
Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

It is a wonderful day to celebrate
loving someone, isn't it?
You hear all the fairy tales about 
SOME PEOPLE actually get to experience that
in their lives.
They marry their soul mate and go from the 
excitement of being a young married to the
contentment of holding hands in old age
as they walk the path of life.

Oh-that it were that simple.
When I saw this Vintage Valentine it made me think of all the
out there.
There are many that will spend the holiday alone.
They are some that will NOT love the one they live with
or, worse, won't live with the one they love..
They are some whose hearts will ache for those they have lost.
There are some that will be forgotten or pushed aside.

Love is not all flowers and roses.
It is hard work and determination to
A weighing of the odds-
A belief that you are meant to be
where you are.

I wish love for each and every one of you...
and, if you don't have someone to tell you
I am telling you here.

You are a special person, uniquely you,
perfectly imperfect in this imperfect world and

Happy, Happy Valentine's Day!

I'll be back to being my wicked self tomorrow!
-you know I will-

Got one more day with my sick little guy
so I will visit when/as I can!


  1. what a fantastic post for this day!

  2. And a Happy Valentine's Day, to you!

    Gentle hugs,

  3. Love you too! Hope your little guy is feeling better soon!

  4. Love you back! Happy Valentine's Day- take care of yourself and the little guy!

  5. :) Pretty awesome you are recognizing the other side of Valentine's for some. Last night I decided to do something spontaneous so I'm hitting the market this morning to pick up a few boxes of chocolate and dropping them off with the my utilities payments. The girls at the phone company always look so depressed! Hopefully a bite of chocolate will perk them up. :) Happy Valentine's day Sweet Lady!! xo

  6. Happy Valentines Day to you dear Diana... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. How sweet! We're not really big on Valentine's Day here, but that's mostly because I don't really need chocolate or flowers and I'm not fond of jewelry. My husband gets off pretty easy on romantic holidays. :-) And, I love you, too!

  8. Beautiful post Diana. Happy Valentines Day!

  9. Well for today you are sweet as Honey!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! sandie♥

  10. Oh Diana, thank you for your wonderful post. So very true. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. Hope the little guy feels better.

  11. Diana, You know we love you too. Thank you for being so darn sweet today.:):) Hope your baby is getting better. Blessings to all at your house. xoxo,Susie

  12. Just lovely. So true and beautifully said. xo

  13. A very thoughtful post. Love and good wishes to you and yours this Valentine's Day!

  14. Sweet thoughts to you and your sick little one.

  15. Love you too! Happy Valentines Day....hugs, Penny

  16. Happy Valentine's Day to you, my sweet Diana! Hugs and love!

  17. xxoo sending Valentine's Hugs to you Diana!

  18. Very sweet sentiment. My high schooler said that her English teacher calls today "singles awareness day!"~ very, very true. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours...Kim

  19. What a wonderful valentine you gave to me today.... Smiles, Dottie

  20. Great post Diana! Right back atcha!! Love you. You always make my day with you witty posts. Happy Valentine's Day.

  21. This is different than all the Valentine posts that I have read, and I am loving it.

    Different is my middle name, so this post spoke to my heart.
    I am blessed to have someone in my life. Thank you for reminding
    me of this.

    Love you too, Diana.


  22. I've felt for years, that you can choose to be happy, or unhappy. I chose to be happy with the one I am with, it isn't perfect, but it is good. Love is one of those things that works, if you choose to work at it, most of the time

  23. How true your words are and thanks for always sending love our way!

  24. Have a nice Valentine's day you too

  25. Happy Valentine's Day Diana....I love those old valentine neat. I agree there....a lot of wounded hearts in this world. Maybe there would not be so much anger and hate if all those hearts had a little bit of love in them. But....."For God so loved the world that he gave his only son....." if we were the only one on this earth, he would have died for us alone. Now that is love.

  26. You're so sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Hope your little guy feels better soon. :)

  27. I hope you get spoiled later today. I'm sure you've done lots of loving up of your grandson these last few days. Hoping your Valentine's Day is as lovely as you are!

  28. Happy Valentine's Day! So thoughtful of you to remind us of the wounded hearts out there. I hate the thought of someone sad on Valentine's day. Everybody needs somebody to love!



  29. Hi Diana..
    lovely post..
    happy Valentines

  30. Love you too, sweet friend. Hope your little guy feels better. xo Laura

  31. Hi Diana . . . well, you already know that you are loved by all of your blogging sisters . . . You're the best!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs and kisses,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  32. Sending love to you Di. Your a real special lady to me as well as all your sisters here..

    Your right. Some are wounded hearts. That is why the Lord died on the cross. So most times that is why marriages don't come alive or stay alive.

    Others spouses are with the Lord. Others are lonely as they are older. Allot of people are sad and lonely.

    So if everyone would send some one a phone call or get in touch somehow. I think Valentines Day or any day would be blessings. Not so sad. I had a lady last night phone me she is 92. She wanted to tell me kind things she thought of me. Wow! I was thrilled. She talked to me like she was 60. She never repeated her words or forgot what she was going to say the next sentence. She made my night. So you see things like that become so nice and such a surprise. All the way from B.C..What a darling. it was my friends Mother in-law and she said what. She phoned you? Awesome! She told me she is knitting socks for her sons in construction because it is cold. She did a blanket last year.. Now wow if one was as spry as her. What a bonus of life. She makes others smile at that age and reaches out by phone.

    I so like your Valentine. Sooooo nice.

  33. How interesting to see a vintage Valentine with an undercurrent. And oh 'tis many wounded hearts.

  34. There are many sad people around but lots of happy ones too, is it the luck of the draw or a lot of hard work I'm never sure.

  35. This is the best post I read all day! Love it! Love to you and your family… Happy Valentines Day!

  36. Love you too Diana..Thanks...Happy Valentines Day

  37. I love you too, Diana! You make the world a better place:) And your words today are very well said. I always hated this day when I was alone. And you are so right, love isn't always easy, and is a choice! Hope you are enjoying a very Happy Valentine's Day!!

  38. Good post and how true. I love you for always giving me a good laugh in the evening. Thank you. Lynn

  39. Beautifully said!

    Love to you too ~

  40. What a beautiful written message. We all deserve love but every single one of us goes through a time in their lives when we don't have enough. I'll send a little prayer for those that don't feel loved today, too. Sweet hugs to you my friend and feel better soon to the little one! Happy Valentines day! xox

  41. Well, said friend! So many do not feel loved and my heart breaks for them. Hope your little guy is better really soon and Happy Valentine's Day to you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  42. There really is such a thing as a broken heart! No wonder that the song The lonely Hearts Club Band was so popular! I love the scripture where it says God sets the lonely in families. We are not meant to be alone! Thanks for the LOVE dear friend! Roxy xo

  43. Beautiful sentiment, Diana. Happy Valentine's Day to one loving and lovely lady! If you even get back half the love you give, you're blessed!!! Jane

  44. So true my friend...not only is it a romantic celebration but I love to celebrate all kinds of LOVE....children/family/friends/co-workers...etc. Its a day to show everyone how much you appreciate and Love them....and don't wait for them to show you love first because that is when you could be waiting forever! xoxo Hope your day was filled with joy. xox

  45. Happy Valentine's Day! Hope your little buddy is feeling better.

  46. very sweet post, I hope you heard those words today! Sad that so many won't, today or any other day. Wish I could open up my heart and fill the world with the love and joy that I get to live every single day. I am indeed blessed. Love to you Miss D.

  47. Thank you for sharing this today! I always wanted to know how to make these. Happy Valentines Day! Interior Design, 2014’s Color Trends For Your Home

  48. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family, Diana! Love ya! Hugs, Leena

  49. Beautiful post, Diana! Hope your Valentine's Day was beautiful.~~Angela

  50. This was really nice, Diana. I always feel that with all the holidays and hype on all the blogs, TV shows, etc., there are so many people who are hurting. I;m sure you made a lot of people feel loved with this!


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