
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth Of July- God Bless Our Veterans-A Prayer Request

It is a day for celebration
for most of us.
We wave our flags and grill
our burgers and wolf down our hot dogs.
We stand in line for dripping
ice cream cones
and we stare at the sky
in awe as fireworks 
feed us a feast for our eyes.

We are free.
What a blessing to be free.
But that freedom comes at a cost.
A big cost.

You know, blogland is full of women,
but there are a few men out there 
that join our ranks.

One of those men makes an appearance
once in a while and leaves me a comment.
He is quite a character-and y'all know
how much I like "characters".
His name is Kurt and he is known as
He is a sailor
Once a Navy man-always a Navy man.
22 years in service to our country.
He is ill....very ill.
He has stared death in the face and
beat it back more than once.
But-not without cost of limbs and
chemo and surgeries.

Today is a day to honor him and
all our service people.
Could you please find it in your heart
to go to his blog and wish him a
Happy Fourth of July.
You won't find PRETTY there
because there is nothing pretty about
what he is going through.
Say a little prayer for him to beat 
this latest medical mystery.
He deserves it.
He has earned it.
He is a warrior.
Here is the link

Thank you so much.
(his comments are right after the date-
on the bottom and only show up 
when you click on them)
I salute you, Kurt, for all you have
done for your country and for
my families freedom.
Bless you!

Here is my Sweet Cheeks two years ago...
on July 4th....
Taken at dusk with the sunset 
casting a rosy glow on her face-
watching the first of the fireworks set off
from our little dock on the beach.
I love this picture.
Happy Fourth Of July 
from my family to yours-
Off to enjoy my family for the day-
Love to all of you- Nana Diana


  1. Hi Diana, I love the photo of your g.daughter too. I'll visit Kurt today. You have a good heart. Enjoy your day.xoxo,Susie

  2. Happy 4th Diana. I am off now to visit Kurt and tell him how much he is appreciated!

  3. Lovely post! Enjoy your day. xo

  4. Happy 4th !!!! Have a great day !

  5. Happy 4th Diana. Enjoy your family today. Sweet Cheeks is so adorable. Love that picture too. I will visit Kurt too. The sacrifices those men and women make with their lives so we can celebrate a day like today is a blessing. God bless them.

  6. What an amazing picture! Prayers for Kurt!

    Have a wonderful Fourth!

    xo Nellie

  7. Happy 4th Diana and family.

    I am on holidays still. Have sons computer. Rain here.
    May you not get rained out as my family is in Florida and plan to celebrate your occasion and watch firework also.

    So my email is working to receive any messages.

  8. Happy 4th sweet Diana! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your beautiful family!!

  9. Happy 4th of July Diana, I went over to Kurt's blog this morning. He has really been through a lot. Our vets have given us so very much. The girls picture on facebook is adorable. I am going to see Hubby then to my daughter's for a cookout and fireworks. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  10. Happy 4th of July to you and your family, Diana. I will visit Kurt now.

  11. Hope you and your family have a great holiday!

  12. Happy 4 of July Diana!
    I'm off to visit now
    Much love,

  13. Great post Diana. I am off to visit Kurt's page. Sweet cheeks is adorable as always. Have a wonderful 4th and be safe. xo Linda
    p.s. Let me know if you find that magic wand.

  14. Happy 4th of July Diana. Thanks for reminding us of the reason we can celebrate this day. I'm headed off to wish him well.


  15. Happy 4th Diane! Thank you for sharing I am hoping on over!

  16. Happy 4th to you and your precious family, Sweet D!

  17. Happy Independence Day to you! I will visit Kurt too, thanks for caring and sharing! We all have sooo much to be grateful for....these men and women who have truly paid the price for our freedom!! Sweet Cheeks is adorable...the picture says it all! Blessings to you and your family, Diana~~~Roxie

  18. Happy Blessed 4th of July!! I love Sweet Cheeks expression. I love how you watched the fireworks through her eyes!! I'm off to thank Mr. Kurt! God bless +: )

  19. On my way! Thank you for sharing this story! Blessings!

  20. Happy 4th Diana..have fun with your family..

  21. lovely little Miss and yes, I'm happy to visit KrippledWarrior and thank him. my pleasure and honor.

  22. So true. I'm so incredibly thankful for the military and the military families out there who each pay a price for us to enjoy out freedom. Happy 4th of July!

  23. Aw, the wonder in that little face! Enjoy your day. I visited your warrior.

  24. Happy 4th sweet friend, heading off to visit the warrior!!!

  25. Beautiful post. I will visit Kurt right now. Our Veterans are very special people.

  26. thank you for letting me know about this wonderful warrior, I would like nothing more on this day than to visit him and say thank you.

  27. Happy belated 4th of July Diana. Love that photo of SW!

  28. une pensée pour tous ces soldats
    mort pour une certaine LIBERTÉ
    dur à maintenir
    joyeuse journée
    edith (iris) France

  29. Diana, you are awesome. I am heading over there now.


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