
Sunday, February 16, 2014

SweetCheeks Club-EVERYONE Is Welcome-IF You Follow THE RULES

The purpose for my blog when I started
was to have a history of my grandkids.
The things they say and do.
Today you are privy to a 
"private cohnversahshun"

When you are riding with a child in a car
they will tell you almost anything.
Here is a conversation I had 
with SweetCheeks last week
as I was taking her to dance class.

Here she is in front of her school.
Me:  How was school today?
SC: Good.
Me:  Did anything special happen?
SC:  Yes!  I got two new animals in my club.
Me:  What club?
SC:  The club I started.
Me:  You started a club?
SC:  Yes!  Lulu told me when I started first 

         grade that I should make lots of friends.
        So, I started a club.
Me:  What kind of a club?
SC:  Well, I am the owner and I have pets and I 'dopted a daughter.
Me:  Really?  What kind of pets do you have?
SC:  I have 5 dogs and an envisssable horse.
Me:  You mean pretend dogs?
SC:  Wellllll-kind of.  They are really boys that pretend they are dogs  and at recess I put them in pretend cages in the indoor playroom and then I go around and feed them and water them.
Me:  What do they do?
SC:  They pretend to drink the pretend water and stuff.
Me:  You mean they don't get to talk or anything?
SC:  No!  But if they bark I take them out for a walk on an 'envisssable leash.
Me: (cracking up).  That is funny, SweetCheeks.  What about your adopted daughter?
SC:  Well, I let her have one adopted pet, too. But I am its REAL owner.  But she thinks she owns it.
Me:  What's her name?  
SC:  Leah...but sometimes I call her Melissa. (OMG- Now I AM laughing)

 She proceeds to name all her "pets".

Me:  What about the invisible horse?
SC:  Well, I'm the only one that can see it! 
 (I can hardly contain myself)
Me:  I can't believe that those boys act like dogs and let you own them.
SC:  They HAVE to or they can't belong to the club. Now everybody is starting to join 
        so I gotta write the rules down on a paper.
Me:  Why's that?
SC:  So they know who the owner is.

Well, that makes perfect sense to me!

At least I was smart enough NOT TO ASK if she carried an 'envisssable pooper scooper.  
Imagine THAT scene being played out in the classroom!


  1. Oh sweet cheeks! She's got quite an imagination, just too cute! I'm sure you were close to bursting out laughing! Oh, the things they will say in the car, so true!! Those little car trips are treasures, for sure!

  2. This is ADORABLE! What an imagination! I like how her club is open to everyone, all you have to do is act like a dog and you're in! Much better than the first playground "trauma" I recall from one daughter's first grade. A little friend started a "pink coat club." Karen's coat was lavender, so she wasn't invited. I told her to team up with another friend and start the "purple coat club." Three days later everybody was friends once more and "coat clubs" were never mentioned again!

  3. OMG! Not only is she cute but she has a great imagination....that is important.Sounds like she is definitely a leader. That's one thing I love about being a grandma, you have the time and interest to TALK and LISTEN to your grands. That conversation is a keeper for sure!

  4. Precious!!! So great you can look back and remember all the sweet talk with your darling grandbabies.

  5. She is so cute! And very, very smart! LOL

  6. OMG…Those poor boys, they don't know what has hit them. Adorable!

  7. LOL goes to prove that most boys will do anything for the right girl.

  8. Classic SweetCheeks! That girl is going to rule the world one day!

  9. Ha Ha ~ Sweet Cheeks for President !

  10. Diana, Now that is the way I remember kids...they had imaginations. It wasn't all electronics. You gotta love that SC. She's adorable and funny. I think it's very important that kids has a sense of can get them through some tough times. xoxox,Susie

  11. She is a born Leader!!!!!!

    Her generation should watch for her!!!!!!

  12. LOL - she's a smart girl Diana!!
    Have a nice day!! V

  13. What an imagination...I always love to hear about SC! Have a blessed Sunday...hugs, Penny

  14. Good Morning Diana, Sweet Cheeks had me laughing this morning with her club. Leave it to them with their imagination and you won't have a dull moment. I love her sense of humor which brightens a lot of people's day. I have been a little busy, but hubby now has a new roommate and his room is warmer. They moved him on Friday. Give Sweet Cheeks a hug today for me. I enjoyed the post. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  15. This is hysterical! :-) That girl is destined for great things! like maybe the Presidency. lol Aren't kids the best. And keep posting about SweetCheeks. She keeps us smiling. :-) And btw, re. taking photos, I'm glad you wait for the car to stop before getting out. LOL

  16. Too cute,Diana! I wonder where Miss SC gets her vivid sense of imagination???

  17. so funny and what a fun grand-daughter to have such a neat imagination and confidence to boot!

  18. Oh my gosh - I'm having 50 Shades of Grey flashbacks. She's like the dom of the playground. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  19. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that this one is going to rule the world....and we will all say "ah we knew her when". Woof.


  20. ROFL! That one has quite the imagination, and personality. Wonder where she gets that from ;-)

  21. That child has an imagination and a lot of confidence. She will rule the world someday.

  22. Too cute! This was my life for 30 years. Amazing what imaginations bloom within a primary classroom. '-)
    Thanks for sharing. Love this!

  23. LOL!! Sweet Cheeks is awesome!!

  24. This is hilarious!!!! Too bad Art Linkletter doesn't still have his show:):) She is ADORABLE!!!!!

  25. Do you thing she will rule the world one day.

  26. Oh, kids have the most wonderful imaginations, don't they?
    What a cute story, Diana. SweetCheeks is gonna go places someday. :~)


  27. Very entertaining. You have such cute and clever grandchildren! They must take after their Nana!

  28. That is hilarious! I hope thatbthese little friends don't put up with this forever, though. SweetCheeks could get some strange ideas about fun. LOL!

  29. Oh my goodness...she is a woot! I don't know how you keep from cracking up in front of her. How precious!

  30. Children are just so very wonderful. You are blessed and so am I.

  31. This is hilarious, Diana! Children really do say the darndest things!

  32. That SC, she sure is priceless. She must keep you in stitches all the time. I would love to see her face when she reads this blog when she is older. Out of the mouths of babe's - you never know.

  33. Good that you can record all of this on your blog! You will be able to blackmail her way into her 30's!!!

  34. Hahaha. Love this story and how true kids will talk in the car. My grandson does his best talking in the car on the way home from school and I make sure I drive slow because I want to hear every word. Your granddaughter is a cutie!

  35. So funny and told so well by you..She sounds like she has her own little stable...Don't forget to publish your blog..!!

  36. hahahaha! I love this! That girl has the most amazing mind! Great gene pool she comes from ;)

  37. I have to say I understand why the boys listen to her!

  38. So cute! Kids say anything. When I was teaching we were having a discussion about fast food. Even 10 years ago I tried to get them to see it wasn't good to have that every night! Anyway, one boy said he didn't like BK. Another said, "Why Not?" He replied that the burgers tasted like cat pee. The class knew I wouldn't appreciate that and held their breath till I responded. I simply asked if he had ever tasted cat pee? End of discussion and back to Math class figuring the difference in eating out and making it at home ! :)

  39. She's already a boss. Imagine what kind of business women she may someday be!

  40. I see that she is "in charge" when she's playing! That's how I used to be when I was little. I never wanted to play school and be the student. I had to be the teacher. I see her that way too. Too cute!

  41. Now that is an amazing imagination! She should make a book with all of her ideas!!! I used to teach second grade and I always loved the brilliant ideas my kiddos would come up with! She is such a doll friend!! Pure joy!!! All the best this week! Nicole xoxo

  42. Now that's a girl who likes to be "in charge"! I also come from that rule of thought! ;-)

  43. Oh, my goodness! This is awesome! I guffawed when I read her name is "Leah but I sometimes I call her Melissa"! LOL!
    What a gift you have in your grandchildren and what a gift to give them! This wonderful blog. :)

  44. Pretty darn bright, ya know!! Wow, she should be an actress and make lots of money then retire and have lots of kids. :)

  45. OK...I'm cracking up with you, Diana.
    Aren't our Grands simply the BEST!!
    I love this.
    Thank you for the sweet visit to my blog.
    It is always wonderful to meet new blogging friends.
    Sending you hugs,

  46. Oh my Lord, that girl is funny. I can just see those pretend dogs lapping up the pretend food! Hilarious!!

  47. Conversations with kids are the best. I love the ones that I have with my daughter Hazel all day long! :)

  48. This is just Precious in every sense of the word! Such a lovely way to capture your most treasured moments Diana! Thank you for sharing and giving me such a chuckle! ; )

  49. I think SweetCheeks has a bright future ahead of her with an imagination like that! I hope she is always able to keep the guys at her beck and call. lol! She is so adorable!

  50. That is hilarious! And I'm glad they all know who the owner is. It would be chaos if they didn't. SOMEONE has to be the boss!

  51. This is worries about her and boys later...heehee. She is so cute.

  52. She is one smart girl!! Such a good imagination! I would always get the best info. while driving in the car too. :)

  53. Oh my goodness! This is just precious, precious, precious!

  54. This is priceless! Smiled the whole time I was reading it :)


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