
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring In Milwaukee

Oh- Can you believe that it is almost Spring?
You all know I am staying 
with my daughter's family
to help with new little Bright Eyes.
It is cold all over our whole state.
Look what's happening in Milwaukee 
Yes!  Today!
Oh- Green- I see GREEN!
Do you see it? 
Do you see GREEN?
Are YOU tired of the cold and bad winter weather?
Want to see more?
Well, hop aboard the local train....
What?  What do you mean what's going on here?
Well, maybe I AM DREAMING!
It is still snowy and cold outside and I may be 
living in a DREAM WORLD.
A dream world full of grids and girders.
See them?
Ah- A little kingdom of green and growing things.
Too bad the OUTSIDE looks like THIS:
You can read about the domes here.
Of course, 
needs a little Irish lass to rule it.
Soon she will be boss of 
her own little kingdom here,
Including, but not limited to,  
They'll never know what hit them!
But right now she needs a nap...
Being the ruler of 
THE KINGDOM is hard work.
Especially for a six day old baby!


  1. Oh Diana, Bright Eyes is beautiful and of course she's the little ruler of her Kingdom! Her subjects will be at her beck and call...probably forever!! Adorable family and sweet post! Spring will be here before you know it and no more dreaming of it, I'm hoping!!

  2. Love the photos of the kids. She is so pretty and looks so irish in her little shirt and crown! I am afraid to even think of taking that one to Starbucks...

  3. Hope Sweetcheeks doesn't see that Nana is writing about you-know-who again! Love her little St. P Day outfit. Those little boys could model - they're so cute! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Great pictures today. I love Bright Eyes' shirt!

  5. so hard to give equal time to those grandies! lol! I need to visit those domes! so done with all this snow!
    have a great day

  6. So true! They'll never know what hit'em. Oh a Flower and Garden show. What a nice way to escape winter for a bit.

  7. Diana, You were dreaming for sure. Speaking of dreams...that is a little dreamboat of an Irish lass. If that baby girl is half as cute as her brothers , she'll still be a total beauty. Your little ones are adorable. Six days old , so cute. How can you even put her down.LOL Hope everyone is well and getting some rest. xoxo,Susie

  8. What a sweet Irish Princess!!! Love the Domes, brother& sisterinlaw had their wedding photos taken there and as a kid,our school went there on field trips quite often. Have a super day! Jane

  9. Oh such a sweet wee one all dressed in green! And the Milwaukee Domes are such a childhood memory for me too! Enjoy every moment with your sweet family. My Ian lives in Milwaukee too!

    p.s. Thanks for your thoughtful reminder to get my "comment reply" working. Some day will get to it when I have a few extra minutes!

  10. Oh so sweet and sleepy. SC below looks delighted with her new cousin too. Those gardens are gorgeous under the domes. What a lovely pic of the little princess's subjects!! Enjoy your time with baby and family.

  11. Bright Eyes is indeed the ruler of her kingdom! The photos are precious!

  12. Yes, I'm sure she will have the males in the family wrapped around her little finger in no time, Diana!

  13. Ooooohh, such a GREAT REMINDER of "home"! It's been years since I've been to the Domes...and when I lived in Milwaukee, I went often. I often wish I still lived in Milwaukee...where I grew up. I've been in MIchigan for nearly 9 years and still find it hard to call it home. I mean REALLY home.


  14. That is the cutest little Irish lass !!!
    Those domes look very much like the U.S pavillion here ( still standing ) from Expo 67 ( Montreal !!! )
    It's supposed to be beautiful here for the next few days - but they're calling for flurries on the weekend -
    please don't let it last as long as last winter!
    Have a good one!

  15. It looks like she is saying "get this heavy thing off my head, now!":) Is that you I see in the caboose?

  16. Well she IS precious and does have the brightest eyes! Enjoy your time with her.

  17. You have to send those pictures into a magazine for a contest - they are EXCELLENT! And it is spring.

  18. I know you must think the world is nothing but white outside everywhere. I know I would if I lived with snow all Winter long. I hope that the green will finally find you and you will get some relief. Afterall, it is March, right?!

  19. Love the Irish lassie! (and company). ♥ I'd love to visit the domes in Milwaukee some winter, but it's so far away. Did you know you could fit all of England inside Wisconsin????? Have a wonderful day, Diana!

  20. Keep thinking those springtime thoughts, Diana! Maybe that will bring on some signs of spring where you are! I've never seen any Irish lads or lassies that are more fetching than yours! Beauties - all of them! xo Nellie

  21. Spring is just around the corner, but it is on the cold side. Whopping 36 degrees, but we are suppose to get 66 by afternoon. We will have to wait and see. What a beautiful family and she will be queen and ruler of the family. Big brothers will definitely look after her all through her life. It never stops. Sweet Cheeks is precious holding Bright Eyes. Grandma has a very precious family. Have a great day and they have very good friends to feed you all. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  22. The little Irish princess and her it! They won't know what hit 'um when she gets them all wrapped around her little! Hugs, Penny

  23. Your little Irish princess is darling and she shall rule her kingdom. Yes, finally spring. Mother earth is bestowing her grace on all of our lovely plants and trees and flowers. I am loving this. Healing thoughts for your friends.....xoxo Linda

  24. SO sweet! I love babies! I also love the green grass and trees. Just starting to catch a glimpse of them here, but snow is always in the forecast so....anyway, enjoy that baby! :)

  25. Diana, I can always count on a laugh or two when I come to visit you! Bright eyes is just so cute! I wish our kids had "Back" buttons that I could push every now and then to make them babies again, for just a few hours... oh, the memories. Bright eyes has so many adventures awaiting her and Big Brothers are a big part of her family! Thank you for sharing this wonderful time with me, I enjoy your blog so much! xxoo back to ya!

  26. Oh she will have them all under her spell. That last picture is so cute that it made me smile and laugh out loud......and I needed that. Thanks for your comment yesterday. So hard. We spend time with our son last night and Hubby will again tonight. Keeping a close eye on hi, so we can ward off another break down. (((((HUGS)))))

  27. Here's to hoping Spring arrives quickly for you! You'll be seeing green grass before you know it. :) I love little bright eyes with her St. Paddy's Day shirt and the boys look darling in all their green! Enjoy your day!

  28. Lots of pretty green! I can't wait until the grass starts turning green - I have a friend who is already mowing their yard! LOVE and I mean LOVE the pictures of your sweet little one :) Hugs to you!

  29. Pure sweetness! Your life is so rich and blessed with your precious family! Enjoy your week....try to get some rest, too! Sweet hugs!

  30. Diana, your creative ideas are endless. This is adorable. No question this little princess already rules the kingdom.
    I'm impressed that Nana has the energy to come up with these cute posts while attending the princess. '-)

  31. Diana!! Congratulations!!
    There is nothing more wonderful than a child!
    And green!! Green and Spring!!! YAY!!!
    Much love to you,
    Tammy xx

  32. Diana,
    OMG! She is so so cute. Too adorable. Just smiled when I saw her pictures.

  33. o h my gosh, amazing but the baby is my favorite, she is adorable!!

  34. She is just beautiful! And those them!!

  35. What a cute Irish lassie! She looks older than 6 days, too. There's no question she's full of Irish genes! xoKathleen

  36. Sweet story about Bright Eyes and her kingdom and 3 royle usual you had me smiling. is the first day of Spring...the city came by to prune back the trees they planted a couple of years ago.....a sign of spring and things turning green soon!!!

  37. I think I have been in those domes. She is absolutely adorable! Gorgeous baby.

  38. This beautiful lass and her handsome subjects make me smile! Ah, they all look sooo adorable in hats !!! How's the Mama Queen feeling? Blessings to her! She has a great kingdom to rein!<3

  39. Oh boy is she ever gone rule them! I hope they know what they're in for!

  40. Pretty princess! I loved the last post with SweetCheeks too! That Sweetcheeks is my favorite comedian! LOL

  41. Oooo...I have been off planning and having a wedding and you added a baby!! How perfectly precious! We were in Florida where everything was green outside and they had flowers and blooming trees. Needless to say, coming back to Illinois wasn't easy. Flip-flops one day and boots the next! I'm going to go read more about THE BABY!!

  42. That is just the sweetest thing I've ever seen! I would give anything to hold her!

  43. I can truly relate to that last pic. I must find my tiara and go take a nap before it gets the worst of me


  44. She's already ruling her kingdom..She's just gorgeous..and so alert..

  45. We would always go from Madison to Milwaukee to see the Domes. How pretty amid the snow. Baby is adorable in her sparkling green crown! Enjoy every minute!

  46. What a pretty girl! Miss Bright Eyes doesn't look like a new born baby! She's a doll! You have beautiful Grandchildren! I love her crown! Sending you Spring wishes!

  47. Diana she is so beautiful! I wish I could give her a cuddle!

  48. Bright eyes looks like she's 3 or 4 months old! What a cutie! She looks like Big Boy E to me. I'm so happy for all of you...enjoy all the yummy new baby smell and kissing those tiny feet. xoxo

  49. She will be a sweet but strong ruler!!! Those boys have the cutest faces...those rosy cheeks...just want to hug them all. I was able to be with my daughters, and DIL when all doz. of our babies arrived. That's what Nanna's do!! Sending love and hugs and smiles.

  50. Oh, your little Irish princess is so cute, especially the yawning picture. Be patient, my friend.....spring will come along soon. Until then, I am sending you some sunshine from California.


  51. Be still my heart! Look at that sweet yawn!!! The most wonderful thing ever!!! And can I please live in that dome!!?!?! Enjoy your beautiful gift...she is a doll! And how awesome that she has big brothers to watch over her!!! Nicole xoxo

  52. Oh Diana, she is beautiful Oh those Iris`eyes and creamy complexion she is stunning and the boys are going to break a lot of hearts. You have the prettiest grands. Enjoy them.

  53. This is the second comment I have written tonight about how much I envy your having grandchildren. I don't say anything to my kids (neither are married), but they know I can't wait.

    You new grand is adorable.

  54. How is it possible that that baby just keeps getting cuter. I'm sure she is definitely the queen. Now let's do a chant for SPRING!!!! It's finally here and that means all of your snow is bound to melt soon. xo Laura

  55. What a perfectly beautiful little princess! I'm sure she already has everyone wrapped around her adorable little finger. Those pictures iside the domes have me practically panting here for spring! We had freezing rain last night and most of the regions schools closed. Ugh!! I am so sick of this!!

  56. It looks like she's ready to start giving orders, already. So precious!

  57. I'm behind but I just wanted to say she's absolutely precious. All your grands are beautiful. Have fun loving them up. Happy 1st day of spring!

  58. The crown is very fitting for your beautiful princess!

  59. I've been catching up with your blog posts and have to say what an adorable family you have. Little bright eyes is amazing. Love her crown. She will always have a crown on whether it can be visibly seen or not. My husband is in Prague this week and the first thing he said when he called was how green it is over there. Have a wonderful day Diana.


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