
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Another Mark Roberts Fairy Hanging Around

From the main level of our house
you go up a few steps to
the old master bedroom and
two other guest bedrooms.
There is a sliding pocket garden door
that closes the upstairs off 
for heating and cooling purposes 
when no one is up there.
When we rehabbed this house
we had them build in a seeded glass
side wall and at the end of that
there is a block provided to 
hang a fairy.
The fairy changes with the season 
but each one is a 
Mark Roberts Fairy.

This is the Christmas fairy that hangs
there every year.
Isn't he dear?

This is a wider shot of that wall.
Do you see the two little hinged doors?
Well, when the grandkids come to visit
they ring a "fairy bell" that is outside our door.
The fairy flits down and brings them a sweet
little treat of some kind.
It is always a surprise to open the door.
Since I took these pictures a couple of
days ago the good fairy made a small change.
There seems to be some "confusion"
about which "hidey hold" belongs to
Well, now it is obvious-
She is a GULL (girl) and her cousins
are BUOYS (boys).
Never again will SweetCheeks eat
her boy cousins' treats by "mistake".
(gulls/buoys-we live on the waterfront-get it?;>)

Anyhow~They never know what the treat will be.
Today it's a Tootsie Roll Pop.
You just never know what that fairy might 
leave there for them to find.
But it is NEVER anything BAD-
Unless THE ELF is involved!

If I've told him once I've told him a hundred times-


  1. Bad elf! My kids really enjoy having the elf in the house this year. This mama is running out of ideas on what to do with him. Sometimes he is moved 2-3 times a day.

  2. That elf is so naughty. I love the idea of the fairy leaving treats. Your Christmas fairy is gorgeous. xo Laura

  3. Hello Diana,
    I so love the Mark Roberts Fairies! There is a Christmas shop near me that have one area just full of them. It's like a fairy wonderland.
    I think the idea of leaving the fairy there year round is wonderful. Gota watch those little elves this time of year!!


  4. Oh you sound like you make so much fun for the grands! Wish I could see that in person some day!

  5. Another beautiful fairy. I like it that you have a fairy in that corner year round.

    Watch out for that elf. Looks like he's a mischievous one!

  6. Another gorgeous elf. What fun it must be for the grands to come visit your home!

  7. That is SO CUTE. What a fun idea! And of course it was only a mistake. right. lol That whole area, stairs, cut-outs in the wall, cubbies, is just so pretty and fun!

  8. LOL! That is so cute, Diana. Love the fairy, too.

  9. Love your Mark Roberts fairies Diana... I collect them as well... but do not have nearly as many as you... and your enchanted fairy doors are too cute!... you are making such beautiful memories for your sweet little grandchildren that they will carry in their hearts the rest of the lives... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. Diana, I love the fairies. I know the kids must really love them, since there may be a treat involved. It's fun to have something special just between you and the But say, that elf, he's a bit too naughty...been hanging around a certain blonde. xoxo,Susie

  11. You and your fairies! I love the hidey holes but ya better lock them up at night. That elf looks like Trouble with a capital T.

  12. The fairies are so cute. You are the bestest nana!

  13. In here catching up while the guys clean house...shhhh, don't tell them I am on here.
    Anyway, it looks like you have been very naughty the last few days. Where did Mr Bear come from? I think he makes a good friend for the elf.
    I do not know these fairies you speak of so I am going to look them up today and see what the fuss is all about. I am so out of it.
    SC not wanting that brooch back is hilarious!
    Remind me not to nap when you are around.

  14. I love the little surprise doors. What a great idea. I bet the kids head for that as soon as they get in the house. Love your fairy and that you change him out with the different holidays.
    Have a great week.
    How the little guy doing?

  15. Ohhhhhh Diana I love this. I bet the kids get such a kick out of the surprise door. You are the best Nana ever. Too fun.

  16. Your secret fairy doors, how fun! D Your posts always bring a smile, and keep me laughing! Thanks Diana!

  17. How cute! I've never seen anything like that before. Your Christmas fairy is so pretty. I spy a large clock on the wall in the background that I like too.

  18. oh i have ALWAYS loved the hidey holds! you are THE best grandma in the world for even having them!!! and now, to make them part of the Christmas fun! 10 gold stars grammie! LOVE IT!!!! ;}

    m ^..^

  19. OMGosh, Diana, you are a trip! What a sweet tradition for your grands!!
    (I have to say, I love the naughty elf and the last pic! ;)

  20. what a fun idea. I say kudos for keeping the girls and the boys treats separated. lol

  21. Oh, this is so cute!! Gulls and buoys!! I've never heard of Mark Roberts but I can see why he's popular! :)


  22. What a wonderful tradition! You are the best grandma!

  23. So cute! I bet your grandkids will remember this forever! :)

  24. Diana,
    These cubbies are so clever to leave goodies for the Grandkids. And that little elf at the end is the cutest thing ever. I know he's mischievous, but I love him all the same.


  25. So have so many wonderful things in your home.

  26. How wonderful! Your home is so kid friendly! You have so many beautiful things, but always have your grandchildren in mind! I love the fairy and thanks for the clarification on the doors! The elf again, he's so bad- matches!

  27. those hidey holes are sooo cute! bet the children love checking to see if they have treats, Diana.

  28. That is such a cute tradition! I'm sure glad that you got the doors straightened out! We don't want the guys and gals arguing over treats with a Christmas fairy watching! LOL! Those fairies are amazing with all their details and costumes! He looks right at home hanging up there keeping an eye on things! Hugs, Leena

  29. That is the cutest idea, Diana! Your grandchildren are going to have wonderful memories...
    Hope you have a very special Christmas!

  30. What a great idea there is always something different at your house.

  31. You're too much..Love the hidey holds..You have started a wealth of tradition...I wish I had a fairy in my house..Even a bad elf would be fun...

  32. That naughty Elf....whats he thinkin!
    What a great little surprise your grands have to look forward too when they come over! Now if I ever come for a visit I'll be expecting peanut M&M's please:)

  33. What a whimsical world you've created for your grands. They must love it!

  34. Diane, This is just adorable. I am going to have to get on the Elfie thingie since I now have a small grand to entertain.
    Have fun, I know you are having a blast.

  35. Oh he is on Santa's naughty list….love the fairy..Mark Roberts fairies are the best!

  36. Hahahahahahaha....the matches.....hahahahahahah
    Better be careful..Sweet Cheeks is likely to burn your house down when you aren't looking ;-)

  37. Oh my gosh, how amazingly awesome are those little cubbies?! Best. Grandma. Ever. !!!!!

  38. This is fantastic!!! Your grandkids will have the best memories of growing up because of all of the sweet things you have created!!!! You are awesome !!!

  39. Hi Diana
    I;m sure that your grandkids love coming over. You home is full of fun. The fairy, what pretty memories they will have. Keep an eye on that bad elf,lol.

  40. How special and what a wonderful memory you are making with the Littles...

  41. Love your Mark Roberts fairy and what a great idea to have one up year round.You are the best nana and I'll bet you have just as much fun hiding treats as the grands do finding them. That elf is so naughty. LOL

  42. What a charming idea! You are such a fun grandmother!

  43. Oh my gosh, that's the cutest idea ever. I wonder what I could rig up here to do the same thing? You are super Nana!


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