
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Romantic Homes February 2014 Review

I was late with January's review
so I want to be EARLY with this one.

I have been a subscriber to 
since their first issue.
I think I have every one ever published-
except for a couple that a 
so-called "friend" borrowed for her daughter
and took them out of the binder they were in
and never returned...and denied doing it.
Not that I remember such stuff.

February's cover is quite pretty.
Is that picture a little skewed or is it me?
Don't answer that!

As bad as I hate to say it,
once again I am disenchanted with the changes
they have made at Romantic Homes.
I had a hard time finding enough to blog about..
Hard to believe seeing that it is their

Once again,
are featured.
When I looked at each page I had to try
and figure out if it was a house or 
an advertisement.
This is a pretty centerpiece is
styled and photographed by
I'll take more of her, thank you!!

And this is by our wonderful
artist and photographer.
.This pretty home is in France and belongs to
photos by Jody Stewart/Narratives

And- as most of you know-
 my heart is always pulled back to Florida.
This sweet home belongs to
Doreen Lane & hubby.
I couldn't find a blog or link for her.
did the styling & photography
I thought it was pretty and romantic.
Yes- I can tell it's Florida!
Can you?
How do I know?
Because it has a screen enclosure off the room...
and the door slides back into the wall...
(that used to signify a Ruttenberg Home)
AND I can see a PALM TREE
instead of THIS!
Photographed by ME/

Have a wonderful day!


  1. yeah, I picked it up and looked at it in the store and put it back.. didnt think it was worth buying. I have found that with pinterest, i buy way less magazines!
    hey.. theres a little bit of snow on your table.. in case you hadnt noticed! lol!
    happy Weekend!

  2. I like the comparison between the last two pictures. You always make me smile. Too bad they changed the magazine. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I always say.

  3. Thank you for the review... It is a very pretty and tempting cover.

    Say, I just discovered that I was not a follower. Imagine that! It's been remedied.

  4. Now those were just beatiful photographs! Great on an early Saturday morning while enjoying a cup of coffee! Have a great Saturday!

  5. I love your "styled by God" quote! Isn't that the truth.

  6. Oh poo Diana...I was hoping that last month was just some weird fluke for Romantic Homes. Really no bloggers again? I love the pictures you selected to share soft and pretty. I was going to subscribe to the magazine because for me I love to curl up with one and just peruse the page...but if it is a lot of advertising I get through it too fast and find that it wasn't the relaxing experience I hoped for.
    Thanks for the review...I think I will be happy just reading you for my RH fix.
    Have a great weekend Diana!!!
    XO Barbara

  7. I love the pretty illustrations but it does seem like I am inspired more by my favorite blogs. I rarely buy a magazine any more but this was one of my favs, too! Hugs!

  8. How beautiful (even the snow one, I say reluctantly). And so glad you don't hold a grudge against the 'friend'. LOL Cute! Anyway, that looks like a gorgeous magazine. I love looking at things like that but couldn't stand to live in a house like that (with two dogs and a cat,not to mention the humans). But still, there's some tiny part of my brain that responds to those photos with a sigh of longing.

  9. Beautiful choices! I'm sure it's difficult to break away from what you’re used to and downsize at the same time, but the reward will be worth it. Good luck with the move and decorating!dinning room ideas

  10. Diana, I have the same kind of view you have....but it is raining a bit and slowly melting our snow. I love all the pretty touches of pink in the pictures you are showing. Makes me think Spring ! Less than 50 days away. Yippee. xoxox,Susie

  11. I feel your magazine-pain. I buy them occasionally and then am disgusted because I have basically paid for the right for others to try to sell me things! GRRR. Think I will stick with my blogs for inspiration! I follow Shabby-fufu on instagram and I didn't realize she was such an accomplished professional. I thought she was just good!

    I was shocked by the snow mound on your patio table. Goodness!

  12. OMG! That picture of your back porch is HILARIOUS! That giant mound of snow is unbelievable!!! Lordy, you get a lot of snow. I bet you love Spring more than the average person because of your harsh winters. I have not purchased a Romantic Homes magazine in a long time because so much of it is too frou frou. I don't like gobs of lace and pink flowers everywhere. I don't like overly cluttered interiors either. I've noticed a lot of their pictures are like that lately.

  13. Romantic Homes cover is pitiful...looks more like the 4th of July than Valentines. With that being said, the photos inside were so dreamy ...I loved all of them! Have a wonderful week end....hugs, Penny

  14. Great photos Diana! I have never seen the magazine so I can't comment on the content.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. I love that last photo so much and your caption!!!!!!!!!! I quite subscribing to RH a couple of years ago for about the same reasons. I also don't care for the paper that they use. It seems to make the magazine seem kind of cheap. That's the same reason I no longer subscribe to CL. I find with blogging and Pinterst I can find all the beauty I need. I can hardly believe I am saying this because I have always been a magazine junkie :)))
    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!

  16. Great photos Diana...but I have to say that last one is my favorite!!

  17. So Pretty . . . they always have wonderful photos, but Valentines has got to be the most special holiday of the year. I ask you, what is more romantic than Valentines?
    Have a sweet weekend.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  18. Changing the format of a loved magazine is as upsetting as having a favourite character killed off in a series (take note Downton Abbey!). Florida is looking pretty good to me right now.

  19. I am with you Diana, I think the magazine has really changed. I keep most of mine for quite awhile, but I have asthma and sometimes magazines and books really bother me - so they get recycled.
    Hope your weather is better have fun with the girls.

  20. It is a shame when magazines change good features! You got lots of snow, pretty shot!

  21. Thanks for sharing..When do you ever have the time to read a magazine?? I guess you just look at the pictures ?? LOL

  22. Sad about the changes. I do like the photos you have shared. They just would not be good for me and the 6 cats!!!!lol
    Your snow photo is amazing.....looks like a giant cupcake on your table!

  23. omgosh--look at your snow!! thanks for sharing rh, diana:) happy weekend!

  24. I am not sure what planet I am living on, but I never got into the look of white on sure is pretty though, but not sure it would work here. We have enough white outside. I chuckled at the last two pictures. Yeah I could tell that was FL also with the palm trees and for sure you home here....."styled by God" He is always creating!!! I sure do hate when I lend things out that they never return.....and then to denie it??? Yikes!!! Have a great is snowing here again. BUT one more month of this and on to Spring and Day light Savings!!!!

  25. You're too funny! I'd love to see a palm tree or two right now, too! I also love the Florida home best, so pretty. Too bad there aren't any bloggers, I'm sure you and I would volunteer if given the chance?:)

  26. I hope the magazine will return to the former practice you enjoyed. It seems like it was much better! Have a good Saturday! xo Nellie

  27. I get such a kick out you!! You make me grin everytime I come and visit you. I haven't recieved a copy of Romantic Home in awhile..not sure why as I paid for my subscription again..and again. I think it only comes out every ..what? three months? I have forgotten..but it's been awhile.
    I hope my copy arrives soon. HOW I LOVE RED ROSES. I guess those are nearly burgandy..but they are just beautiful..and the blue and white..I want a bedroom with that wallpaper, white trim and deep red carpeting. :) I had that in one of my home years and years ago.
    *sigh* Have a great Super Bowl Sunday!!

  28. Dear Diana, Now why would anybody borrow something and not give it back?? I always wonder if they think we will just forget about the pan the lawn chairs and the Per carrier, and my.....
    I am trying to always thing now did I give that book back or whatever, Or maybe I pretty much have quit borrowing :o)
    I know the magazine has mod look to it, I don't like it as much either.
    Palm trees or two feet of snow Hmmm, PALM TREES XO Roxy

  29. What, you would rather see a palm tree than 12 feet of snow? I actually enjoyed this issue much more than January. I really loved the articles by Jo anne Colletti. And that French farmhouse was so neat, too. What I don't like is the magazine seems to be gravitating towards more modern homes that are highly styled and feel as if they are furniture show rooms! Hate that! And I miss the blogger features, too!

  30. I don't care for this magazine ~ lots of changes that I'd prefer didn't happen. And, all of them are more expensive these days so I'm cautious about the subscriptions or purchases at a store. Not much fun am I? :)

    I really don't know how you deal with all that snow and frigid temps. I guess it's comparable to our brutal summers here. I agree re: the Florida photos ~ the screened in part is always a giveaway along with the palms. :)

    Stay warm my friend!

  31. Well I think your pictures are just gorgeous - or the ones you put on your blog. I like Softly-Prettily-Pink - isn't that just dreamy???

  32. I am afraid that all magazines have been a little disappointing! Love the "exotic" snow... Hugs!

  33. I have been disappointed in Romantic Homes changes too. I met a sweet girl named Tammy. She was visiting my booth and buying some things from me. She mentioned that her patio was featured in Romantic Homes but it was a small photo and hardly visible. She said she sent tons of pics (showed them to me) and they only used the one. Her home was gorgeous and should have been featured. Oh well.

    I don't know why they dropped the blogger feature. It was my favorite because I recognized and followed so many of them.

    I just wonder how much longer they will be around if they don't start making it more interesting.

    Good thoughts on it and thanks for sharing.


  34. I don't buy that magazine any more. Actually I don't buy hardly any. But I subscribed to that one for years. Seems they went the way of more ads and less content. Not an expensive magazine as magazines these days go. But they just don't do it for me any more. Shouldn't have gotten rid of the bloggers either.

  35. It's so odd that they would get rid of bloggers -- every other magazine under the sun is featuring more and more blogger content! I cannot get over how much snow is on that table!

  36. I hear ya....each issue is worse than the one before. Honestly, I miss flipping thru decor mags before bed, but lately none of them are very inspiring. Blogs fill that for me, but it's not the same as poring over a magazine spread. Happy Feb. 1st!

  37. 'styled by God,' you crack me to pieces lady!!

  38. Oh la la! Love the bedroom of pinks and the LR of pinks.

  39. I haven't see a copy yet, but usually pick it up at the grocery. Your snowball table is incredible. '-)

  40. God does an amazing job if you ask me! I haven't gotten my issue. Wondering if my subscription ran out? I think I did get something in the mail. lol! Love the soft pinks!

  41. HA! Yes..styled by God indeed!!! And those homes were all so beautiful and feminine in their whites and blush pinks! To be in Florida now...could you imagine?!?! Hope you are well friend!! Nicole xoxo

  42. I keep saying that I am going to get this magazine, the pictures are very pretty. I have to check the library first and take a peek! I'm a bargain girl, y'now! :)

  43. Hey, Iike the library idea... magazines are getting to be so expensive. I think all the pinky white photos's are pretty but I like your photo the best. Wow! You need a heat wave :)


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