
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Miniature Doll House For Sweet Cheeks

I received this sweet package for 
SweetCheeks a few weeks ago.
With a new baby on the horizon I had to wait
until after the birth of Bright Eyes to give this to
Sweet Cheeks.

WHERE did this delightful bit of childhood sweetness come from?
Well, I met one of the dearest, 
most incredible bloggers
and connected with her on a level beyond
"oh-how pretty is that"!
It is Kim over at Musings From Kim K.
Kim has a sweet little girl named Josie.
Josie is the same age as our SweetCheeks
and is just a dear little girl.
So, Kim, out of the goodness of her heart
gifted SweetCheeks with this 
Look At This!!!!
Thank you SOOO much, Kim!
You are such a doll and so kind.
 Is this one of the cutest things you have ever seen?
Look at the window boxes!
Here are more snippets.
I knew SweetCheeks would love it but
what amazed me was the number of  HOURS she 
spent playing with it -all by herself.
See the little bunny packaged with the doll?
She fashioned a
for the bunny to be outside in the "garden".
Wouldn't it be fun if 
Josie & SweetCheeks could 
actually play together?
Are they cute or what?
Sweet Cheeks wanted to know ALL about Josie.
We looked her up on Kim's blog 
and read the story of her adoption.
SweetCheeks went from sad to happy 
hearing her story.
Then she went back to the dollhouse.
She played  with it for hours and hours..
All of a sudden it hit her.
She had a troubled look on her face.
SC: Nana!  There's a problem here!
Me:  What's that SweetCheeks?
SC: How will Santa get down that chimney?
Me:  Santa can come in through the window 
if he needs to.
SC:  Oh!  I was worried about that!
Me:  No worries there!
Me:  You know what I am worried about, SweetCheeks?
SC:  What, Nana?
Me:  I'm worried about how I am 
ever gonna fit in that bed.
SC:  Now THASS a BIG problem, Nana, 
cuz you are WAY too big and that bed 
is WAY too small.
Me:  Well, maybe I can be magic, too.
SC:  Nana! I don't think even the BEST MAGIC will work
for THAT cuz it only works if you are young!
Me:  Don't you think I'm young?
SC:  (thinking about it)- Nana?
Me:  Yes, Sweet Cheeks?
SC:  Do you remember when Noah 
landed the ark?
Me:  Yes- I was right there with the donkeys when they were unloaded.
SC:  (seriously)  Oh!  Did all those animals smell bad when they got off?
Me: I have NO answer for that.
SC:  Well, I bet Papa knows.
Do you know which 'partment HE was in?
Me: No.
SC:  I bet they had in a special 'partment
so he wouldn't eat any of the animals
cuz there were only two of each.
Me:Well, that certainly answers some of 

Leave it up to a kid.
I no longer have to wonder what 
happened to some of our "pairs".

And now, as Paul Harvey would say,
 you know the rest of the story!


  1. what a beautiful gift, such detail and its been well received as well, that Sweet Cheeks where does she come up with these thoughts lol!!!

  2. Diana, That is a cute little house, for a cute little girl, with a huge imagination. LOL. So you are the Diana-saur. :):) Hope you are having fun with the boys and new baby. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh, that Sweet Cheeks! She is such a hoot! I've always wondered what happened to those dinos! :) Now how sweet of the blogger sent that darling little doll house to SC. Aren't we amazed at the generosity of bloggers. I don't know her so I'll have to pop over.
    Be a sweetie and go ahead and use your magic,
    Shelia :)

  4. Too funny! That little house is adorable and how lovely of Kim to think of SweetCheeks.

  5. Sweet story...and the questions from the dear child are priceless.

  6. The doll house is the sweetest ever. I would love one of those!!!! lol
    All the little details are just precious.
    Both girls are absolutely adorable.

  7. Oh, I love this post! What an amazing gift. The doll house is precious and so are the two girls. It would be wonderful if they could meet someday.

  8. LOL The doll house is adorable! What a sweet story! And the conversations you have with Little Miss SC are even cuter! I think this thoughtful gift has brought out even more creativity between the two of you!

  9. Kim K. is a very generous and thoughtful friend! She does amazing craft work! Such a wonderful story about Josie, too. SweetCheeks will have hours of enjoyment with that doll house. xo Nellie

  10. Precious little house.

    Wise Nana, to have something set to give to older one, after birth of new baby in the family.


  11. I just love adult conversations with children. Just a precious gift that you have been given to watch them grow up. That is my prayer! I so want to live near mine!

  12. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift! I loved dollhouses when I was little. Whenever I go to Hobby Lobby, I usually stroll by the miniature doll house furniture section. I love seeing all the accessories they have now days. I'd love to decorate a doll house some day. :) Sweet Cheeks will get lots and lots of play time with hers. Lucky girl!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That is a darling dollhouse. What a sweet gift for Sweet Cheeks! Hope that she and Josie are able to meet one day.

  15. What a sweet sweet gift! Oh how fun to play for hours! (maybe I will today! lol) Enjoy your day my friend! Hugs!

  16. Oh what a lovely gift! Blog world connections are the best! I hope SweetCheeks and Josie have a chance to meet one day!

  17. Your posts get cuter by the minute. Love your sweet stories. Reminds me of when my girls were small.

  18. That is the sweetest little doll house I've every seen....perfect for Sweet Cheeks! Hugs, Penny

  19. What a cute post, cute doll house, and even cuter Sweet Cheeks! xoxoxo

  20. What a beautiful doll houseand so kind and thoughtfull of Kim. Love how you got out of the Santa down the chimney!

  21. Blog friendships often times have special bonds, and it appears to me Kim, Josie, SC, and you have found very special friends.

  22. Oh my what an amazing gift! Your SweetCheeks and Josie are dolls! The house is perfect for them! ;) xoxo Jen

  23. Josie is adorable, it would be fun to see her and SC playing together!
    The dollhouse is just as adorable and what a thoughtful gift!

  24. Did the animals smell bad when they got off? hahahahahahaha I love that girl.
    What an amazing gift from one little to another. Josie and SC would be great friends I bet.

  25. What a sweet dollhouse and a great story! You've got to get those girls together!

  26. Love these conversations with her! She is way to sweet friend! And that dollhouse just rocks! What an awesome gift! And my little bean is a Josie too!! How fun and how fun if they were to meet! Such a wonderful community we have here in blog land! Happy day to you friend! Nicole xoxo

  27. She's a hoot that Sweet Cheeks.
    I love that little doll house. Did she make the house itself. Oh so cute. So glad that SC loved playing with it. I bet she and Josie would have fun together. She is a little doll too.
    I hope you are feeling better. That must have been a bad bug that got you when you were down. Take it slow getting back in the groove.

  28. I don't know how you keep up with her!! She thinks of everything!!

  29. Diana, what a cute dollhouse!! So sweet!! Those little girls are just the sweetest little things :)!

  30. How wonderful to receive that play house for SC. I would love to sit down and play too. She is so darn cute and the things she says - you wonder where she gets them from. She is a darling little girl and a terrific personality. I bet she keeps you on your toes all the time.

  31. LOL... you don't ever have to worry about that one. She is an original.

    and what a charming little house.

  32. That "Sweet Cheeks" is one smart cookie! She is cute playing with her new dollhouse. That dollhouse is really special. Everything looks handmade.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Kim is the sweetest and that dollhouse is darling. It's so perfect for SC. I can remember spending hours playing with my dollhouse. I am sure she will make little things to add to her house too.

    xo Danielle

  34. Isn't Kim the sweetest!!! I love that little doll house too! I also love that Sweetcheeks played with it for hours! Imagine a child playing with something and using their imagination instead of electronics! That is so funny she thinks you were on the Ark! LOL! Kids!


  35. What a sweet and adorable gift Kim sent you! Isn't she the best? She's one of the first people I "met" here in blog land, and she is just so nice. Not to mention super creative! I bet SweetCheeks was so excited!! Make's me wish I was a little girl again (as long as I would never have to grow up!). Bet SC and Josie would have a blast together. And that is too funny about SC and your ark story!!

  36. Well, at least you know Papa is the bad guy! LOL Or at least the one accused. She never thought YOU were guilty of eating any animals.

  37. Precious doll house!!! What a kind gift. I love the details in that cute little bed and the rest of the house and all. Wow, such talent! It would be so wonderful if the four of you could meet up someday!
    That SC would have given Mr.Paul Harvey many a chuckle! ; )

  38. As I'm reading and scrolling down through your post I find myself repeating over and over with each picture, "Awe!" How cute is this :)

  39. What an adorable little doll house..Super gift..Love your Noah story..Hope you know the end of the story..Paul Harvey never did :)

  40. How adorable is the doll house? As adorable as the story told!

  41. What a precious gift and story! She's so sweet! I love her heart! Thanks for sharing her stories with us!

  42. How sweet! My girls loved their dollhouses. And I didn't know you were on the ark... funny!

  43. Diana,
    So sweet of Kim to make that for Sweet Cheeks. It is adorable. Fun conversations you two have. Too cute.

  44. Dang I want a little girl grandchild - I love my boys dearly - but play like this - nope!

  45. Love this post! That doll house is adorable. It's so sweet that both girls are the same age and Kim sent you one. :)

  46. That doll house is darling. And Sweet Cheeks is just too funny for words!

  47. How sweet of Kim to send the dollhouse! I had a good chuckle about the ark story...Too funny!

  48. You know I love miniatures, especially little houses! That little house is totally wonderful and I can see why SC did not want to stop playing with it. She is an absolute little doll herself, little Sweet Cheeks! I agree that there are some really good people in Blog Land and this just goes to show how true that is!

    This is a great post, Diana, and I enjoyed every smidgen of it!

  49. Thanks once again for the chuckle, Diana! That little house is adorable! SweetCheeks looks like one happy little girl!

  50. Someday I really would love to get our two special little girls together. If I could give everyone a special little dollhouse I would. Keep on loving life and playing, Diane. Hugs to all your sweet grands.

  51. How so very sweet!...and loved the "questions and answers"....hopefully one day Sweet Cheeks and Josie can get together!..

  52. The dollhouse is adorable. I love the questions and answers. Sitting here laughing.

    When Olivia was younger she spent a lot of time here and in my car going to her mom or dad's. We used to have the funniest conversations. One started off with me saying where did that Olivia go to, the one who used to like to do "?" . Oh, she went to Savannah. Me, really how did she get there. Her answer she rode on the top of a car and on and on. I miss those days so much. But next week is spring break. I think I will kidnap her for a couple days.

  53. Happy, Happy, Happy hours of fun! What a great gift for SC!!! Any word on your friend Toby? Have been praying!!!! Blessings, Cindy

  54. LOL !!

    Beautiful gift and dollhouse / so sweet! :)

  55. What an adorable doll house and such a thoughtful gift! The girls look so cute! Hope that one day they can meet and play together! Hugs, Leena

  56. Oh Diana, I love the miniature doll house. Such a wonderful gift for SweetCheeks. You know what? The girls used to have a doll house that their grandfather made them, and when they got a little older, I ended up giving it away. Now, I regret doing so, and I wish I had it again. Not sure if I told you this story or not, but when I saw the doll house, it brought back so many sweet memories. I think the funnest thing is all the miniature furniture that goes inside.


  57. I love how kids think!! That story is so cute, I laughed out loud!! :)

  58. such a cute gift! she'll have so much fun with it:)

  59. Diana, that is some sweet girl you've got there! And I absolutely love her new dollhouse -- I think I* could spend hours with it myself!

  60. This is such a sweet post. SC is so funny and really a deep thinker. However, I disagree with her for the first time ever. I think you have enough Nana magic to fit into that bed at the stroke of any midnight.
    Love to all, Ginger


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