
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wicked To The Bone As You Expected

Remember yesterday at the end of my post?
I said- Tomorrow 
(which is today for all you blonds out there)
Tomorrow I will be back to my 

Well, MyHero and I went someplace 
WICKED for Valentine's Day.
We went to see 
MamasBoy & my sweet daughter-in-love
gave me tickets for my birthday 
a couple of months ago.
The tickets were for 
Valentine's Day.

Let me tell you this-
The music was fantastic and the acting was superb.
I loved it from the opening act to the
unexpected end.
The one thing I did NOT expect was the 
amount of humor woven through the musical.
It made MyHero grin!
Of course, he MIGHT have been grinning 
because he got a free seat
 because I took him as my guest.
He offered to buy dinner before the movie.
I looked forward to that.
What I DID NOT expect was the nice 
dinner we had.
at McDonalds because every restaurant was packed
Helloooo- it was Valentine's Day..
MyMoney MyHero said- Listen, how about a 
chicken sandwich off the DOLLAR MENU?
I swear- that man could melt down a nickel 
to make two dimes out of it.
Oh- Did I mention we ate in the car?
We just call it 

Have a great Saturday!
And remember- if you can't be good
Cuz then we'll be "sisters"...
and I don't mean nuns!


  1. Diana,
    You just crack me up! Glad you got to see Wicked. I saw it here in Chicago and it was great. Have a wonderful week end.

  2. you are a funny girl! Isnt Wicked fabulous? Ive seen it 3 times now and will definitely see it again someday. and I play the CD fairly often at home and I have it uploaded on my computer at work as well! Im glad you loved it. and McDonalds.... every once in a while is ok! glad you had a fun night out with your Hero!

  3. I have seen it twice and would go again! Fun date night.

  4. So cute! I'm glad you enjoyed the day. We had reservations for a nice place but then life happened. My MIL was admitted to the hospital and we had a kid who was under the weather. We enjoyed a nice chicken from publix. At least we ate at a table and not a car! xoxo

  5. oh the best kind of date!! I heard wicked is amazing and will have to consider going to a show when it comes through atlanta. have a great weekend.

  6. Love it when I wake and have not even had my coffee and I'm laughing, you so crack me up! Loved your re-cap of your fantastic day! Wicked is awesome! Have a great weekend, Miss Nana Diana!

  7. Diana, I think you still had a great time...but your Hero owes you ! I turned down going out to lunch yesterday, at a nice restaurant. I knew it would be super busy . . I have not seen this show yet, but have heard the music, it is very good. Hope you have a fun weekend. We are shoveling snow again, got more than predicted. xoxox,Susie

  8. Sounds like a delightful time.

  9. Hahahahaha. Is your hero Scandinavian, by any chance? I have one of those too. :-))) So funny! But glad you had a great Valentine's Day and enjoyed a WICKED time.

  10. Sounds like you had a great night, Diana! Wicked is coming to a theatre here and I was wondering if it would be worth getting tickets for. At least you didn't have to cook!

  11. This is the only way I'd be able to plow through that story because I sure could not handle the book. John and I are great fans of eating in Mickey Dee parking lots. Hey, at least it's out of the house.

  12. I read the book. Never saw the production. But I'll bet it was wonderful.

    I've had that White Witch Green Witch illustration on a key fob, for years. -chuckle- "Wicked" Yessssss... ,-)

  13. It sounds like a wonderful Valentine's Day to me. I love Mickey D too!

  14. What a great night! My daughter has seen it. I can't wait.

  15. LOL. My niece received tickets to Wicked as her Christmas present. They are going to see it in April in Nashville. She cannot wait!

  16. Sounds like a fun Halloween but no I mean Valentine's Day!

  17. I am so terribly jealous! I wanted to see that show so badly! I do have my car though, and hubby got his fixed. Priorities.
    Deb (who hasn't heard from you and was a bit worried!)

  18. AMAZING show...great story that celebrates friendship between women which is so rare. Sounds like an awesome V-day! ;)

  19. I KNOW you and I are sisters! And what fun we have....and what wonderful hubbys we have, too! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Stay as sweet as you always are! Hugs!

  20. How fun! Isn't there a saying, Better a crust of bread with a friend than a fancy meal with enemies? Don't remember it perfectly, but I'll bet it applies to your Dollar Menu Valentine.....

  21. LOL about the MD menu, and eating in the car. Has to be my hubs long lost baby brother. I'm glad you enjoyed being wicked for the evening.

  22. Sounds delightful!! I loved WIcked and would love to see it again. I will never forget my first mother's day lunch... in the food court at the mall. "Get anything you like, it's on me!" was how Honey approached it. I suppose V-day is right up there with Mom's day in needing to plan way in advance :-)

  23. No matter where you are or what you eat, just being with the one you LOVE is all that matters!

  24. Sounds like my kind of outing no real dressing up and Macka's in the car and home.
    I do like a good musical.

  25. LOL Diana, sounds like a good time to me!! I do have a soft spot for McDonald's!!

  26. Love your dinner out!:) What fun to be able to see a play! That was a marvelous gift. xo Nellie

  27. Diana, you are sounding like you're from Boston with your "wicked" language! Everything is wicked awesome back here! Loved your post. Sooo glad you had a great time. I think that play looks fantastic! I loved hearing about your dollar menu meal as well! We intentionally went for a late afternoon dinner, about 4:30, so we would beat the crowds once work got out at 5! Yes, spring will be a welcome sight for soooo many of us!


  28. What a wonderful night. I haven't seen it yet, so I appreciate the info and pictures. Dinner out is always good, even McDonalds...xo

  29. Hi Diana,
    I bet this is a night you will never forget. My sister saw Wicked in New York and loved it. Maybe I'll see it one day soon and get in some of that fine dining at the Big M.


  30. I'm glad you had a great time at the show, Diana! Wow, your hero really went all out for your romantic Valentine's Day dinner, didn't he? At least he didn't make you split an order with him:) I want to join your wicked sister club, ok?!

  31. Awesome! I'm so glad you were able to go. I think that in light of all the busy restaurants, your hubby should plan an evening out and take you for a really nice dinner. :)


  32. Oh my goodness this post was sooooo funny. Thanks for the laugh. Lynn

  33. That sounds like lots of fun. I love McDonald's, maybe not for Valentine's Day, but that Hero of yours must have made it very special.

  34. That was one wicked post. At least you didn't have to cook and dishes were easy to throw away. LOL- he is so cheap, just like my guy. LOL We can never let them get together. Ever.

  35. Is this not the greatest show!!@@ We saw it last year when it was touring here. It was a great night out for us and it looks like it was a great night for the two of you as well.



  36. I think your Hero still owes you a nice dinner! Glad you enjoyed the show...hugs, Penny

  37. I went to see it and I just loved it too - and I loved the slant that the bad not not have been as bad as we thought she was!

  38. I haven't seen it yet. Sounds like you had a good time, even eating the McDonalds. It snowed here on Valentine's Day just in time for rush hour. My hubby has been in Korea and I had plans to go downtown to an art event but stayed home because the weather people told me to.

  39. That's so neat that you got to see Wicked! I've heard it's fabulous! What a wonderful birthday present!

  40. Wicked Diana! Glad you enjoyed your gourmet dinner and the play! It sounds like a lovely evening spent with your hero!

  41. I is a little wicked! lol! Although, when in high school my friend, Joyce and I had a lot of guys convinced we were going to be nuns. Yup, that was our story and we were sticking to it. I have not seen wicked yet, but heard it is fabulous! Chicken sandwich from McDonalds, now that's what I call a 'cheap' date! Glad you had fun.

  42. Oh how funny - I'm surprised he didn't pack a sandwich for you. LOL. I saw Wicked about 6 years ago and it was terrific. So glad you had a great time.

  43. Love Wicked. And BTW, I love McDonald's too (but I am certain my heart doctor does not recommend it).

  44. Wow, McDonalds and a free play. MyHero knows how to woo a woman! Beats the meal I had to make myself on Valentine's Day though.

  45. OMGoodness! FUNNY! My hubby offered to take me out to eat on Valentine's Day too - I suggested another day because of the crowds. Now I wonder if knew that already and hoped to get off with a $1 drive thru item?!?

  46. I have heard the play is wonderful. Now the romantic dinner at Mickey D's...........I heard that some McDonalds were putting tablecloths on the tables with candles and flowers.
    We had a little party with two of the grands. They had fun and their mom and dad got to go on a date. Hubby and I went to Applebees today.
    I will be wicked with you.

  47. That's too funny about the McD's dinner! We went out the night before to avoid the crowd -- I guess that's still romantic since we did actually go to a nice! So glad you enjoyed "Wicked." I haven't seen it, but I've heard really good things about it!

  48. No Words!! You are just tooooooo much...
    Love Ya, Roxy

  49. So funny! If it makes you feel better, we had Valentine's dinner in the airport. But I think you have me beat with McDonalds in the car ;)


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