
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday Night Update On CJK & KAWASAKI DISEASE

Praise God!
This child can rest comfortably tonight.
He has been treated for Kawasaki Disease.
We might never had heard about it 
except for a blogger stepping forward
with information here.

Yesterday he had an infusion to 
treat the disease.

This morning he smiled and said
"NANA"  when I walked in the room.
He does NOT need a blood transfusion.

He felt well enough to take a ride
in the red wagon at his disposal.
Daddy lifted him up to look at the Christmas tree.
And after a few bites to eat he was off to dreamland.
See Spongebob smiling?
He is smiling because CJK is healing.
He has been treated for Kawasaki Disease
and will have to have a few follow up checkups 
to monitor his heart.
Our little boyo should be coming home soon.
Until then, you know that I will be sitting up in the
hospital waiting for one more smile.
Even a half smile like this one will do.
I want to give a 
Her son, Grayson, had Kawasaki Disease
and she posted about it- 
possibly saving my grandson's life-
or at least his heart from damage.
She  sent me her phone number
so that my daughter-in-law 
could call her personally.
Where else in the world would you find
people like that?

I have thought at times that maybe I should 
quit blogging-actually talked about it 
with my daughter but decided to 
keep blogging until the end of the year anyway.
I think God has me here for a reason 
and maybe, just maybe, it is to 
help someone else like we were helped.

To everyone-thank you, thank you, thank you,
for your prayers and your thoughts and your tears.
You are the best of the best and I am blessed
to be one of you.
My heart is overflowing and now, so are my eyes.

I will post again tomorrow to give you an update.


  1. Praise be to the Lord on High!

    This is indeed great news - what a wonderful Christmas present.

    Yes, prayers are heard. YAY!

    Bless his adorable little sweet heart. You hug him from all of us in Blogville, Diana. Thanks for the updates.

    Big hugs.

  2. What fabulous news....that 1/2 smile must look like a big grin to all of you! It is a small world, you blog and she blogs and you were brought together. Hopefully everyone will sleep a little better tonight. Praise God!

  3. This is just AWESOME!!!! I am crying typing this right now! To see your sweet boy in his red wagon is just wonderful!!!!!!! And to know that a group of bloggers can come together when times get tough just says something about this community!!!! I will continue to pray for him...and I will pray that he is home soon for the best Christmas ever! God bless friend!! Nicole xoxo

  4. Diana, I remember when Kristin's son was ill with this disease. Your grandson is so adorable and it's wonderful that he is doing better. Prayers were answered.

  5. Simply amazing! So glad to hear that you have an answer and can treat it. I know a boy with this same condition and he lives a very normal and active life. I will continue to say my prayers and I hope you get that sweet smile soon!


  6. Thank God. I am so happy to read your post tonight!! I just know that tomorrow your sweet little guy will have an even bigger smile for you. You all remain in my prayers.

  7. Crying....again! To see him in the wagon is a miracle, what a sweet boy. I am so glad he responded to the IVIG, I am so happy for your whole family, I am thankful for you. OK need to go get tissues, again. Someday I will see you in person and can give you a great big hug.

  8. Well add me to the list of boohoo-ers too! So so happy for your sweet little grandson and your family. Praise the Lord for leading Kristin to you!


  9. Praise God for his goodness to little CJK. I am so happy to see him getting better.

  10. Praise God! Tears in my eyes here again! We are still praying! What a blessing you have received through blogging by having this knowledge passed on to you!

    Precious, precious CJK - on the mend!

    Love and hugs,

  11. I am so glad to hear this good news. When I read what had happened, I was so amazed. Blogging really makes a difference in our lives. We make so many good friends but we also learn so much. My husband and I are both praying. Sweet hugs my friend!

  12. This is so wonderful!
    I'm so happy for you and your family.


  13. look at that precious angel...thank you God for answering prayers. Diana, don't you dare think about not blogging! you would truly be missed!

  14. Oh, I am so glad he is okay. I am late reading your blog. I know you will be so glad to see him running and smiling again. Take care and so glad Kristen was able to help. The blogging world is a wonderful thing!

  15. I'm so happy and relieved. As a Momma with a child who has ongoing heart issues, I'm so glad you were able to find a diagnosis and the much needed treatment. Praise GOD!

    PS. Please don't quit blogging. Each morning, you and Viv are the first blogs I peek at with my morning coffee. I'd be terribly lonely.

  16. Such wonderful news my friend...prayers have been answered!

    You better not think about going anywhere...I'd miss you!!

  17. AWESOME news Diana...blessings!

  18. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a breakthrough. I lifted y'all up as I worshipped today. Can't imagine what your family has been going through. XOXO

  19. Diana, praise God! I' thrilled he is better! What an amazing story! Kristen is just the sweetest blogger! This story just gives me chills! I think you have a sign about blogging! Much love to you and your family!

  20. Oh Diana... I have been praying so hard and watching for an update from you... I am so happy your baby boy is on the mend!... and no, you must not quit blogging... you are an angel here on earth and we all adore you... my mama always said the Lord moves in mysterious ways... and sweet friend, this might just be one of those ways... much love to you... I hope you can get some rest tonight... xoxo Julie Marie

  21. Thanking God for this blessing, Diana. Love and prayers to you and your sweet little guy.

  22. Praises from above! So, so happy he is getting better! He is such a cutie! And yes, I believe God wants you to keep on blogging... and sharing... and caring... and being you!

  23. Wow, what a praise! I'm so thankful you didn't quit blogging because the information you gleaned from other bloggers certainly helped save CJK from heart damage.

    This is such an amazing story, and we'll continue to pray for CJK, his Nana and the rest of your family.

    Ricki Jill

  24. Wonderful news Diana, your little man is healing, I went to see Nicholas for their churches St. Nicholas Day...he was so cute. Now Cj will be having a merry Christmas with you all!

  25. So glad that things are looking up! So grateful for this community of Blogdom and you are an important part of it.

  26. Those cheeks. Could he be any cuter, I don't think so. So glad he is better. What a miracle came out of a blog post. Diana, do you know how you would be missed if you stopped blogging. You are like the Welcome Wagon Lady of the blog world.
    My little guy is home but attached to an oxygen tank. Wish we didn't live so far away from him Get some glad about the baby. xo

  27. he looks wonderful!!! I am so happy for your family and the little guy. Thank God for bloggers and their generous hearts. Still praying, so thankful. take care...

  28. Praise the Lord!!! Thank you so much for letting us know this great news. Isn't our God good and He sure does work in mysterious ways. It will sure be wonderful to get your sweet little guy home. xoxo

  29. My eyes are welled and my heart is full. I am SO happy to read this post.

  30. I don't think you'll be able to keep him down much longer, Diana!
    Please don't leave the blogging world-sometimes you are the only laugh I have in a day!
    I love your wit and genuineness:>)

  31. Talk about divine intervention! Such wonderful news for your sweet little guy and family. Like others, we love what you add to the world of would not be the same without you. Jane

  32. OH this is such a happy post, Diana...what a sweetheart he is! I'm so glad he is doing better and will go home soon! Praise God!

  33. I am so happy for your darling little grandson....I love watching your blogging dear.

  34. Praise God your Grandson is on the mend What an incredible story as to how they figured it all out! Now please don't stop blogging, I just found you!

  35. I'm so glad they found out why he was so sick. I've taken care of many kids with Kawasaki's Disease. Scary when you don't know why a child is so sick. But he looks good in that pic. I hope his recovery will be quick and he will get to go home soon. And hugs to you.

  36. Prayers answered! Thank God that she is someone who reads your blog! I am so glad that he is doing better! He looks tired, but happy in the pictures. What a beautiful little boy!
    I hope you don't give up blogging. We would all miss you so much.

  37. Thanks so much for keeping us informed about that precious baby! God is so good.


  38. Oh Diana, what a miracle! Heavenly Father hears our prayers! xox

  39. Dear NanaDiana,

    I just read on somebody else's blog that your grandson was sick and I had to come and send you a few kind words. I'm relieved to read he is better and I hope he'll keep smiling more and more.


  40. So so happy to see him doing better Diana!
    Bloggland is an amazing place! Wow oh wow, this story is amazing.
    Prayers answered.

  41. So glad the doctors now know what to do to help him! Please keep us updated!

  42. what wonderful news. A Christmas miracle!

  43. The joy at reading this news has actually moved me to tears. I am so pleased CJK is responding to treatment, what a star Kristin is. I hope your grandson goes from strength to strength.

  44. It is great seeing him smile yet again. What a relief it is to know the cause and the correct way to treat it. Amen!!!!! xo

  45. Thank God! I am crying because I am so glad he is doing better. Continued prayers, Diana. xoxo

  46. I'm so happy for all of you. Seeing his sweet face is a treat. Hooray for the miracle that blogging has brought in your life!

  47. Thanks be to God!
    And I am crying as I write this, thankful so much for all of it, the woman who wrote about her son, the woman who told you about her blog and YOU for taking the time to listen! God bless all of you. Praying for your sweet grandson. Love, Kay

  48. Thank you for sharing this update and praise to God! You will each remain in my prayers! Please don't stop blogging! Love reading your blog, you make us feel like we have been your friend for a long time. I like that!

  49. I have been praying for your grandson, and am so glad they found a diagnosis! Praise God for how he puts the right people in our lives at the right times!

  50. Diana this is all such good news. I am over joyed for you all. God has worked in this trial and saved sweet CJK. I am so thankful for the bloggers who God placed here for this miracle to happen. Everything has a reason and it worked for the best outcome. Love the sweet pics and the smile on the face of such a precious little guy. Thank God!!!
    Prayers continue and blessings to you all.
    Big Hugs

  51. Praise God! So happy to hear he is doing better! Sending you my love. Maria

  52. Praise God from whom all blessings flow ...look at his sweet little half smile :) Happy Tears here :)

  53. Praise God!! Will continue to keep you in prayers.

  54. Praise God for answered prayers, so thankful! Will continue to pray.

  55. Diana, God is good. So are bloggers. Much to be thankful for now. Good to see little CJK awake and getting well. Bless all of you, xoxo,Susie

  56. Thank God, they found the culprit. Hope he continues to get back to his old adorable self!!

  57. I'm all teary here, Diana, but in a good way. I'm so, so glad that there was an answer to what was going on with your grandson. He looks like a little trooper, too. I bet everyone {including him} will be glad when he is home.

  58. Oh Diana SO glad to hear this news!! Will continue to keep your grandson & your family in my prayers!! Blessings... Vicki

  59. UGH! Just catching up with you, SO glad to hear your grandson is going to be OK, never heard of that disease, glad you've figured it out and he's gotten the right treatment.

  60. Praise the Lord and all the people say. Amen.

    We are to pray and leave the rest to our Heavenly Father that is all he asks of us. We all did.

    Praise the Lord for whom God sent to your bog to tell of this disease I never heard of.

    Our Lord does work in mysterious ways and he uses people whom he knows is the right one.

    I have never hear of that disease so it is an awakinging for me and all.

    Your Grandson spoke your name . How wonderful is that.

    I thank the Lord for your doctors and the staf and the caregivers in that hospital taking care of your Grandson. Again Amen.

    Love you Di.

    You have great prayer warrior's.

    We love you and your family and your darling beautiful Grandchildren.

    You and your hubby and family have touched our hearts many times.That is why we always come back to your blogs.

    God said the most important is when you LOVE each other.

    Us bloggers sure do that.
    Hugs xxxoooo reaching out.

  61. I'm so happy that CJK is doing better. This post brought tears to my eyes and I am not even an emotional person. And yes - I think God must have you blogging for a reason. And your blog got the word out there so that Kristin knew about CJK and could send you information. What a miracle.

  62. I am overjoyed! I know the fear that comes with seeing our wee ones sick and not able to tell us what is wrong! Or in this case the Doctors not knowing what was wrong. I know God's timing is perfect! I have been blessed by many blogs, and I always hope to encourage others! But at times I think it may take up some REAL time of my life and days.
    But that to needs to come from His direction.
    Love YOU!!

  63. Praise God indeed! I am so thankful for the "nudge" he gave me the other night after I had already commented, leaving my prayers for CJK. However, I felt Him nudging me to say more. Then, it hit me as I was talking with my youngest. Kristin!! Something she had written when Grayson was ill just clicked with something you had written. God truly brought us all together, and for that I am so very thankful. It is so wonderful to see that sweet little one smile again. God Bless!!

  64. Just had to tell my husband about this whole amazing and wonderful happening. How Blogging can be so, so, so, so, so wonderful. Which he completely agrees with, of course.


    Gentle hugs,

  65. Wow, this is truly a miracle, Diana, and an answer to prayers! I'm so, so thankful that the blogger reached out to you, it is just amazing how this was discovered!! I think you could write a book about all of this, the power of prayer. Who knew it would come in the form of blog land? It fills my heart with joy to see your sweet little grandson smiling and on the road to healing! You are all in my prayers, big, big hugs!
    love you!!

  66. Diana,
    It is so good to see that little handsome man feeling better. What a wonderful little miracle you received. He is truly blessed to have his Nana and what a wonderful way God put the answer in your court. Such a beautiful outcome. Hugs

  67. Oh Diana, this is the most amazing news. Blogging is such a wonderful way for us to share and receive information. I will continue praying for a rapid recovery for your sweet boy. xo Laura

  68. So glad all the prayers were answered...will keep praying!

  69. Absolutely wonderful news I am so glad that they have figured it out, and that the little one is getting better.


  70. Dear Diana! I am just so happy and relieved that everything turned out well. How you must have suffered emotionally from this trial! Our Lord is good! Such a sweet child is that little boy!

  71. I have not been blogging or reading for several days and actually thinking about stopping blogging also. And then, I read this and it confirms that blogging has a wonderful purpose of bringing people together.

    I am so happy that the little guy is doing well. Who would have thought that someone's comment on a blog would be what saved him.

    My thoughts are with your family.

  72. Oh Diana......what a wonderful post. It actually sent shivers down my spine. It just shows that we all are truly connected in God's special way.

    Although I'm no blogging right now just wanted to stop in to check in on that beautiful grandson of yours.



  73. this is the best christmas present you could give us.
    he is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
    and someday because of his nana's blog . . . he will know how many people were literally holding him up in their thoughts and prayers day and night.
    it has been tense. and if i have felt such tension . . . i cannot BEGIN to imagine the tension you and his family have been living with. thank you for keeping us up to date in this hardest of times.
    we love you!

  74. A true miracle! God had his hands on this - how amazing that Kristen was able to help you - someone you probably never would have known! I do think you are here for a reason... we all are! You bring a smile to my face every single day.

  75. What an awesome story this is! I am so glad you do blog! I'm so happy he is feeling much better and on the mend, all smiles and happy again!
    Don't you dare quit blogging! You are one of the funnest (is that a word?) bloggers out there. I'm sure we would all miss you too much!!!

  76. Diana,
    I'm so glad to hear that your Grandson is doing better. When we were all at the Thanksgiving table, we said a special prayer for this sweet child. You have so many special blog friends that are extraordinary, and many are women of faith. May God bless them as well. You will be singing a joyful song this Christmas, Diana. And I am so thankful for your friendship.


  77. What a fantastic blogger friend - I know God must have sent her.

    His little pictures just tore at my heart.

    I am so glad his is okay.


    Hugs and prayers. sandie

  78. So happy to hear CJK is doing better, Diana! Oh gosh, those adorable little cheeks, what an angel as he sleeps. I'm so happy to hear that the prayers continue and that he is healing. Thanks be to God!

  79. Oh, Diana. Thank God for the good news. I posted about it today but maybe was a little behind the good news. I will leave it in anyway and I am so happy for you all..Happy Monday (because it is).Judy

  80. Beyond happy to hear the good news, Diana. I actually remember Kristin's experience with her son. The blogging community is so special.
    You and your loved ones just received the greatest Christmas gift. Enjoy!

  81. I'm so happy that your little sweetie is doing better. It's so true that the sharing that we do here can be miraculous. We all cry with you and for you, just keep watching for those smiles. They will come! Love to you and your family.<3

  82. Oh, praise God!! I am so very, very glad to read this, Diana! So good to the smile on his face and to see him looking like the Charles in Charge that we've come to love because he's your beloved boy! Bless you, sweet friend!

  83. How wonderful to see him up and feeling better! Isn't that amazing that you found the answer through your blog. I have no doubt that you blog for a reason. If just to make me laugh and cry and pray (because you know I've prayed for more people since I've read your blog than I have in my entire life and that's a lot of years). Hope the little guy and Spongebob get out of the hospital soon!

  84. Praise God!!! I'm thrilled beyond measure to know he's healing. These grands are so very special in our lives!

    My computer is sick so I may not be around much...using one in the apt business office right now. I wanted to check on this precious boy and this post makes my heart smile!

    Bloggers are incredible people that we have been so blessed to "meet".


  85. thank goodness, diana! we are all so happy to hear this! and no blood transfusion-- that is wonderful!

  86. I just Thank God and give him all the glory!! He uses those around us and hears our prayers!! I'm so happy and relieved for you and your family....I believe everything is going to be alright....Blessings~~~Roxie

    and I am glad that you are going to keep blogging :)

  88. Diana, I haven't been around and just read about your grandson! I'm so thankful that he was diagnosed and on the mend!! What an amazing blessing!

  89. Prayers coming from Sauk City. Miracles do, indeed, happen. This is a Christmas miracle for sure. May the little one get stronger each and every day. Be sure to take care of yourself, too!

  90. Oh gosh, Diana! Thank God for this blessing! I'm so thrilled for your entire family. HE works in mysterious ways and HE always amazes me how he does it! Much love your way!~~Angela

  91. Oh Diana I am so happy! When all calms down and your sweet baby is home and you have slept for a week. I would love to hear the story of how you told the Drs what to check for and what their reaction has been on his miraculous recovery due to a post on your blog! You will Sleep tight too!

    XXOO Carol

  92. Hi Diana,
    I'm so happy to read the good news about your adorable grandson. May God's healing power and comfort be upon sweet CJK.

    And the Prayer of Faith will save the sick, and the LORD will raise him up! James 5:15

  93. What wondrous news! I am so glad he is healing and that smile, that smile is a miracle - a beautiful, hopeful sign. Don't you ever think of not blogging any more. What would we all do without you?

  94. All things work together for good......what a blessing and such a relief. Such wonderful holiday news for you and your sweet family.
    xx, Heather

  95. Praise God!! Just awesome news! And what a blessing to have a blogger recognize the problem and alert you!! I pray that your precious little guy will rest comfortably and heal quickly so he can go home. I'm so happy for you and your family...take care!

  96. Diana,
    So thrilled to hear that your grandson is getting better. Yes, I believe that each of us can make a difference in lives of others by the choices we make and the encouragement we give each other. You have always been so encouraging to bloggers with your wonderful comments. You would be missed if you choose not to blog.

    What a wonderful holiday blessing your family has received.


  97. So happy and grateful! Do they know how it is contracted?

  98. God is a miracle worker! I've seen it with my own eyes over and over again. And he is giving your boy-o a big dose of miracle! I am praising God for the progress your grandbaby is making and praying it continues. The connections we make through blogging is life changing. I'm so happy there is a place where we can help each other!

    God bless you and yours always, Edie Marie

  99. what a miracle took place in his/your life. Gratitude to all bloggers out there.

  100. What a miracle! The blogging community never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for sharing this heart warming story - it gives me hope in this crazy world. xoxo

  101. This is possibly the most exciting news I've ever heard about blogging! I'm just floored! So excited and happy for you guys. What a sweetie! Hugs!

  102. Isn't that something? There are sooooo many nice people in our world! So glad your baby is improving!

  103. I'm so behind in my blog reading, but wanted to start with you to see how your little grandson was doing. I am so happy to see that he is doing well! What a miracle to have another blogger figure out the answer!

  104. Oh Diana, how happy I'm to hear these great news! Isn't that amazing? What a great community is this! Big hugs to CJK and to you my dear friend :)

  105. Oh Nana D...just read through your posts to find THIS ONE! Praise God for His goodness and mercy to your grandson...this is wonderful news and I am happy w/for you!


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