
Saturday, November 30, 2013


First of all-
Thank you for your prayers.
Here is our boy-o tonight.
I want to give a 
Lauren @ Simply LKJ

She mentioned Kristin @
that was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. 
It is rare and strikes about 2,000-4,000
children a year-usually boys.

Because of that comment on my blog
CJK was re-evaluated yesterday and
they started him on an IVGV infusion
for the treatment of Kawasaki Disease.

When I went in this morning he said
"Nana" and smiled when I gave him a
Spongebob Squarepants pillow.
He had never watched Spongebob until
he was sitting in the hospital room and 
he was fascianted with him.
Now he has one of his very own.

They "think" it is Kawasaki's and the  symptoms
seem to point that way.
They will have to follow up to make sure 
there is no artery or heart damage-
that is the biggest side effect.

He MAY need a blood transfusion tomorrow
but we are hoping his blood count comes up tonight
so that he doesn't require that.

He still has some liver abnormalities
so please continue to pray that he
heals completely.

Thank you all so much.
Sometimes I wonder WHY I blog.
I am not all that great at any one thing.
I post about my grandkids and 
and yet...
when I had a sick grandchild
BLOGGING may have saved his life,
because without Laurel mentioning
Kristin's son,  they might not 
have reacted in time to save 
little CJK's heart from severe damage.
I always knew God was part of blogging!


  1. Prayers continue for all of you sweet Diana... I do so hope they have figured out what it is now and he is on the mend... tears in my eyes when I read that he said Nana and smiled... love to you all, xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Bless your sweet grandboy and your blogging friend who alerted you!
    God is definitely part of blogging!
    Prayers for you all!

  3. Diana, I give all the thanks to Kristin who so courageously posted about her son Grayson's battle last year. While I know two other families who have been affected by Kawasaki, Kristin's experience was in the forefront of my mind when I was reading about your sweet little grandson. I pray the treatments continue to work, and that he will be healthy and ready to go home soon!! At the end of the day, I thank the good Lord above for putting us all together!!!

  4. Continued prayers, Diana. I feel for you all. xo

  5. I'm so relieved to hear that the doctors may finally know what is wrong with him now! I've heard of that disease, but didn't know what the symptoms were. I've never known anyone with it personally. What a miracle that someone suggested he be tested for that! I hope that he will continue to get better with the right course of treatment.

  6. Prayers and Blessings coming to your sweet baby grand boy..hugs and love Gloria

  7. What great news about a potential diagnosis, thus a direction for treatment. I know that must give you all some sense of relief.
    Please know that I am thinking about you and your family, and that cute little trooper! God bless, Diana!

  8. Praise God!! To have a potential diagnosis, what a relief. The blogging community is always full of miracles and support. Continued prayers to your grandson and all your family.

  9. SOOOO happy for you! We will continue to pray for a full recovery! God Bless This Little Boy!

  10. Praise God! I just love this story and, yes, we are still praying.

  11. I have tears in my eyes, Diana! How I hope this is what is needed for CJK to make a complete recovery! Prayers continuing from here for him, the family, and the medical team! xo Nellie

  12. Isn't that amazing that a blogger would make a medical suggestion that would benefit your little grandson? God works in mysterious ways, that's for sure. Still praying for him and all of you. Thanks for the update.

  13. That 's always sad when the little ones are sick, I have missed a few blogs this week so didn't know he was sick but glad he is on the mend.
    Sometimes having personal knowledge of a problem helps a lot and a word in the right place often puts the doctors on the right track.
    Hope he is better soon.

  14. Praise God for bloggers! I am so glad to hear from you and to know at least they have somewhere to start and he is some better. Remembering you and your family in my prayers.

    God bless you all. I know what that is like - those long days and nights.

    Take care!


  15. Wow, isn't that something Diana? I read the comment too and wondered if you would suggest it to the doctors.
    They all love Sponge Bob, I'm sure you made him smile! I'll continue to pray for your little man!


  16. I just got the chills and I do remember that story on her blog about her son...this is all to wonderful my friend. I have no doubt that given a couple more days your sweet bean will regain even more strength! God bless him and God bless his parents and you! Stay strong sweet boy!!!!!!

  17. All I can say is Thank you, Lord Jesus. Prayers have been for the Doctors to find out what is effecting your grandson....God uses everything good in his name....including a blog! I praise the Lord and believe he will continue to get well. Blessings~~~Roxie

  18. You can always count on me for prayer Diana... Peace be yours,
    Tammy xx

  19. Thanks for sharing how things are going. I have been very concerned and know how difficult it is to watch a loved one suffer while doctors "practice" medicine (sorry if some sarcasm slipped in). Anyhow - praise God for the answers so far and I know He will continue to work through the hands of many people to get CJK all better!!


  20. Oh goodness, this is a testament to the good of blogging. I'm am so relieved that there is something more that can be done for your sweet baby. Sending many, many prayers.


  21. Dear Diana, Oh my goodness this is such good news to at least have a direction and all because of blogging and the comment by a dear blogger. God so works in mysterious ways and yes, blogging can and is used to the good!!

    My family continues to pray for healing and better days ahead.
    I know you are tired but thank you for keeping us updated and posting. Sending you a big hug.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  22. Oh my goodness, Diana! I think that is a miracle in and of itself, the blogger who mentioned Kawasaki Disease! I have been praying for your little grandson, for his healing, and that the dr's would find out what is wrong and be able to treat accordingly. Thank you so much for sharing the sweet photo of your dear heart with us, what a brave little boy. I wish I could give you a big hug, you have been at the front of my thoughts and prayers since all of this happened. Who would have thought that blogging could help find answers, and hopefully cures? Blessings to you and your family, you are loved!

  23. Oh, praise God (yes, He did have a hand in this!)! My continued prayers are being offered up for this sweet little boy!


  24. What a heartwarming post! Baby boy is in my prayers and I'm so grateful for the progress both he and the doctors seem to be making.

  25. We just got home from downstate. I came right over to check things out with your baby. What good news, Diana!! I agree with you...God does use bloggers. Look what a community of prayer warriors this has become!!
    Tete has been keeping me posted.
    You, and your family have been in my prayers, dear friend.
    Get some rest.
    Love to you.

  26. Praying for your grandson! Bless his little heart! I can not imagine what you all have been going through! He is precious!!

  27. oh my gosh, Thank you GOD!!!! and Lauren of course, amazing, this is an inspiration, take care, keeping you in our prayers,

  28. I read her comment. Amazing. I am always afraid to post something in fear that it will sound way out there.....but I have before. So glad that she did this. I knew it had to be something serious since they couldn't find out. I hope the tests come out okay and he continues to improve. Poor little guy. My little grandson is also in Children's with pneumonia. Very low oxygen the 70's. He is improving but it was pretty scarey. Praise God you have answers.

  29. I'm so happy to hear they finally know what was causing your precious little grandson to be so sick...I hope this little guy feels better soon and keeps responding well to the treatment! So scarey! God is good!!

  30. Oh, Diana! I've been away from my computer all week, so I didn't know about your little fellow. I pray that even now the IVIG has begun to work and that he will be completely well very soon! I also pray that his little heart is in good shape. I thank God that we are all connected through blogging!

    God bless all of you while you care for your sweet grandson and for each other!

  31. Oh, Diana, I am praying the doctors will find out the cause and little doll will be on the mend soon. Prayers for you too. How sweet he said 'Nana'. Oh, I'm teary.
    Love you,
    Shelia ;)

  32. Somehow I missed your first post about him being sick! I feel so bad for all of you and hope he continues to improve now. And I think it's just amazing how the blog world works - praise God!

  33. Oh Diana...this made me cry. How amazing that a comment on your blog would help your grandson. I am so glad he is doing better...I will keep him in my prayers for continued healing...XOXO

  34. I have been praying. So glad to hear you may have an answer. Your poor babe. I hope he is better soon and the doctors have the answers they need. God Bless!!

  35. I'm so happy to hear this! I have been thinking about you and your family non-stop...thank God they think they have figured this out! Hugs and much love to you and your family!

  36. Praise the Lord!! I will continue to pray though. Keep the updates coming. XOXO

  37. Oh you have brought me to tears...This blogging world is wonderful! I have thought about you constantly! We are a good bunch of prayers...And they have been answered!!!


  38. Diana, I am not familiar with the disease but, Thank God, they now have an answer so that he can be treated with the right meds and get better. What a blessing that you found out. Still saying prayers for a fast and good outcome and sending love to you, your family and especially that sweet little guy..Judy

  39. This is such wonderful news! I hope your precious grandson makes a full recovery. We'll continue to keep all of you in our prayers.

  40. It is amazing how God uses the people that blog and the blogging community.
    I am thankful for this report...will continue to pray for your grandson,Diana. Will continue to pray for you and your family through this ordeal.
    God is So good. He is Faithful.

  41. Hi Diana, As a young mom, many years ago, I was warned about using dry chemical rug shampoo because this disease was linked to it. I've never had a dry chem shampoo done on any of my carpets for that reason. How incredibly scarey though. Praying your grandson will be 100% better soon.

  42. Oh Diana...I haven't been around blogland for a couple of days and I was so saddened to hear that your little grandson is so unwell. I have just enjoyed a visit from my two (aged 2 & 4) and I can only imagine how distressing this must be for you.
    I send you my love and prayers from Australia and I hope your next post brings wonderful news.

  43. Im glad they have diagnosed and are able to treat the sweet little guy! I will be praying for no left over complications and that he is 100% better very very soon!

  44. I'm so glad that he's doing better! Yipee

  45. Diana, Thank you for keeping all of up dated. It was good to see CJK 's photo. Bless his heart. I am going to keep all of you in my prayers. xoxo, Susie

  46. Sounds like things are heading in the right direction! Sending continued prayers Diana. And thank goodness for having friends in your corner!

  47. Oh my goodness... who would have thought... though I am constantly amazed at the blogging world & the friends we have made & the prayers that are sent.. So glad that he is doing better.
    All too scary for your family...will continue to pray
    Thanks for posting this update

  48. Hi Diana. I'm in Indiana visiting our daughter and family. I have been praying for your little grandson and your family and periodically checking your blog to see if there was an update. Praise God. I checked just now to find such encouraging news!! We all are continuing to pray for him and for the doctors to gain in understanding, to be able to make an accurate and complete diagnosis and treatment. Many blessings. How God works, even through blogging!!

  49. That's amazing, Diana. I'm glad you've seen some smiles again. He's adorable.

    Ongoing prayers, much love to you all, ♥


  50. Hey Diana, know that your grandson is on our list.
    What an incredible story.

  51. Diana such wonderful news.. I will keep praying!! God Bless!

  52. Still praying for your precious grandson,Diana. So thankful they may now know how to care for him. God is good,will continue to pray.

  53. Well, thank God, they have something to look at, Diana. I think the worst thing can be when they don't know what is going on. It is something like this that really makes you thankful that you blog and have some great bloggy friends. Brava to Lauren for mentioning Kristin's son and to you for mentioning it to your grandson's doctors. It pays to open your mouth! Hopefully, this will help guide them in the right direction for his treatment, so he can get to feeling better.

  54. Oh my! this brought a tear to my eye. so glad to hear the good news. God answers our prayers, more are on the way!

  55. I have been praying nonstop. God answers prayers, and I can certainly believe He'd use a blogger to reveal vital information.

    Sponge Bob Square Pants is a favorite around here…we love him!

    I will continue to pray for medical staff discernment concerning treatment and a speedy recovery.

    Something tells me that Santa has big plans for this little guy!

    Thanks for posting this update, Diana. Such a sweet photo, too!

    Prayers and (((hugs))) from Alabama,
    Ricki Jill

  56. So happy that your network of blogging friends, has come up with a possible diagnosis.

    Our *brave new fully connected* world, is so full of possible new sickness, now. -sigh- We must be a full partner, in our family's health.

    And having a network of blogging friends, expands this network. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. Wow!! Just Wow! I seldom use the word awesome except in relation to God, but this news is just awesome because clearly God's hand is in it! Praise Him!

  58. Oh, what a sweet baby boy. I am praying hard for him, Diana. Yes, I agree this blogging connection is truly amazing. What a gift - to reach out and share experiences that others may be going through as well. I hope the doctors find out exactly what is causing this and that little CJK is smiling more and more soon.
    I'm off to Mass soon, and he'll be in my prayers.
    xo, Susan

  59. The Lord hears prayers. He does use other people.
    Now we have to leave everything in Gods hands for sure.

    When I was a child I had transfusion's.
    I was a baby also.

    He is the same Lord back then for me and he is the same Lord of to-day. Amen.

    If he has to have a transfusion your sweetheart Baby Grandson. The Lord knows what is best.So let go and let God direct. The yes or the no in that situation.

    What better hands being the Master Lord directing things in the hospital for your precious Grandson at these moments.
    Psalm 18:30

    Gods way is Perfect. All the Lord's promise prove true.
    Rest in him dear Di. Rest in him.

    Psalm 46: 10.

    ''Be still and know that I am God."


  60. Darling Diana, this news is amazing. Who knew that blogging could be such a powerful instrument. "All things work for good to those who love Christ Jesus"
    I will continue praying.
    God bless you and your family,
    Connie :)

  61. I'm so happy he's doing better. Blogging is a world full of wonder. I'm so happy that someone helped point the Drs. in the right direction.

  62. Oh my GOSH, I'm so glad someone thought of the name of that! I've had your last post open trying for the life of me to remember the name of that disease so I could leave a comment asking if he had been tested for it!!!!! I had seen Kristin's post, as well. I'm so glad someone else's memory stepped up for the lack of mine. And so happy to hear it was caught early enough and that he's on the mend. A Christmas miracle, I'd say.

  63. Oh, Diana. Oh Sweet D!
    It's no surprise to me that this community of love and support could spark a miracle!
    I am in tears and prayers.
    Praise God! May he continue to heal sweet CJK!

  64. OH I have heard of glad they started him on treatment. Poor little guy....but prayerfully soon he will be up and getting into things!!

  65. PTL for some answers. It's wonderful how everyone comes together for us when we reach out! Praying for CJK - and everyone!! ♥

  66. This blogging community of ours is FAMILY, and family watches out for one another. So grateful that the doctors have a theory and a possible treatment. Hugs to you and your family.

  67. oh and the prayers that went up...I remember when kristen's little one was sick with that and everyone was praying...oh I am so glad that the mystery is most likely solved and that you got a smile from him. He's surrounded by prayer that is for kristen's little boy was. Soon you will have him back to normal !!! :)

  68. Continued love and prayers to all of you and especially to that precious bundle of little boy. And God bless the blogger who provided a clue.

    Love to you, Diana.

  69. Diana, it is an amazing community of support and friendship. I pray that CJK continues to respond positively to the treatment and he becomes stronger and healthier with each new day.
    Sending hugs ~ Sarah

  70. Many many many prayers for rapid healing and comfort for your sweet angel

  71. Keeping positive thoughts and prayers for you all Diana, it is the season of miracles!

  72. sitting here with tears streaming.
    I don't even know if you will see this. i'll be number 76!
    proof that you are so loved.
    you who think you write a simple ordinary blog. if you only knew what a joy you are to people.
    this little guy will make it. and he'll be all the stronger for it.
    love to you darling nana d.
    praying for your own strength too.

  73. I have been away from blogging for several days (out of town), so I am just now seeing this and I want to cry, however it sounds like things are looking better, so I'll chose to rejoice about the improvement and add my prayers for total healing to those of others who are praying. (((HUGS))) for you, Diana. I'll be watching for updates.

  74. Crying and typing! God is good, so good. So thankful for Lauren so glad he is doing better I will continue to pray! Lots of love

  75. That is unbelievably cool!!! I was hoping someone out there might have a clue and sure enough! I hope that's it and that it works out.
    I've had Valley Fever and I'm surprised at how many people are unaware of the symptoms, I have 'accidentally' helped a person because of my experience and hopefully more because I try to 'educate' as many people as I can. Valley Fever can be a killer.
    I am so happy for him and thanks for taking the time to keep us all posted!

  76. Sending many prayers your way!! Yes, I think we all wonder sometimes why we blog and then something like this happens and it is a reminder of why we are called to blogging. It is so wonderful knowing that we can help each other out. Many hugs! We will see you when you get back.

  77. Oh my goodness, Diana … our thoughts and prayers are with your sweet, precious grandson! And, how incredible that, because of blogging friends, he's getting the testing he needs. A God thing, for sure. Hugs and love, Becca

  78. Oh Diana,
    So glad they finally found out with some divine blog intervention what was going on with your little guy. Now they can concentrate on making him well. So happy he is doing better.

  79. Somebody told me once that God's angels didn't take human form. I never believed it for one minute. I think they walk among us all the time...and bloggers are all angels, in their own way.
    Praise God for your bog feeling better. We will continue to pray for complete recovery. We all know God can do ANYthing.
    Love, bj

  80. What a precious little boy! I hope and will pray for complete healing! Bloggers are awesome!

  81. What a precious little boy! I hope and will pray for complete healing! Bloggers are awesome!

  82. how great is that! fingers crossed he will get the treatment and be good as new, diana:)

  83. Diana, I'm so sorry to hear that your little pumpkin has been so ill. Hopefully the treatment will do it's job and he will be on the mend soon. He will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! xxoo

  84. Thank God for the blogger who called this to your attention and thank God that you listened and the doctors listened to you!!
    Thanking God for everything, because it is all God, everything!
    Praying for your sweet grandson, and I love his photo with his sweet Spongebob!

  85. He looks adorable! And I'm so thankful for the blogger who commented and that they may have found what was making your boy so sick. God works in all sorts of ways - and I know blogging is one of them! And I'm continuing to pray!

  86. Oh my gosh Diana...I don't even know what to say. I'm a little choked up at the miracle of blogger friendships. Amazing really. I am so, so happy your little guy is getting better. I have faith he will continue to improve. Bless you all.

  87. Praise The Lord!
    God works in mysterious ways...
    I'm sure you never imagined when you started blogging that it would ever lead to anything as amazing as this.
    We will continue to pray!!

  88. That's wonderful...So happy for you and little CJK..Doctors need all the help they can get..There are so many possibilities out there and sometimes finding the ONE can take awhile and a lot of testing..YAY!! Hope he'll be OK now that he's being treated..

  89. Sending prayers! Thinking of you, Diana!

  90. Oh Diana!! I'm so sorry that you are all going through this and I'm praying for your sweet grandson! So amazed at how God worked to connect you to Kristin! :-)

  91. Thank God! I have heard of Kawasaki disease before, but don't know much about it. A baseball player's son had had it (you know me and my baseball). What a wonderful this it is that information gets passed from one blog to another and things like this, saving the health of a little boy, can come of it. Some people don't get it, but those of us who participate and witness these things do! prayers will continue for his continued improvement and for no complications. God Bless the little guy, your family and all those involved in his care. xoxo , Leena

  92. Oh Diana, I was so happy to learn that they found out what it was. I have never heard of this. Thank God that someone saw your blog and let you know about this disease.
    Of course you and your wonderful little grandson are always in my prayers.
    I love your posts and they make my day especially when you blog about your grandchildren.
    Have a peaceful night.

  93. That is an absolute miracle and I'm awestruck! You have given so much to all of us in blogland and it seems that you were led to do it for this moment when your grandchild is in need. Some things can't and shouldn't be explained, just appreciated for what they are.

  94. Oh Diane, I had no idea. I'll be praying for your little guy. He is so precious. Hugs and take care my friend.

  95. So happy to hear thus news!!!

    Bloggers is so smart!! ;-)

  96. I am soooooo thankful they found out what it is and can get started on fixing it. He is too little to be sick. I have heard of it but do not know what it is exactly. Prayers and hugs. sandie

  97. Hi Di,
    I am so happy that the blogging world has helped with your grandsons diagnosis. I am thinking of you all and hoping for a speedy recovery. You are loved Diana!


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