
Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Cold Winter Day Means Peanut Brittle In The Microwave & Avoiding The Calories

WHAT do you do when it is too cold
to go out to the playhouse?
We have had WEEKS of this.
In this picture that "foggy" look is 
snow coming down and blowing.
That innocent looking drift goes almost to my waist.

WE are going to make Peanut Brittle today.
Or, in my case, 
I found the recipe at Roxy's Living From Glory To Glory
I will include the recipe at the end.
Here is what you need:
Sugar, Karo Syrup, Peanuts (or almonds),
Butter, Vanilla & Baking Soda.
Make sure you use a 
(not all bowls will take this kind of heat)

Mix the sugar and Karo together.
It will make a pasty mess that you can hardly stir.
Pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes 40 seconds
While this is cooking HEAVILY BUTTER a cookie sheet.
Remove mixture from oven and 
add 2 cups of  peanuts or almonds.
DO NOT STIR-just push them down into sugar
Don't freak out cuz they barely fit into the sugary stuff.
.Ummm...that is NOT my hair in there
regardless of what my kids might tell you.
After 2-1/2 mintues remove and add 
the butter and vanilla.
Nuke another minute and half and remove 
and add baking soda.
It is gonna froth and bubble like a witch's cauldron.
What did you say?
Who you calling a witch?
 QUICKLY spread onto buttered cookie sheet.
Use the back of a buttered spoon to spread it thin.
It will look a mess but don't worry about it.
I waited a tad too long taking pictures so this is not spread as 
thin as the last time I made it.

Then, I covered it with tinfoil and put it on the 
shoveled off back deck to cool. 
Weather temp is Zero-It cooled fast!;>)
Otherwise, inside it hardens in about 45 mintues.
Once it is set break it up into pieces.
Now...Here is
And break off little pieces when no one is home.......
Shhhh...It's our SWEET LITTLE secret!
And if you tell I will make you go sit in the is NOT heated!

Oh- I almost forgot-How do you
Don't eat it! Just feed it to your friends.
Remember- The fatter they get the 
skinnier you look standing next to them!

Here's the recipe:

Peanut  Brittle
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup Karo syrup
2 scant cups nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon baking soda

In a 2-quart Pyrex bowl, stir together 1 cup sugar and ½ cup white syrup) 
Microwave on high for 3 minutes, 40 seconds.
Remove from microwave and add 2 scant cups (cups not quite full) dry roasted salted peanuts. Punch them down into the mixture. Do not stir.
Return to microwave and cook for 2 minutes, 30 seconds. Remove from microwave and add — but don't stir —1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 teaspoon butter. Microwave for 1 minute, 30 seconds.

Remove from microwave and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon baking soda. Stir the mixture. It will foam. Immediately pour mixture onto the heavily buttered surface. Drag the bowl along to make sure the mixture is flat. Using a spatula, lift the candy and scoot it around, so it doesn't stick to the surface. Let the mixture cool until completely hardened, about 45 minutes. Break into pieces.

As a side note- I made this in two different microwaves with different power levels/wattage.  It came out perfectly in both of them.  The time might be off for the really low wattage (700-800W) microwaves. Those are the older ones-most newer ones are at least 1000W. 



  1. Looks yummy. I love that you can chill it outside. We can never do that here!

  2. Well yay for you finding and sharing this recipe and giving your own hilarious take on making it. I haven't had peanut brittle in ages, love it. I am def going to have to try this one day very soon.

    Thank you! YUM!!

  3. PS

    Share this with Foodie Friday over at Rattlebridge Farm blog linky party if you haven't yet done so, I know they will love it too.

  4. Yum... I make peanut brittle all of the time, never tried the microwave or with almonds, may have to try it this way...
    Thanks for sharing...& stay warm.. same weather here across the lake... everyday the weatherman says the same " 4 - 6 more in. blowing & drifting, stay inside" ugh!!!

  5. I love microwave peanut brittle...and almond peanut brittle too!

  6. Looks like scrumptious almond brittle! Oh, I would love to be your neighbor and drop on for a bite of that! Bet we could visit awhile too!

  7. How amazing does that recipe look!!!I'll definitely be over for a cup of tea and some of that lovely almond brittle.

    Stay cozy this weekend. Yesterday's storm dumped at least 8 inches of snow in our area. Too cold to even enjoy ice skating.

  8. It's making my mouth water! I'll have to sit in the playhouse with a little bowl of raw almonds! lol But it sure looks good! Enjoy your day my friend. And visit me when you can. I need some more support! hahaha!!!

  9. Look at those drifts! Oh my no one is playing in the little house for awhile. That almond brittle looks yummy. One of the vendors for the Riot weekend has "moonshine brittle" anxious to see that!

  10. YUM!!! It really looks good...but I'm too lazy to make it, and fortunately (for the calorie count) I just eat the almonds. Last night I had a chocolate craving, so whipped up a pan of brownies :-( Today, when I want to go out, I can't until I ask someone to come and clear the snow. bummer.

  11. Good Morning, Yummy Yummy. I love peanut brittle and get told one of these days it will break my denture. I haven't made any mainly because I would eat it all. I try to not keep sweets in house because I WOULD eat them all. We were at 42 this morning when I got up, the temperature is dropping. Have a great day and stay warm and safe. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend

  12. Yum! I really think you are trying your best to fatten us up, Diana! Your snowy play house looks just magical, not to mention brrrr cold! We are having a heat wave here today:)
    Oh, I love your painted table in your last post! Have a great weekend, and keep warm!!

  13. Oh, oh, oh, how decadent can you get?!? Yummmmmmmmm....

    "Froth and bubble like a witch's cauldron"... Oh that sounds like fun!!!

    Stay warm!

    Snow here today, also..


  14. Mmm, that looks good and totally worth the calories!

  15. I would love this!

    My dad's childhood friend would always bring our family peanut brittle at Christmas when we were kids. We thought that was funny since he was a dentist!

  16. Golly, I have never thought of using almonds!! This is a Ta Da moment for me! You are so smart!
    I really appreciate you linking to me! I am crying...
    You have always given honor to others!
    Thank you and we are going to try this!!
    Blessings, Roxy

  17. I think if you headed out there you may be lost and never found. Best stay inside and eat your yummy brittle.

  18. Oh does that look good! Snowing here and I have a pot of veg ham and bean soup on the stove and oatmeal cookies in the oven and I am eating one as as read :)

  19. Yum, yum! You do have the solution, though. Give it to your friends.:) xo Nellie

  20. Wow. I am impressed. Candy making is something I never do on a bad weather day for fear it won't come out. Looks as if yours came out just right!

  21. H loves peanut brittle, I will definately make him some of this! Can't cool it outside today though...we'll be in the 60's. Sorry to rub that in ...the devil made me do it! Hugs, Penny

  22. Yum. I love brittle, so I will be copying this. Check out my blog today. Be sure to answer the question. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo

  23. Yummy yummy yummy! This looks and sounds so good. Your secret is safe with me as I hide my little goodies just from my hubby. :)
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. I used to make peanut brittle for my dad each year at Christmas time. He loved it.

  25. Oh yeah! Wow! Just can't believe this snow!

  26. mmmmmmmmm..... your phoos are good enough to eat and they are calorie free! I am going to save this recipe though. I am going to make it when I lose the 15 pounds I gained between Halloween and New Years Day...

  27. Oh yum!!! Peanut brittle has always been a favorite...

  28. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Just sayin!

  29. That looks so good, I know I'd have to hide it from my husband. The playhouse looks so cute with the snow all over it.

  30. Diana, Back on line but not blogging...cause I don't know what's up. Glad you are safe and warm. Miss all my blog pals. xoxo,Susie

  31. too snowy...ha! funny girl! ah, what the heck...77 can be brittle weather too! ;}

    m ^..^

    {that dreamy snowy playhouse picture made my day! ;}

  32. What a cute little playhouse. Almond brittle, that sounds very good. I am afraid, if I made it, I would most likely hide it and keep it to myself. The almonds would not be the problem, the brittle would be!!!! Oh well, life is too short not to enjoy!! You make me reading your blogs and emails!!

  33. Looks delicious! However I have done my baking for today. I made vegan cookies and fudge! I only eat stuff like this once in a while and when I do, it's a real treat!

  34. Oh sweet Nanna. Watch your teeth. I hope your not going to eat it all.

    better call Mr. Piggy. Not your hubby. Mr piggy himself.
    You know that commercial where he is seen on the screen at the football game.

    Diet is calling you. 2014.

    I know I am a crasher.

  35. That looks simple enough. And you could probably adjust the recipe to be more or less nutty. I would prefer peanuts to almond, but probably not as many but I think I could easily cut it down. More brittle.... less nuts. I'll have to remember that recipe if we ever get snowed in here.

  36. This looks so very good! Why oh why don't I have some almonds or peanuts in the house? I'd be making this! I wonder if pecans would be okay? Hmmmm.

  37. Oh my goodness, your almond brittle looks amazing.

    But I think I love the snow outside your house even more. :~)


  38. Looks yummy! I'll have to try this! My goodness, the snow is incredible!I cannot believe the drifts are up to your waist; that's a lot of snow! Stay safe and warm!

  39. I love this recipe. I make this every Christmas. I haven't tried it with almonds, I used cashews one time but we love peanuts the best. Can you believe all this cold weather everywhere? You take care!

  40. You are a funny lady ~ You should be syndicated. Even your recipes make me laugh! Love it! ;)

  41. You're too funny..I think I would prefer the Almonds..Good idea..I agree with Kim M..Thanks for sharing your recipe..When all else fails..cook???

  42. Oh, Diana, it looks delicious! My kind of treat! I just have to get out of this holiday eating pattern! John's brother and wife are coming for dinner tomorrow and I made a cheesecake, so... Monday ;)

  43. Burrr, Diana. I don't know how you do it. Winters full of severe cold temps and all that snow would be the end of me. I'd probably spend all my time snuggled in by a fire eating goodies like your almond brittle and drinking mugs of hot chocolate.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  44. This looks SO good, Diana! It reminds me a lot like the caramel we made. So putting the Karo/sugar mixture in the microwave makes it easier to stir? I just know hubby would love this! And he will have to hide it from me! :)


  45. Diana this looks so good. I would love it made with almonds like this. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
    Love the playhouse.
    Stay warm!!

  46. so it's that what you are saying??? This looks delish and if you eat it when it's that cold out then I think the calories freeze instantly and there is no need to be concerned, you probably have to eat it outside though for that to work! I wonder how many teeth I could break eating that...hmmm, then there is another way to avoid calories!

  47. Aww, that recipe was a nice walk down memory lane. My nana used to make peanut brittle and I haven't had any since she passed away in the 1992. Thanks for the recipe!

    Keep warm!

  48. Great recipe thank you for sharing.....And for goodness sakes...Next time wear a hair net lol!!


  49. I just loooove brittle but I have never made it in the microwave. I will have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing. I promise I won't tell...pleeeze don't make me sit in the playhouse.
    BTW, we are supposed to have snow flurries on Tuesday night. I am staying up to see that, cuz I know it will last about 3 minutes.
    xoxo Ginger

  50. YOU are the cutest little thing!!
    I would make it but ...I know darn good and well that my friends and the kids would get very little. We are already over weight! PH is retire, home ALL the time and I never get to sneak a single thing!
    Looks SOOOO good though!

  51. Dianna,
    Okay, that is a lot of snow!! We don't have much snow but it is still in the single digits and teens here as far was the temps. go.

    Your grandsons are the cutest little things!!

    And the peanut brittle looks so good!!

    Thanks for stopping by!!


  52. Oh Diana! Your posts crack me up! You literally put a smile on my face with every one! This recipe is very dangerous for me because I LOVE almonds! I'm actually snacking on jordan almonds right now. I love easy recipes like this. I love that pic of the playhouse covered in snow, but I bet you're getting really tired of the white stuff about now. Hope Spring comes early for you this year!

  53. Make a batch and send it south, that is how you get rid of it, without gaining Wish I'd had this recipe when I had that large bag of almonds a few days ago.

  54. I do love your reasoning on the calories! I'm afraid I would have to hide it from myself, because it looks way too good!

  55. Thanks for making me drool all over my computer keys... YUM!!!

  56. Well, this confirms why I like you so much -- "Hide it!" Yes, Diana, you are a woman after my own heart. I often "bake and hide." Hmmn, but I like the idea of letting my friends get fat!

  57. Your snowdrifts looks worse than mine. I'll stop complaining. DO NOT post such tempting recipes when I am determined to lose some weight!

  58. NO WAY! and we here in Ga cant seem to drive in 2', I cringe to think what would happen if we got more. But sadly, it was not all snow, it was ice then later we got the snow. I dont think anyone could drive on ice in our hilly state.

    The bark looks great, I would not be able to stop at just one piece.

    Stay warm

  59. Diana, I ADORE your sense of humor! ADORE IT! It sprinkles every post with fun! So glad I found you!


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