
Friday, January 24, 2014

Annie Sloan Saved The Day-er-Table

After Christmas I switched a room around
and have a "free-floating" chair.
The chair is down-filled and 
it swivels and rocks.
Now, while that is a bonus it also 
creates a problem.
Where the heck am I going to put my coffee cup?
Y'all KNOW how much I love my coffee!

I need a little table!

It has to be a SMALL table because otherwise
I can't swivel the chair.
 I remembered I have a little table
that is kind of a discard.

With chalk paint there ARE NO discards.
Here's what she looked like last night
sitting between my chair and the fireplace.
Pretty cute, huh?
Wanna see her UGLY face?
She looked like this when I started.
I wanted a little lower shelf for a basket
to hold my pens and a pad and camera cord.
No way to cut a piece of wood to fit today.
I need a template.
How to make a template?
How about tinfoil?
Using the template I cut a piece of cardboard to fit.
Pretty ugly, huh?
No problem.  We (me, myself &I) wrapped
 that baby with heavy muslin.
Ready to paint I turn the piece upside down on these little cheese colored supports.
If you have never used these things 
to paint with you need to 
pick some up at Home Depot. 
They are cheap and can hold a ton of weight.
They keep the object elevated so you can paint 
all the way down to the base.
First coat on-
Finishing up...
A light sanding, wax, and slight distressing
and she is ready to go
once I slip the "shelf" into place.
Lamplight gives her a golden glow.
Not bad for a discard!
Can you believe it?
Well-YOU might not believe me but I bet I can
trick the grandkids!!!!!

Have a great Friday!


  1. So, you like your coffee HOT!!!!!

    Very cute table and I've never seen the helpful painting gadgets...I like that!

  2. I've not seen that painting gadget either. Chris will need a few of those. Love the transformation.

  3. You are so clever. Love it. Blow on that coffee before you drink it

  4. How sweet that turned out, I have to look for those gadgets too they would be a big help while painting!

  5. Great transformation - and just the perfect size!!

  6. Very nice! I need a little table too, but haven't found one yet. Nice to know about the little rubber "cheeseheads."

  7. I have a table, Chalk paint and brushes purchased, but I have never redone anything and I'm nervous to try. Is it really that easy? Your table looks great.

  8. Hot coffee, a golden glow, a sweet little table and all is looking lovely.

  9. Your table looks so pretty! Didn't know about those little supports. What a fabulous idea. I need to get some. Until now, I have been using to sticks of wood. LOL

  10. You are on fire today, Diana! : ) Your little table turned out great. I love when you can make something over that you already have.

  11. That's pretty darn cute for an old lady. Fire out of your cup, I believe...something has to keep you moving at that age!
    Oh, the candle in the careful there. I had one break on the entertainment center once because of the heat...was oozed out, I was right here and heard it pop or we could have had a fire.

  12. That's pretty darn cute for an old lady. Fire out of your cup, I believe...something has to keep you moving at that age!
    Oh, the candle in the careful there. I had one break on the entertainment center once because of the heat...was oozed out, I was right here and heard it pop or we could have had a fire.

  13. Isn't it fun to breathe new life into an old table? Looks perfect!
    Mary Alice

  14. I want to see that chair with you in, hot coffee in hand with that adorable little table right beside you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Gail

  15. You are a nut! And yes, as long as there is paint, there are not discards! And I'm impressed by the fire coming out of your cup. Simple minds.... I wanted to let you know that my URL has changed. Stop by and follow me. if you want to :) I'd love to see your face on my follower list.

  16. that is a great idea how you made your bottom shelf. That is a smart, easy way to do it

  17. Love the table transformation as well as the description of the chair. Sounds like a spot a would really enjoy! xo Nellie

  18. So - that fire coming out of your cup must be a neat way to keep your coffee hot! LOL I hope you don't burn yourself drinking it.

  19. I love small side tables! They are so handy....for that flaming cup of rum! hahaha! Enjoy your day my friend! Thanks for the encouraging words yesterday. You are such a sweet friend! HUGS!

  20. Great job on the table. It looks really good!

  21. I love it Diana!! It's perfect! I have never actually painted with chalk paint before, I will eventually give it a whirl, but I will have to have a perfect little table like you have!!!
    I hope you have a great weekend,
    Much love to you,
    Tammy x

  22. Hi Diana, It is awesome what you do with so many different things. I love your little table and I would love to have a fireplace to sit in front of to do embroidery, drink coffee, or just read. I have been wrapped up in an afghan even though the house isn't that cold. I think it is just because of the wind. Have a wonderful day and stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  23. Well, look at you Missy! You are so the clever one! That is a great looking table. Now, you've really impressed me!

  24. Well, look at you Missy! You are so the clever one! That is a great looking table. Now, you've really impressed me!

  25. Clever, very clever! I have never seen these gadgets. Enjoy that cup of joe and stay inside.

  26. Sweet little table for your HOT coffee! Great little yellow thing-a-ma-jigs you have there, sure beats the storage lids that I use when painting.

  27. Great job on that discard! I am most amazed at your template!! That is a great idea to use tin foil!! I will remember that one!
    You curl up in your comfy chair and enjoy your coffee, that's exactly what I am doing at this very moment!

  28. A great job, and yes AS has saved my cheese more then

    Got to get some of those thingies.


  29. Hmmmm, I just got shut out of Blogger. Not sure if my comment went, or not.

    So..... A very neat project done!!!!

    And I'll believe that you have fire coming out of your cup, if you want me to. What are blogging friends for, hu?


  30. It is amazing what paint can do!! I love the little table now! The cup and the wine both look fabulous! Thanks for sharing you makeover at TTF!

  31. Isn't paint wonderful? Your little table looks terrific. I need something like that for one of my chairs. Flea markets, here I come! And, thanks for the tip about the little gadget to help with painting. Neat!

  32. Well look at you Miss DIY'er! That is so darn clever and love that cute little table perfect place for it too.
    Great job.

  33. I keep saying I need to get myself a can of that stuff. I don't know what color I would commit to, though! And at the price, one can is about all this broke mom could afford.

  34. Hi girlfriend~love your "new" table. I for one, hubby for two, had never seen the supports-we will have to look for them. I do have to say that I have matching coffee-but no saucer. Love the pattern and wish I had more.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  35. It looks like you're going to burn yourself on your coffee! Great job on the table. I have a few that you can work on if you've got the time!

  36. That is a very cute project Nana Diana, you did a great job on it and I love your ingenuity. Making a cardboard shelf is exactly the kind of thing that I would do. Love it!
    Hugs, Cindy

  37. I like the table. Is it white? You can't go wrong with Annie Sloan.

  38. Oh Diana... I LOVE your little table!... how clever you are to make that little shelf on the bottom... it turned out so pretty!... I love your "fire" going in your Old British Castles cup too!... pure magic!... xoxo Julie Marie

  39. You are so creative! I would have never even thought to make a shelf. It looks great and I'm glad your coffee time will be safe :)

  40. I'd love to be sitting by that fire and drinking with you. Coffee, wine, whatever. :)

    Great job on the table! Looks very cute now and I understand needing a spot for a drink.


  41. Never heard of chalk paint before, wonder if that would work on my porch. I like a dull finish, will have to check it out.

    I do like your little table and the transformation is amazing. You sure are a creative person. I like how you added that little shelf...well done you!!

  42. Hi Diana,
    Love your little table transformation. Love the cozy fireplace too.
    Thanks for the tip on those cheesy thingees, I might have to get some of those.


  43. Old White is my absolute favorite Annie color...I have used up 2 cans and am on my third. Great job on this little table. Hope you have lovely weekend Diana...stay warm by that fire!

  44. To me I feel I have just watched a miracle unfold. AWESOME!

  45. What an adorable makeover, Diana! This is so nice now- paint magic! I love the way you added a shelf! Who knew tinfoil, cardboard and muslin could become a shelf? This is a fabulous size; I know you'll enjoy it once again.

  46. BRAVO- that's a wonderful perfect little table, Diana! Yay!

    Have a happy weekend. Glad Cheeks is feeling better - she looked so tired and sad in her last post. You are such a good G'Ma.


  47. That's pretty hot stuff you're drinking there Diana..Cute table..Perfect for what you need..
    Those yellow thingys look like the things they use to keep the box lids away from the pizza..

  48. Love the table and thanks for the shout out on those "cheesy lifts"….will be getting those soon!

  49. She is perfectly beautiful now friend! WOW! And what a genius idea for the shelf! I love it! And like you I need a little spot for my mug at the end of the day! Ok and those supports....I have never seen them before...I need to get them!! Thank you! Happy weekend you...we are getting blasted again next week...calling for possibly the coldest temps in 50 years! Oh the joys of living in Chicago!!! Stay warm!! Nicole xoxo

  50. Love that bright bit of sunshine! Looks great!


  51. Adorable, it looks like my end tables in my cottage!

  52. You are just brilliant, Diana. lol I never would have thought of using tin foil as a template. And those little yellow thingies are a great idea! Gotta pick some up for my projects! Hope you're surviving this Siberian winter, dear heart. Are you hating it as much as I am....??? :)

    xoxo laurie

  53. This looks so cozy next to the fire! You are brilliant! I've never seen aluminum foil used to make a template before. So smart. Cute table!

  54. Looks great! Is your coffee cup 'castles of Scotland'? I love red transferware but do not have a single piece. Maybe I need another collection :) have a great weekend. It's cold and snowy here. I'm sure it's colder and snowier there!

  55. That ugly, little table had a very sweet face waiting to be discovered. The cardboard shelf is pretty ingenious, too!

  56. Hello, I have always been drawn like a magnet to little tables. I have been known to have more tables then chairs in any given room :)
    Our son is building another new shop; I asked him if I was getting my own work table? I guess I will believe it when I see it.
    I went out yesterday to check our Antique shops looking for some Red and White Transferwear!
    It is truly a want and not a need, what I need is moisture cream...
    Blessings, Roxy

  57. What a sweet little table and how clever are you, making that bottom shelf? Really resourceful idea! Man, that's some hot coffee - it's flaming! I bet the grandkids will fall for it too LOL! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Leena

  58. Hi Diana, isn't this the cutest table ever? I love it and your steps to the finish are great. You are so creative and so talented. The bottom shelf is such a bonus. Is there anything you can't do??
    That's some hot flamin coffee!!
    Stay warm.

  59. Your little table is perfect, and I love a swivel chair! I've never seen those neat painting support things. I'll definitely have hubby pick some up for me the next time he's at Home Depot. I love useful little gadgets like that!

  60. You surely breathed new life into that table -- now it's a keeper not a discard. Very clever how you made that little shelf. Looks very pretty near the fireplace. Hey, I bet that coffee is HOT!

  61. The table looks great! I have been thinking of trying chalk paint. I've gotta get off my duff and get busy.

  62. I love what you did!!!

    Diana, I want to thank you for your wonderful comments and encouragement on my blog posts! You are always so supportive of my blog, and have been since the very beginning - and I want you to know how MUCH it means to me. You put a huge smile on my face when I see your comments pop up on my moderation page <3

  63. Just catching up on your posts. I thought the table was yellow from the fire light!!! I am glad it is Old White. Your posts always make me smile. The grandkiddos are growing up too fast!!! Now I thought I read somewhere in comments that you are moving? Is it true?


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