
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday SweetCheeks!

Your birthday got kind of pushed

to the side this year because

your little cousin, CJK, was so sick.

Nana didn't forget your birthday though.

I'm just a little late posting about it.

You were born a tad early.

You were no bigger than

a minute.

You weighed in at right

around 5 pounds and

were whisked to the

Neonatal Intensive Care.

You stayed there for 15 days.

I visited you and

put your sweet little

head right against the

bare skin below my neck.


one of the best things

for a newborn.

Then you came home

to your two big sisters, Lulu & Ria.

When you were three 

you started patting just 

below my neck and saying

Thisss isss my favrut spoht, Nana.

You still do that 

from time to time 

and it always 

makes my heart smile

because I know that 

God gave you that special

spot close to my heart.

Your Mom thought it was cute

to dress you as a chicken

for Easter.
We loved you as a chicken and

we loved you when you

were dressed as a 


and we loved you 

when you were a


When you were three you

loved going with Nana for a

STARBUCKS smoothie.

Oh! You were my kinda girl.

I loved it when you went to the 


with your family.

You had a little misadventure

leaving the farm one year when you-

were held hostage

by a bush!

I laugh every time I see that picture.

You also saw Santa that day and told

him what you wanted.

You saw Santa AGAIN the next day

and when he asked you what you 

wanted you said.

I  jusssht telled yohu yesturrday

did yohu forgit allreaddy?

You made me smile even

when you were pouty.

And I smiled when I 

watched you dance...

gotta love 

A Mouse!

Now I am smiling  again this year 

because you are

once again

"almost famous"

as the baby face

of Broadway.

Two Years In A Row!

And someday, Lord willing, I will see

you as a beautiful bride

with this kind of expression

on your sweet face.

This year you only wanted one thing-

An American girl doll named Ruthie.

And it is wonderful when 

Nanas & Papas 

can make wishes come true.

You are growing up fast...


But~no matter how big 

you get you will always

be my wee slip of a girl-

My Little Princess.

Happy  Belated Birthday!

Nana loves you,



  1. Happy Birthday, SC! I can't believe another year has gone by and you are getting so big. You must not take after you nana, because you get prettier every day. ;)

  2. Happy birthday, Sweet Cheeks. You are quite a young lady. I hope you had a wonderful birthday because you certainly deserve it.

  3. Oh Nana Diana, I did NOT know about your grand baby. I just haven't been around much anywhere but I will sincerely and truly pray for that dearest baby until you say all is well.

    I love this dear tribute to your grand daughter. It made MY heart smile too.


  4. and thank you for your wishes for my son. He is progressing but it was a powerful surgery. xox

  5. Oooh how adorable!... Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!... love all of the photos of you, from the time you were born up to this birthday and your new Ruthie doll... I feel like I know you well through your Nana's blog... and I am sending you lots of hugs and love!... xoxo your friend, Julie Marie

  6. Dreams do come true! What a beautiful family Sweet Cheeks has. It's no wonder she's so cute! Bet this post makes her grin.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday for SWEET CHEEKS! I had to laugh at her being stuck in the bush (I'm sure it wasn't funny to her)A moment captured! And I think the picture of her with the white wedding veil is soooo natural! It is beautiful...just as if she were a true bride. Her personality shines even at birth...those eyes said it all! Very SWEET post Diana....all your grandchildren are beautiful! A beautiful family indeed! Blessings~~~Roxie

  8. Happy belated birthday "Sweet Cheeks" you are a beautiful little girl.

  9. well, tears came quickly from this one, lol, you know me, I'm a weeper, lol, what a wonderful family you are ,Happy Birthday Sweet cheeks, what a beauty she is, i always said she would be a star on stage, I just knew it, imagine what is to come, is that Nana's hand in the photo????

  10. Diana, I want to wish SC a very happy birthday. She has grown dear to many of us who visit your blog. She makes us happy and gives us a good laugh too. Please hug her for me. xoxo,Susie

  11. Happy Birthday to SweetCheeks! What a beautiful post, Diana.

    Hope the little one is improving every day!

  12. Thank you for sharing your memories with us...wonderful pictures of Sweet Cheeks! Happy belated Birthday...hugs, Penny

  13. Belated Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks!
    What a wonderful post with such great photos, her sisters and Mom & Dad are all so good looking too!
    Love her face on the billboard, it will be on TV one day! I just know it! xx

  14. Diana, this is a sweet tribute to Sweet Cheeks. As with most of the stories you write, we see your humor and your heart. Blessings to you and all your sweet babies!

  15. A belated Happy Birthday, to your dear little "Grand girl." :-)

    All girl, all the time!!!! Oh yes!

    I remember getting American Girl dolls for granddaughters! :-)))))) Sweet memories.

  16. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! I love this post. Look how much she has grown!

  17. Happy, happy BEE-lated Birthday to SweetCheeks! She is a beautiful girl. I know you are super proud. xo

  18. Happy Birthday SweetCheeks! You have a twinkle in your eye and you always make me smile!

  19. Good Morning Diana, A belated Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks. She has grown so very much and Hooray for the second time of the year. I still look at her picture. I know if we had a granddaughter, her grandpa would spoil her so rotten. You love them because time is flying. The Snow has arrived and it is cold. The street is quiet. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  20. What a nice album of Seet Cheeks! Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks - you are beautiful. Love your doll. sandie

  21. This is the sweetest post that you have ever written. She is so lucky to have such a great Grandmother!

  22. Happy Belated Birthday Sweet Cheeks! The photos are precious Nana!

  23. Diana,
    This post made my heart sing. I could not help but have a big smile on my face as I read your beautiful words and looked at one sweet picture after the next. This was a wonderful post to a beautiful angel in your life. Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks. Diana God willing I hope you and I can go to her premiere some day on Broadway!!!!

  24. OH. MY. GOSH.
    that's all.
    touched beyond beyond.
    that face. and personality.
    it's nana d. all over again.
    only with dark hair.
    and the spot on your neck.
    she remembers.

  25. Happy Birthday to your Sweet Cheeks. She is so beautiful, I'm not surprised she is famous.

  26. A living American Girl doll, inside and out!
    This post is perfect Sweet D.!

  27. She is such a beautiful girl. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!

  28. Belated birthday greetings to SweetCheeks, and thank you for making us smile. You are a real star.

  29. Happy Birthday Sweet are so blessed to have a gram like you do!

  30. I so enjoyed seeing the pictures of Sweet Cheeks growing up! The Santa story made me smile...and the story about her favorite spot made me teary. She is such a lucky girl to have a Nana who loves her so much!

  31. We ALL love you Sweet Cheeks! It's been such a joy watching you grow up. I doubt I will live to see you get married..but OH how I would love to. Your Grandma is my dear blogger friends..and blogger friends have this special bond, you know.
    Happy belated Birthday from me too!
    Mona (way out here in California near Disneyland!)

  32. Happy, Happy Birthday to pretty little Sweet Cheeks!! I loved seeing the photos. Such a beautiful family!

  33. That is the sweetest thing you ever wrote.

    My grandmother felt the same way about me, but she never thought to put it in writing. How I wish she had a blog of her own back then!

  34. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks.

    How old are You

    May you enjoy your Birthday too



  35. Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks! It has been fun watching you grow up into a sweet young lady. I hope your day is a very special one.

    xo Danielle

    Diana what a wonderful post from the loving nana that you are. SC is a doll and I have so enjoyed reading the SC adventures you post.
    Blessings to you SC for a wonderful year.

  37. They do grow up too fast don't they? Even though they're sitting right here in front of me, I still sometimes miss who they once were. Chubby little giggly babies!!

  38. She is growing up so fast! I think we all have fallen in love with Sweet Cheeks and her sisters! They are adorable! Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks!

  39. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks..It just occurred to me..I don't think that I know her real name..They grow up so fast..I hope that there are copies of these birthday tributes that you write so they can read them when they're "old".

  40. darling birthday post,--hope her day was great!

  41. Diana, SC is such a beautiful girl and I know she will grow up to be a beautiful woman. Please wish her a very Happy Belated Birthday and may all her wishes come true.
    I loved all the pictures on your post - she is so happy all the time.

  42. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks your getting so big! All your pictures are just priceless! You can sure tell your Nana loves you dearly you are one lucky girl to have a Nana like her.

  43. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! I hope it was a lollapalooza!
    Savannah Granny

  44. What a beautiful post!!! She's a lovely girl, famous or not :-)

  45. She is such sweetheart, Diana. And you wrote beautifully about what she means to you. A happy belated birthday to Sweet Cheeks!

  46. Beautiful, touching post, Diana... what a sweet, beautiful post.

  47. What a sweet tribute to your granddaughter, Diana. She sure is a doll! Love her smile.

  48. Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks from Sydney Australia well me anyway.

  49. She has the absolute most beautiful smile! She's gonna break the boys' hearts.

  50. Happy Birthday to you, sweet adorable grandmas girl!! Diana, she is lovely, you just have to smile when you see that adorable face! And by the way, I love that little spot on my neck's a baby lovin' spot. take care sweetpea.

  51. what adorable kiddies. I love that one dress with the pink tights. It will be my granddaughters 7th birthday next week.
    Have a wonderful Christmas season take care God bless

  52. Aww, what a sweet tribute. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks!!

  53. Aw, what a beauty!!! Happy Birthday, sweet cheeks!!~~Angela

  54. Happy birthday to that sweet, little face we all love!

  55. Birthday blessings to your beautiful grand. A fitting tribute to a special little girl. Another year has gone by so quickly. Enjoy each and every moment.

  56. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! Enjoyed all of the precious pictures!

  57. She is such a precious little girl...and I love the stories that go along with the pictures!

  58. Happy Belated Birthday to Miss SweetCheeks! It's been fun watching her grow these past few years. What a joy she has got to be for you!!

  59. What a sweet post. Brought a lump to my throat.

  60. What a doll! And I know she is a treasure to all of you. Beautiful pics.

  61. happy birthday to your little sweetie!

  62. What a fabulous post, Diana.

    Happy Birthday SweetCheeks! You are wonderful.


  63. I am so happy that I didn't miss this post…

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks!!!

    I say you celebrate for the rest of the month….Nana Diana can *so* make that happen!!! ;P


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