
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MOOOOOVE Back- Here Come The Wrestlers

Boys are just so different
than girls- all the way around.
When the three little girls
come over they dance,
and sing and
play dress-up games.
That is all fun to watch.

You know what ELSE is fun
to watch?
When Mimi brings these
two boys.
They get down on the floor and
Here is BigBoyE
"thinking about it".
Here is CharlesInCharge
hugging the sofa for dear life.
It starts with BigBoyE
hugging his oversized dawg!
Charlie is looking on.
You can't have him, CharlesInCharge.
Let the games begin!
Ohhhh...sooo much work, Nana!
I think CharlesInCharge is winning!
Give up?
All Done?  Okay then...
Kiss and make up!
Whewwwww...that's settled...


  1. I can just hear the squeals and laughter. What fun! Your pictures brought a smile to my face. And you're right, boys are soooo different than girls. After having three girls and then a little boy, I learned that first hand! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us this morning. Have a great day!


  2. Girls are definitely different than boys. Darling pics. My sister and has two boys. When Josie gets together with her cousins the little ninja wrestler side comes out!

  3. I loved this Diana! They're too adorable - what a gorgeous family you have!!! And that last picture kills me lol

  4. What cute little boys these are and having sooooo much fun!!


  5. I see revenge in that little ones eyes, Diana! LOL! : ) They are adorable. I'm sure it keeps you on your toes ~ dancing and singing one day and wrestling the next.

  6. Oh pretty lady...aren't you lucky, those little boys are adorable, I feel I want to hug them and kiss them!!! The last picture is so darn cute!! Yes, boys and girls are so different, I see it with the little cousins, as I have two lil'girl grands only. Soo much fun sweet Diana, they must love to be with you too! I'm taking care of my grandgirls too and the 5 year old is so cute still..even Victoria cracks me up and she's 8!
    Thank you for your sweet visit, I love to see you around here. Enjoy yhour week!

  7. Diana, How did you resist getting right in the middle of all that giggling and hugging(wrestling). Too cute. Once the younger one is up and running, look out.xoxo,Susie

  8. Boys are just a bundle of energy aren't they? These two are so cute.....I can see the love right through the photos!

  9. I just love that last picture. Such a perfect little kid expression. I remember seeing that one on my own kids.

  10. Charles in Charge should not be big enough to be involved in a wrestling match. He's just growing up way too fast. But, that's another thing that boys do. They grow up fast and try to do whatever it is the bigger kids are doing because they are too fearless to wait until they are really big enough.

  11. Those boys are so darn cute. Made me smile and brightened my day!

  12. Oh, I'm so jealous! I wish my 4 grownup grandsons could be little boys again for just one day. It went by entirely too fast. The energy your little ones have though is so cute. Do they ever sit still long enough for you to steal some sugar?

  13. Now, this I know. Having raised boys, yep and you know what? They will come after you when they are a little bigger. They also never grow out of this. I wonder why John wasn't in the floor with them?
    That last photo is awesome. He's plotting. LOL

  14. How fun to come to Nana's house!... I want to come over too, 'k?... xoxo Julie Marie

  15. They are too dang cute! Boys and girls are sooooo different :D

    I want a coffee cake muffin!!! Oh, my...they look so yummy!!!


  16. So cute! My grandson and his sister will wrestle and little 2 year old Naomi just jumps right on top of them.

  17. What great pictures! Boys are definitely a whole different animal (literally and figuratively)-you've got to love that last pic-I don't EVEN want to know what he's thinking-LOL

  18. Beautiful boys having the time of their life!

  19. Boys will be Boys as the saying goes. They love this kind of play.
    These are great pictures, I love the kiss and make up one. Big Hugs, Mary
    See you at the Abbey!!!!

  20. These two make me miss mine! Adorable pictures...Charles DOES seem to be in charge. :)
    xo, Tina

  21. Boys love to wrestle believe me, I have three boys who loved to wrestle! The oldest was on the wrestling team in high school, I swear he practiced his moves on poor Michale who was skinny as a rail! I leave the house and come home and the pictures would be all crooked on the wall...oh, for those days again:)

  22. If only I could enjoy that all day long instead of work Ha!

    Where did you get that pillow?

  23. Hugs, Hugs & More Hugs! These guys are cute. I especially like the look on Charlie's face there at the end. Sweet Pictures Diana!

  24. Hi there, When my girls were little I was blessed with friends who had boys that we spent time with. What a difference in the two. Girls love to be underfoot, talking, playing and engaging you while boys often are playing by themselves, can be outside in the yard alone and are happy. When they get angry, they just deal with it and don't hold grudges. I loved seeing your two grands here-so adorable!
    Have a great evening.

  25. Awww! What little cutie patooties! Looks like they are having way too much fun! Love their pretty blond hair!

  26. What a couple of cuties...looks like they have fun together!

  27. Oh look at that last picture,,,,,Those little boys are so cute.

  28. That look on his face in the last picture. can they be any cuter.

  29. This is absolutely darling! I hear the giggles and yells and little legs kicking. Boys having fun. I don't think it's finished while looking at that last snap! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  30. Love it, but I have to admit my granddaughter can hold her own with her big brother :)

  31. Oh is this too cute or what? Boys will be Boys. They are having way too much fun and by that last sweet look, I think more is in store. LOL
    You must enjoy this sooooo much!!
    Love your blog look too.
    Have a great night. Stay warm.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  32. those are the cutest wrestlers I have ever seen!

  33. What? No Sweet Cheeks? As girly as she may be, I've no doubt in my mind that she could hold her own in a wrestling match! :)
    Cute pics of the boys!

  34. Yeah, no Sweet Cheeks??? Adorable fellas there, keeps you on your toes!!!

  35. Ohhh, these precious moments to just enjoy. they are darling Diana.

    Hope yo had a lovely New Year start.

    TTFN ~

  36. Hi Diana, I do love your boys and they are definitely different. Just wait until they get a little older. I remember my oldest being the smaller of the two and little brother was always picking on him. Well after brother was in the service, did little brother get a surprise? Big brother had him up against the door jamb with him hollering mom make him put me down. I just laughed. Of course, you could have a tomboy girl. That is what happens when all you have is boys to play with. I have enjoyed reading your previous posts. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  37. I can just hear the giggles! Beautiful blessings and I'm so happy you share them with us.

  38. It looks like too much fun over at your place!

  39. ROFL!!! I love the look on Charles' face in that last picture! Too funny! Youa re so right about boys being different than girls. I only had girls, so having a grandson has been quite interesting. He climbs, he jumps, he throws himself on the floor, he spins, kicks, karate chops He swings from doorknobs, he slides down the stairs on his stomach, he makes me a nervoud wreck at times! I'm getting tired just thinking about it. The worst was swining like Tarzan from the living room curtains and pulling the rod right out of the wall - and it was anchored in 4 places! Needless to say, Tarzan has left the building! I am just like "whoa!" I mean, I had a brother, but WHOA! Theboy has way to much energy! I think he needs to take gymnastics or kung foo classes or something! Hugs, Leena

  40. LOL they're cute! They look healthy and normal but I know it can be nerve wracking! Enjoy!

  41. Those boys are adorable! Just like our grandsons who wrestle all the time and especially when we are on Facetime with them, they really show off with it. Although I have to tell you, our granddaughter's request to Grandpa is always, "Grandpa, play wild with me!"

  42. Absolutely adorable. I wish I could do that!!
    They look like they are ready to go again.

  43. Ooohh....those boys are silly and so sweet all rolled into one! Boys, I think, are much easier to raise then girls. Girls are so complicated! LOL! Love this!

  44. I've got a few of those wrestling maniacs around my house too!


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