
Saturday, June 7, 2014

WHO Wears White Other Than A Bride? How About a BABY?

Well, my friends~

We have something special going on this weekend.
Yes We Do!

Can you guess where I am going?
I am taking this with me!
Our Baby Bright Eyes is getting christened.
Yes she is!

Her name has been added 
to the bottom of the gown,
along with those that were baptised before her.
My oldest son & his baby sister 
were baptised together
in 1976!
Their names  and birth date were the first ones embroidered 
on the bottom of the gown.
I made the gown and the matching coat 
when I was pregnant.  
I wanted an heirloom that 
could be handed down from
generation to generation.

Here is the top of the  coat.

Here is a bit of the detailing on the sleeves
The lace is Irish lace from my 
grandmother's sewing basket.
Here is the bottom of one side of the coat.
This is the best I could do to get the whole thing
laid out.
Down one side took me 72 hours to embroider.
The coat is lined and the dress has an attached slip.
Everything is French seamed.
This is the bottom of the dress pulled back to 
show the slip.
There are now 16 names embroidered on the bottom
of this gown that was made with a 
Vintage Vogue pattern.
It is about 3 feet long from top to bottom.
our sweet little Bright Eyes will be 
CHRISTENED in the same gown her Mama wore 37 years ago.
How did I get to be this old?

Oh- and what does one wear 
Why a cute little Onesie, of course!
Here is CharlesInCharge who took his turn 2 years ago.
I can't wait to see our little 
all dressed for her christening.
I wonder if she will sleep through it?

So- I will be home late Sunday night.
Leave the light on for me, will ya?

Have a wonderful weekend!
Pictures on Monday!


  1. You make me want to be a better sewer. The little gown is perfection and the littlest baby is also. Have a great time.

  2. Oh Diana, how stunning. That is something to keep for ever. The detail work you did is so beautiful - what a treasure. Have a wonderful time with little bright eyes.

  3. Oh MY, can SEW! This is absolutely exquisite!!! And I just love the idea of embroidering each name there...what a treasure and heirloom.

  4. How precious. The gown is a beautiful work of art and such a sweet thing to pass down.

  5. Such a special keepsake. Love this tradition. Have a beautiful weekend. Continued blessings to bright eyes!

  6. A priceless treasure......and so is the beautiful gown.

  7. Great idea, beautiful and beautifully done! She is precious

  8. gracious!!!!! what a marvelous and beautiful thing, you created! simply a gem!

    and with each additional child's name embroidered on the bottom, it becomes even more of a treasure.

    i salute you and your wonderful sewing ability!!!!!!!!!

    gentle hugs,

  9. Isn't that the sweetest thing? I love the gown. I used to buy little hand smoked things for my kids when they were younger, but I can't seem to find them anymore. Our favorites were made by Feltman Brothers and I can't seem to find them anymore. I wonder if they are still in business?

  10. that is a work of art, amazing, what a treasure, beautiful babies, they are treasures as well, have the very best weekend, you must be so happy,

  11. Diana, That is the sweetest christening gown set ever. It is a treasure and so are all those that wore it. Bright eyes is going to so pretty.. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  12. Oh Diana, gown is just so precious! I'm sure when you made it you had no idea how many little ones would be wearing it in the years to come. What a lovely family treasure! ... Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Hi Diana, what a beautiful gown you made! Wow it's so beautiful and nice that it's been handed down. Have a wonderful time tomorrow.

  14. That is a beautiful christening gown! What love went into it beyond the hours of work. Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!

  15. Hello love! Congratulations! So very precious! God bless these sweet babies, xoxo Olivia

  16. How wonderful, Diana! It is great that this beautiful Christening gown you made has become the family heirloom you had hoped for. Don't forget to take pictures! We will all want to see her on the day.

  17. What a true treasure, Diana!
    I can only imagine the hours of love sewn into this Christening gown when it was made
    and even now as you embroidery each little ones name.
    Safe travels...Can't wait to see the pics!

  18. An heirloom indeed - it's magnificent Diana -and what a beautiful treasure to pass down through many many generations to come.
    I just love it
    Have a wonderful weekend ( although how can you not? )

  19. What a blessed week-end you have ahead of you, Diana! Such a marvelous tradition and the gown to pass down from generation to generation. It will truly be a family heirloom! Blessings to all! xo Nellie

  20. Such an exquisite gown and so precious. Wishing you a safe trip. I look forward to the pictures.

  21. Gorgeous gown!!! Thanks for sharing those pictures of your fabulous handiwork. Little Bright Eyes is adorable and will be picture perfect in the christening gown. I can't wait to see pictures of her in the gown.

  22. Oh, Diana...what a gorgeous gown and a beautiful tradition. Blessings to this sweet baby and to your family on this special day. Sweet hugs, Diane

  23. Oh Diana this is so sweet. I love that Bright Eyes will be Christened in the same gown as her mom. Love that you sewed this with such love and you put all the names on the gown. This is just so special. Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  24. Oh my, that brought a tear to my eye.......I love that you put the names of all who wore it on the bottom. What a valuable family heirloom you created. Have a blessed family weekend!

  25. Congratulations! She is really gorgeous and will look even better in that dress

  26. What a wonderful heirloom, Diana. The dress is beautiful as is your granddaughter! I love the idea of having the names in the dress. Have a lovely time with your family.

  27. Oh Diana...the gown is a true treasure! You did a beautiful job creating it and I LOVE the idea of embroidering the names on the hem of the gown. Enjoy your special day!

  28. Oh Diana..It's gorgeous..What a work of art and such a nice keepsake/tradition/heirloom...Adding the names makes it even more special..Have a wonderful weekend..

  29. What a special day for you all! I love the gown and the history behind it. Just beautiful!

  30. You have accomplished the thing that most families dream of doing, but never seem to get their act together to complete! (Who me?) That was my intention 34 years ago when I paid a lot for a lovely gown. I embroidered the first daughter's name on the slip. Names of babies 2 and 3 never made it - too busy! Flash forward 28 years - first grands are boys - daughter refused to dress them "like sissies." Finally! A girl! Second daughter took one look and said she didn't like it (say that in the tone of the "Icky Picky Sister" book!). Spent a fortune on a new one - it now hangs silently alongside the too-embarrassed-to-say-how-much-I-paid wedding dress she HAD to have or she would die. I gave up after that!
    But enough about me! Your dress is a work of art, done with skilled hands that deserves the place of honor it has assumed in your family. God Bless that little sweetheart!

  31. Such sweetness . . . in the faces of the babies and that adorable christening gown.

  32. i love that you made a family heirloom, diana! and adding the names is such a great idea! beautiful needlework and french seams--priceless! i just picked up 3 sweet vintage gowns yesterday, but, yours, puts them to shame:) have a great day!

  33. Congratulations You made at a wonderful heirloom that can be passed down generation to generation.

  34. How beautiful and what a precious heirloom for generations to come. Imagine it! Imagine the conversation that each mother has with her baby. What meaning.

  35. How very precious this is! And what an awesome treasure to have within the generations. You did a wonderful job on making that gown. I love that you have each name sewed right in. It's just darling! Congratulations to you and your entire family!

    Blessings and Hugs,

  36. That has got to be the sweetest, most beautiful christening gown I've ever seen! What a wonderful family heirloom! Bright Eyes will be beautiful in it. Have a wondeful weekend and blessings to little Bright Eyes on her christening day!


  37. The Christening gown is just exquisite! I love the idea of all those embroidered names. Your loves and hopes and positivity brought them all forth with the love of God!

  38. Oh my goodness. I think that christening gown is one of the most precious things I have ever seen. I can only imagine e love and emotions you felt as you so carefully put it together. What a beautiful idea and how special to have all your babies wear it and have their names upon it. Bright Eyes is also too precious for words.

  39. What a beautiful gown! and what foresight you had 37 years are a goddess! :-)

  40. Absolutely beautiful! Blessings to you and yours.

  41. Oh, that is gorgeous and what a lovely tradition to embroider all the names on!

  42. Dear Diana, This is so special!! Loved seeing the gown so much! What a wonderful and special day for all! Love, Roxy

  43. words escape me, the beauty and thoughtfulness, the tradition. takes my breath away.

  44. What a wonderful tradition, Diana. Can't wait to see the photos of Miss Bright Eyes.

  45. So pretty! How wonderful to have this family heirloom and you made it! I love that you have the tradition of embroidering the names on the bottom of the gown. God bless everyone of this wonderful and beautiful day.

    xo Danielle

  46. Diana, this is so pretty! You truly made an heirloom that will last for many years to come! I love the idea of adding the names to the gown! The tradition, sentimentality and love that you have incorporated into this gown is amazing! I can't wait to see Miss Bright Eyes in this gown!

  47. What an awesome idea! And the Christening gown is gorgeous!

  48. Enjoy the Chistening and who knew you were so darn talented!

  49. What a wonderful tradition! Love it! I wonder how many names it will have on it in 10 years!

  50. Is there anything you can't do? This ensemble is absolutely stunning ~ and filled with so many precious memories. I love that your family has this tradition! Can't wait to see the precious little girl in this...she is such a beautiful baby.


  51. Diana, that Christening gown is stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! I love how all of the childrens' names are embroidered along the bottom - family heirlooms are so important! You did a fantastic job sewing and the gown and jacket and the embroidery is perfection! Happy Christening Bright Eyes! Hugs, Leena

  52. Oh my, what a beautiful and precious gown. A true treasure for many generations to come. I see so much love sewn into it and the stories to be told from each little gift who has worn it! LOVE :)

  53. Amazing! You are full of talent! What a fabulous christening gown you created. I love that the names are embroidered on it- truly an heirloom piece! The Irish lace and your embroidery work is fabulous!

  54. Wow! The gown is just gorgeous thanks to your painstaking handiwork! Have a special day with your family :)

  55. What a precious tradition, that everyone has worn that gown, and their names are on it, now.

  56. Such a beautiful gown! Definitely an heirloom. I love that there are so many names embroidered on it too. Such a special time. Enjoy the Christening! Can't wait for pics!

  57. This is the most beautiful tradition ever! How absolutely special for the entire family. I loved the day my son was christened. He giggled baby laughs and gently patted the minister on the face.Just adorable. Bright Eyes will be gorgeous!

  58. Beautiful heirloom and a lovely tradition. All the babies in my family have worn the christening dress my grandmother got for me 60 some years ago. It is now in my cedar chest waiting for the next baby.

  59. Diana, such an incredible treasure and for so many reasons. What a talented seamstress you are and such a fabulous idea to embroider the names of the sweet babies christened in the gown. Blessings to Bright Eyes on her very special day. Jane

  60. Just so beautiful Diana....what a charming heirloom!! Love all the embroidery!

  61. This is positively breathtaking!

    So, you take charge of the gown?

    And what is the fabric you used? It looks so soft and comfy.

    Amazing handwork, my friend. Not a price tag big enough on this lovely token of family history.


  62. I love your tradition of adding a name to the bottom of the christening dress. My daughter's in-laws use this old multicolored crocheted lap blanket to hold the baby while it is blessed and it has been through about 26 so it's getting rather ragged looking.

  63. Oh my what an absolutely gorgeous christening gown! How special it is to have had so many christened in it. You hand work is so beautiful and now is filled with so many great memories. What a great tradition you created of family history. I just love it. Have a great day at the Christening, and yes I'll leave the light on, but then I think you might be glowing and won't need it!

  64. Oh DIana, is there anything more special than a Baptism? What a beautiful Christening gown. This will be such a special day for all of you.


  65. What a great weekend for it, with it being Pentecost Sunday and all….LOVE the christening gown!

  66. I truly love how you celebrate in your life! To think of including that bit of lace in your grandmother's sewing basket, that's wonderful.
    What a truly lovely thing, thank you for sharing this with your readers. God bless the baby, the newest one to be christened.

  67. The gown is gorgeous! You are very talented. What a gift. I started a family gown with my children and we are including their cousins as well. My mom bought the gown in Vienna Austria before I even had children. The embroidery is red and really amazing.

  68. So touching that you have handed this handmade gown down to your grands! It is so beautiful and I know it will be cherished forever! How special!

  69. What an absolutely precious post! The gown you make is so gorgeous and what a loving piece of textile art! I love the idea of adding the names of all the babies who wore it to the bottom of the gown. This is just such a stunning tradition!!! Your family must count your lovingly made family Christening Gown an treasured heirloom already! This made my day!!!

  70. I can't think of a nicer family heirloom than this Diana! I've never heard of putting the names of the babies that were christened on the gown, but it is certainly a wonderful way to personalize it and make it extra special. Your beautiful granddaughter is going to look so precious! I'll be back maƱana to see the pics :).

  71. Your post touched my heart, really. I was obsessed with getting an heirloom christening gown for all three of my children. I ended up buying directly from Ireland, 2 gowns for the girls and an outfit for my boy. They are all embroidered like yours, also with names and dates on each. How wonderful to have yours passed down and used by so many (mother and daughter no less!) Your talents are incredible. The family is so lucky to have you, but I'm sure they already know that:) And the pink crocheted outfit on the baby of the hour? Looks exactly like one I have that my girls wore as infants, crocheted lovingly by a nun who was a friend of the family. Congrats! xo Kathleen

  72. Congratulations on this special occasion!!! Oh that dress, such a beautiful and loving family heirloom! You are an amazing woman Diana! Blessings to you and your family! Waiting patiently to see the pictures that follow. <3

  73. what an amazing and sweet little christening ensemble!! You are in for a very special and wonderful weekend.....ENJOY! and please come back with lots of photos for us okay??

  74. You know- things like this are the most remembered and cherished, long after we are gone, it will still be used. Someone may have to add to the bottom for all the names that will be added through the decades.

  75. So pretty Diana! And she was gorgeous wearing it. What a wonderful tradition you have!

  76. What an exquisite wonderful that you made it for your family and generations to very, very special...congrats on the very special day for your family!


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