
Monday, December 16, 2013

Let It Snow- Let It Snow- Let It Snow- Let It Snow- INSIDE

What do you do when the weather is 
too cold and miserable to go outside?
Well, at OUR house we bring
the snow INSIDE.
Yes. We. Do.
Two weeks ago today this was one sick
little boy.
Today he is sitting here and preparing to 
play with snow for the first time.
He's not quite sure he wants to touch it.
Tentatively he reaches out.  
What is this cold white stuff?
Oh- Yeah, Baby- This is COLD!
Look- He has a helper-his cousin, Ria.
He DOES NOT like the snow sticking to him.
This little boy eats ANYTHING but he is 
offering Daddy the first bite.
Ria had so much fun watching him play.
She is such a good girl and she loves to 
hang out at Nana's house.
She is our only little girl with "smiley eyes"
She is always smiling.
Do you know what makes ME smile?
The idiots people in this family that
 snowmobile no matter 
how cold and miserable it is.
Does it look COLD out there?
Do you think I want to freeze to play in the snow?
No. I. Don't.
That is why I bring the snow inside!

Looking to warm up now are you?
How about this?
It makes me so cold I could cry.
It's called a 
You can get yours here!

Have a great day. 
I am out of town on business all day but
I will check in when I get home.
Behave yourselves.
The Elves are watching!
You might see what MY elf
is up to tomorrow.
You won't believe it!


  1. That looks like the best way to enjoy snow!

  2. How wonderful to see your grandson looking so healthy. Your granddaughter is just beautiful. It's 6 degrees outside this morning in West MI. Both girls were hoping for a snow day. As much as I love winter sports, especially ice skating, there are certain temps, I just don't do. Happy Monday!

  3. Smiling eyes are the best beauty feature a girl can have! I'm with you, I'll stay inside and keep warm.

  4. First of all, I'm so happy that that baby is doing great!> Next, Ria is really pretty.

    Last but not least…That snow scares me. Please be careful!

  5. Oh no, is your Elf harassing your Hero again, Diana! : ) Yeah, that is too cold for me, too. Although a snowmobile is probably the way to go in getting around at this time of year. We are getting more snow as I type this. I am thrilled beyond words. Not.

  6. *giggles*

    You really expect me to behave when Shanley Belle just came home from college *and* we're going SHOPPING today???? ;P

    Okay so I'll try just for you!

    Here in the South, birds spy for Santa. Yes, they do!

    Wow, look at all that snow….do you grocery shop on a snowmobile?

    LOVE seeing your little dude doing so well…you are blessed, m'dear!


  7. It is soooooo wonderful to see your grandson playing with the snow and your granddaughter helping him. :-) You just crack me up!!!!! have a good day....I'm off to check my list and see what I can check off today!

  8. What a great way to enjoy to enjoy the snow! No need to bundle up! A play day on the comfort of your own home!!

  9. That snowmobile looks like lots of fun, but these days I also prefer to bring the snow inside ;) Love their happy faces :)

  10. I bet I know who is on the snowmobile .....
    I'm with you baby its cold outside.
    The sweet little boy looks so good and I am so HAPPY that he is on the road to recovery. Your granddaughter is so pretty - all of your grands are good looking.
    Be careful in the snow.
    Have a Very Merry Christmas.

  11. Hi Diana! You are just the best grandmother! I love this. Glad to hear the little guy is so much better He has the reddest lips! Kissable! :) Rea is a very pretty girl. What a blessing to have such wonderful grandchildren.
    Take care, friend, and thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Good Morning Diana, I had to pop in before I go to my one day a week job. It is such a joy to see your little one looking so much better. Did daddy take a bite if snow and was it him on the snowmobile? We have thick fog this morning. Rea is so pretty. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  13. All that snow makes me cry too! lol I don't like the snow very much either.

    Having a snow mobile in the snow is fantastic.

    And how sweet to bring the snow inside for your grandson!


  14. Priceless bringing the snow inside! Ria does have smiling eyes! She is growing up so fast! I can't believe she has gotten so tall! It's great to see that precious baby well and playing with snow now! Oh, I would be one of the people on the snow mobile; I love cold weather!

  15. Oh baby Grandson is feeling good. Wonderful and alot of prayers went his way.

    Brrrr snow inside.

    Oh yes Rita is a honey bun.

    Be safe.

  16. Only you would think of bringing the snow INSIDE! How clever! Enjoy your day out...hugs, Penny

  17. I prefer staying warm, too - but I do get out. Those kids have to have a little help making snowmen. But we don't get much snow, here, so it's no big deal.
    And I've been gone for a few days, so I'm behind on reading blogs. I'll be checking back to see what I've missed.

  18. What an all-round PRECIOUS post!

    Precious... Precious... Precious...

    So happy the little one is better. So happy you all get to spend time with your darling "smiley eyes" Ria.

    And I agree, can't imagine the "thrill" of snowmobiling in that weather. Can't understand the "thrill" of skiing either, though. Just go up a hill and down a hill, in the cold. Wha........???? -grin-

  19. oh he is sooooo darling
    hope you are having a merry fun time this
    season (:)

  20. Yep, only YOU would bring the snow indoors. That is such a brillant idea though. Kudos!!!

  21. Diana, Your CJK is such an adorable little guy. Ria will be a good baby sitter. It does my heart good to see older children help with the little ones. I have never imagined that splitting cold air with my body would be fun. So ,no, I do not like playing on snowmobiles. Be careful out there. Xoxox,Susie

  22. Great to see him so happy:) I remember having friends while growing up in northeastern PA who had lived in Louisiana all their lives and actually stayed home from school the first time they saw snow (it didn't even accumulate but they were just so darn happy!)

  23. So happy he is feeling better, he looks so cute!

  24. So nice seeing CJ enjoying the snow. Even if on a cookie tray! Me too, give me a warm blanket, coffee and a way of enjoying cold days and snow days!

  25. CJ is looking healthy and happy again!
    I can't even imagine what YOUR elf will be up to tomorrow, Diana.
    But I'll drop by to find out!

  26. It is such a treat to see the little guy looking healthy and happy! God is good!

  27. ria is simply beautiful.
    and yes. she smiles through her eyes . . . the best kind of smile!
    and the baby and the inside snow...
    brought a tearing of joy to my eyes. he's been through so much.
    what a sweetheart he is. xoxo

  28. Warms my heart to see him smiling and playing! Even if it is with cold snow! In Texas. Driving home with baby girl tomorrow.

  29. It sure is good to see your little one enjoying himself after he was sick. Yes, it does look COLD out there and I'm with you..."inside drinking hot Chocolate"
    will be looking for Elf

  30. So happy to see him so well now. No, I would not want to be out in that weather. xo Laura

  31. I am a cold nature looking at your pictures I am already getting chills. Time for a hot cocoa with whipped cream for me

  32. It's official - your family is nuts if they're out there on snowmobiles. You have the right idea to stay inside!

  33. That is the best way to enjoy the snow! No need to bundle up! It is really good to see that little one feeling better! xo Nellie

  34. Well, that's a wonderful snow experience for our little Sweetie! It's looking beautiful outside, too. If I felt well, I'd be on that snowmobile, too!

  35. Why didn't I ever think of that? Bring the snow inside when it's too cold to play outside! You've always got all the ideas. lol

  36. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, but only up north, we don't want any more of it, down south.

  37. LOL this is just too cute..bringing it in for him

    And once again I just feel "Praise God" and the power of prayer.

    Blessed! You are blessed and we are blessed to enjoy it / marvel at it with you :)

  38. That's a fun idea to bring some snow inside for little ones! My girls all went out to play today - I won't miss this snow when it goes and I won't miss all the outdoor clothes piled by the door!

  39. Did you let that elf loose in your house while you were gone..No telling what you'll find when you get home..Cute post...It's in the teens here ..More snow tonight..

  40. So good to see the little one doing so well! Thank you, Lord for answered prayers.......yes, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....we have plenty too! Blessings~~~Roxie

  41. bless his heart:) he looks great, diana! and doesn't he have a great g-mom to bring the snow to him?:) and ria, i hope you always have a reason to smile:)

  42. It warms my heart to see pictures of your little grandson, Diana! So glad he is doing well. Lots of snow and cold here too, brr!!

  43. What a complete blessing to see your little cherub playing with the snow like that, Diana! :) God bless his sweet little heart! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  44. Look at that sweet little guy checking out that snow! He looks like he was never even sick. I do pray for him every night that he stays well and thank God for helping him. hey, I think I'd be one of those idiots too, with enough layers of clothing on! I'd love to snow mobile! So, what's the elf up to now, mooning us? LOL! Hugs, Leena

  45. I am so happy your sweetie is feeling better - you all must be so relieved.

    Your pretty granddaughter is precious - and at the age where they can be SO helpful with tiny ones!

    The snowmobiling I understand but the snowcone? Yikes almighty.

  46. Oh, those sweet smiles on both cousins! and our little boy! As my aunt used to say, "God love him!"

  47. Diana, So Sweet to see your little guy and the wonder in his face discovering snow. Too adorable and your grand girl is precious!
    XO Celestina Marie

  48. How wonderful to see your grandson having fun!

  49. Ria is such a good cousin, and such a doll.

    I can't help but love your pictures of the snow. They always make my heart sing. I WISH IT WOULD SNOW HERE!


  50. What a good idea to bring in the snow! It warmed me very nicely to see that handsome little guy playing in the snow.

  51. I'm just thrilled to see that little guy looking so happy and healthy! It's sweet to see his cousin, who's become such a big girl, taking the time to play with him that way. I sure hope that was clean snow that Daddy had to eat!


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