
Saturday, April 12, 2014

From One Sleeping Baby To Another

I have been on a dead run since
yesterday morning.
We had a "well baby" checkup in the morning.
We came home and had lunch. 
I cleaned the whole upstairs
of my daughter's house.
We put the boys down for a nap and I 
loaded up my car to head home
for the weekend.
Mimi and boys and 
Baby Bright Eyes are following
me home on Sunday and will
stay through Easter.

Here is the sleeping baby I left.
Here is the one I came home to....
Thank goodness only the 
needs to have a diaper changed
at this point in time.

I am supposed to go to a seminar today
plus I have to unpack
plus I have SweetCheeks
so I will visit as I can!
Happy Spring Saturday!


  1. Well, okay! You wouldn't trade either sleeping baby for any other, I know, but one of them is decidedly cuter than the other!

  2. Wow, you have definitely got your hands full, but I know you love it! And that is one precious baby! Oh, I mean two precious babies!

  3. Oh two precious babies . The first one is easier to cuddle as everyone can but second baby. I might get my fingers ticked by you if I dare cuddle him. Have a great weekend. Great smiles for Saturday.

  4. They always say, if you want something done, ask a busy person!

  5. I' know you love both your babies. PS. I don't know how you do it. Is it really all the coffee? I'm tired for you. Enjoy all those grands.

  6. LOL! It sounds like you have a busy weekend, Diana! Hope you get a little R&R in so you will be refreshed for the coming week.

    Our weather is supposed to be glorious this weekend - mid to high 70's! I may actually wear a tank top and flip flops. : )

  7. What have you been doing in your spare time, Diana? The baby (in the first photo!) is so cute and sweet! Let's hope she is the only one whose diapers you have to change:)

  8. Diana, What precious babies !! LOL...Glad you don't have to change a big boy diaper. The baby looked so sweet, I am surprised you left her.:) Hope Mimi is getting along fine. I know it's been a blessing having you there to help. Hope you have a fun time with SC. xoxox, Susie

  9. You have some precious babies there especially the second one. LOL!!!! Have a great weekend. Hope to see you soon! xo

  10. oh my. you are too funny. Hero is going to be upset with you when he knows that 1/2 of america saw him snoozing! That precious "other" baby picture is beautiful, almost looks like a doll. have a great weekend!

  11. They are both adorable ...but Bright Eyes won my heart over with those socks...I love them! Hugs, Penny

  12. Did you ever stop to consider, that you might be trying to do, more than is wise?????????????

  13. What a busy happy time! I hope you rest when you get a chance! Have a good weekend my friend! You need a nap, too! lol Hugs!

  14. That first one sure is a beautiful baby! That second one... well, um.... he might need re-posed, or edited a little. LOL

  15. I love those pictures. Bright Eyes is beautiful of course and the second pic, does he have a snoring problem?? LOL

  16. YET, you say. Maybe you can change each other's diaper later in life, lol.

  17. More laughing here--- your husband is going to kill you for posting that picture!!

    Your sweet baby is so beautiful-- what a precious babe--

  18. I love those little socks on Bright Eyes! Girly clothes are so much fun! You cracked me up with that pick of your other sleeping baby. Lol! Reminds me of my hubby when he snores. :)

  19. Thanks for a great start to my day, LOL, love it! Funny how all those husbands look the same when they're snoozing.
    P.S. Tell him he doesn't need those glasses when his eyes are closed just sayin'. hahaha

  20. busy busy, have a great weekend,

  21. You are TOO funny! And, you are one great Nana, doing so much to help your daughter. It's wonderful! Enjoy their company, and have a Happy Easter, Diana!

  22. I'll send flowers if I don't hear from you tomorrow. LOL!

    Bright Eyes looks beautiful in pink!

  23. You are hysterical, Diana.
    I know you are enjoying every single minute, tired or not! :)

  24. You are like the Energizer Bunny - I don't know how you do it. Just taking care of that sweet baby would do me in. I see what you mean from one sleeping baby to another one. LOL
    Have a great weekend and enjoy your self's during the week before Easter.

  25. Oh my goodness Diana, you really put not onlya smile on my face, but a chuckle or two!!! This post is really soo very funny! How often this happens to me too, I leave the house with mother to go shopping and the home scene is just what I come back too, LOL!!!

  26. Can't stop laughing! Great post, Diana. I'd put the entire thing on a BIG poster board, frame it and hang it!
    What is that photographer's name....the one that does the tiny baby photos in cups, as veggies, as flowers, etc? That's what this pic reminds me of. It's really gorgeous. And the pic of your husband? Here I go laughing again.....I'll email a fly, HAHAHA. It's such a guy thing!

  27. I know you are busy... with lovely bliss.
    Smiles, Dottie

  28. Run, run, run, Diana! Your schedule sounds a bit like mine at times. Aren't we thankful we are still able to have the mobility to do it all? xo Nellie

  29. Bright Eyes is so cute! Wouldn't it be hilarious to have something like a gummy worm to lay across Hero's lips. HaHa! Then video his reaction. I would probably pay to see that. HaHa!

  30. Never a dull moment. Dontcha just love it?!?!

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  31. Talk about time lapse photography! I think your busy schedule sounds awesome! I know you will have fun...

  32. Both babies sleeping are adorable! 😄 hope you can find some time to rest yourself!

  33. Another "MyHero" winner! Bwaaaaaah! I'm out of breath just reading all about it!

  34. HaHa...this is just to cute...Your two sleeping beauties... Diana, you must be the female version of the Energizer Bunny!! I know your family is so appreciative of your selfless, loving, caring spirit. You go can do it....If I were closer, I'd offer to help....with the first baby...haha.

  35. Baby looks precious just sleeping there peacefully. You have been a busy bee cleaning your daughter's house. You will have your hands full until Easter. Pace yourself, dear.


  36. Busy grandma on the are wearing me out...hahahahaha!!

  37. You busy grammy. The baby looks like she is doing great. You will be busy even with you get home. I bet your other baby will be glad to see you. Take care of yourself so you don't get down again.

  38. I think you may be in deep trouble if sleeping baby #2 wakes up and reads this post. '-)
    Enjoy the family time. Miss Bright Eyes is as cute as they come!

  39. Hi Diana, Oh the baby is so precious. Such an angel. The bigger baby looking peaceful too. He does a lot of sleeping. LOL LOL Well that's what babies do!! right? Have a great night and rest when you can. Happy Spring weekend.

  40. Oh my goodness - that is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not sure which is the cutest baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  41. Ummm one of those babies is cuter than the other, but I would never say which one. :)

  42. Wow, I am exhausted just listening to you. I thought all the yard work wore me out today but I couldn't keep up with your dust cloud. Take care of yourself.
    Bright Eyes is soooooo beautiful and I am very familiar with the second scene. I see one almost like that everyday. So glad we don't have bugs flying around!
    Take care, xoGinger

  43. Diana, this is about the 'no reply'. I really still don't know what you mean because no one has ever said a word to me about it; but I went to the help section and found a number of ideas. As I read through them, it always referred to email as opposed to going to someone's page and replying, so now I can't help but wonder if it has anything at all to do with me not having a smart phone, etc. The only thing I have been able to see since being gone for almost 3 yrs, is that I have an older version of BlogSpot. I used to have a button at the top of my page saying "Dashboard" and now I don't. I've had to go around to the back door, so to speak, to even get to what used to be my Dashboard showing all new posts from everyone I follow, thereby making it easier to go to each that has newly posted. But the no reply? I'm lost.

  44. Rats, forgot to leave the link for you that I went to:!topic/blogger/HRekg-PTGCs

  45. Oh, sweetie, you need a good afternoon nap, the kind with a gentle cool breeze blowing through the window, total quietness and you drifting off with nothing on you mind except the vision of that TOTALLY BEAUTIFUL BABY!!!!


  46. That little grand-daughter is a sleeping beauty Diana! She just glows!

  47. OMGosh you are amazing!! I want some of whatever you are taking....


  48. Diana, Its been awhile. Just stopping in at your blog to see how you are doing. I see you have a new grand daughter. How pretty she is.

  49. your poor husband. Mine would've died if I had posted a picture of him napping, but I would've done it too. Little grand babies are the best reward for raising children!

  50. Your "babies" are just beautiful!!! xoxo

  51. Those two are sweet. If I could just snuggle the first one:}

  52. Do you ever have some spare time?! LOL!! All your babies are gorgeous!~~Angela

  53. OMG.. My coffee squirted out my nose on your second baby picture. I have one of those too. Now I don't feel so bad. Speaking of squirting out....your daughter sure did make a pretty baby. Good genes!

  54. Diana, once again you managed to absolutely crack me up! Thanks for the 'baby pics' to make me smile! :)

  55. I sure hope you were able to get a nap in :) The baby is just precious! XO

  56. OMG - you are SOOOO funny! haha You just crack me up. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  57. What a sweet baby! The little one. You nut!

  58. I see that I am not the only one that takes photos of my hubby sleeping. They are both so cute...but the baby definitely makes me want to be a Mamaw worse that I already do. I am patiently waiting on my girls to find the right man to marry and hopefully start a family of their own. I've got a few years to wait, lol.


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