
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Am Sick

Just  a quick note to
tell you that I am sick.
Not sure if it is the flu.
or not...
fever, chills, terrible headache...
I never get sick like this.
I have never had the flu
and I have some 
auto-immune problems
that makes this 
"not a good thing".

I will be back as soon
as I can find my 
sense of humor.

Have a good day- 
xo Diana


  1. Get well, get well soon! Rest and cookies, xo

  2. Sounds like the flu- it comes on fast. Go to the doctor for Tami-flu. It helps a lot. Sorry your sick :-(

  3. I am praying for your dear friend.

  4. Feel better! I had a terrible headache for about three days.

  5. Sounds like the flu to me...ugh! I know your pain. Prayers your way. Drinks lots of fluids and get rest!!! xo

  6. Diana, they said this year the flu outbreak is very high in numbers, so I bet you have the flu. There is a new medicine to help you with it, but the doctor told me last year you have to start taking it during the first 24 hours of getting the symptoms. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Diana the flu is really terrible this year. And if you have any other medical complications it just adds to the intensity.
    I have had it once already this year. My doctor told me that the kind of flu going around the Tama Flu shot will not help.

  8. Keeping you in my prayers! I had it for 2 weeks. My advice is to sleep all you can. (((Hugs)))

  9. Awww, feel better my friend! I'll be sending good thoughts your way.

  10. Diana, Hope you get well soon. I will say a little prayer for you. xoxox,Susie

  11. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well! I hope it's a short viral visit. I have heard good things about Tamiflu, if administered within the first 24 hours. (Maria Elena gave good advice.) If you haven't called your probably should!
    You are in my thoughts and prayers!

  12. Im so sorry to hear that you are sick and I sincerely hope you are well soon!!
    Rest and drink lots of water!

  13. I am so sorry to hear this! Please get to the Dr. quick ans see if you can get the Tamiflu. I came down with the flu on Christmas eve. I had the exact same symptoms you are describing. I was able to get to the Dr. the the day after Christmas and get some meds and it really helped even though I didn't like taking it. So many people in our area are getting the flu, it is very widespread this year. It was the chills that really clued me in that this was something to go to the dr. for. Please go!!! I will pray for a speedy recovery for you too!

  14. I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather Diana. :( Get better soon!


  15. Sending you prayers and happy thoughts to get well soon Diana!

  16. Thinking of You, sending warmth, a big hug & of course Prayers ~ xox

  17. Prayers that you feel better soon Diana!

  18. Diana,
    I send a great big hug and prayers and I wish I was there to run interference for you so you can get some rest.
    I am going to put a prayer request for you on my blog.
    I would get to the Dr. today.
    Sleep it off and you will get to feeling better...chicken noodle soup makes it all better.
    love, hugs, and prayers
    Don't ever underestimate how much you are loved in blog land.

  19. Rest and feel better dear friend... I think it is a carry~over from what you had recently... mine is still hanging on and I heard it comes back with achy body and chills like you have... stay warm!... xoxo Julie Marie

  20. Hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest...

  21. Diana, I know some people will laugh at me for writing this but it works. It worked for me and my sister tried it when her husband had the flu a few weeks ago and he said that it worked. It will help you get back on your feet quicker. Of course, you will need to take also whatever medication your doctor prescribes. It's very simple.

    Take an onion and cut off both ends. Don't remove the pill. Then put the onion in an empty jar or a small bowl. Then deposit the jar on your night table. As you sleep, the onion will take into itself the germs of your flu.

    I have been very ill recently with a flu virus and I tried this. Now, I panic whenever I get a chest cold because three years ago, a cold I had damaged my right lung badly. It created a chronic condition. So, I need to be careful with that.

    Anyways, along with the flu virus, I had a bad chest cold. That night, when I first tried the onion thing, I was coughing and it was deep in my chest. The next morning, I awoke and I was worse. I had trouble getting my head off the pillow. But, you know what, the cold was gone from the chest and was higher. When I coughed, it was disengaged and was more in the throat area. I knew it was the onion that had done this. I was still ill though and I kept a fresh onion with me all day on the dining room table which is where I spent most of my days doing this and that.

    I'm telling you, Diana, you try this with the onion. If you have to stay in bed today, get yourself an onion. Of course, you will smell the onion, but it won't kill you and after a while, you won't smell it anymore. You will become used to it.

    Take care, dear Diana, and please try this.

    Love you very much, dear little friend! xo

  22. Feel better soon, Diana! It sounds like the flu. I have only had the flu once {knock wood} many years ago. It was not a good time as my husband had it at the same time and we were trying to take care of each other.

  23. Take care Diana, from what you say I think you have the flu! I'd try the onion what do you have to lose? I got a flu shot Saturday and my arm is still a bit sore.
    Saying prayers for you my friend!

  24. Oh Diana I'm so sorry to hear your not feeling well!! Sending well wishes and hugs to you! xo

  25. So sorry to hear you are not well. Take care! Hope you are on the mend soon.

  26. oh no diana! i got sick christmas day and am just now recovered...i hope whatever it is you get back to your fabulous self soon!

    get plenty of rest and let the hero wait on you.

  27. So sorry you're inder the weather! I hope you're feeling better very soon! Take Care!

  28. Sweet Diana,
    I will be praying for you today. The flu is so yucky. yikes. That's most likely what you have, cuz it's going around. Since you don't usually get sick, your immune system is just working hard at fighting it off. Thinking of you.

  29. Oh, no! YOU are not supposed to be getting sick! I's so sorry to hear this. Please get well soon - and I'll be praying that you do!

  30. Get well quick. No bug is a match for you.

  31. If it is the flu just get plenty of rest. Don't even leave the house until you're well. Seriously, it hangs on for such a long, long time.

  32. Hugs and healing prayers for you.

  33. speedy recovery to you!!!! being sick is no fun!

  34. Ah darn...this junk is everywhere...take care of your self, Diana and get some pampering! XO

  35. I'm so sorry to hear that, Diana! And you were just starting to feel better! I think you must have gotten run down, from doing so much. Get as much rest as you can, and have your Hero make you some tea from fresh lemon juice, honey, and fresh ginger root. Feel better soon, ok?

  36. Oh no! What a drag. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling puny.
    When we were kids, my mom used to say, Think of how good it will feel when it quits hurtin'. :O
    Feel better soon!

  37. Word on the street is that you're doing poorly...I miss you poking around in blogland! You're in my prayers.

    God bless ya!

  38. Di, I'm so sorry you are sick, get well my friend!


  39. Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better! Prayers headed your way!

  40. I'm so scared of getting it - it seems like a bad one that's going around - take care of yourself Diana
    lots of rest.......

  41. With so many good wishes, you should be on the mend soon. Take care of yourself.

  42. Hope you feel better soon! Keep your humor and your laughter as it's the best medicine!

  43. Oh, my; bless your heart. It does sound like the dreaded 'f' word. Take care and get well soon!

  44. I am so sorry that you are sick. I also had an auto immune disease. I had Guillian Barre' so I can't get a flu shot. Well THEY (CCD) say I can, but I won't take the chance. It seems like I am the one at work that doesn't get the flu. Probably jinxed that now! But I have to wear a mask until they feel like the flu has died down. I have been wearing one since early NOV. I work in a hospital. Last year I wore it for a total of 3 weeks. This year as you know the flu is terrible.
    I hope you feel a lot better soon.
    (sorry my comments always seem to go on and on).

  45. Bundle up in bed and don't come anywhere near us until you are sure you aren't contagious!

  46. Praying for you, Diana. Please take care of yourself. That's the important thing. We'll look forward to you being able to get that sense of humor back!
    Love you,

  47. Oh no!! Not my favorite blogger friend!

    Diana, just rest and get better soon. We need you out here.

    I'll say a prayer or two for you!

  48. I am so sorry you are sick....get well fast!!

  49. No! Not sick!!!!! Take good care of yourself, drink lots of juice or water. Get well sweet friend, Mary

  50. Oh no! You have my sympathy and prayer that you don't have the flu. My DH had flu and I had crud. Hope yours is just the crud (please verify that with your doctor) and you will be back very soon. xoxo

  51. I'm so sorry that you are feeling so awful. :(

    Prayin' that it won't last long and that you will be back to your witty self in no time. :)

    Take care, Janet W ((((BIG GET WELL HUGS))))

  52. Oh, no! Sending healthy vibes your direction, Diana! This is absolutely no fun for you!:-( xo Nellie

  53. Oh no. I've heard there are some nasty bugs going around this year. I just said a prayer for you and will keep praying!

  54. Oh Diana..I am sorry to hear that you are sick! Please take care of yourself...

    Love and blessings,

  55. Oh, no! Take care of yourself. Hope it goes away quickly.

  56. I'm very sorry you're so sick and will pray that you have a quick recovery. Hang in there!

  57. Hope you have a speedy recovery and are your cheery self very soon. Hugs& prayers,Jane

  58. OOO NOOOO....I am sorry you're sick.
    Take good care and feel better sooon.
    Love, bj

  59. Nana, please take care of yourself. This flu is very bad when you have other complications. I have COPD so I am staying close to home. You will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  60. I hope the germ fairy has left your home!! Take good care of yourself.

  61. Oh sweetie, it sure sounds like the flu...You are not dying I guarantee you...Even though you feel like it. I have only had the real flu once and will never forget it. Everyone seems to be sick! You take care of yourself and we will all be here when you get back!


  62. Oh no...I am so sorry...sending hugs & some prayers +: /

  63. Oh no :( This has been a terrible flu season. My daughter and I both had it. Not much you can do.. just has to run its course. I was under the weather for a few weeks. Lots of fluids and chicken noodle soup.
    Hugs to you..


  64. Oh, sweet pea, I'm so sorry to hear this. With the fever I would say it's the flu and it really is going around (as if that will make you feel better). I have a bad cold but it's not enough to keep me in bed so I really feel bad for you. I hope you get to s doctor if it lasts more than 3 days. And drink lots of juice. Smart Water is good, too. All the electrolytes in Gatorade but no sugar.


  65. Diana, I am so sorry that you're ill! Sending prayers and healing thoughts that you feel better soon! Take care of yourself! Hugs, Leena

  66. Sorry to hear you are sick. Get well soon!

  67. Just checking in on you, Diana, to see how you are doing. I was reading through your get well wishes and I will try Lucille's onion if I get to feeling bad. What could it hurt.
    hugs and prayers
    Simply Debbie

  68. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Diana. Take good care of yourself. Being sick is not fun at all.

  69. Oh no....I hope by now you are feeling a bit better! Take care!

  70. Diana,
    I hope you feel better, my dear. I just got over the flu bug myself. Get lots of rest and sending you a big hug today.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  71. Oh, honey. Sounds like the flu. I am going to miss your sense of humor. Get well soon!!!

  72. hoping you are feeling better, take care,

  73. Oh noooo, Diana! I hope that you get lots of rest and are on the road to recovery!

  74. You poor sweet dear. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Take care of yourself and rest...just rest! Sweet hugs!

  75. Awww Diana! I hope you feel better soon soon SOON!

  76. Hope you feel better soon sweet Diana. Prayers for you...

  77. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Pray you feel better soon.

  78. 'BJ' said you are sick.

    So I came over to leave some gentle hugs. And good wishes.


  79. Somehow I missed this post. I don't know how that's possibe the amount of time I spend on here. But I knew you were sick and really really sick. Please get better. I am hoping that having the flu shot helped somehow even though you so sick.
    It's just not the same without you.

  80. Diana, I know so many prayers and warm feelings are all wrapped up around you that you just have to feel better soon. We all miss you so much. How are we to get our giggles for the day? But we'll be okay just as long as you are okay. Do every single thing the doctor tells you to.

    Love to you,

  81. Sending you good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  82. Get well or I will come and make you some chicken soup and I am one bad cook! HA HA!
    Seriously, that flu is bad stuff, take care of yourself.

  83. Diana, prayers coming your way! Do take care! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! You are thought of and so special to so many! XO! Betsy

  84. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! My co-worker was just out with these symptoms, and had to have 3 IV's...(she was that dehydrated)! So don't forget to drink lots of fluids! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Big hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  85. Oh sweetie, you will be in my prayers. Sounds awful. I miss you and your sense of humor!

  86. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! We all had an awful bug that sounds a lot like that... I will be thinking of you.

  87. Dear Diana, Oh I am so sorry to read you are sick. You poor dear. I wish I was near by to bring you some chicken soup. I was thinking of you and just knew something was not right.
    Prayers for you dear one with get well wishes for better days soon.
    Rest and take good care.
    Sending hugs, Celestina Marie

  88. Diana, I am so sorry you are sick.
    Stay warm and home in bed. You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
    I'm looking forward to your next post telling us you are feeling much better.

  89. Healing hugs and blessings to you! You are loved by so many...

  90. Wow!!! I have visited your lovely blog for the first time and think that all these lovely get well wishes is bound to work... I so hope so
    Kindest regards Linda

  91. Hope you feel better soon Diana. I was sick with the flu too and and feeling better now. So many are sick right now. Please take care of yourself and rest up. Love you.

    xo Danielle

  92. oh boy! JUST REST!!! this year's variety is a real BEAST...i have avoided it so far even though ALL around are coughing up lungs and oozing unholy fluids! ack! hope you are already on the mend!!!❤❤

    m ^..^

  93. Oh, you poor girl! I wish I lived closer to you. I'd bring you chicken soup. I'd bring you wonderful Vicks scented Puffs. I'd bring you some magazines to read. I'd sing to you. (ok....maybe you wouldn't want that....)

    Get well soon, sweet friend! Take it easy and lay low. Praying that you're back on your feet and finding your laughter again soon! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  94. Oh, I was thinking about you just the other day.. I am so sorry to hear you are sick.. Especially with having autoimmune problems. I will pray that you recover soon and that it doesn't get any worse than it already is. I am looking forward to your return to blogging :) Be sure that Sweet Cheeks doesn't come down with it!!! Maybe she can talk to you from outside the window or Use your Chicken Noodle cans and tie some string to them and you can have an Old Fashion phone conversation : ) LOL!!! Take Care!

  95. Oh NO :( She just got over being sick and it was awful. Created some other issues with weakened system parts. Will be thinking of you and hoping you get well soon. Maybe I should come over and sit with you like I did for her??! Just call and let me know. I'll start looking for a priority mail shipping box right now, just in case.....



  96. Oh no! I truly hope you are feeling better by now. I was sick, too, but it was very mild and didn't last long. There is just so much crud going around. Thinking of you with lots of "get well" wishes and good thoughts!


  97. Been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling better! Hugs and prayers, Jane

  98. Please feel better soon! I am so sorry you're sick and am praying for your recovery.

  99. Starting to worry about you. I hope you are doing better. Praying for a a quick recovery. Miss you!

  100. Get better soon dear, we can't do without you!


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