
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fixing The Front Of A Historical House

As most of you know
that have been following me
for a while we have moved
MANY (is it 15?) times in
the years we have been married.
most of those homes.
My favorite house -
besides  the one we are in now-
 was the house in the historical section
of Astor Park in Green Bay, WI.
I LOVED this house.
I thought we would be there forever.
Sadly, it was not to be-
a neighbor walked across the street
one day and made my husband an 
offer he could not refuse.
Thirty days later we moved out.
(Now, remember, back then I
was not blogging.  I took
pictures only to have for our files)
When we moved...the 
front looked like this.
There is a porch swing on the left
where we spent every morning 
drinking coffee.

Here is what it looked like when we
moved in.
When we bought it
the ceiling of the porch
was painted dark navy blue
and there was a cranberry front door.
The first thing I did outside was paint
the ceiling white.
It made the inside much brighter.
The porch floor was painted one of the 
colors off the historical colors list.
Inside there was a vestibule and
a foyer behind it.
The vestibule was missing its door
and the built in bench had been removed.
How I wish I had taken better pictures.
The front sidelights had already
been replaced at this point.
We replaced the bench,
the missing glass between foyer
and vestibule.
We also replaced the front door which
was not original to the house and
replaced the inner door with the one
 that had been moved from its place 
and used as the front door.
Oh----this is the home I miss the most!

Later this week
I will give you a peek at the side/back yard.
You won't believe your eyes.

-Bet you can't believe this either-
I do-
You know why?
Because it was on the INTERNET...
and, as we all know, everything
we see on the internet is true!
Have a great day!


  1. what a beautiful home and great porch! Love it.

  2. Diana,
    Love this home. especially the front porch!! Would die to have a front porch like that!! Oh, what fun I would have decorating it!!


  3. No wonder you miss that home. It's beauty and charm speak volumes!

  4. Absolutely beautiful home! I betit was great fun restoring it!

  5. It looks like a dream home diana! do you have any more pics from inside? cant wait to see out back too! Love the way you changed the doors around. Fifteen homes! that sure is a lot! i think i have moved maybe 20 in my life. We just arent keen to move too much now, been here for ten years almost now. time flies! like the yehtti!! (not sure how its spelt!) Tis true indeed!!!
    laura xxx

  6. What a gorgeous home. I love a big front porch. I know you hated to leave that home.

  7. I can see why this house is a favorite! BEAUTIFUL! A front PORCH is my FAVORITE thing about a home...and if it doesn't have one, or I can't put one on.....I ain't a buyin!
    Can't wait to see more! Also, what a beautiful lady...Lilly Pulitizer and a darling name!! Fit her perfectly...Blessings~~~Roxie

  8. Beautiful home, I wouldn't have wanted to leave either! Yes, I'm so glad there is a place where you know you can find the TRUTH...the internet!
    Happy Wednesday Diana...

  9. That was a beautiful home! I would've hated to leave it too! I love historical homes in small towns. So charming and full of stories to be told about their history. They just don't build them like that anymore!

  10. Oh my word, what a beautiful house. I think we may have had a small (or big :) discussion on leaving that place. BUT now you live on the lake.. guess there are always trade-offs... : )
    Please show us pics of the inside, if you have them.

  11. Oh I remember that house-it was gorgeos when you were done with it-one of my two favorites.

  12. Beautiful house! I can't really say that I miss any of my old houses. Yards, yes - and flowers, yes, but the house itself, nope, not one bit.

  13. Oh that house is awesome. I would love to decorate that front porch. How nice and roomy.

  14. I think I just died. What a beautiful home...

  15. What a gorgeous home....I was practically drooling looking at the photos. We don't have homes like that down where we live so I have house envy!!!!

  16. Good Morning Diana, I have decided to take a "me" day. It is cold here today after 75 yesterday. The storm woke me up early this morning. Your home was beautiful and I would love to have a front porch to sit on. I have only had to move twice in my life thank goodness. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  17. What a gorgeous house, Diana! I know that you must have been so sad to leave, especially after you put all of your wonderful touches on it. I love the porch, and all of the amazing woodwork and character. I sure hope you find a home someday that will be your forever dream home:) Oh, and Bigfoot really DOES exist! Yep, he lives in Washington State! Not only was it on the internet, but on tv. So it MUST be true, right?:)

  18. Good Morning Diana, I do understand why you miss this home, it is absolutely beautiful. I love front porches, although they are not a feature of our homes in England. When my daughter lived in Atlanta, I saw so many of these beautiful porches.
    I am looking forward to seeing the rest of your photographs.
    Best Wishes

  19. What a wonderful house. No wonder you miss it.

    I do indeed believe everything I read on the internet. LOL

  20. Beautiful house, Diana! It would have been difficult to move from there. As to the Internet - of course! Everything found there is believable.:-) xo Nellie
    P.S. - Not really!

  21. What a gorgeous home! I love the character of older homes. They just don't put those extra touches in houses now! Strange hairy neighbor you had there though, but ilke you said, they can't put it on the internet if it isn't true. It's like that commercial on tv with the "French" model. BONJOUR! LOL Have a great day! Hugs, Leena

  22. what a beautiful home! I think I would stayed with the new owners, lol!! I wonder where you will be next?

  23. The best cat in the world is in the second to last picture.....Mr. Midnight - always sitting at the front door waiting for a chance to get out and roll around on the sidewalk.

  24. Diana, your home of yesteryear was certainly a home of grandeur yet welcoming comfort. I love those types of entries the very best. No letting in the outside air in & shocking everyone in the front room. There is something so welcoming about a large front porch that says come across the street and lets have some tea and chat a bit, don't you think? I love it. I can see why you miss it. Hugs. Tammy

  25. Oh, my, Diana; what a beautiful house. I'm not familiar with that area of GB (or at least I don't think I am); will look it up when we get there. IS IT EVER GOING TO STOP SNOWING UP THERE??????!!!! :)

  26. Wow that was a beautiful home.

    So sad what money can do when really your heart is still there as you would of not mentioned it.

    Sounds like it was more of hubbys take instead of yours.

    My Mom never stopped saying she missed England.Should of never moved to Canada. Never heard the end. It was my dad who wanted to come to Canada.

  27. Such an awesome post especially after just getting back from our trip. Nothing like an older home. We plan on making one of those old gems home for life. Can't wait! xo

  28. LMAO Big Foot is coming to visit because you didn't paint your porch ceiling haint blue. Didn't you know that the haint blue will protect you from dastardly haints, vampires, ghosties, werewolves, wampus cats, and Big Foots???? Seriously, we know all about these kinds of things in the South! ;P

  29. BTW I can see why it's one of your favorite homes. It is stunning!

  30. I love those big ole porches! Is it near the Astor House B&B? Love those old neighborhoods.

  31. That is a beautiful home. I know you loved that gigantic front porch. I dream of a porch like that.


  32. What a beautiful house. We have moved several times too, not as many as you. We have always done projects at our houses, but we have our one historical home in our list too. Ours was huge and a mess when we bought it and we restored it back to its' original beauty. My husband really loved that house and I was so proud of how it ended up...but, I was also so tired of all the work that I don't miss it. I like having my new house now, where the windows open easily and there isn't something always going wrong. It was fun though while we had it and those types of homes are so gorgeous at Christmas!

  33. What a beautiful home! I can see why you miss it so much. When I was a young girl living in Canada the home we lived in was lovely and I thought we would remain there, only to move a few years later. Some homes will always be special :)


  34. Oh my gosh Diana, what an amazing house! So much charm and character, and that front porch - dreamy! I bet it was the house that everyone walked past and wished they lived there!

  35. Diana, your house was very beautiful! I really love that you painted the porch white.
    Oh yeah Diane I believe everything on the internet!"its nothing but the truth the whole truth" "wink"

  36. Girl, Wow what a home!!!! I can see why you miss it. I can't wait to see the back yard etc; it would be so good if you had photos of the inside too. I don't think there has ever been a home I miss, really miss. We still have our Ca. home and hope to sell it in a year or two. Maybe our next home will be our dream home-who knows.
    Love to you today.

  37. What a beautiful home. I looks so large.
    Big Foot on the other 6 year granddaughter did her science fair project on him and had him as her birthday party. So if you need to know more just ask her, hah.

  38. An amazing home. This is the kind of home I dream and obsess over. I have been trying to convince my husband that the next home we purchase should be a historical fixer upper on a ton of land.

  39. Such a lovely home and the porch is so inviting. I love every home the Lord has blessed us with and it is never easy to leave, is it?

  40. Gorgeous home! Love it. And love the changes you made. I wonder why front door vestibules have fallen by the wayside? They seem so practical.

  41. What a lovely home. Thank you for sharing the memories. xox

  42. What a beautiful house. Would be fun to live there. (After you had done all the work on it!)

  43. Oh, I can see why you loved this charming home! I've always dreamed of having a big front porch like that!
    Hey, I live in BigFoot country. People have seen things...... (creepy music)! Can't wait to see more photos... Hugs, xoxo

  44. Oh my gosh what a beautiful home.. How did you ever leave it!?!??!?!? And ofcourse, everything thats on the internet is true doncha know? LOL

  45. Yup, no lies allowed on the internet. the internet police will take you away and lock you up. With no computer, no less. Oh, I can see why you miss this house. What a beaut! Glad you shared her with us. She has to be a she because she's so purdy!

  46. I want a big porch like that, it's just beautiful.
    Now, I have come to believe that you having so many hairy man-creatures in your posts can only mean that you have Harry Henderson living with you.
    Where does he sleep? ;)
    xo, Tina

  47. What a beautiful home.I would be sad to leave it too!LOVE that gorgeous porch!

  48. Diana, It is a lovely home. I can see how you can miss it.
    There is something so special about a big front porch like this one. I wish homes were built this way again. Neighbors knew one another and you sat outside every morning or evening. I grew up with a porch like this and so miss it. We had one house in Indiana with a big porch, but that was long ago and life moved on.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest you share.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie
    p.s. yes, the big foot type character has to be true!! LOL

  49. I love that house. It reminds me of my grandparents house. Their's was a foursquare. I'm still upset to this day that my mother sold her half to my cousin.

  50. What a gorgeous home!!! This is one of my favorite things to do is peek inside of peoples homes.. I love to see how they live.. nosy me.. anyways I can imagine drinking coffee from that porch as you wave at all the people off the work.. how nice..

  51. Oh you teaser That's a sasquatch...and they are REAL.

    Well at least if you grew up where I did, you always wonder.


  52. Diana... I can see why you loved that home. What a difference a coat of paint makes. That porch is a dream of mine.

  53. Diana, Your home was lovely! I can see why your neighbor wanted it! The curd appeal is amazing! Your porch is wonderful, a dream! I love the character of historic homes and you certainly improved on the great bones of this one!

  54. I could never move like that. I am too much, well shall we say..sentimental! HA!
    What a gorgeous home, love the blue ceiling my neighbors did that.

  55. I don't blame you for missing that house it looks like a great house I would miss it too.

  56. Wait a minute... I saw that hairy guy at Walmart!
    I can see why that house was one of your favorites!
    Amazing! I would sit out on the front porch swinging and even drinking coffee just to experience it!
    Blessings Always, Roxy

  57. I would miss that home, too. What a charmer. It has all the ingredients of a "keeper" dream home.


  58. Love it, Diana. It is beautiful. I'm sure you miss it bunches. Great house.

  59. It's hard to beat the elegance of an historic home. With such a deep porch it must have been great for arranging furniture. show us some more of the inside!

  60. I would love a big front porch. This looks like a large spacious home .
    I think I saw that same image in the woods one foggy morning! LOL.

  61. What a gorgeous home and that big front porch looks perfect for entertaining and relaxing. Can't wait to see more pictures.

  62. Oh my gosh what a dream house!!!! I LOVE the porch!!!It looks so much better after you added your touches too :) I feel so bad you had to move. But it is a good thing you took these pics. Cant wait to see more!

  63. Give me a big porch & a swing, I will be home forever.... That sure was a beautiful house & we all know that Diana's touches made them your Home~
    Thanks for sharing

  64. Oh.... I miss that house too! And it's not even mine. haha! It's perfect though, I can see why you loved it so much.

  65. IF we were ever to buy another house (you know what will have frozen over according to Jim) I want a big ol' porch just like that!

  66. I'm so glad I didn't miss this post, Diana. I do love seeing historic houses and can only imagine how you must miss it. I have always admired the old homes with a vestibule. I know they served a practical purpose in those cold winters you have but they also seem such a part of gracious living too. It was so much fun seeing these pictures--and imagining what the inside might be like, a la Diana.

  67. Oh Diana, what a beautiful home! That would be my dream home! Can't wait to see more of it!

  68. That yard is to die for and the fence is just beautiful!

  69. I know you are considering a move. Are you going to tell us that you are going back to the lovely home?
    Boy, that would be a story!

  70. What a beautiful home Diana. Even with the few pictures you shared, it looks like such a treasure and a wonderful place to come home to at the end of the day.



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