
Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Irish Grandboys And A bit Of Irish Wit

My father was an Irishman,
with a touch of English in his birthright.
But, basically, he was Irish, like his mother.
He often quoted us little ditties like this one.

"You gave me the key of your heart, my love;
Then why do you make me knock?"
"Oh-that was yesterday, Saint's Above!
And last night-I changed the lock!"

These little ones have MY heart and
I will never change the lock.
When I look at my daughter Mimi's two boys
I see my father's side of the family.
My father would have loved these children so.
Does this, our Big Boy E, not look
like a little Irishman through and through?
This is his school picture from this year-Age 4
And his brother is coming right up behind him.
Our little Charles-In-Charge- Age two!
They are such sweet little boys.
Smart as whips and fun.

I love this expression on Big Boy E's face.
It is one I have seen before but
was never able to capture.
Is that not dear?

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Yes, they are very Dear! NOt much beats the sweetness of a little boy.. or little girl.. but there is something about a little boy isnt there?
    happy sunday! stay warm! its brutally cold here.

  2. Absolutely adorable, and yes very Irish. I bet your dad is looking down and smiling. xo Laura

  3. Such adorable boys! Thanks for sharing the sweet photos.

  4. Oh Diana, be still my heart! They are precious! Oh my, yes they look Irish and oh so very handsome! Know you mist be having a wonderful time with them, oh the fun going on under your roof must be a blast!

  5. Such handsome boys and yes they do look very Irish. So cute!

  6. Precious faces and definitely Irish looking! Happy Sunday- the Irish eyes are smiling!

  7. Such sweet little boys. Love those pictures. You are right, they look very Irish.

  8. Oooh Diana, they are both just adorable!... and yes, they look like little Irish lads... love their beautiful sweaters and beret... Jack is Irish and one day I would sooo love to visit Ireland!... wishing you a beautiful Sunday, xoxo Julie Marie PS Love the cute little Irish saying too...

  9. Very, very precious little Irishmen...

    So happy you captured that "face," for all time now.

  10. They do look very Irish and sweet! I love seeing their wee faces!

  11. Precious photos. Such handsome little boys.

  12. You should call them your lucky charms. Sweet faces, but do they have the irish temper?
    Its amazing how fast they are growing and how I have watched them grow here. Guess I have been visiting for a long while now.

  13. Your grandsons are adorable and so handsome in their sweaters and flat caps. Thanks for sharing their sweet photos. Have a great Sunday.

  14. Such cute little boys, but oh, that last photo, he looks like he is going to cry :(

  15. They are both real cuties, Diana! Love that hat on both of them!

  16. Diana, I love your little Irishmen. Too cute for words. I saw your post yesterday and could have done one just like....but I can't find my blog, not installed on this new computer...don't even know how to do that. Soon will be getting a young man to help us out. Take care ,, be safe. xoxo,Susie

  17. Diana, Your little Irishmen are adorable. Big E has grown so very much and it only seems like yesterday he was the size of CJ. They keep grandma young. I love the color of their hair. The last picture of Big E is so lovable. He might not think so. They have a way when they don't want their pictures taken. Stay warm and safe, I am going to watch Matt play this morning. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  18. Such handsome boys! And oh yes, their Irish heritage shines through!

  19. What cute little leprechauns, Diana!
    Love their oh so expressive faces. And just look at their thick hair! You are one lucky Nana!

  20. OMGoodness they are precious. Love the rosy cheeks!

  21. So cute! The boys made me think of a song and I'm trying to remember the words...when Irish eyes are smiling...... I'll be humming that tune all! Hugs, Penny

  22. I'm Irish and Irish on Dad's side and Irish, English and French on my mother's side..........but Irish almost always prevails, esp if the Patriarch is all or nothing!

    Your G'boys are so cute it made my heart squeeze. SO CUTE. They may looks like your dad, but they look like YOU too. You are such an Irish lass.

    Hugs, and the Saints be with you. Especially Saint Brigid!

  23. The boys are adorable and their expression is priceless. The Irish are great proud great people. I have my own little red headed little great Granson......xo

  24. Very dear little boys...and very Irish. How blessed you are...

  25. Such precious pictures, Diana! They definitely look like little Irishmen! :)

  26. Your grand boys are adorable!!
    They truly do look Irish.

    I am half Irish on my dad's side. In fact there is a village in Ireland that almost all inhabitants have the same last name as my dad.

  27. What handsome lads and looks like someone needs a hug! Enjoy your day sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  28. they are such cute boys! Love their expressions! Have a great day!

  29. Awww...adorable and the caps are just the thing!

  30. what adorable boys Diana! they are too cute and love their outfits.

  31. They are just beautiful little guys. Love their hats.

  32. They are just beautiful little guys. Love their hats.

  33. Beautiful lads they are. I'm sure your buttons fell off.

  34. What sweet, handsome Irishmen you have there! I love their little outfits and hats. My hubby is Irish too and I really wanted to name one of our boys "Liam" but he wouldn't go for it. Oh well. :)

  35. oh Diana, they are beautiful little boys and do look so Irish. You have such beautiful grandchildren. How blessed you are. Enjoy them while you can - they grown up so quick.
    Have a terrific week. Hope all are feeling better.

  36. You can definitely tell they have Irish in them! They are beautiful boys. I love that school pic of the first one!!

  37. All are just adorable.. we are 1/4 Donahue, don't ya know it.

  38. Such beautiful boys! The older one reminds me of Prince William when he was young.

  39. Adorable! Oh my goodness! Heartbreakers for sure!

  40. Diana, I love the name you have devised for them. And yes, Big Boy E does have the Irish look about him. And Charles-in-Charge is growing before our very eyes. They are so cute!

  41. PRECIOUS!!! My grandmother was a Scottish war bride who moved to Canada and we were her Scots grandchildren: Elizabeth, Ian, Malcolm, and Katherine!

  42. Oh my goodness, Diana, they are just too precious! Out of six grandchildren, we got one boy and he's more than halfway to being a man at twelve. Can I have one of yours, please please?

  43. As my father and grandfather would say... He's got the map of Ireland on his face!!! Gorgeous boys. they should model for Ralph Lauren... have a great week, sweet Diana.

  44. Sweet boys Diana! I love children but have such a soft spot for boys!
    Hope you are having a lovely
    Pamela xoxo

  45. They are precious and yes, look very Irish..The first picture reminds me of the gang of "bad" boys that I think were Irish in an old movie..Maybe it was "our gang" but they probably weren't Irish..Can't remember but that's kinda the story of my life...

  46. Yes, SO dear! Your little Irishmen have the sweetest faces!

  47. Oh my goodness I can't express how precious these little boys look!!! Yes Irish through and through!

  48. Hi Diana, you can certainly see the Irish in these two fine lads, as my own Irish father would say.
    They are precious boys!

  49. good lord.
    your have the most beautiful grandchildren.
    yes. the boys look completely like wee irish lads! they do!

  50. my grandson, whom I not supposed to talk about, has inherited all the Irish/Scottish genes in the family. He is a gorgeous red-haired boy with piercing blue eye, much like your sweet grands. I just love it, seeing the red/blue being passed down. I thought it would end with me!

  51. There is a lot of celt showing through in them for sure! Love the hat.

  52. They remind me so much of my two - a red head and a blonde.

  53. What a couple of fine lookin' lads! So cute! Hugs, Leena

  54. Blessed my socks off!
    I love the Irish myself!
    Roxy xo

  55. Oh, they are sweet boys, Diana. And they DO look Irish, don't they? I don't know if you know this but Jess and Nel are Irish too on their father's side. Every Irish I've met is a happy person. Oh, the luck of the Irish.

    These pictures are so special.


  56. I can see why they have your heart! They are absolutely adorable little Irishmen!

  57. Oh my goodness, two precious boys! I see the Irishman in these sweet faces! They do melt your heart!

  58. Jaden had a very irish look except he has hazel brown eyes. My husband looks very irish because he is. What adorable little boys you get to love just precious pictures.

  59. Oh my gosh...that was SO funny! He's an imp but AAAdorable!

  60. They are dolls and do look Irish - your dad would be proud, I have a red head too - from my grandmother who had Irish.

  61. Adorable! Yes, they look very Irish. :) I understand about your Dad....I think mine would have been crazy in love with my grands. As I think about it, maybe he and Abby are together. I'm sure there's an awful lot of reunions in Heaven!


  62. Handsome little boys - and boy do they have that special little twinkle in their eyes! It must be so much fun to be their grandma! Lucky you!


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~