
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Please Pray For Our Blogging Sister- Sandie The Chatty Crone

Well, friends, I am coming to you with a

is having some serious surgery
She said-I'd love prayers but please
don't make a BIG DEAL about ME!

Sandie is a wonderful, warm, caring blogger.
One that truly cares about 
I, in turn, care about her.
So, to me- Cancer surgery is 
Don't you agree?

She is not blogging for a bit because of the surgery
but she said she would pop in here and check messages.

Could you please leave her a message here that you
are praying for her -or - 
send healing thoughts her way?
I will leave it in your hands to do what you do best.

I am praying the doctors get it all and that it has not
spread to her lymph nodes-
that is the best case scenario-
 other than a complete healing, that is.

Sandie-We're rooting for you, my friend.
This is the opening line on her daily blog....

Joy is the serious business of Heaven
C.S. Lewis

Gotta love a gal that thinks like that!


  1. I've been praying for Sandie and lighting candles for her for awhile now. God bless, Sandie!!

  2. Sandie, Praying for you.


  3. Praying for sweet Sandie. Thanks for letting us know.

  4. Diana, You know I will pray for her. Sandie needs to know she matters to many . I hope she will keeps us informed. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Praying for Sandie, and wishing her a speedy recovery following surgery.

  6. Good thoughts and prayers headed Sandie's way!

  7. Sandie, I'm sending up prayers for you, and for God to guide the surgeons' hands, and to give you a complete recovery. Many hugs, Babs

  8. oh sweet Sandie, I`m sending prayers for your complete recovery, you have been such an important person in my blogging adventure, you lifted me up when I was down, you always always made me smile when smiling was the last thing on my mind, you have such a gift, take care sweet lady,

  9. Prayers for your complete healing. Your blog is a blessing to all who read it. Stay strong and positive.

  10. And I do! Sandie has a lot of partners on her prayer team.

  11. Prayers for Sandie. I just love that people in blogland care. ♥

  12. Oh yes, Sandie is a real special friend. Her warmth comes through in every post and every comment she leaves. We're praying for her. Blessings on you, Sandie.

  13. I love Sandie and I am praying for her! Thinking of you Sandie! HUGS!!!!

  14. Prayers for Sandie! Thinking of you! xo Nellie

  15. Thinking of and praying for you Sandie!

  16. praying for Sandie. Yes, cancer is a BIG DEAL!

  17. Praying for Sandie!
    Sweet and very funny lady... Keep smiling girl!

  18. You know I'll be praying for Sandie!
    Thanks for letting us know, Diana.

  19. Prayers from the ozarks for Miss Sandy! Get well soon!

  20. Oh yes! Sandie, as promised....I'll be in a car with three other women at 1:30 your time and we will pray. Big hugs to you!

  21. Prayers for Sandy, and the medical staff going up from Michigan. God bless you, sweet Diana!
    Praying for good reports also.

  22. My prayers and thoughts are with Sandy this day. I have chatted with her a few times.

  23. Sending prayers up for Sandie , that God will put his mighty right hand on her!

  24. Sandie is a sweet and wonderful person! She knows I'm praying for her.

  25. I am sending many hugs and prayers Sandie's way that they get it all and for a speedy recovery.

  26. Sending prayers and hope for a full recovery.

  27. I have a young girl of my daughter's age (32) who was recently diagnosed and another friends who has already been through treatments and has done great! I'm believing with you for good results, Sandee.

  28. I've met her once before and she is such a sweet lady! I had no idea that she had cancer! Oh my goodness. I hate to hear that! I will say a prayer for her in hopes of a full recovery.

  29. Praying for Sandie- heart and soul - for her quick recovery to being a healthy and active SURVIVOR!

    Thanks for letting us know, Diana. Hugs to you and to Sandie too!

  30. Oh Sandie, you are such a great lady, and one of my first blog friends.

    May God be with you, my friend, during this difficult time. I am thinking of you today and sending you lots of love.


  31. Thank you for sending this out friend! I will be praying for Sandie! That the doctors get everything out and that all is clear. Please keep us posted...Nicole xoxo

  32. Sending healing thoughts your way, Sandie!

  33. Dear Sandie, Praying for you and will ask for there to be no fear and His peace be upon you as you go through this ordeal. We really have a very special blogging community of very gracious and kind women. So glad to meet you and I hope once you fully recover we can chat! And praise the Lord for your recovery!
    Blessings, Roxy

  34. God bless you Sandie. I will pray that the surgery goes well and you will quickly heal from this horrible cancer.


  35. Prayers of strength for you and your family, Sandy! Blessings and hugs<3

  36. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

  37. Sending love and strength to you, Sandie.

  38. Sandie has brought me smiles on many days when i had none to offer so I am sending her my prayers that she has a good outcome after the surgery!! Please let us know of any updates!! I will add her name to the book in our church of those prated for daily at Mass...


  39. Praying that all goes well, and that you are back to blogging soon. God, please heal this wonderful lady, Amen.

  40. I have been praying for her awhile back also. I have been mailing with her back and forth a few nights ago as well and her back to me. I will still pray for her. Yes indeed.

    She is a wonderful lady and brings lots of smiles back to us. I pray for the best of the best for her. Gods healing hand upon her body and that we get great reports back.

  41. I will be praying for Sandie during this difficult time in her life. May the healing power of the Almighty encase her body and give her peace that passes all understanding. We decree she is healed of the Lord! Blessings~~~Roxie

  42. Diana, your friend will be added to my daily prayers for a speedy recovery and removal of all cancer.
    How are the following people you asked us to pray for: Gar - Kurt, the minister, and the other gentleman. Also Deana and Jetta. I hope they have all recovered.
    Tell your dear sweet friend that she will be fine.

  43. Diana, again thank you for asking. Sandie, I will be praying for you, your surgeons, your caretakers, and all involved. Praying for a good outcome, and quick healing.

  44. She does sound like a wonderful lady. I'm praying for her right now.

  45. "Dear God...please take the best care of our sweet friend, Sandie.
    Lord, guide the hands of the doctors and the nurses who care for her. Be with her family as they wait before, during, and after surgery, and continually hold Sandie in the palm of Your hand. I pray that you will speed her healing, and Lord I pray that the cancer has not spread.
    Thank you for hearing my prayers, Lord. You are the Great Physician, and I pray that you will work a miraculous work in our friend Sandie's physical body.
    In Jesus' name I pray.

  46. Oh, thank you so much for sharing, my prayers are immediatelly going for her everyday! Wishing this lovely lady a healthy outcome to the operation.
    I am too asking for prayers for Christine's Little g'girl Rea on my post. Christine from: Christines Home and Travel Adventures. Her Little girl is going through chemo-therapy and she is so brave! Thanks. Maybe you can give everyone another prayers request, along with your friend.

  47. Oh I count it a honor to pray for Sandie and her upcoming surgery. Praying the surgery goes well, they get it all, and the healing and any further treatments will go good and quickly and soon complete recovery.

  48. Hi Diana, I have seen Sandy's blog a few times but not a follower(yet), however I will go over right away and sign up. Please know that I am lifting her up right now, her doctors, surgeon, nurses and especially family. Cancer impacts every family at one time or another. Please keep us posted.
    Sending you hugs right now.

  49. In blogland, whether we have met or not, we are family! Sandie, you are in my prayers. Believing for a good report once surgery is over! Blessings, Cindy

  50. Hope all goes well

  51. Dear Sandi, praying for you and better days ahead. May God heal you and keep you in his loving care,
    Sending hugs and prayers your way.
    Celestina Marie

  52. Our Chatty Crone is special to us all! She inspires us with her wisdom and always has a funny to share...lots of them! She's the blog buddy you wish lived next door. I'm praying for you sweet Sandie! Hubby and I are both praying and will say extra prayers tomorrow, my friend. Thanks Diana for posting this and bringing us together in prayer. Sweet hugs, Diane

  53. Thanks for thinking of her, Diana. You are always so good about this type of thing. I will send my thoughts her way..Take Care, Judy

  54. Dearest Sandie I am praying that God guides the hands of the surgeons and you will be whole again. My husband just had cancer surgery so I know what you must be feeling. Thinking good thoughts for you and keeping you in my prayers.

  55. Oh Sandie, you know I will pray for you. Stay strong! I Know it is hard.

  56. Sandie, I hope by the time you read this your surgery is history and you are recuperating and celebrating a very good prognosis. PRAYING!!!

  57. My prayers and thoughts are with you Sandy.

  58. Sweet Sandie! Checking in to add my good wishes and prayers to this wonderful group of women! We all surround you with prayer and hugs for whatever God has next for you! As you recoup, remember that God has a plan, not matter what! HE is your strength ans support. We love you!

  59. I;ll be praying for you Sandie!

  60. I don't know Sandy, but I will be heading over there now Diana. You are such a wonderful, caring blogging friend to many.

    I pray that her surgery goes well and that a full recovery is in her future.

  61. Sending prayers and hoping for a long, wonderful future.

  62. prayer warriors are storming the heavens in your name Sandy. be well dear one.

  63. Just said a prayer for good recovery and good news for her!

  64. Praying for her and wish her a long and happy future! I have not stopped by in a while , my apologies!! Hope you are doing well? Take care Anu

  65. Prayers for her to get well soon!

  66. Sending many, many prayers up for Sandie. Wishing her a fast recovery and many blessings in the future.

  67. Sandie, I have come to include the intentions of all my blogging friends in my daily prayers. There are so many of us, and things just keep popping up that need a prayer or two. I know you will be fine. You will never be alone in this journey to become healed!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Praying for Sandie - I wish I had a good joke for her to thank her for all the smiles her jokes have given me.

  70. Thank you for letting us know! I will certainly pray for her and for the medical team as they treat her. Sending strength and healing energy too.


  71. Thursday morning (June 12)
    Thank you for the updated post on your newest blogpost regarding Sandie.
    I am overjoyed!
    "Dear Lord.....Thank You so much for the tender care You surrounded Sandie with as she went through her surgery. I thank You for the answer of "Yes" to our prayers that Sandie would have a successful surgery. I thank You that You are continually with us through good days and not so good days...through the valleys and the mountaintops. I love You, Lord, and I thank You from the bottom of my heart for being with Sandie during her surgery. Please, keep Your tender hands upon her as she heals. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."


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