
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prayer Request Updates and An Annoucement

First off-
I want to give you an update on 
Teresa's hubby (Magazine Your Home)
You can read the post about his surgery here.
Here is the only picture I could find of him
and this is when he was a young serviceman.
Anyway, here is the post surgery update from Teresa.
 Toby is doing well, the doctor said the surgeries went as expected and they are optimistic they removed all the cancer. He looks pretty banged up but that evil cancer is gone. The next step will be to set the date for the reconstruction. We are tired, drained emotionally and mentally but so happy to have this first hurdle behind us. Please let everyone know that we thank them for their prayers and support. We are overwhelmed with the kindness shown by others. 

Thank ALL of you for your prayers.
I will keep you posted as I get more updates.

I also wanted to give you an update on Ken,
the Lutheran pastor I asked you to pray for here
Please continue to pray for him and his family.
Ken has remained hospitalized for weeks.
He has had very few good days and more days
that are NOT SO GOOD.  
Please continue to pray for them.

I have reached 700 followers.
I didn't realize there were that many
OTHER CRAZY PEOPLE  in blogland!
So-that means I will be having a 
I will announce what it is later this week...
after I figure it out!
Many of you said you did NOT want an 8x10 of
one of these poses!
I guess I will have to find a

Oh- Sorry- That's not it- but you did get a
bit excited there, didn't you?
Have a GREAT day!


  1. Will continue to pray. (The Mucinex Max helps my cough....thanks.)

  2. Congrats on the 700th, 70 oneth, and 70 secondth!

    Good to know that the surgery is behind Toby and family. I am praying for them all.

    Ken and family are in my prayers as well. It seems beyond anything that we can comprehend, but I know that God is more than able and He is willing.

    A blessed day to you...

  3. Continued prayers! And don't act so surprised you have so many people that love you, silly! xoxo Have a great day!

  4. 700, that's HUGE! And you know it's because you're just about the sweetest person in blogland! Besides myself :)

  5. Diana, I will keep praying for Toby and Teresa, and for Ken and his family. They all need many prayers. Prayers are powerful.
    Congratulations Diana on 700 followers. People like to start their day with a laugh. You are the first blog I check.:):) xoxo,Susie

  6. so many seem to be suffering these days.. I guess the older I get the more aware of it I am... I dont like it.. will pray for your friends! congrats on 700 followers. I thought maybe my followers button was broke.. I seem to be stuck forever at 400! lol!
    happy day!

  7. Prayers continue for these folks and lots of healing light header their way..

    whatever the giveaway is, I want it~! :)
    congrats on reaching the 700 mark. actually a sweetie like you ought to have 7000..

  8. I have prayed for these two friends of yours and will continue to do so. Together we will see them through this and onto healing and happiness.
    You are such a great friend to both these men and their families.
    I am not surprised you have so many followers. Your posts are a breath of fresh, fun air in this crazy, competitive world. They are so light and happy and HILARIOUS! The second I read your first sentence, I instinctively reached for your "follow" button. Never regretted it either!

  9. I have kept them on my prayer list, my heart aches when I see the smiling faces of the beautiful families facing such pain and fear, I noticed yesterday afternoon you passed the 700 mark, all very smart people, there is only one Nana Diana and we are blessed to know you, a give away whoo hoo!!

  10. I'm keeping these dear people in my prayers. And you have the BEST giveaways my friend! I know it will be amazing! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  11. Praying for Teresa and Toby and Pastor Ken and family. Congratulations on reaching 700 followers!! That is quite an achievement. You are a blessing!

  12. Prayers for all of them! Congratulations on passing the 700 mark!!

  13. Diana, thank you for the update of these men and I will continue to pray for their full recovery and healing as well as their families who need comfort and strength during a most difficult time. May they feel Gods presence and his arms wrapped around them...he will never leave them or forsake them. Also, Congrats on over 700 followers! You are a blessing to those in the blogger world and God is using you........Be Blessed! Roxie

  14. Darn, I thought I would look very nice in that, when you delivered it, now I am disappointed.

  15. Nice to hear that his surgery went good and he is fine now!

  16. Hi Diana,
    I will continue to pray for these families. That is good news about the cancer being removed! And yes, there are plenty more crazy people here in blogland:) If I win a new car, can I pick out the color? Oh, and make sure that it's coated in glitter!

  17. Prayers continuing here, Diana, for both these men and their families. Yes! That convertible did cause a bit of excitement! Congratulations on reaching that magic number of followers! xo Nellie

  18. Praise God for the good news, and answered prayer! and for the prayer warriors in blogland!!
    I can't believe you aren't giving a photo of your hero for the give away!
    I guess a car would be just as nice.

  19. It's wonderful news that his surgery went well....will continue to pray for his recovery. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your giveaway....I'm sure it will make me smile! Hugs, Penny

  20. Continued prayers for both men. Congratulations on your 700th follower!

  21. Thanks for the updates, Diana...sending love and prayers! Congratulations on your milestone!!

  22. Thanks for updates. Prayers.................
    I cannot wait to see what you will give away. I am fortunate to be in that 700!

  23. Ahemmmmm....


    I happen to think a blown up pic of a great looking, gray haired, bearded man, is quite nice.

    Just sayin'........

    Just sayin'........

    Just sayin'........



  24. Will continue the prayers for both. Glad Toby is cancer free. Tessa needs glasses...just saying. I would send her a poster size! Congrats on the 700! Kind of scary thinking that many people fess up about following you, ain't it? LOL- There might be a lot of nuts out here, but we are the good nuts. Enjoy the starbucks this morning. You have so earned it. It would be nice if you posted more baby photos and the boys, too, before you head for home. I miss seeing rugrats first thing in the morning.

  25. So good to know that Teresa's husband is now cancer free! What a relief. Sounds like they took a lot out of him to get it gone too. Poor guy! I'm sure he feels blessed to have a new lease on life now though. So sorry to hear about the pastor still in such dire straights! Life can be so unfair sometimes. We must all remember to be grateful for every day we have. It can be gone at any time.

  26. Hi Nana Diana, I'm so sorry for the people that you mentioned and send prayers their way. Wow how amazing that you have 700 followers! What an accomplishment for you! Wishing you many more happy years of blogging. All the best and I can't wait for the giveaway!

  27. I will continue to pray for both of them.

  28. Continued prayers for these families! And of course your followers are growing, you are awesome!

  29. I will continue to pray for these sweet families!

  30. So glad to hear that Toby is doing so much better and will pray that he continues to do so. I do hope that God hears our prayers for the minister and that he is back to good health soon.
    Congratulations on 700 followers. I just love your post, your always so upbeat and happy and I can see where SC get's it from. Take care of that sweet new baby and yourself.

  31. Continuing to pray for those families. Can't wait to see what you have planned for a giveaway. :) Congrats again on 700 followers!!

  32. There are so many many hurting people out there isn't there? Of course -prayers! sandie

  33. Will be praying for these two brave men and their families. 700 Wow Blonds DO have more followers...HaHa

  34. I think the elf would make a sweet prize! LOL! The little red one :) God is so good! His mercy never ends and His way isn't always our way!
    Congrat's on 700 followers:)

  35. We're continuing to Pray for Ken and his dear family and thank you so much for posting this update on Toby. We're so grateful for all the wonderful people that continue to pray for his healing, what lovely followers you have! 700+ wow! We can always count on a daily dose of love and laughs when we visit your blog Diana!

  36. Continuing my prayers for Ken and his family. So happy Teresa and Toby are doing better and they feel they got all the cancer with Toby. The power of prayer works. Thanks Diana for being the angel that you are and putting these requests up. I know from personal experience it works.
    Thank you sweet friend. Oh I would love to win that car what do you mean it is not the prize!!!! I would look so good in that. Just sayin!

  37. Prayers really do perform encouraging for these young families. Congrats on 700 - amazing! I am disappointed about the framed photos - that first one is a keeper. :) xo Karen

  38. Thank you Diana for using your blog to lift others up from time to time. We appreciate knowing we are not alone in such struggles and we appreciate the kind words from people who have never met us. You are one special lady in our lives! Thanks for your care and concern.


  39. Prayers for all Diana~~ Congrats on your followings! Oh please have the car for the giveaway!! LOL
    Blessings to you!

  40. Will say prayers for both ot these men. Remember the person that worked with my husband. I couldn't believe all that she went through. They had her chest wide open for weeks. This was for all the infection they removed. They are doing chemo and things are shrinking then they will do surgery. Just unreal what she has been through Hopefully these guys will have some better news soon.
    I wanted the car......he he.

  41. Praying for both men. How wonderful that you reached 700 followers. You are an inspiration.

  42. Continued prayers for all and congratulations on 700!!~~Angela

  43. Glad to hear that Toby's surgery went well. Continuing to pray for him, his family and for Ken's family as well! Blessings to all, Cindy

  44. I'm glad there is some good news to report. Also, congratulations on 700 followers! I could use new car but cash will do just as well.


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