
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cancer Surgery For Teresa's Hubby Tomorrow- Please Pray For Them

and I have been in contact several times lately.
Her dear, wonderful husband, Toby,
has been handed a terrible diagnosis.
This is the only picture I could find 
of him on her blog.
Yes!  He was a serviceman  
that proudly served our country.
So, this is one little service 
WE can repay HIM with-
He has cancer.
Not just ONE type of cancer
but cancer of multiple origins.
They are doing surgery tomorrow and there
will be follow up surgeries when the
results of the first surgeries are 
fully evaluated.

Teresa is such a sweet, dear person
and VERY talented..
Please pray for her, too, because when your spouse
is under siege-so are you.
Pray for peace and serenity for
Toby AND Teresa.
Ask that God guides the surgeons' hands
and pray for a healing to follow.
Thank you!

I am not trying to push religion on anyone

and I don't like religious controversy
but I do believe
in the healing power of  prayer
and that is why I do this.

Blessings to all of you 
and a special blessing
for Toby tomorrow as he starts his journey 
towards recovery.


  1. Diana, I will pray for Toby and Teresa. It is true , as you said, Illness effects the whole family. xoxo,Susie

  2. Thanks for sharing and absolutely will be praying for Toby and his sweet wife Teresa.

  3. I do believe in the power of prayer, I have said a prayer and will continue to do so for Toby and Teresa! May God be with them and see them through this!

  4. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Prayers said for your dear friends.

  5. I'm so very sorry they are having to go through this. My family has been touched by cancer, too so I understand. I'll keep them in my prayers. Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. I will be sure to include Toby and Teresa in my prayers Diana.
    XO Barbara

  7. Praying, and hoping all goes better than expected tomorrow.

  8. Diana,
    Thank you sweet angel for doing this for Teresa and Toby. Teresa is so special in blogland and has just the sweetest giving heart. She has supported me through some of my husband's heath issues. I will pray now for healing and better news tomorrow on his cancer. I have seen the power of prayer work so my hope is this will help Toby. Thank you again Diana for this special prayer requests for them.

  9. Diana - It's always heart breaking hearing news, such at this, my prayers & thoughts to Toby and family.

  10. And even if someone doesn't pray-per-say... Healing and strengthening wishes/vibes/whatever, can be sent their way.

  11. Diana, thank you for sharing this-you are such a dear person yourself!! So sorry to hear this... I will be praying for Teresa and Toby and their family.

  12. Oh, no. I will be praying for Teresa and Toby. You are such a sweetheart to bring all these people who have needs to our attention. Thank you for doing this!!!

  13. I am very sorry to hear this...sending prayers...

  14. Prayers are going for Toby, Teresa and their family.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  15. Praying for this family and for Toby and his surgery!

  16. Praying for Teresa,Toby and family!

  17. prayers sent! You are such a wonderful person to ask for prayers for others.

  18. Praying for Toby and Teresa! Thanks for asking.

  19. I believe too and that is too many cancers for one so young. Thank him for his service to us and I'll pray!

  20. can be tuff, but God is big and can do miracles when faith is present.

  21. I will add this name to my prayer list. I know, first hand the power of prayer.

  22. Sending prayers for Toby, Teresa, their family, and the doctors. The power of prayer is amazing.

  23. I will certainly be praying for Toby and Teresa! May God guide the hands of the surgeons and even though it may be dark at the moment may God be the Light through this long journey. Thank you Diana for sharing your heart and this prayer request. You are such a kind person.

    Many Blessings and Hugs,

  24. Consider it done. Healing thoughts and prayers for Teresa and her husband. It can be just as hard on a spouse. Joining prayers is amazing! xoxo

  25. On the way. My heart goes out to Teresa and Toby.


  26. I'll definitely pray. So sad to hear this.

  27. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers for our family, It really does help ease the burden knowing that so many people care, cancer is a scary thing and too many people are affected by it. Diana you are so special to post this for us, I'm so very appreciative.

  28. I believe in the healing power of prayer as well, and I will praying for them both.

  29. I will pray for Toby and Teresa both. Bless you for telling us about them. What a gorgeous couple they are. God be with them both.

  30. Hi Diana, Lifting Toby and Teresa up too and joining with all of you for Peace, Healing and Grace during this time. You are such a faithful prayer warrior.
    Thank you for loving others as He does.

  31. Joining you in prayer...may the peace that passes understanding settle on them both.

  32. Many,many of prayers for your dear friends. Jane

  33. I am keeping them in my prayers. xo Laura

  34. Hey sweet friend, I'm glad that you post these prayer requests! I strongly believe that there is such power in collective prayer. I will remember Toby and Teresa and the medical team. Please keep us updated!

    Still having some techie problems so sorry I haven't been visiting. Hopefully, will get my telephone back tomorrow! So frustrating ~


  35. It's what the body of Christ does...we prayer for each other, lift each other up, and know that God hears us when we pray. Will be praying for Toby and Teresa.

  36. Sending prayers for Toby, Teresa and the doctors! Much prayer-much power! XO, Betsy

  37. OMG! What devestating news! I hate to hear of anyone being diagnosed with cancer. I will say a prayer for him and his family.

  38. Praying for Toby and family. Very hard times for them.

  39. I'm praying right now for Toby and Teresa.
    May his surgery go well and he recover soon.

  40. I will pray for them both, Diana. I believe in the power of prayer, too! Thank you for spreading the word!

  41. I will be praying for Toby and hope that everything comes out good for them.

  42. So sad...thank you for sharing...will be praying. I really really do believe in prayer my friend. xoxo

  43. This breaks my heart. I'm so very sad that so many have to suffer because of this horrible disease. I will be praying for this dear family and for a full complete recovery.

  44. Praying for Toby and believing for good results. I am also praying that Teresa has a good local support group (family & friends) that will be able to help her in the days ahead! God Bless, Cindy

  45. Diana thank you for posting this prayer request for my dad we really are very thankful for everyone praying for him! God is awesome! If my mom doesn't update you first I will try to post something once I hear any news. Again thank you everyone for your prayers!

  46. I am so happy you spread the need for prayer to all of us. There are so many requests that I have just grouped them into the "wellness and happiness for my dear blogging friends" category. I know Our Lord pays attention to each of our petitions - because that is what he said he would do.


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