye!) Joan

  4. She will grow very fast...such a beautiful climber!

  5. Oh no, he killed the poppies?!? One year I had my husband help me weeding in the garden at our old house. Once he started pulling up hosta shoots, I kicked him out. Your rose will be beautiful. I used to get all my roses from Jackson & Perkins and that's how they came. They all were healthy roses and really took off.

  6. Oh I love roses and poppies too! However I never have luck with poppies!

  7. LOL you are too funny. I'm sure the rose will take off in another week. That's such a pretty color. It likes shade? That's what I need- I have problems finding areas for roses because I only have a limited area with full sun. Ugh on the poppies! Sometimes the hubs get too ambitious for their own good! P.S. I use Rosetone by Espoma fertilizer and other products by and sustaining.

  8. We have never been successful in growing poppies. My grandmother always had them and every year they don't do well at our house. We keep trying though. I have high hopes for your roses!

  9. oh your rose will be beeeeeeeautiful... In time.

    roses, sigh... husband loves to grow "old roses," and he has had beauties. sadly a couple more died off... -pout-

    mmmmm.... your hero.... minus instructions..... no thank you. i do lots of my own bumbling around, without-instructions, myself. don't need a clone, thank you.


    oh an poppies! husband has taken years and years to successfully grow some poppies. so... your hero may have done you a favor. saved you the irritation of planting ding-dang poppies, and having them not grow.

    mmmm, my bill to your hero will be in the mail.... for thinking up an idea, to save him from the possible wrath of.... you. (gigggggles)

  10. Oh I would very much appreciate a rose that enjoys shade as I have so much of it around here. He killed them?! Oh dear. I bet he feels just awful about it. ;>

  11. I had that very rose at our house, but oh my, tell me not the poppies, are they a gonner?

  12. Who knew you could buy a rose that likes the shade.....thanks for the info!! H has got a little carried away with the weed spray a few times! Hugs, Penny

  13. The roses are beautiful. And I love poppies. I had a bunch as a kid, but for some weird reason my dad plowed them over. I think he may have though I was trying to harvest something from them, but really, I just think they are beautiful flowers and an old lady I visited gave me some seeds. Maybe I should have asked if my parents had other plans for that space where I put them. LOL

  14. Oh! I wish you good luck with your David Austin rose! I've one just purchased from our local nursery - The Lark Ascending - and have been working on developing the area where it will be placed. We do nothing with weed killer spray around here. Send the poppies this way! xo Nellie

  15. LOL on the poppies and hooray for the gorgeous rose to be!

  16. My rose which came just like years about 16 years ago is the prettiest rose bush in our neighborhood. It came from North Carolina and is stunning. I am sure yours will be too.

  17. Oh those roses are gorgeous! Crossing my fingers (green thumbs) that yours look as beautiful. ( although I honestly do not have green thumbs)

  18. "Rose" is my Mama's name so I love any and all roses. Your bush looks healthy, and it will be thriving and full of foliage very soon.
    Regarding the weed-killing varmint....gotta love 'em anyhow!

  19. Roses in shade don't usually do well, Diana. For best bloom and health, roses want to have the most sun that's possible. The reason New Dawn can take it is because it's such a vigorous climber and it will grow up and seek out the sun. It's the same thing that happens when I plant ramblers to grow up into trees.

  20. Ha! My hubby does the same thing that weed killer...I beg him not to use it and he says he's not, but then my flowers suddenly look like yours! Grrr!

  21. A rose that likes shade !!!
    I have to get me one of those for my corner ladder trellis !!!
    LMHO with John's weed killing

  22. Diana,
    The Dawn roses look beautiful. I know with your touch that rose bush will be budding in no time. Yeah it is hump day. Hope your week is going good.

  23. Isn't it a beautiful pale pink! Maybe someone is trying to get out of doing the spraying next time! Enjoy your day my friend! Keeping my prayers up for our buddy, Chatty today! Hugs!

  24. Bahahahaha I laughed so hard I spilled coffee all over me with those poppies.
    soon, you will have amazing roses..

  25. Before you know it your rose will be gorgeous! Years and years ago I banned my husband from the Round Up bottle because he would over do it just a little. It's a running joke around here.

  26. You crack me up!! I bought a Clematis and planted it and we have had rain every day for over a week. It appears it drowned! It's certainly not doing anything. Then, I planted some new plants in the back yard around a tree and was going to do an edging around it. John beat me to it by mowing it all down. He wasn't used to having plants there. So, I think I'll retire from the plant business.


  27. Love New Dawn!!! All of my roses except one seem to have made it through the Wisconsin winter! We'll see as the summer progresses!!

  28. Your poor poppies. I hope your rose grows to be as beautiful and the one you pictured. I love roses but have never had luck with them. We have a lot of shade and walnut trees. Our old, "wild" rose got rose rosette disease a couple of years back and has died.

  29. oh no! the poppies. My husband sprayed our large rosemary bush...yes, weed killers unite...

  30. That rose is gorgeous! Love that shade of pink! Oh, your poor poppies! My hubby dug up some (very healthy, thriving) begonias of mine one year because he "didn't think they would last much longer once it got too hot." I STILL get mad about that. Ha!

  31. You always make me laugh-sorry it is at your expense. The mature rose is beautiful and I have no doubt yours will be as pretty. I've got 7 or 8 rose bushes here, but they aren't long stemmed-more like antique roses. I thought great, at our old house we have a climbing rose and the only thing I had to do with it was prune it. I loved it; however when cutting the dead wood of these roses, even though they look like hardy bushes they had aphids or something on them. Hubby has always hated roses because they take so much work. I'm not going to worry about them-they aren't the type to cut and bring inside, so the bugs can stay. Best keep your man at home, I have enough issues gardening without his help.
    Hugs, Noreen

  32. Did he think it said Poppy Spray? Need to get that guy some glasses.

  33. I love the impact that knock-em-dead poppies have on any garden. My grandma had them too!
    But omgoodness! You never leave us without a smile or outright burst of laughter! Poor Hero! Just like my husband - they mean so well but sometimes things just don't go right!

  34. You will LOVE your New Dawn, ours has nearly covered the side of our house in just 3 years and it wasn't much larger than yours when it started. So sorry about your poppies, but if it makes you feel any better ours looked like that last year without the benefit of weedkiller...just "us" killer! :)

    xo Kat

  35. How gorgeous! I love New's one of favorites so easy to take care of too!
    I learned many years ago to not allow my hubby to have access to weed killer of any kind....too dangerous...But I have to admit, your episode was funny!
    Hugs to you my friend

  36. I hope you have a pretty rose bush, too bad about the poppies. Have a nice evening Diana.

  37. I hope it does well, because it looks like it has beautiful blossoms. xoxo

  38. Hi Diana,

    What a gorgeous new rose! Can't wait to see yours all grown up.
    Hugs, Lynnie

  39. diana, i planted my new dawn last summer and it grew over 8 ft! of course, last winter beat it down to about 2 ft, but, it flowering up a storm right now:) you'll have gorgeous blooms soon!

  40. Your roses are gorgeous and should be just fine if you keep your HERO away from them..I love poppies..I'd have to shoot some one..

  41. You're like Barbara Walters.. BUT instead of making me cry, you make me laugh EVERY time I visit! I can't imagine visiting in person, where's the depends! All that laughter.... I'm going to get me a new dawn rose! It is gorgeous! And I hate when the weed killer kills my flowers.... it's happened to me when my hubby or son sprays. I can't roll my eyes back in my head far enough :)

  42. Those are the most beautiful roses! I know you must be so excited to have a bush of your own now. Poor poppies!

  43. Hahaha, your hero killed those dang poppy weeds dead as a door nail didn't he? Don't send him here though I wouldn't want to take him away from your garden since he's doing such a, ahem 'good job' there.

  44. How do husbands tend to de-weed the whole yard and at the same time de-flower.......LOL

  45. Awww, bummer about your poppies - but the rose definitely looks like it's going to be a winner. Just keep the weed killer totin man away!

  46. You know the Poppy is our state flower, so nobody picks it and I see a lot of it around here. Ours is a vibrant orange. The Tansy is so pretty. I've never seen that one before. And Yes, the Dawn Rose did lure me in. I saw it on my blog, clicked, and came right over haha.

    I hope your roses grow beautifully, Diana.


  47. You will love your New Dawn rose, Diana, and will be surprised at how quickly it grows for you. Mine climbed up and over the top of my arbor in just one season. :)

    xoxo laurie

  48. Beautiful rose, and so will yours be! Your hubs sounds like mine, he killed babies from my favorite plant, I could of killed him, but then I have 3 dead beings. Have a great day!

  49. Your rose will be that beautiful some day.

    And my hubby killed part of our grass with a weed sprayer cause he didn't read the label correctly. :)

  50. Ouch! Sorry about the poppies! Hope you have better luck with the roses :)

  51. we always had poppies when we lived in Cali but I don't have a luck with them here. Yours are just to die for though,,,die for, hahahaha. I'm so darn funny.

  52. Ohhh Diana, your poppies look just like most of my plants here in AZ, now that the 103 to 110 degree weather has hit . I just keep moving and watering the survivors. It always amazes me the ones that do survive and there hardiness to make it through. I think your roses will be just beautiful once they take. I cant wait to see the first green leaves!!! Persevere my friend and hide the the sprayer!!! =)

  53. Good luck with the roses...and the poppies! :) I tried to grow strawberry plants one time...they were actually *growing* and someone "accidentally" mowed over them.


  54. Hi Diana, Love your info on the New Dawn roses! I have admired them for years but thought they needed sun....mmmmm...will be thinking about getting one now for the cottage. Poor poppies.....Mr. Poppy did them in. Have a wonderful weekend in the garden~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  55. That reminds me of the time my BIL kindly came over to weed whack in my yard. By the time I caught him he'd chopped down half the raspberry canes and a special lily. sigh Don't get me going on the time he pruned my pear tree, cutting off the branches and leaving only suckers. sigh Keep your hero away from that new rose!

  56. le rosier " New Dawn est un rosier magnifique
    vous ne serait pas déçu
    il a beaucoup d'ampleur et très florifaire en plus il est remontant
    pour les pavots il ne faut pas trop les arrosser , ils demandent une terre assez pauvre
    edith (iris)

  57. Your rose will be so pretty! Your hero sounds like mine! I have to keep mine away form the flowers because he will spray then too- bad boys!

  58. New Dawn roses are next on my list of acquisitions. That is what would happen if anyone but me sprayed weeds.

  59. love new dawn rose! so pretty!!! xoxo, tracie

  60. i put in a new dawn rose this summer. it is in the middle of the yard by an arbor and I have a sucker growing out of it. (Long straight stem). Do I just whack it off? at the base? between leaves? I am stumped


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