
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easter In The Entry Hall

You might remember that I had THIS 
here in March.
That post is here and, if you remember,
 MyHero said that it looked like a

Well, maybe so, but at least this
banner says JOYFUL!
I don't know why these pictures are so blurry.
I think I REALLY need a new camera!
Anyway....maybe the pictures are blurry
because YOU have been drinking?
In which case I will post the picture
so YOU can see it better!
That would be best viewed from a
just sayin'~
Hope you have a wonderful day-
even if you ARE crawling!

ps.  I am ONE follower away
from a giveaway.
700 is the magic number.
If you want to follow and are having 
a hard time doing that 
here is the "fix" for it.  

I feel a giveaway coming on!!!!


  1. , that is a lovely arrangement, 700 followers, whoo hooo!!!

  2. Boo hiss. I always talk like that to spammers.

    Okay, moving right along...I really was hoping that I hadn't followed so that I could now. 700th follower has a certain ring to it. Blast. I was already signed up back in the mists of time with the other faceless peeps. Yes, I have been reading cheap novels.

    Your Easter banner looks joyful to me!

    1. Oh great! Now it looks as if I am boo hissing Laurie and I would never do that! I've got to remember that things don't happen in real time here.

    2. Oops. There I go again. Okay. I don't know what rabbit hole I've fallen into or how far I can shove this foot in my mouth. LOL!!

  3. Diana, I follow you but do not know how I do it....??? LOL I wish my daughter had time to help me revise my blog. I love those corner displays. Hope you are having a fun day. xoxo,Susie

  4. What a cheery little spot! Men....what do they really know about decorating anyway. Have a delightful day!

  5. You are right I have to stop drinking all of that whiskey with morning tea!

  6. My photos were coming out blurry too, and I thought it was my camera until I realized it was my eyes! I'm going to the eye doc today!
    And I don't think it looks like a funeral at all. Very springy and festive!

  7. Wow! 700 followers! I hope it happens for you today! I'll check back later- love your bunny, the colors are fab! :)

  8. Such pretty banners, Diana! I have to find my monogram P one to put outside. That is my everyday banner. I bought a flag one and one for Christmas, but that's all I've got.

  9. Congratulations. I hope you get your 700 followers today.

  10. 700 is the magic number, hope you get that one today, and 100 more.

  11. Very pretty! My vision is blurry, but I haven't been drinking anything but coffee. I post pics on my blog and then spend a lot of time wondering if they are blurry to everyone else. :)
    Anyway, I just started following you.
    Thank you for your sweet visit over at my little blog!

  12. I love your bunny banner, even though it may be a bit blurry:) And your flower arrangement is so pretty! Are you having trouble receiving all of your blog comments in your email? Some of us are not getting them all, (they just appear on our posts) and also when we leave comments on blogs, we're often getting a "message delivery failure" notice in our email. Blogger is at it again, I'm afraid!!

  13. Very pretty and perfect for Spring. I see some shades of lavender there! Sweet hugs!

  14. Love your Easter entryway! Hope you come up with the followers you need! xo Nellie

  15. I see you got your 700 - congrats to you! I love the flowers...

  16. You have 700 followers....I'm doin a happy dance for you!!! Your bunny banner is so cute hanging in front of your funeral!!!...your hubby is a hoot! Hugs, Penny

  17. Don't you love it when the hubby gives his honest opinion! I saw a gal yesterday that lost a lot of weight and she said her husband told her her skin didn't fit her face anymore!! LOL.... I can't even get 250 followers- guess I'm not doing something right! Good luck on the 700!

  18. Just because it is a beautiful flower arrangement does not mean funeral. I love them.

  19. Hello again, Diana.
    Thanks ~ I do know I am a no-reply blogger - that's intentional. Too, too many emails to go through. But my email addy is on my blog sidebar in case someone is looking for it. :)
    Thank you & have a happy one!
    ~ Lin

  20. You think of the cutest things. I would not even have thought of a flag for decorating indoors. And I definitely wouldn't put that outdoors. It's just too cute. I probably won't be decorating much for Easter. I'm babysitting days and working evenings, so no time. The girls are helpful, but these little boys just want held -and I don't accomplish much with a baby in my arms. LOL

  21. About the photos, I take all my photos to Picmonkey and edit them if need be before posting. Yours look like they need to be lightened up a bit. Just my two cents you didn't ask for!

  22. What do husbands know about flower arrangements??? I think your arrangement is so pretty and love the change of banners.


  23. Tell Hero you are practicing floral arrangements for his funeral. HaHa!

  24. Looks like you got to 700 followers! Wow! Congrats! Love the little Easter bunny. Spring time decorations are so pretty. :)

  25. I promise. I have not been drinking today, YET! Lookin' good. I do n't mind the pics. There are some bloggers out there who are photo snobs (flash, etc). I pay them no mind.

  26. Love your Easter display, crawling or standing it looks good to me!

  27. I think it looks lovely and perfectly joyous!


  28. I like the comment that you should tell your Hero that you are practicing for his funeral! hahaha
    Looks lovely as always and congrats!

  29. Diana, men always have a strange way of looking at things, don't they? I think it looks very pretty. And I have been having a lot of blurry pics lately, hopefully, needing a new camera is the reason..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  30. Diana I think it looks more like a bridal arrangement for a pretty spring wedding! Congrats on your 700th follower!
    XO Barbara

  31. It's beautiful Diana! YAY you've hit your mark....700! Enjoy your day, Gail

  32. So happy you hit 700 woooo hoooo you go girl! Love the new bunny in the entry way. So Easter and spring filled. I like the flower arrangement I think it is so pretty.

  33. love the bunny and arrangement Diana(:)

  34. I'm 701 and I can't believe I wasn't already following! Love the bunny banner. Leave it to a man to think that looks like a funeral arrangement. :)

  35. A funeral arrangement?? Men!!! I love it :-)

  36. How pretty. I bet you have a banner for every occasion. I guess it's a "banner" day at your house everyday. :)

    xo Danielle

  37. That flower arrangement has become a great place to mark the holidays! Your Easter banner is cute.

  38. What a lovely banner, Diana! and it goes so well with your beautiful funeral arrangement!!
    I LOVE it!!!

  39. They have pub crawls in England! Those Brits, so funny!
    700 followers, my dear, it should be 700 BILLION! xx (Of course, I would be thrilled to have 700!)

  40. Hello Sweet and Funny Lady, The picture angle for those on the floor was perfect ;o) I need to get all my Easter decorations out tomorrow!
    Have you ever used a gum drop tree? My Mother in law bought me one years ago from Avon...
    Blessings, Roxy

  41. Tell your man to go back to sleep...He does not know a funeral arrangement from a beautiful festive display lol! Looks like you made it to 700 with a spare Congratulations!


  42. LOL. You're always good for a laugh! (And I mean that in the nicest of ways.)

  43. I can't believe how fast Easter is coming up on us! Spring just keeps dragging its feet about settling in and I keep forgetting about Easter. I need to get some Easter stuff out - I've got some really cute vintage cards I usually get out and tuck in here and there.

  44. so pretty! It truly is a time to be joyful

  45. You are sooooooooooo funny. You make my day. Easter will be here in a couple of weeks and I am still fooling around with my decorations.
    Your Easter in the entry looks very nice.

  46. HA! I thought I was the only one crawling!!!! Made me laugh friend! Love that happy bit of spring in the entry!!! You have a fantastic day and how cool is 700!!! You go girl!! Nicole xoxo

  47. I wasn't drinking ~~ just had a Dairy Queen Blizzard which does about the same number on my tummy as a drink does on my brain :) So glad the photo is not really blurry because I thought someone put a little 'something' in my ice cream :) Have a super Thursday ahead!! Blessings, Cindy

  48. For me it looks good since i am not drinking!

  49. I know who's funeral, too! Love the banner. Never thought of using one on the inside. Just step back a bit. You are probably too close. And hold the camera still! You should take photos first and drink later. I don't drink, but it might be time to start today.

  50. Your hubby is funny! And yes, you deserve a new camera. Mothers Day?? Time to start the subtle hints..
    Congrats on many followers!

  51. I just love the arrangement! Your style is beautiful! xo Jen

  52. I love your "funeral" arrangement! 700 "woo hop"!!! Congrats!!~~Angela

  53. Congrats on 700!! Whooohooo that is a wonderful number to have. And yes there are that many crazies of us out here:) I love your Easter decor.

  54. Hi Diana! Thank you for changing the angle of your cute picture! I can see it much better when I'm half asleep and my head is hanging over the arm of my chair! <3 Leena

  55. Diana, you always lift my spirits and make me laugh. I need to get by more often. Love Ya! Ginger


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