
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Update on Chateau de Ledgeview And My Weight Loss Plan

Just before Christmas I wrote a post about
This is what it looks like from the outside.
Well, that's what it looked like when they 
purchased it.
Today it is covered with snow.
Sorry- I didn't get a picture of that!
The inside of the house was "updated" in the 1970's.
They used lots of paneling and lots of wallpaper.

Now, I don't have any finished pictures yet
but I will show you where they are at.
Here is what the kitchen looked like when the started.
The family room is straight ahead and,
as you can see,
completely closed off from the kitchen.
The kitchen was very narrow for the size of the house.
The Brawny Man (who happens to be a contractor)
remedied that.
The wall straight ahead was removed
and the wall to the left
(which you can't see)
 was reconfigured to steal some
space from the dining room.

Here is the old dinette/part of the kitchen.
another view
Here is how it looks at this phase of construction.
 Paneling & paper removed.
There will be a built in bench seat in the bay window.

Here was the foyer entrance as it was.
Although the stairs looked pretty 
the spindles all need replacing
and/or tightening.
The lower door to the right went 
into the dining room
The hall leading from the foyer to the kitchen
was narrow and restricted.
.My son-in-law opened the dining room up,
stealing space from it for the kitchen
and making the hall shorter and easier to use.
This is peeking from the dining room
in towards the kitchen.
The hall has gone from long and narrow
to about 5' of wall now and
the foyer opens directly into
the dining room instead of being
closed off.
They have kept all the pretty curves and 
wonderful architecture that makes it special
but they are updating it for the way they live.

They are a month or so from being finished.
I will make sure to share more pictures 
as they go along.

I have my little CJK coming here in an hour or so.
He still has the croup and
 that terrible wracking cough.
Poor boy!
He has been my lap & hip fixture 
the last two days.

Oh- Yes!
You want to know about my
 weight loss plan!
I have discovered how to easily 
LOSE 24 pounds of chubbiness!
Know how?
Here's my tip~

You're welcome!


  1. It's looking good Diana, it will be beautiful when finished, excited to see those photos'
    Bless that little ones heart, he's had it bad lately. Hope he's better soon.

  2. LOL at your ending. I hope he gets better soon! :)

    This is amazing ...what your talented son in law is doing!!

  3. Oh boy their home is looking fabulous! Your SIL has done a great job with the new changes. That stairway is so gorgeous- what a great statement when you come in the front door! Too bad little CJK is sick with the croup. Poor little guy sure has had his health challenges. I'm sure he'll be bouncing back to normal quickly.

  4. It looks better already. Can't wait to see if all done. Can you picture the girls coming down that staircase all ready for prom or their wedding day? So glad he tore out those beams. It makes a small place look even smaller. Hope you two have a good day.

  5. This house is going to be wonderful ~ and I agree with Tete about the girls and the staircase, first thing I thought of!
    Do you know of Dear Lillie's blog? She recently bought a new house and these before pics remind me a bit of theirs. Great inspiration over there!
    Hoping CJK is better today!

  6. Such a gorgeous house. How wonderful that he is a contractor. I'm totally smitten with that staircase. Just like Tete said, the pictures of the girls on that staircase for dances and other special events will be so special. Have fun loving up your grand.

  7. Diana, You like carrying that baby fat around :):) I love the new house. I know it will be a dream. I look forward to seeing it in your posts. Take care and squeeze the baby for me. xoxo,Susie

  8. Wow Wow Wow Diana. That house is absolutely gorgeous. Oh I cannot wait to see the finished rooms. That staircase is killer. What a beautiful home. I cannot wait to see more.
    PS: I tried your weight loss plan and my 24 lbs of chubby stayed on my hips and stomach. It would not let me put it down! Too attached!

  9. I LOVE to see renovations from start to finish! Keep us posted puhleeze! I am happy for anyone who starts a remodel job that gets to finish (in a timely manner). Being married to a Contractor is like being the child of a cobbler, You catch my drift.... ;) Hope you are warm and toasty! And I love your weight loss plan. Unfortunately sometimes I think they forgot a baby in the womb when the took the boys! Hmmm... Maybe I should just put the chocolate donut back in the box.... Naw, it's winter. I need the layers. ;)

  10. That house sure is the project, but it will look beautiful when done. Mine looks more like the "before" although we did have the paneling painted. Darn! Here I thought you really had a weight loss plan for me to learn from!

  11. So, you're gaining that 24lbs. right back, today, huh? You know that yo-yo dieting is the worst kind don't you? You might as well keep the weight on. It's cute on you anyway!
    And the house is going to look lovely. I like the original, but that wallpaper was dated. I can't wait to see it finished.

  12. I am so sorry that the little guy is still feeling tough. Carrying 24 lbs around all day should burn off some calories though. :-)

  13. Oh my, poor little sweet one, so hope he gets better soon! I'm loving those remodeling shots, wow, what a beatiful home. I can't wait to see the end result! Hold on tight to that little boy, those little hugs warm your heart and you'll need that warmth in your neck of the woods! Winter time these days is crazy, isn't it?

  14. Oh lol Dianna, you're so fun!!! Your DD's house is coming out amazing! I bet Sweet Cheecks can't wait to move in to her very own room, ha! Hope the Little one gets better soon too. Happy Valentine's, no matter what you do, even if it's nothing, lol!

  15. Ah, I love renovations and construction! Always looks like progress. Can't wait to see more photos.
    Hard to put him down, isn't it. Sweet little guy.

  16. Oh that beautiful curved staircase! What fun to renovate such a charming home. ... Take care of that sweet boy!

  17. Wow! Such fun watching their progress...already looks amazing! Hope little CJ gets to feeling better! Congrats on your weight loss...LOL!

  18. I sure hope he feels better soon. Poor baby! And it's amazing what people that know what they're doing can accomplish in a house. It's hard for me to see the big picture. Enjoy your day my friend!

  19. LOL! I can't pick up my granddaughter anymore, Diana. I'd love to, but my back can't handle the 42 pounds. : ) I'm sure the finished house will look wonderful. It's good your son-in-law knows what he is doing.

  20. I love home remodels and can't wait to see the changes. It's a lovely home!
    Hope the little boy feels better soon. He has had a tough week.
    LOL at your weight loss plan.

  21. Wow, the changes are so obvious even during the construction phase. I love what's going on with the stairs, and the kitchen is going to be fabulous! What were we thinking with all the dark paneling and busy wallpaper? Hope the little one is feeling better soon.

  22. Thanks for the weight loss tip, I really needed it:) Love that house, truly love what they're doing to it. She is SO lucky to have a hubs that is a contractor! Can't wait to see it all finished!

  23. Their new home is going to be gorgeous....keep us updated! Have a wonderful Valentines Day...hugs, Penny

  24. You know what they say about yo-yoing - those 24 pounds that you keep putting on and taking off (or should I say 'putting down') will haunt you, Better sit down with tea and a scone!

  25. Wow! so much work...but a labor of love? sometimes, and sometimes...not so much. My daughter, and her hubby are doing the same thing. It's amazing what the kids can do with their hands, and visions.
    Olivia has the croup....poor babies. It's been a tough winter.
    Have a good weekend, and Happy Valentines Day, my dear friend.

  26. I actually gasped when I saw that large window to the right of the kitchen...marvelous! Our sun room has large windows and I've made up my mind, where ever I move, there's going to be at least one large window...let the light shine in!

  27. It is going to be a fabulous the stairway. I think I might need to put down a few babies to truly slim down! (and the fork and spoon!) Jane

  28. Wow! It's going to be amazing. Looking forward to seeing it. Good tip for losing a few pounds. =D

  29. I love the changes they're making to their house! It's going to be so pretty.

  30. That house is amazing, Diana! It is a lot of work, but so worth it! Chuckling about your weight loss plan! xo Nellie

  31. Your daughter and her family are so blessed to have such a beautiful home. I look forward to seeing it when it's finished. I am one of those people who love to look at before and after pics. Hope your little grandson feels better soon. Your grandchildren certainly are so very blessed to have you, Diana!

  32. Oh my gosh, a ton of work to be done, but it's going to be SO awesome. I love when someone can walk into a house and see its potential. So many people tour homes, see wallpaper or a bad color on the walls, and run screaming for the hills. I never understood it. Look at them bones, I say! :)

  33. What a majestic looking home !
    Can't wait to see the kitchen reveal - it's going to be gorgeous Diana !

  34. Hi there, When you mentioned your daughter's home had paneling and wallpaper, it reminded me of a home we had in the 70's & 80's. I can't wait til the remodel is finished and you can post photos. Great weight loss plan-love it. So easy too.
    Have a great day my friend.

  35. What a beautiful home. Great bones!! And, obviously they had the vision to see what it could become. Enjoy the day with the baby! You crack me up!!

  36. Great house, I see some things I'd keep, and some I'd do away with, fast. The wallpaper for example is quite uh hu uh, well you know.

  37. That house is going to be beautiful...can't wait to see what they do with it!

  38. I cannot wait to see the big reveal Diana...I know it's going to be stunning!!

  39. That's going to be a beautiful house. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Probably has been a great winter project. Don't you wish losing weight was that easy? Hope CJK is feeling better soon.

  40. Oh Diana, this looks like a lot of work, but my husband used to be a Contractor, and if anybody can finish the project, THEY CAN.

    I hope they soon get the house of their dreams. Keep moving forward, and it will be completed before they know it.

    Hope baby feels better. Coughs are so terrible.


  41. I love what they're doing with the house! I've always adored a built in bench seat in a bay window. Can't wait to see the pics when it's finished! Well, I don't have any "little" boys anymore (mine are taller than me now) but if I put the cat down, I'll surely lose about 12 pounds. Lol!

  42. The home is beautiful..I like how they have opened it up but are keeping some of the nice lines.
    I do hope the sweet little one feels better soon and congrats on your 'weight loss' ...haha. xo

  43. Thank you for the continuing to update us, on the house project. I'm sure it will be fantastic.

    But pooohie, you *cheated*! I thought you really had a weight loss idea! Phooooie! ,-)

    Hope he is better sooooon.

    Gentle hugs,

  44. Wow, they have made alot of progress, Diana! How exciting! The house looks so much happier already, getting rid of that icky kitchen and all traces of 1970! I did actually like the wall paper in the stairway. That is awesome that your sil is a contractor, can't wait to see the finished project! Oh, are the having to redo the entire house, bathrooms and all? Hope little CJK is feeling better soon, poor little guy!

  45. You funny girl!!!
    I am in love with the outside of their home and I am sure that the inside will soon be just as beautiful Diana. I so enjoyed walking through this phase of the redo!
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
    sending hugs...

  46. Home improvement what fun, the dust but it's all worth it in the end, it will look lovely when finished.

  47. And once again Diana gets a giggle from us...very good laugh at the end.

    The house is gorgeous, great bones are always a good choice.


  48. Beautiful home, I can't wait to see the finished product!

    Oh, the baby comment made me laugh!

  49. Oh my goodness we are doing a little remodeling - ask them if they have any hits to take wall paper down! lol It is going to look beautiful. And I hate when little ones cough - it hurts me.

  50. It's going to be fantastic, can't wait to see it finished! Poor baby hate to see them with a cough.

  51. That house is going to be gorgeous..It has great bones...Love your weight loss plan Diana..

  52. The house is going to be so pretty! It has great bones and the Brawny Man is definitely adding the sizzle! It's going to be gorgeous! Love your weight loss plan. May I borrow him for a while? Happy Valentine's Day, sweet Diana! I know your day will be very special!

  53. WOW, A LOT has been done and looking forward to the completed remodel! LOL about losing the 24 lbs :)
    Happy Valentine's day!

  54. The house is looking great! Love how they opened things up and are updating it - 70's decor isn't among my favs ;)
    Hope your grandson is soon better and you cracked me up about how to lose 24 pounds!

  55. The house is beautiful and i can't wait to see the insides all finished! Love your weight loss program - well, not really. Pick up that little baby again!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  56. I would love to have that huge window for my house plants!

  57. Ha, Ha! If only I had a baby to put down. '-)
    Looks like the remodel is moving right along. They are making some great changes.

  58. Love the baby, joke! My grandmother used to tell a joke like that..."Did you hear that Diana's daughter lost an arm? Oh no, what happened? She had a baby!" She told that joke over and over again and laughed at herself every single time!
    Love the house pics...I am a total house junkie. They are doing a great job. They definitely have vision! I am waiting for the next post with baited breath! :)

  59. What a beautiful home they have and when it's finished it will be spectacular. Thank goodness he is a contractor. Hope the baby is better soon, that croup is terrible.

  60. What a beautiful home! Happy Valentine's Day!

  61. Wow, Diana - that house is gorgeous!!!! I love what they're doing with it. Smart, chic, and beautiful decisions!!!!

    xoxo laurie

  62. Diana, that little Sweet Cheeks is one lucky little girl. What a beautiful home, it looks brand new from the outside. I love the improvements they are making and that staircase is magnificent. When I see wallpaper being removed and done away with, I get itchy to do the same thing. I have too much of it. It is lovely and I can't wait for more pictures. You don't need to lose weight even if you did put the baby down!..Happy Valentine's Day..Judy

  63. Hope the little one will be well soon.

    The changes they have made to the house are so nice. I love seeing before and after pictures.

  64. Your son in law is not only talented with a hammer, he's a genius too!!!!

  65. Hi Diana, looks like the work is coming along great. Love the changes!! It is a beautiful home and going to be fabulous when complete.
    Happy Valentine's Day and have a great weekend.

  66. Such a beautiful home to be dated in the 70's. It's going to be gorgeous when they finish the renovation...can't wait to see it! So wonderful that your s-i-l can do so much.


  67. Beautiful home! Love your tip!! lol


  68. Gorgeous home! I really admire people who are handy and can do their own renovations. Looking forward to the progress!


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