
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fitz And Floyd Find A Home Thanks To Itch And Scratch

I have been busy all week.
I have watched CJK part time and 
been working the rest of the time to
get the house set for Christmas.
AND because 
MyHero & oldest son, Mr.T
brought up EVERYTHING from the basement
I decided it would be a good time to 
FLIP my sewing area with the storage area.
Yes, you are wondering WHAT is wrong with me,
aren't you?
I am not sure-but crazy comes with a price.
The price for me is that I am almost too tired
to do a post for this morning.
I will do a SHORT post and show you
just a few quick shots of my large
Fitz and Floyd Santa and Reindeer
that takes center stage on my
dining room table.
The kids gave these to me a few years ago
and I truly treasure them-
(the kids AND the pieces!;>)

One more quick shot.

AND- What do you suppose MyHero was doing 
while I was running around like a chicken with my
head cut off?
Oh-He was busy, too.
He and his BFF were busy exercising by using
the remote control.
It's amazing how SOMEONE that is heavily engrossed
in a Lifetime Movie doesn't even notice 
that they have a companion sitting next to them.

Hope Your Hero has a good little 
helpmate, too.

More decorations tomorrow.
I am getting there, folks, I am getting there!


  1. Cute elf by you Mr.Hero. You're doing great decorating, I love seeing it.

  2. Oh my goodness Diana, Your Fitz and Floyd Santa is totally stunning. Dang, I am in love with that fella. I do understand what you are going through. So much to do with so little time, My DH managed to watch every conceivable football game possible on his big new TV! I have two trees up but not decorated and boxes are scattered everywhere around the house. It is really embarrassing to have such a mess going on. And you know what, I am going to take this morning and go get my hair cut and colored!! I need to be taking a little of my time for me!!! I call it a little sanity break.

  3. Love, love fitz and floyd anything! I have a few pieces, yours is gorgeous.

  4. Oh my! I never heard of fitz and floyd. (Yes, my name is Vee and I do live under a rock.) Those pieces are much presence! I can tell that your husband is a good sport because he allows himself to be used for blog fodder. That's what my husband tells people actually..."I'm good for blog fodder." He's good for much more!

    Hope that you have the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the beautiful decor soon.

  5. Gorgeous pieces. They are truly stunning. Your hubby is definitely a keeper. I hope this weekend allows you an opportunity to slow down a bit. It's been such an emotional time with your grand and I know you feel behind with Christmas. Take care of yourself too.

  6. Oh I love Fitz and Floyd. I have several serving pieces that always take center stage during the holidays. I have always loved the Santa and reindeer that you have. They are keepsakes! Love that your children gave them to you too, makes them even more special. Slowly getting there myself!

  7. Cute pieces. Christmas is just not Christmas without the decor. And I'm glad to see you are having fun with your elf. Our girls love theirs.

  8. Sometimes you have to do things when inspiration hits...or as my mom used to say when the spirit moves you! Good luck with your project...that Santa is incredible. I can see why it takes center stage. So, so glad your little guy is doing better! Time to breathe that sigh of relief...

  9. Your Fitz and Floyd Santa is gorgeous! Truly, a work of art! I know your exhausted having to decorate so quickly! Your efforts will be rewarded though because your family will love it! It makes it Nana's holiday home! Your hero is a lot like mine!

  10. I am always moving something around here hoping I will have more room which never happens. :-)Your Hero is like all guys, the TV remote belongs to them. I am glad he has a companion.

  11. Oh what a pretty Santa! My hubby helps me get the boxes upstairs and then I'm on my own! It's probably better that way anyhow!

  12. Oh my gosh, at first glance of that last photo, I thought you had his head on a platter!! ;-) Love the Santa (and the cute elf). Have a wonderful and busy day! :-)

  13. I so enjoy looking at your Christmas..... I am thankful your little guy is doing so well. I know your Christmas is going to be extra special this year!

  14. Oh no....How will I ever get these images out of my head!!??!! They sleep together, watch TV together, and who knows what else they do???!!! I've been giggling about your Hero, and that crazy Elf since yesterday's post! It just keeps going, Diana!! lolol.
    Your decorations are absolutely gorgeous, girl! Even your table runner is fabulous! LOVE those dining chairs, too!
    I bet evenings are cozy at your house with all the holiday lights glowing....reflecting off your lovely decorative pieces.
    Love you!

  15. Your Santa is beautiful, and I had to scroll back to look at photos of your sweet grandson again. He is adorable, and I am so very happy he is doing better!

  16. Oh what beautiful center piece!

    And what fun you are having.

    This is how the Holiday Season should proceed... With jolly fun! No pressure or stress. Just folly fun.

    Jolly hugs,

  17. I have the feeling that we will be seeing more of Elf on the shoulder shots coming up.

    Your hero is very patient, lol.


  18. That picture is too funny.

    I must have your same "crazy " disease because I am always getting ideas to change rooms, furniture, etc.

  19. I love your FF Santa and reindeer. Gorgeous! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  20. LOVE that last shot!!!!
    Your Fitz & Floyd Santa is beautiful Diana!

  21. Hi Friend, Love your post! Awesome Fitz and Floyd Santa and reindeer.
    Enjoy your weekend, Anna

  22. Your Santa and reindeer are just gorgeous! What a dear and precious gift! That elf is pretty sneaky!

    Little one doing ok still?

    Prayers for him, Drs. and family.


  23. Stunning table decoration, Diana! Love that Fitz and Floyd! The exercise your Hero is getting reminds me of the exercise around here, though I must admit that The Husband has been outside hanging wreaths. Let's just hope they stay in place with all the wind we are having! xo Nellie

  24. HA HA HA HA HA!!!

    I loved sounds like my house! Sharon

  25. Diana, Did you check Hero's eyes..he may have been napping :):) I love those pieces your children got you. What a wonderful treasure. When we get one thing going why do we need to do another....I am guilty of that too. But not near often enough. Get some rest. xoxox, Susie

  26. Your Santa and reindeer are beautiful! I've overdone it lately cleaning and decorating and making it into a HUGE job! But your hero looks cute with his little elf close by. You'll have your turn...I hope! Sweet hugs!

  27. LOL! What a pretty table top. Love it all. And that poor elf is probably going to need therapy spending so much time with John. You should have made him tiny sunglasses for the glare!

  28. HO HO HO Who believes in Elves as helpers :)
    Loved the Christmas China! Use it and enjoy it as the family will always have Nana memories of it!
    Get some rest dear friend...
    We all know it is the busiest time of the year!
    Maybe you need to get a little Elf too!
    Love Ya, Roxy

  29. Beautiful Santa and reindeer. Your table is so lovely. I am going to try and put up our tree tomorrow. I am so late this year but tomorrow is another day.
    Love to all and so glad that CJK is home. Ginger

  30. LOL a lot of the same going on here too!

  31. We did the same here today! Love your Santa..he is beautiful! Don't over do now!! 🎅🎄

  32. I can see why you treasure those pieces. They are gorgeous. That little elf cracks me up. Can't wait to see where he turns up next!

  33. Oh, there's that GORGEOUS Santa and Reindeer that I love! It looks so nice on your table, Diana. I love to see home décor, and looking forward to seeing more of yours.


  34. Ha, ha, I love(both) of those elves. lol! Your pieces are gorgeous and make quite a breathtaking display. Yes, what are you thinking girl? Crazy, like me! I started painting my bed before Thanksgiving. Still trying to get it finished. UGH! Almost done.

  35. That little elf sneaked right up there by him.

    Love the Santa.

    I've been decorating and trying to finishe a couple projects. Every year I say I'm not putting so much stuff out again.

  36. I think your hero was in the best place, sometimes when they help it takes twice as long to do anything! Your decorations are beautiful, your table looks fantastic.

  37. OMG..You're too funny..It's a mans world just in case no one ever told you !! Your table looks beautiful..

  38. I love the ornaments! That Santa is beautiful with all the animals. I should get an elf and move it around to see if Jeff notices. He is pretty obssrvant and would probably catch on fast! But it would be fun to try. Now to find one. How long did it take for hubby to notice the elf by his shoulder? Didn't he feel like someone was watching him? I love it...Itch and Scratch!

  39. I'm not sure what your hero is going to do for a friend once Christmas is over. Love your beautiful pieces. xo LAura

  40. Oh, I love your Fitz and Floyd Santa and reindeer. I love anything by them. What a nice tablescape! Those little elves sure do brighten things up during the holidays!

  41. Awww, as they sit in quiet companionship!


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