
Monday, April 7, 2014

My Christmas Cactus Is SOOOO Confused!

You all KNOW what a terrible winter
we have had this year.
Well, not only are WE confused~
has decided to be an 
Look at these blooms!
It sits on top of a map chest in a crock
 that came from the cellar 
of my family farm,
That sits in front of
large windows that face the bay.
No WONDER the poor thing is confused!
Here is what it sees to the RIGHT-
This is what it sees to the left-
And this is what it sees when it looks straight ahead-
I'm a little confused myself....
Here I am and all ready to put this on
because it's April!!!!

Okay- I mighta lied about that last part 
Imagine ME in THAT-nevermind!

Have a GREAT Monday.
I am back at my daughter's house
with baby BrightEyes so I will
visit when and as I can.


  1. Let's see you on that beach in that two-piece Diana!!!! I cannot believe there is still snow. WOW!!!! Have a great week. xo

  2. I'm trying to move winter along for us. The ice rink is now officially a distant memory. We had great fun smashing up the ice. The girls are on spring break and my eldest want to tan in the sun so badly, that she actually did wear her bikini in 40 degree weather on the back deck. She built a fort of blankets around her. Desperate times. Such a long long winter. Enjoy BrightEyes this week!

  3. Well I for one thinks you would look fab in the bikini! Your cactus is pretty, too.

  4. Your Christmas cactus is gorgeous, Diana. I understand why it might be confused...I think we're all confused this year! :-)
    Mary Alice

  5. Diana, I can't believe winter is still hanging on, in some states. We had a nice weekend of pretty weather. Today we may get more rain...too close to that flooding rain we had last week. If April showers do indeed bring May flowers...we are in for an awesome display. :):) Hug those little ones. xoxo,Susie

  6. There is no snow here anywhere now and I do believe that I just jinxed myself by saying that. Give Bright Eyes and mommy a hug for us all!

  7. Your cactus looks that pretty crock you have it in too! My mom's Christmas cactus blooms 2/3 times a year.

  8. my friends is blooming too! The poor plants are just as you say, confused as we are!!!have a wonderful time with your babies!!! I hope you are all better!

  9. It just knew that you needed some flowers in your life to brighten things up, I can not believe you still have snow :(

  10. It's hard to believe you still have snow in your yard, Diana! And just look at that frozen bay! Our lake is finally starting to thaw out. Your Christmas cactus is so pretty! Mine has a flew blossoms on it too, guess it's confused too! Looks like you were out making snow angels in your bikini:) Have fun with the kids!

  11. I think we will all join the I am confused this winter party - but no bathing suits - please!

  12. Oh, so you're not wearing the bikini yet? What's the matter with you??? LOL Yeah, I was just noticing last night that the part of my Christmas cactus that's closest to the windows has a ton of new blossoms. Poor thing. It's been a tough winter. Have fun with the grandkids. :-)

  13. Oh that's funny, my Christmas cactus is confused too! Mine was started from a cutting from my grandmother and I've had it my whole married life - 35 years. And it blooms faithfully every Christmas, but not this year. It just bloomed about two weeks ago! Our snow has finally melted, but it's chilly and raining. And our heat pump died over the weekend, so it's chilly inside too - not fun! ... Enjoy your time with BrightEyes!

  14. I think it may be even more confused than you think. (I think it is a Thanksgiving cactus.) It sure is pretty!

  15. I am joining with you . It looks like May it will be gone. the snow. I do love your flower though. That is real pretty.

  16. LOL! Well, I can't blame it, Diana! You're right ~ I think this Winter weather has had us all a little confused!

  17. The weather everywhere is crazy this year! We are in the 70's during the day....dropping to 30's during the night. Enjoy that new baby...hugs, Penny

  18. The weather is certainly crazy all over the world. We have nothing but rain for months on end here in the UK with terrible floods in parts.

  19. It's so pretty Diana! Finally most of our snow is gone, so you must of have had a bit more. Although I don't know how, we had a ton.
    Thanks for your sweet comments too, here's to bright, sunny spring days ahead!
    We deserve it!
    Hugs friend,

  20. Oh my, that is still a lot of snow! My MIL is in MI and has said as much too! The cactus however is beautiful!

  21. Oh Diana, My mom's Christmas cactus bloomed all year round. It was so pretty. She had it sitting in a south window. My mother had a green thumb as the saying goes. I just know I don't. Enjoy your time with Bright Eyes, she is so precious. Hope mama is doing o.k. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  22. At least you have something blooming! I would not look out those windows at all until June! I hope y'all thaw out soon! You in a bikini would probably be like me getting into one. There isn't enough therapy sessions to cover that. ;)

  23. It is barely warm enough in June for swimsuit weather let alone April. Enjoy that baby.

  24. You could wear that bikini here most anytime now. We've gone from 82F to the 40's over the weekend with thunderstorms and much needed rain.

    Love the Christmas cactus!


  25. Never had a Christmas Cactus, but have heard that they have a mind of their own. :-)

  26. Of course, it's time for that cactus to bloom with snow on the ground! We've had blooms on ours at odd times in the past, too. That is a teeny, tiny bikini, Diana! Enjoy your time with those grandchildren! xo Nellie

  27. Your Christmas cactus is beautiful! Sometimes if we have a hurricane here and all the leaves get blown off the trees in the summer, the trees start thinking it's fall because they have no leaves. Then their leaves will come back and immediately turn to fall colors even if it's still summer. Weird. Enjoy your time with sweet bright eyes!

  28. Your cactus is beautiful. I have two and they bloomed at Halloween this year! Crazy.

  29. I need a photo of you in that bikini, girl! Love your Easter cactus!

  30. Just super beautiful cactus! That is still a very wintery view you have!

  31. Super pretty Diana. I guess it can be a Easter Cactus. You wear your bikini and I will wear mine NOT! LOL! I do remember a day when I could wear one of those ha ha! Have fun with Bright Eyes.

  32. What a beauty. Well, Easter cactus is good.

  33. Isn't it beautiful? And wow you still have a LOT of snow!
    Ours is melting very quickly - but I'm not going to get cocky about it this year - because every time I do we're hit with one last storm LOL
    Have fun with Bright Eyes :)

  34. I have missed a few posts, Diana. I had a big fundraiser this weekend and lots of company. Your purple Easter cactus is so pretty. I can't believe it's still snowing there in April! The rain has stopped for now and warm weather is supposed to come in the days ahead.

    Have a good week.


    ps I will say a prayer for your friends that you posted below. :~)

  35. Well blame it on the snow, no wonder it's confused! The plant is beautiful!

  36. I have never had a Christmas cactus bloom when it should. Hugs for all your little ones, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  37. If you can't have spring flowers then it's the next best thing. Those blooms are gorgeous. I'm just sorry you are still buried in snow.

    xo Danielle

  38. I think it is taking pity on you due to the long winter :)
    Seriously, mine usually bloom anywhere from Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then usually again in July or so. This past winter was the first one where none ( and I have 3! ) bloomed at all!

  39. Your Christmas cactus sure is beautiful.....ours just got done blooming. I have heard of a number of a people whose Christmas cactus's are blooming now...wonder what the meaning is???? Is your cactus facing north....must be getting some good sun, or the reflection of the sun from the snow. And again you make me chuckle with your two-piece in the snow. Have fun with Brighteyes .....your a good granma. I like that little house to the left and Lulu Ave.....sweet.

  40. A good one, my friend. Good one!'s simple. Just re-name your cactus.

  41. Well, it makes a beautiful Easter cactus. It felt like summer here last week. I hope we have a nice spring but they're predicting 80 again this coming weekend. Enjoy that pretty baby!

  42. I'm getting confused too. I want heat and sunshine! My boxwoods have given up I think :( I'm so sad. they are so brown they will never come backa nd I'm going to have to replace them all.

  43. Hi Diana, gorgeous cactus and so pretty for Easter. You sure have the snow. Enjoy the baby. You'll be wearing that 2 piece soon!! LOL

  44. Can't imagine all this white! Yes, I would be confused too! What a beauty, though!

  45. Too funny-but I'm waiting to have that warm weather in another couple of weeks. Now I can picture you in that suit along side of me-LOL!!! In fact, I'm not even sure I'll put a suit on when we are there. The makers have now decided that soft cup tops are the in-thing and I hate them, want a underwire to hold everything up. Love your cactus.
    Hugs today.

  46. Hope your snow takes off soon! Beautiful blooms, enjoy...

  47. Hi, the Christmas cactus is as confused with the weather as we all are! Lol! It's really pretty the color of the flowers. It is pretty where you live. I grew up a minute walk from the beach. I love the beach and can't wait for summer. Enjoy your week.

  48. I think your cactus is just sharing some color with you. You need it with all that snow still out there. xo Laura

  49. Your cactus is beautiful! It's a great color for Easter ;-)

  50. Mine is blooming also. Your bathing suit is to die for.....

  51. Your cactus is beautiful, Diana! Did it bloom at Christmastime? I can't believe you still have that much snow...we live in the mountains and we have less than you which is shocking! Not as shocking as that bikini...I'm sure your husband loves that outfit :) haha Okay, I will end this comment now before I say TOO much! Hugs to you!

  52. Easter Cactus, Thanksgiving Cactus, Valentine Cactus? I understand... I can't get over the weather either... It kinda has a snap of Autumn in the air actually... Oh, no... I draw the line there, don't you?

  53. I think you have an extra special Easter Cactus! It's quite rare! Snow in April- who knew? Sending you Spring wishes, sweet friend!

  54. Mine always blooms around Easter. No way all that snow still. Maybe by Easter it will be gone.

  55. It's been such a crazy couple of months! It's cold at night when it's usually warm.

  56. Awww.......I was hoping you would model that bikini for us! Maybe you should place some Easter eggs around your cactus and it can be an Easter centerpiece for your table now! You can also just pretend all of that snow outside is really sand.

  57. Well it must be catching...but my "Christmas" Cactus is full of red blooms. I love the color of yours. I'm posting a picture tomorrow, but I will not be posting my itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polkadot bikini. HaHa....I know you want summer, but your snow is beautiful. It was in the 80's today. Sure glad I bought the sandals.

  58. My MIL lives in the snowy slopes of the Eastern Sierra Mountains and has beautiful Christmas Cactus that bloom and bloom and bloom... They are such beautiful plants. Enjoy the swimming weather girl! Blessings, Cindy

  59. My cactus is long gone killed that thing. Yours looks so pretty though even though it is confused:)

  60. Your yard is looking better around the edges, at least!
    I don't blame that poor cactus for being confused, I am too.

  61. well I'm feeling a little confused myself...especially the swimsuit part...heavens! It looks like you live in a state park with the waterfront and benches and all the, must be beautiful.

  62. My Christmas Cactus have had Easter blooms, too. Sometimes they bloom at Thanksgiving. They just bloom whenever they want to.

    Ugh, snow still. I know you are tired of that.

    Guess I shouldn't tell you hubby mowed the grass here the other day. And that our yard is full of blooms. :) Spring will get there. Someday.

  63. Well, at least it's blooming! Any flowers are a blessing right now. :) And dear me, what a dreadful lot of snow out your windows. I do hope spring hits your area soon so you can put on that bikini!

  64. Beautiful Cactus, and they are confused.
    Have fun with BrightEyes this week.

  65. Guess we'll never know what that cactus is really thinking - but at least she has a beautiful view out of each of her windows, no matter the ground cover!

  66. The "Christmas Cactus" come in 2 types..Christmas Bloomers and Easter Bloomers..I'm told..

  67. It's OK..It's just happy
    "A beautiful holiday plant,(botanically known as Schlumbergera or Zygocactus) blooms at Christmas and also sometimes around Easter time if cared for properly. A month prior to Christmas you will be able to watch the tips of the leaves beginning to grow. The tips grow darker as each day passes, until a bud forms. At Christmas time, as if by magic, the buds open to a beautiful flower that will add color and warmth to any holiday season."

  68. OH MY! That snow is still there! So glad that the cactus decided to brighten your day. Thanks for sharing as mine bloomed months ago. They are adding new growth.I have always loved their blooms.


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