
Monday, February 3, 2014

Shower Me Pink And Pretty- A Baby Shower

My daughter, Mimi, is having a
She has two little boys and has
 LOTS of boys' things
but NOTHING for a baby girl.

She has waited a long time for a girl.
Her sister and Mimi's friend, Gretchen,
decided to throw her a shower.

Her friend, Gretchen, is so talented.
Her house is just darling to begin with
and she made it super sweet for the 

Pink & White flowers in  pink tin carriers
accented the tables.
The tins are from Ikea and they wrote
on them with chalk.
There were pink and white pom poms.
There were pink and white desserts.
There were strawberries covered with white chocolate.
There were sweet cup-cakes.
with a creamy raspberry filling.
There were presents.
I forgot to take a picture of the pile of presents...sorry...
There were sweet girls there,
including SweetCheeks.
How is it possible NOT to have a 
picture of SweetCheeks?
Oh-Wait- I have ONE.
She is ignoring me because I called her
Gappy- as in "missing a tooth"-
Gappy- She was okay with GaBBy-
but not Gappy.
Lost her sense of humor there for a minute.

Here is Ria writing an "advice note" to 
her new cousin-to-be.
Her advice was:
Lulu helped me prepare quiches in the morning
and fluffed the flowers.
What else did we have besides all the food and presents and kids?
Oh! Yes! We had a 
I did NOT get very good pictures of Mimi.
As you can see she is wearing a lamp hat in this one...
Hmmm..wearing a lampshade 
on her head might have
been how she got in this 
state in the first place-just saying....

It was a wonderful shower and Mimi 
is blessed with some
truly wonderful friends and family 
that all love her.
What more could anyone ask for?
Oh, yes-One more thing! 
A healthy sweet baby girl.
Six More Weeks To Baby!

Lesson or the day:
I have several pictures of 
unknown origin and content.
However, I have a sneaking suspicion 
I KNOW who
took charge of the camera...
because a pre-teen kid
just can't resist a "selfie".
She thought the photos she took 
were really funny.
However, the laugh is on her because 
wait until her Dad sees this one.
Notice the MASCARA?
Yeah- well, DAD is gonna notice it, too.
Good luck with THAT, Lulu!!!


  1. I thought I left a comment already, but I think I deleted it myself... duh!
    anyways... everything looks delicious! and how lucky for your daughter to finally get her girl now. a new princess! such fun!!
    We/re getting a new princess in july too. Im thinking that I am officially collecting grandbabies now! lol!
    have a great week

  2. What a beautiful baby shower. Continued blessings to your daughter and future granddaughter. What fun! What is it with teens and selfies? I swear my cell phone must contain 100s of self portraits of Emma.

  3. Oh no...someone is in trouble! :) congrats to your daughter. Did they pick a name out yet?

  4. What a beautiful shower Diana! All the pink, I love it!
    What a blessing too, another little grand-daughter to love!

  5. Beautiful baby shower, so pretty in pink! Congrats on the new baby girl!

  6. You know how to put on a shower!!.. and Congrats on the new baby girl!

    Gappy will get over it :-)

  7. Oh my, what a pinkilicious baby shower! I know, not a real word, but that is what I see! Love the pretty pink décor and all the pink goodies! Mimi is sure to have everything ready for her new baby girl! Know Nana can't wait to fuss over her new granddaughter! Another sweetcheeks to adore!

  8. First of all, HA on the busting her on the mascara! Seriously, I am so excited for you and your daughter!

  9. Diana, The mascara...reminds me of my Lizzy. When she was in kindergarten. She was dressed at 7:00 and putting on eye makeup and told me was ready for school. I said "School or a date?" Besides she wasn't to be at school till 11:00.. love those sweet Lulu will remember you teasing about mascara. Your daughter is a beautiful girl, I hope the new baby has her hair. Mimi will have some very nice sitters with the other girls. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  10. "need" the motto I read at Judy's My Front Porch the other day...what happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's! LOL! What exciting times to be expecting a little girl after having boys. This reminds me that my grands have been doing a lot of talking about a little sister. Hmmmm...

    Lovely shower ideas from the writing of letters to the decor!

  11. Oh Diana..what a lovely baby (girl) shower! My, they really over did, didn't they? Everything was so beautiful!! Especially Mom to be!! Lampshade and (by the way you are so funny!) and the selfie, well....that one should prove

    Wonderful prayers are with you for a healthy, beautiful baby "girl"...


  12. Mmmmm, all those goodies look delicious, Diana! It looks like it was a wonderful day. She must have loved getting all those little girl clothes.

  13. Oh what a lovely shower! Can't wait to meet the newest addition to your family!

  14. What a sweet shower! God bless mom and baby girl! Yeah, I see that mascara!!!

  15. What a beautiful shower...meant for a Queen....and a little pretty. I can see everyone had a fun time and I just bet Gramma D can't wait to get her hands on that little one!

  16. How exciting for your daughter to finally be expecting a girl! I had 2 boys and then stopped, so I never got my girl. I know it will feel strange to see so much pink in her house after all the boy stuff she is used to. Let the countdown begin. 6 wks will be here before you know it!

  17. Mascara buster - love it.
    What a great pink party. And how awesome for her to have people throw a shower for number THREE!!! I didn't even get one for number TWO. Ha!

  18. What a lovely party! The food is amazing, and I am sure a great time was had by all! Congratulations to the mom-to-be! xo Nellie

  19. The baby shower was so pretty and girly...all that pink...loved it! Hugs, Penny

  20. The baby shower was lovely and those desserts had me drooling. Your daughter is beautiful! What a wonderful time in her life.

    Love the self photo of the granddaughter. Let us know if her dad notices the mascara.

  21. What a blessing for Mimi to have such good friends. And what a blessing to be having a baby girl. I love baby girls. Of course, I love baby boys, too! All babies are sweet. Congratulations! And I hope Lulu isn't in too much trouble for the mascara.

  22. I've got my own LuLu who tried to wear mascara to school this morning...."But Mom...." Nope, didn't work. The shower looks lovely, pink is one of my favorite colors. You must be so excited, a new baby! Best of luck to your daughter.

  23. Oh my what a wonderful shower and all that yummy food too. Your daughter Mimi looks familiar to me, seems I have seen her someplace. Small world. Looks like you all had some fun too! Have a great day.

    Yeah...I do have a memory like an elephant (lol) my husband sometimes gets upset with me, "Can't you forget some things???" Nope I say, can't help I have memories of different things. Good and not so good.

  24. How exciting to have two boys and then be expecting a girl!! Girls are so much more fun to buy for!! Wonderful shower!


  25. Best wishes to mom and baby, a girl will be so much fun! Sounds like a wonderful shower, I am drooling over those amazing looking desserts! Oh, and that is alot of mascara!!

  26. Congratulations to you daughter !!! How wonderful another girl in your family Diana!
    Sam does the same thing with my camera lol !!
    Pamela xo

  27. Shame on you for snitching on LULU! LOL- love all the fun food and decor. 6 more weeks and it will be spring and it should be thawing out there. At least she isn't due in the middle of this awful winter and delivering in a snow bank somewhere. Tell Gappy to suck it up and smile for the camera. I didn't come in here to see her back side. Have a fun day...

  28. How fun for your daughter to have a pink bundle after two boys! Sweet Cheeks, aka Happy, had a very cute dress on too. Think my no reply probs are truly fixed this time. Xyz Google plus! Jane

  29. What a beautiful shower Diana!... love the notes of advice written to the new baby that will soon arrive... congratulations to everyone!... I'll bet you are all sooo excited!... xoxo Julie Marie

  30. I love doing girl baby showers because I get to use my pink. Love all the yummies too! Will have to remember those!

  31. Ha ha!
    You always crack me up!
    What a lovely , lovely shower!
    all the food looks so delicious and Lulu looks like a happy girl!

  32. Looked like a lovely baby shower and loving all the pink accents and food. I bet you are getting excited too!

  33. That is so wonderful! Of course girls are all I know so I'm a little partial to them!

  34. That's so nice that she had a shower given for her- especially since she's having a girl now! Hooray for her! I was number four daughter..a last try for a son! Coming from a family of four sisters- make up was always around. My dad didn't have much say! Girls love to primp- as long as it's just a wee bit at her young age :-) I'm a lot of help!

  35. What a lovely shower! The foods looked amazing (yes,I'm hungry) and the Mom to be- beautiful! Glowing! And I wouldn't have noticed the lamp hat if you hadn't pointed it out. Babies are soooo sweet! 6 weeks will fly by, hope she get's plenty of sleep! That is the one thing I missed the most with my new babies, Sleep!

  36. the party looks fabulous! your daughter looks so happy, too! congrats on the new grand:)

  37. What a lucky girl Mimi is! What a gorgeous baby shower - and of course you had me laughing with the selfie antics and your comment on the lampshade. lol

  38. Loved the photos of the baby shower! Just perfectly wonderful! Best wishes to Mimi.
    And I hope Lulu doesn't get into too much trouble. We girls have to have our mascara!!!

  39. Great shower..Lots of yummy things to eat...Adore the lampshade hat..and Lulus "selfie"..Oops...What did Daddy say? How old is she??

  40. Oh My Congrats on another sweet Granddaughter! I once had my school picture taken, and I never thought that I had just applied a sweep of bright pink lipstick... Busted big time. I still think I looked pretty grown-up.
    Blessings, Roxy

  41. Only six week? Wow, I didn't realise so soon. I bet everyone is getting excited!
    The shower looks beautiful and the g'daughters do also in there lacy finery.
    OMG, every little girl has to Try mascara. I'm sure it will never happen again!

  42. I went to a baby shower recently for a girl, and like this one, it was filled with many pretties! Congratulations to you and your family!

  43. Lots of cuteness! Great ideas...especially love the IKEA tins. Did she paint them with chalkpaint? My daughter (Robyn's mama) is also due in 6 weeks, but they decided not to find out the gender. If she has a boy, she'll be needing lots of boy things :) That means gramma is goin' shopping!

  44. What a beautiful shower!!! As you know, baby girls are so much fun. I hope you share a pic or 2 of her...I missed baby girls name??? Hope Lulu didn't get into too much trouble with the mascara! I can not believe how much make up my 13 year old granddaughter is allowed to wear. She's a sweet girl but I have a hard time believing that he dad lets her. oh well.

  45. Another grand daughter! How exciting! The shower looked very cute, pink and yummy! Best Wishes to all! Hugs, Leena

  46. Wow so excited you will get another granddaughter. How fun. What a beautiful shower and the desserts looked so yummy. Glad you all had a wonderful time.

  47. Well, Nana, your new granddaughter will have such a nice family! I know you are excited! Lovely, lovely shower. Yum!

  48. Diana,
    What a nice baby shower. And these desserts look amazing. I can't choose a favorite. I love the pom poms. We had turquoise and white pom poms at Nel's bridal shower. Apparently, they are IN right now. It's fun to see all the latest stuff that is used for the showers and parties. Mimi's friend and sister made this a wonderful day for her. I am lovin' all the pink on here today.


  49. All of the pretty details of that shower show that a lot of love went into putting it together. That is going to be one lucky baby! Can't wait to "meet" her!

  50. Yep, busted for wearing mascara...You always seem to get the last laugh!!! What a great shower!!


  51. What a pretty shower - loving all the pink !!!
    ( and that hot pink dress Sweet Cheeks has on too ! )

  52. What a SWEET post!! All the PINK, PICTURES and FOOD any girl could want!! (and a little mascara). This made me laugh before I can go to bed with a smile on my face! Blessings~~~Roxie

  53. What a sweet shower. I love all the pinks...and the strawberries. Lulu is so pretty mascara or not. Love to all, Ginger

  54. Ooh pink babies are delicious! We have many over here (and lots of mascara, too! That happens way sooner than either mom or dad were prepared for!) Congrats Nana! :)

  55. A beautiful baby shower, love all the pink touches! My sister's due date if march 15 and we are all so happy is also a baby girl!

  56. Two boys and no a little girl - I am so happy for her - I think that will be a perfect family. So I am confused. Who do the girls belong to? They are sure cute!!!!!!!!!!! That shower was beautiful. I love your family stories. Sandie

  57. How exciting to be expecting a little girl! I know it'll be fun for her to shop in the girly section for a change. :) My goodness...those cupcakes with raspberry filling look GOOD! I'm laughing at the selfie shot with the mascara! Sounds like something I would have done when I was her age! :)

  58. You lucky thing having another little girl coming in to the you think there is a way I can clone Miss B?? Have fun visiting with your daughter...

  59. Everything looks so pretty! I know they're excited to have a girl. Such a different experience than boys, right? :) Perhaps Dad is lucky that Lulu only used could have been a face full of make-up. Lol


  60. Hmmm, I didn't know you had a grandson. Need more photo's of him. Lovely shower and fun selfie!

  61. What a fun time for a baby due and how exciting for you and Mimi who's gonna have a girl after two boys, wow!!! Sweet Cheeks is probably excited to baby sit for her lil'cousin, I bet! Thanks for sharing my friend. Some loved take the journey to the Father, and other love ones come to brighten it up!

  62. Congratulations to your daughter and her husband. I hope all goes well for her. Everything looks so lovely and delicious!

  63. Hi there! I am just getting caught up with all of your posts! Congratulations to you and your family!! My daughter is pregnant too...and longing for a girl after 2 boys...she will find out I think in March. So we are praying for healthy first....and if the Good Lord decides to bless us with a girl...we will be super excited!


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