
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Romantic Homes Review May 2013 Issue

Can you believe that the
May Romantic Homes issue
is here already?
Ready to see some special people?
Here's my friend, Kim,
She got a full page nod this month.
Now, let me warn you.
When you get to Kim's blog...
well....this room might look completely
different...cuz she is a 
mover and shaker painter.
You just NEVER know what she is
going to do next.  
That's why I love visiting her.

I love the name of this next blog.
I found her through the magazine
and she has a wonderful blog.
 I love Kelly over at
She has a great sense of style.
And I have followed Sandy's blog,
Paint Me White for a long time.
Her style is impeccable-
Even her header is swoon worthy.
There is also a feature on
Christine Derderian's home.
The home is full of wonderful artwork..
and sweet colors.
Well, there are a few teasers
but there's a lot more in
the magazine itself.
So...I am willing to share my magazine
with you if you 
want to join me here for a 
cup of coffee or tea!
How about it?
I promise you'll leave smiling!


  1. Time to head to the grocery store to search for this magazine! I'm ready for some fun/inspirational reading this weekend.

  2. How beautiful! I love this magazine! So much inspiration. I hope you are having a good week!

  3. I would love to join you there for coffee! And, I’m off to get a copy of this magazine. I’m happy for all the bloggers and hey, how about Kim, full page! I’m not at all surprised. Thanks for shraing.........

    The French Hutch

  4. Diana, I would love to have a cup of coffee with you.:):) I thinking more and more about getting a subscription to Romantic Homes. You know it so nice to have a great magazine with our coffee. xoxo,Susie

  5. I love all of those talented girls and you are right about Kim....she is the queen of repainting things:) Wouldn't it be nice if we could have coffee together....

  6. Don't you love Romantic Homes magazine? I will need to pick up a copy..the pictures are the best! What time should I be over? chris

  7. Thanks for the shout out and yes that room has changed. What can we say?

  8. Oh my goodness! I didn't know that all of these wonderful bloggers (including my sister) would be featured in this magazine all at the same time. How awesome! I haven't seen this issue yet. I'll be sure to look at it next time I'm out shopping. Should've looked for it yesterday while I was at Walmart!

  9. So far from what is going on in my house right now! So pretty

  10. Yay, I cant wait till mine comes in the mail!! Thank you for sharing these blogs with us, I am going to go check them out right now :)

  11. Lovely blogs, thanks for sharing! I love looking at every style of decorating! Can always change out color, fabric etc but the ideas are free flowing in larger crowds. Thanks for the blog hops. Enjoyed them. Hugs. Tammy

  12. Beautiful pictures! Hopefully, we'll soon be getting beautiful weather so we can have pretty flowers by Mother's Day.

  13. We have some rock stars amongst us that is for sure Diana. I cracked up over your statement about Kim...tis is true and we love it!

  14. Looks like a beautiful issue and and it's always fun to see familiar people in the press! Hugs, Leena

  15. Good Afternoon Diana, I would love to join you for a cup of coffee as this wonderful magazine is not available in England. I have seen it mentioned a lot on blogs and always wondered about it. So thank you for sharing some of the photographs....and of course I will be nipping over to visit the blogs you mentioned.
    Best Wishes

  16. Kim has such fabulous taste - did you see the update in her guest room????
    I'm constantly changing things too - but they don't come out quite as nice lol!

  17. I just picked it up last Friday at the grocery store and yes! It's a very good issue! I get so many ideas from the magazine, if only I had the time to do what's in my head!

  18. Hi Diana, I love the May issue of RH and the features are all awesome. Some great and creative bloggers. I love it when some make lots of changes too. That is so me! LOL My hubs never knows what he will come home to find. LOL

    You are the best to always share and feature the wonderful ladies in this issue.

    Hugs, CM

  19. Hi Diana, I am being very lazy today and sitting here on the sofa and just gazing at the new spring green leaves and dogwood flowers and ornamental magnolias that all seem to have popped in the last four days. Amazing! Playing on my little notebook computer catching up on blog comments. My new Romantic Homes magazine is resting right next to me...Pretty in Pink, which I am going to read as soon as I finish this. Have a super sweet weekend. xoxo P.S. You are so kind to mention the RH blogs. :) I keep waiting for them to email me. ;)

  20. Hi Diana, I received my copy in the mail a few days ago, and have read it front to back already! Love it. I need to visit those blogs, I'm not familiar with all of them, looks like some amazing talent out there!! I'm comin' over for a cuppa Joe!

  21. Thank you so much for the shout out!!!! It's nice to see I am not the only one who get's teased for painting and changing things up constantly ;o) LOL

  22. I am SURE I would leave smiling~~!!
    All of those rooms are amazing! I really love Kelly's Hobnail Milk Glass set!

  23. Coffee please! Beautiful rooms and I love Kim's blog too. She makes me feel better about myself when she continually changes things. I love those slip covered couches. Pretty!

  24. I would love to join you, Diana, but wouldn't it have to be indoors? Have you had a recent spring snowstorm?:-(

    I'm loving the pink and white of this magazine issue.

    xo Nellie

  25. Thanks for the heads up on some new blogs. :) Very pretty!

  26. Ha, are you sitting out there in the snow????? I know Kim, but I am going to have to check out the others. :)

  27. I love seeing all my blog friends featured! I like to thumb through and smile when I can point and say that's my friend! Congrats to all!
    Thanks for spreading the news.

  28. Sweet post Diana, wish I could come share some coffee with you...

  29. I am on my way, can we sit at the little iron table?
    How pretty.
    Kim is a great Georgia gal and sooooo talented. Kudos to her.
    xo Ginger

  30. I love the May cover....PINK!!! Great features, new people to check out...Oh, I will be over shortly for coffee!


  31. I'd love to share this evening with you, my friend! The magazine sure looks fabulous and I see some familiar names! What a wonderful magazine! Sweet hugs!

  32. No. I can't believe May is right around the corner. Ooooh, I love the pics and the white couch with the pink painting. I wish magazines did a better job of telling us where we could find the stuff that is in the pics. Thanks for sharing. Hugs...

  33. Beautiful magazine!
    I'm only coming for tea if it's Spring there now!

  34. I'd love to come for tea and look through the lovely magazine. It's funny but I just picked this one up today at Walmart and then put it back down telling myself that I didn't need Another Magazine! :) It looks like a keeper, so I'll get it next time.

    Thank you so much for being my newest follower! I definitely will follow back and look forward to getting to know you better.

  35. I'll be right over....
    And I love that house decorated around the art....I would love to do that one day!!! Plus everything's PINK!!! :D

  36. tea please:) another great mag reviews, diana! just visited gert!

  37. Hi Diana... I actually got my RH over a week ago, I could not believe it was the May issue already... love love love all the pink and color coming back!... to be honest, the all white homes look rather sterile and uninviting to me with no color at all in them... I have kept all of my pink, lavender, aquas, etc and always will... I am betting alot of ladies wish they had kept their pink treasures they gave away or sold!... I don't ever follow fads or trends, I am just me... hope you are enjoying a nice Spring day... xoxo Julie Marie

  38. Yes, I love all the changes Kim gives her home! Lots of talent in blog land!

  39. Oh I don't get this magazine...but I recognize some of the bloggers mentioned.
    I'm going to have to go and check out the ones I don't recognize.

    I sometimes miss 'magazining'...just you know, perusing the pages of a magazine. But...I have the internet now.
    lots of good stuff... I don't think I'll EVER finish reading it all! :)

  40. Hi Diana!
    Thanks for sharing this. LOVE. Heading out to get me a copy now...
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  41. I'll be right over! Kim is one of my favorites, but I haven't had the pleasure of visiting the other blogs (yet). Will be checking them out soon. YOU know ALL the movers and shakers, don't you?? :)


  42. the garden looks so pretty diana! i must hunt out that magazine, i am sure someone must sell it over here in perth!!!


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