
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Romantic Porch Re-Do From Mess To Magic

You've heard of the 
Magic of Disney?
Well-This is the
Magic of Diana!
NOW you can
Remember yesterday?
The side porch of the dining room 
started out like this!
You can read about that HERE
(it's yesterday's post)
As soon as I had my first cup o coffee
I painted the wood seat cutouts.
Look at those little suckers all lined up
and waiting for me.
I spray painted them white
and will make special pads for them later.
Meanwhile I have some pillows I made
I  STILL love this fabric.
I started with this
Then, I started layering using
Wedding China  and  part of 
Grandmother Clara's silver set.
The porch gets shade early morning
but by 10:30 the sun hits full force.
I continued layering
and added plants and my big birdcage
in the corner.
Here Comes The Sun
(another song to run through your head)
I added the cherub that reminds me of my
sweet little granddaughter Anna Bella.
She would be eight this month.
Where HAVE the years gone? 
The angel has a broken wing-
imperfect like life-but still beautiful.
It is looking so much better.
I still need some sort of all weather rug
but the big stuff is done.
The MESS and the MAGIC
Now-Come on down to my house, baby-
Come on down and we will play.
(another old song-I am getting as bad as 
Suzan over at Simply Vintageous....
she's a "trip" all by herself-she has songs
running thru her head like I do...yes...yes...
she IS blond)
Anyway- I'm ready for you now!
I'll even bake before you get here.
What time will you be here?
I want to make sure I am not
sitting around in my nightgown-


  1. Hahaha! Loved your posts on your patio table and the tablescape is dreamy. Enjoy - in your night gown or not!

  2. You did a beautiful job. I will be right there. Put the tea pot on please.

  3. Stay in your night gown... we can have a pajama party! Well done.

  4. Diana, If half of us knew where you lived'd be baking for a week..cause we'd be there to talk and talk. I love the make over. Once I made some valances for my daughter's sunporch at her old house...your pillow fabric reminds me of them. I loved that pattern. Hope you have a great day. xoxo,Susie

  5. Oh, so pretty Diana! I ll be right over!! When I saw your cherub I immediately thought of your Anna Bella! Isnt it amazing how time can fly.. but at the same time; it seems like forever since the people we have lost were actually right here in our physical world (in one way or another).. Beautiful lilacs too i might add! - very envious!!
    Lots of love! xxxx

  6. wow wow.. I knew you'd make it mega dreamy and you did~!

    love the lilacs and the tone and mood they set.. that vignette actually matches how I see You..

    well done sweetie-- I'm standing by my desk and applauding..

  7. Beautiful. Now don't leave that silver out, or it will belong to someone else.

  8. Girl, I'm knocking on the door and you haven't let me in yet! Should I just let myself in or what?!

  9. Oh Diana, what a beautiful setting! It was well worth the wait!! I only wish I could visit with you and drink coffee and chat up a storm (I'm a big time coffee drinker too). Hugs, Gail

  10. Ok, you have heard never to invite an Alabama gal unless you mean it. Pour the tea I am on the way.
    Your deck looks so lovely. All of your touches are just perfect. Your an inspiration. Now I need to get out there and get busy.

  11. It's a beautiful setting, Diana! I'd love to come and take tea with you ~ I'll bring the sunscreen. : ) I love your big birdcage, too.

  12. It's exactly what I expected...PERFECT! It looks like a perfect spot for all sorts of fun.

  13. Oh, darlin', don't worry about sitting around in your nightgown. I'll just throw my robe over mine and pop through the hedge. Surprise! The setting is so charming it's like a magazine showcase.

  14. Grandmother Clara's silver set all polished, wedding china out, beautiful bouquet....perfect! Now all you need is Sweet Cheeks and the party can start! Hugs, Penny

  15. Who cares if you're in your jammies! Your table looks like it should be on the cover of Romantic Homes. LOVE IT! Please come to my house and perform your magic! Have a wonderful 4th, Diana!!

  16. You must decorate in your "nightie" more often!

    How pretty is your special niche for tea, graced my your love for Anna Bella!

  17. you and Suzan are such a trip! Laughing is a good medicine. You really turned that space into a very pretty spot to sit and relax

  18. It's a beautiful thing! Fit for Belle at the ball :-)

  19. Wow! You sure did work your special magic, Diana! I love your pretty and oh so romantic porch! And your table setting is gorgeous! Love the angel and your amazing bird cage. Looks straight out of Romantic Homes magazine:)

  20. Stunning! It looks so elegant.

  21. Now my mind is totally confused with all those different tunes. I'll take cinnamon rolls, please, with my coffee. You did work magic and now I am wishing I hadn't given away an old birdcage I had. Happy 4th. You'll be sitting pretty.

  22. Oh pretty! Your porch is just dreamy now Diana. Love that fabric. And your angel is very special. You could have a tea party with the girls! Hmmm, if I start driving now .....

  23. You did work magic! The fabric is dreamy and so are the real flowers. What a nice spot to sit and have coffee or tea in the morning and some of those coffee cake muffins. I hope all your moments today will be sweet, Diana.

  24. You are magical. May I borrow your wand?

  25. Hi Diana,
    You worked your magic and created such a cozy, inviting and romantic setting on your porch.
    Love your china. The birdcage is awesome and I love the angel on the table.
    I'd love to join you in the morning for coffee.
    And as for the songs in our heads, I break out in song all day while creating. You should be here, you never know what tune I will sing out next. LOL And, I'm not a blonde. LOL

    Have a wonderful 4th of July my friend,
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  26. You did it! It looks beau-ti-ful! :)

  27. It's always fun to start my morning off with a post from Nana Diana! The transformation is fabulous! Romantic setting, Diana. Bet your Hero is impressed! And you did it all by yourself! ~ Sarah

  28. That is beautiful! I'd love to come. But - you forgot to post your address! ;-)

  29. It's gorgeous. I'll be there as soon as I change out of my night gown!

  30. You can come to my place anytime and work your magic on my porch!
    Beautiful job!

  31. Hey, I will just come in my PJ's and there won't be any problem! Looks soooo pretty. You did good!

  32. What a beautiful transformation! I love everything that you have done....and thanks for the songs :)

  33. Oh my word, totally amazing and gorgeous. Do you do house calls. Don't forget, you can still link up to Inspire Me Tuesday - - - Hugs, Marty

  34. Oh how lovely!!!!!

    Share that with Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage - and Tea in the Garden with Bernideen's Tea Time Blog parties - they will LOVE it!!!

    You did a fabulous job.

    I am packing now to enjoy that beautiful outdoor space with you. Thanks for the invite.

    Maybe I will just come in my jammies too so you don't have to change either. : - p

  35. Beautiful setting. I wish I had a grandma that had nice things. What she did have disappeared as I was too young to know anything. I remember her things though, all I can do is look for things that remind me of her. Your set of silver is beautiful

  36. Beautiful! Glad you got that done and Mark did such a great job of cutting those out for you! Who needs John anyway? Happy 4th!

  37. Oh Diana, it looks wonderful. Your Grandmother's silver set really makes it special, and I love the rose centerpiece. And that angel! Such a beauty. You have done a great job, and I wish I could sit out there with you and have a cup of tea.

    Happy Fourth of July, my sweet friend.


  38. I'll be there - and I'm going to bake
    a sugar cake ( can't you see how happy we would beeeeeeeeee !!! )
    LOL -
    It looks gorgeous Diana - love your imperfect cherub ( far more than I would love a perfect one )
    I just thought of something.
    Are we the Edie Beales of Bloglandia?

  39. Looks fab!! Have you ever seen those all-weather seisel rugs? That would look great w the white! Have a great weekend!

  40. I'm showing up in my best Downtown Abbey hat and gloves and sitting right down there on those newly painted seats! I hope it's cool so I won't fade into a wilted flower....oh my, my!

    Beautiful Diana, just beautiful.


  41. So pretty, you've created a sweet spot there...take time to enjoy it!
    Happy 4th Sweet Friend!

  42. Beautiful! What a difference today has made!i love the feel of your pretty porch.

  43. Reminds me of another song, one by Queen (the greatest band ever). "I want it all, and I want it now". You and I are both alike in knowing what we want and not wanting to wait. You go girl!

  44. I am stunned. You can set a pretty fancy table when you set your mind to it! Love the cherub!

  45. Oh wow, it is beautiful Diana!... I could sooo just linger there all morning with a nice cup of coffee and chat with you... Happy 4th to you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  46. Oh, Diana! How beautiful! I SO wish I could be there! You have to be up early, though, to beat that sun! xo Nellie

  47. This is a great place to did a wonderful job on all of it.:)

  48. This is gorgeous! Your china looks stunning with you Grandmother's silver! I love all of your flowers too! You crack me up sitting around in your night gown! You sound like me! I know, let's have a prissy girl party on your porch and wear our nightgowns!

  49. Absolutely fabulous! I'm going to wear a long, garden dress and a straw hat with black streamers. I think I'll pin some posies to my bodice, too. I've already made the jam, if you make the biscuits. I just named my new kitten Clara after my grandmother!

  50. Wow..Just lovely..Stay in your nightie then I won't have to change..

  51. It looks so, so beautiful. Love that Silver tea pot!! Mine gets like this too. So full of pine needles, grit and grime. But they sure clean up pretty :) Happy 4th to you!!!

  52. now that's gorgeous, diana! anna bella--beautiful name:) happy 4th!!

  53. Lovely table ready and waiting for us....but wait!
    Where are the Three Sisters Cookies???

  54. Diana, that is so lovely! I love setting up a pretty table!

  55. Wonderful transformation! And there ain't nothin' wrong with sittin' around in your nightgown (all day if I have my way (; )girl!~TJ

  56. Beautiful! I'll be right over but don't worry, I'll be wearing my nightgown too!~~Ang

  57. You sure did your magic, Diana! The table setting is so pretty! Well done!
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful 4th of July!

  58. Girl you can create!

    Lovely, delightful, and yes, I would love a cup of tea..shall it go along with a piece of the virtual blogiversary cake I passed out this morning?


  59. Wow, just beautiful! You are very talented. Thanks for sharing! Take care,

  60. A one day transformation...WOW! Very beautiful and inviting! I love a gal who loves to stay in her jammies.....kindred spirits we are! Let's go to Wally World after our dining fresco! Blessings~~~Roxie

  61. Hi Diana, Oh girl you have simply outdone yourself!!! I love every detail here. It is hot again, just cooler this morning. Plus we are getting humidity too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful table setting and have a safe & fun 4th!
    Much love,

  62. That is GORGEOUS Diana - I absolutely love it!! Is that Noritake china? I love your set and the cushions! Soooo inviting. My patio table is black - I think I want to paint it white to look like yours! Have a Happy 4th!!!... Donna

  63. It looks great! You really got a lot done quickly! Very pretty! I love that fabric too! Hoping to get mine in shape tomorrow so we can sit out there while we bbq. I love doing that! Have a fun 4th! Hugs, Leena

  64. Love it! I hope you enjoyed a nice meal out there.

  65. What a gorgeous redo, and you are so fast! I'd still be thinking about it!
    Love your sweet angel with the broken wing, I love imperfections, that's what is real. The table is lovely, now what's for dinner?
    Hugs and happy 4th of July!

  66. What a difference a post can make, huh??? Wow, your table is so elegant and pretty, and I love that fabric, too!

    Enjoy your Fourth!


  67. Holy cow it looks beautiful! So envious as right now we have no patio or back porch.Hoping something will happen soon...fingers crossed!

  68. GORGEOUS Diana! I would expect nothing less from you. It looks like straight out of a magazine. Happy 4th to you and your family.

    xo Danielle

  69. You are a transformation genius. It's night and day. Beautiful job.

  70. That is quite a transformation; you are a magician!


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