
Sunday, February 2, 2014


We have had quite a weekend so far.
We had volleyball on Saturday morning
and then came home to play in the snow.
Want to know how much snow we have?
We have THIS MUCH snow!
What do you do when you can barely make it up 
What do you see there?
How about a SLIDE?
Do you see a SLIDE?
Someone sure did!
After almost THREE HOURS of snow fun
they were ready to abandon their sled.
That gives you a better idea of the drift
in our backyard next to the house.
What tastes good after a cold snowy day?
even if it IS Saturday night.
Eyes Closed Or Open
they sure taste good.
After Sundaes it is time for the 
If you have never played this you MUST try it.
Everyone lays down and puts their head 
on someone else's stomach.
Then the first person starts with HA..
The next person says HA HA.
The third person says HA HA HA.
The fourth person says HA HA HA HA.
This continues and keeps going around.
The first person to start laughing uncontrollably is OUT.
As you can see above,
MyHero IS NOT a winner!
He is OUT.
The line re-forms and continues until there
is only one person left.
If you play try to lay next to
a person with a nice big tummy.
It makes a GREAT pillow.
Oh-isn't that sweet?
MyHero is working on making
his "pillow" bigger just for me!
Now, tomorrow, if you are 
and promise not to take tranquilizers
when you don't need them
I just might show you some pictures
from my daughter's
BABY SHOWER being held today.
Guess what color everything is.
You get one guess
as to whether it is a boy or a girl.
Have a blessed Sunday.
Oh, heck-
CELEBRATE with a Sundae.
You deserve it!


  1. No wonder you don't have time for us anymore! The sledding idea is great and I love the haha game. Have fun at the shower today and hauling it all and the kids. Be safe on the roads.

  2. Love the Ha Ha game. I would definitely be the first one out. It was 63 degrees here yesterday. Tonight we are under a winter storm warning. :(

    Congrats on the girl.


  3. Wow, that is a lot of snow. Those sundaes look delicious. Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Can't wait to see/hear about the baby shower!

  4. We want some snow! That looks like loads of fun! And, the sundae was a perfect way to end that day! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  5. Enjoy the baby shower. Safe travels. Looks like the perfect way to spend the day with your girls. Darling pictures. Now, I'm thinking I need to add some whip cream and chocolate to my coffee after seeing those sundaes.

  6. Everyone has the MOST fun at your house! And the girls have the most shiny and pretty hair in every photo. I'm surprised they ever want to go home! Happy Sunday my friend! Ha ha hugs, Diane

  7. I want to come play at your house! ....Happy shower day! And you know I love sweet baby girls!

  8. You guys have the best games over there...and A LOT of snow! Wow, I thought we got walloped, but you win (or lose!). Congratulations, babies are wonderful! I just found out yesterday that I am going to be a great aunt AGAIN! These nieces and nephew are making me old! :) Happy Shower!

  9. Sounds like a fun day to me, Diana! Have fun at the shower. I went to one last Sunday, also for a baby girl.

  10. Wow! Winter Wonderland at Nana's! I can't believe you had so much snow, what fun! That Ha Ha game, love it! We even play it without one one's tummy! Oh my gosh, crazy laughs for sure! Can't wait to see shower photographs! What a fun day you have in store!

  11. Looks like such a fun day...I love how inventive kids are! Can you believe my kids used to pile up sleeping bags in the foyer and on the stairs leading to it...and sled INSIDE the house?! Have a wonderful time at the baby shower!

  12. You have a lot more snow than we do! Wow! The girls sure look like they had fun and the Ha Ha game sounds great!

  13. You all just have too much fun, Diana! Wow, that snow drift looks more like a mountain to me! Have fun at your daughter's baby shower, a girl will be so sweet!!

  14. Diana, So funny, the laughing game. It sure looked like lots of fun for everyone. Are you getting a bit tired of snow? I am .:( That groundhog saw his shadow too. Bummer. I may need to get a new snow shovel after this year. I always tease my big brother and tell him , I have worn out 3 shovels and working on the fourth one. :):) Stay warm and safe. xoxo,Susie

  15. "Now, tomorrow, if you are VERY GOOD and promise not to take tranquilizers when you don't need them" this place!

  16. Oh my goodness...what fun you have! Those girls had to have an amazing day...snow..sundaes and laughter! Love your honey for making his tummy feel

    Can't wait to see more about the baby shower...(I'll bet it'll be a boy!..ha...ha..ha..)


  17. How fun is that?? Any excuse for a sundae :) Enjoy the shower!!

  18. A wonderful post Diana! The photos are great and I love the Ha Ha game! I think I might like a sundae too.

  19. Wow...that's a lot of snow! We had a "dusting" of snow on the ground this morning....if you put ALL of it from the yard might have a speed bump on the! Have a wonderful day...hugs, Penny

  20. What fun!! The girls are quite creative. Only up north would you guys come in from the snow and eat ice cream. LOL And yes, I remember playing that game as a kid. We would also have starring contests...first to even crack a smile was out.

  21. Hurrah for pink! That is A LOT of snow. I can't even imagine

  22. I totally see a slide! Wow, I wanna be at your house when it snows - slides, haha games and ice cream sundaes!

  23. Love the ha, ha game. Looks like your hubby and the kiddos are have a blast! Such a fun post!

  24. Is Sweet Cheeks becoming a big sister!?! Have a great time at the shower!!

  25. Diana I want to know if you slid down the steps too (I bet you did at least once). Yay another GRAND DAUGHTER! I bet the girls are so excited.

    XO Danielle

  26. I wish for the Hot Fudge Sundae!!


  27. Fun, laughter and ice cream = Awesome! I'd love to have a sundae right now. Can't wait to see the shower photos.


  28. The Ha Ha game sounds so cute. What fun the girls have at your house. So sweet to see them enjoying time with you guys.

  29. Can I come play??? Well? Except the snow is way, way too much.

  30. What a fun game, Diana. I've never heard of it before. This is such a cute picture of the girls laying on the floor - I can just hear them saying hahaha, and trying not to laugh uncontrollably. I don't think I'd be a winner either - I would start cracking up.


  31. Looks like everyone had a grand time playing in the snow and then having a Hot Fudge Sunday (My very favorite). Yummmmmmmmmm
    That Hahaha game sounds like fun.
    So you are getting a little girl, doesn't you daughter have two boys? That will be great.
    Stay warm and have a wonderful week.

  32. Lots of snow....more coming on Tuesday. Great for the kids! The ha ha game sounds like a blast! Hope the shower was enjoyed by all. Jane

  33. I can't wait to play that game with my grandchildren. They are going to be SO impressed with this Nana's sense of fun! Thank you!

  34. Thank You, that does look good!!!! I love snow days...Hugs, Mary

  35. I wanna spend the weekend at your house..Please, please, please..

  36. Looks like so much fun! I have never seen steps become a sledding ramp! The drifts are incredible! Many happy memories are being made! Love the sundaes and "ha ha" game! I have to put these on the top of my list- lots of fun going on!

  37. I can't get over that snow! Wow! Those sundaes look so much better than the paltry little fudgsicle I just had. :) Can't wait to see the baby shower pics!!

  38. Lots of fun snow. The sundaes look yummy. Hero is hilarious in the Ha Ha game. Congratulations on the baby girl. Looks like the week-end has been fun for you. Now tomorrow I bet you will rest. (((((HUGS)))))

  39. I want to come over. You guys have great fun. Love the snow, it's beautiful and I know the kids had a blast. Love the ha ha game and the sundays look so delish. Keep on ejoying those precious kids.

  40. Now that looks like a fundae!

  41. You have a pink bear = girl? And that looks like one heck of a lot of snow! My goodness. And the game so much fun/ And the sundaes delicious. sandie

  42. What a fun house you run!! So much snow!!
    I think we are gonna try the haha game.

  43. I think I'm catching up backwards... your house does sound like a lot of fun. Great memories those girls are going to have of spending time with Nana and the hero, is he called Papa?

  44. Ha! Love the slideand WOW, that's a lot of snow...HaHA! Ice cold sundaes after 3 hours in the snow -- EXACTLY what my son would want! HaHaHa! Your Hero is making his pillow bigger for you! HaHaHaHa! I forgot all about that game!!!! I haven't played that in years!

  45. you had to do that! didn't you? tease me with that sundae when I am craving fudge???? The girls deserved it after all that time in the snow.You certainly have a lot of it.

  46. what a wonderful life.
    your zest for it is contageous..

  47. Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten the Ha Ha game. I played it as a teenager once and it was hilarious! Laughter is so contagious. Those hot fudge sundaes look scrumptious. What wonderful memories you are weaving for your grandchildren. ~Deborah

  48. Sorry, but I have missed a few of your posts. I don't know if it's because they did not come through or what happened. The HaHa game looks like a lot of fun. I had never heard of it. I think I would be the first one out! You certainly have a lot of snow.


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