
Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's A White White Mark Roberts Fairy World

What a whirlwind week
this has been.
I've been shopping
and wrapping presents
and drinking lots of coffee
for energy.

I am surrounded by fairy helpers
but I will only show you one today.
This one is hanging over my
kitchen table.
As you can see when I move back a bit
the landscape LOOKS cold!
Yep- We have snow.
We also have temperatures that are
barely above ZERO!
The fairy doesn't seem to mind though.
I love his sweet little face.
You can see the cold little winter playhouse here.
Does the cold make you tired?
It makes ME tired.
Apparently, it makes MyHero tired, too.
It seems he has fallen asleep whilst reading.
Luckily for him Elf and his new friend joined him
BEFORE the book fell down and 
clunked him in the head.
I'm blaming it ALL on that elf!
Just so you know-
It might, or might not, be dangerous
to fall asleep when I am around.


  1. Oh I love your fairy Diana!
    And yes, this bitter cold just makes me want to hibernate and sleep.
    If the husband makes a fire, even more so.
    I am turning into Rip Van Winkle.
    Happy Weekend friend,
    And go Pack!!

  2. Love it, fairy and Elf, could it get any better! Your husband is a dear to play along with you.

  3. Oh, I think you can count on it being dangerous to fall asleep when you're around, Diana! : ) Especially when it comes to pictures being taken. My husband falls asleep so easily, too. He'll put on a show that he's DVR'd and 10 minutes later he's out!

    Your fairy is very pretty and looks great in the window. I hate this cold and ice {and more snow today!}, but it does look pretty. As long as I don't have to drive in it, I'm good.

  4. yup, it's cold....and we are getting snow today. The elf really looks like he is engrossed in the story your hero is reading....hope he gets to finish it. LOL

  5. Haha! You're a dangerous woman! lol Love the shot of your hubby and his pals. No, the cold and snow don't make me tired, they annoy me - mostly because I know they'll be with us until sometime in April...and maybe beyond!

    Stay warm and drink that coffee!!!

  6. Your fairy is gorgeous and your hubby is pretty darn cute too. I love seeing glimpses of your yard from your windows. That play house is darling in the snow. Stay cozy today. It's snowing and blowing like crazy across the big lake.

  7. I love your white fairy...and he looks perfect with that snow background! The frigid temps here in New Mexico have finally left...looking at 60-70 for the next week! Hugs, Penny

  8. Love the fairy! and the little ones too! Looks like a great day to read a book!

  9. I love your kitchen fairy...but I just may love the details of your kitchen window and the view just a little bit more...

    ( Now, Lynne, if the fairy had not appeared, you may have never seen the beautiful view and the details.)

    I take it back Mr Fairy. Where you go, magic follows!

    Then...there is the Elf and Tiny Bear sharing Hero's shoulder with his Guardian Angel!
    Life is good!
    You never disappoint, Sweet D!

  10. Good Morning DIana,
    Your kitchen fairy is so sweet. Love him. We are getting tons of snow again today and it is bitter cold too. It is a winter wonderland for sure. Happy decorating.

  11. LOL!! Thanks for the smile this morning!

  12. We have had the same kind of cold weather, although we don't have as much humidity as you do so it probably feels colder there - I hope it warms up for you soon!

    Love your sweet fairy helper and the elf is just too cute :)

    Also, I see it was your birthday....Happy Birthday, sweet and wonderful Diana :) Much love to you!

  13. Diana, You are still being naughty:):) And Christmas is so very close. Those little elfs shots crack me up. We have about 5-6 inches of snow...I have shoveled one drive and Teddy ran the snow blower on the other. I shovel in shifts, so as not to kill myself.:):) It is still snowing but when it's done, I won't have to shovel as much. It's good fresh air and exercise. I always shovel a good spot for the mail carrier. Hope it doesn't snow any more till maybe Feb. Keep warm , xoxo,Susie

  14. Does he know that you take photos like this? Very cute!

  15. Glad you are getting so much done! :-)

    Your Faerie Helper is simply gorgeous. Can't wait to see more of them.

    Oh my, 2 Christmas shoulder-sitters now! How many more can one shoulder hold? -giggggles-

  16. That fairy is just the thing to be suspended in your kitchen! Wow! You are right! It really does LOOK cold! Stay warm! xo Nellie

  17. What a pretty fairy Diana and the view out your windows is beautiful!! Snowing here today too:)

  18. Diana,
    Your Christmas Fairy is wonderful - I love it! And I love your view even more. SNOW SNOW SNOW, how I wish it would snow here. I've been drinking lots of coffee too. It's cold here and hits the spot.


  19. So cute! Girl, I wish you could send some of your snow down to North Carolina. That way you'd have less to contend with and we'd have some to revel in! :)

  20. Ha! Of course it's dangerous, but he may know that by now. Oh that's a sweet photo. I think he's reading, though. Just barely, but he's still there...

    Gosh, but it does look blistering cold there! Stay cozy.

  21. Thanks for your sweet comment on my cloche ornament...I just love them!
    OH...Happy birthday...a day late! I cracked up over your Olive Garden story and the pin. So funny..she doesn't want it back! lol
    I absolutely adore your gingerbread garland by your sweet! (literally and figuratively! hee hee hee)
    Hope you have a VERY merry Christmas!
    OH..and my son is doing ok...we have been fighting a seizure disorder for almost 5 years's so hard watching your child have so much trouble, but we have God, and with him all things are possible!
    Blessings and Hugs!

  22. What a pretty ornament! It's good to have those fairies looking over you. Just remember the might tell secrets!!
    We entertaining those temps up here too. My skin is already showing signs of the winter getting to me already!! I'm ready to go South and soak up some rays! Have a great weekend! LOL on hubby and his book! I've done that with the remote in my hand watching tv....fling it goes to the ground. Pretty pathetic!!

  23. I know how he feels I hate it when that happens to me too.

  24. Keep having fun! And tell hubby to grab the camera when you're relaxing...we want to SEE! hahaha! Hugs!

  25. Your fairy is beautiful, as is the scenery. Glad to know I am not the only one who abuses the hubs when he falls asleep unexpectedly! LOL

  26. Love the fairy Diana..You're so bad..My husband always fell asleep reading, watching TV, On the john..Oops..just kidding...Stay warm..It's snowing here..

  27. Love the fairy but I am sick of the ice and cold temps here. I know now that I could never live with long winters! :)

    Does your hero know about these photos?


  28. I love your fairy helper! So, so cute!
    That poor hubby of yours. Oh how you must torture him! lol

  29. Your fairy is very pretty, but the view outside your window even prettier! Hope you are able to stay inside and keep warm. I have never felt temps as low as yours right now!

  30. Love your fairy. It's so beautiful! I also love the sight outside of your windows. Snow is beautiful if you can stay inside. We got some snow today but mostly ice.

    Does your husband know you take these pictures of him? You make me chuckle.

  31. I would never go to sleep around you! He is brave. And that snow looks cold. sandie

  32. Your fairy is so beautiful. So nice of the Mr. to read to the elf and his friend hah.

  33. Love your pretty elves... We have snow, too! Beautiful but.. So hard to muddle through for these last minute trips too town.

  34. I love your kitchen fairy! Snow! Wow! It's gorgeous! It looks like a postcard! Your poor hero, that elf just won't leave him alone- clunked him with a book! That darn elf looks so innocent in the photo!

  35. Your view appears to be incredible! I am sure living on the water is wonderful! I would love it!
    Now I must tell you...I will be following your lead on the pics of hubby sleeping! I will have you beat for I can probably even get a pic of him sleeping while driving. The man can not sit for more than a couple of minutes and he is asleep. I have an elf in my Christmas stuff...i'm digging him out...and hubby beware!

  36. You are so funny. And in regards to my hubby training yours I will have to warn you it only took my hubby 40 years to learn Yes Dear. lol

  37. You are SO cute!! :) I love the way little Elf's eyes are peering over at him.

  38. p.s. ...and you wonder where Sweet Cheeks gets it?? We don't!!

  39. Cute fairy! It's been snowing for 24 hrs. here and I have to dig my way to the chicken coop. Enough has fallen to guarantee a white Christmas this year!

  40. We had three rounds of snow this week and it has been freezing! It's beautiful, but I really have a hard time getting warm and it really does tire you out! ... And yes, falling asleep at your house is dangerous. You never know who might be lurking around the corner with a camera and a blog to share the photos!

  41. Beautiful fairy…and I cannot imagine that gorgeous view in person…the snow is a nuisance but the sight of it is spectacular from your window…Stay warm!!!

  42. I have done that! Fallen asleep with the book still held up in my hands! Thank goodness R.H. doesn't know how to blog! He is proud that he doesn't even know how to turn on a computer, and I am so relieved that he can't!


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