
Friday, December 28, 2012

Snips And Snaps Of Christmas At SweetCheeks House

It didn't matter WHAT
SweetCheeks got....
it was 
'ZACKLY what I wahnted.
Gotta love that attitude.
This is an
Exploding Pig Game.
No kidding.
Who knew Santa had that 
in his bag?
Before Gift Opening,
SweetCheeks' Mama
reads the story of the
Birth of Christ.
When it gets to the part
where the 
Three Wise Men bring 
gifts to Jesus,
she stops reading and the
kids look under the tree
to find the
that Santa left for them.
Kind of a nice tie in, huh?
Then they come back and
sit and listen to the rest
of the story before
opening their gifts.
Here they are listening to
the Nativity Story.
Santa bring them each 3 things off
the list they have given him.
It can be as small as a pair
of ballet slippers or as
big as an electronic tablet.

Here are a few expressions
on family faces.......
Ria is all about Justin Bieber.
Santa brought him for a visit.
And he brought Ria a
Justin Bieber Tour Bus.
Lulu was happy with her new 
mini laptop and her boots
and her electronic Uno game.
The little boys were so cute.
They were so excited.
No matter what BigBoyE got
We loved his gator STOMPERS.
SweetCheeks was her
usual sweet self.
She loved her big bear
and shared him with Cousin Charlie.
Snippets and Smiles
that stayed up half the night
getting things ready
showed up in matching pj's.
Wondering what THEIR contribution
was to the day, are you?
They gave us that whole bunch
of kiddos you see above.
Doesn't get much better than that.
That's it, folks.
No more Christmas posts for me.
You'll have to come back
to see what I'm stirring up tonight.


  1. You are SO right, those doesn't get ANY better than that!
    I love the faces of the children listening with such concentration.
    Wonderful post, thank you! xx

  2. how special to tie in the story and the three gifts. is that something that you did when your kids were small as well? Hope you are having a great week.

  3. Loved the photos! Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us! Looks like it was pure magic!

    Flora Doora

  4. It sure does not get any better than that. Love you family filled day! I love the kids expressions and how sweet cheeks said that is exactly what she wanted!~ Happy New Year Diana.

  5. I think I want to be there next year. Looks like so much fun. I don't even need a present, just wanna watch them.

  6. Hi! :)
    Thanks for your sweet comment about my blog..I appreciate that you follow along with me! Can't wait to see what the new year brings...hopefully some new projects and fun!
    I loved looking at your Christmas pictures, but I REALLY love that you all read the story for the real meaning of Christmas. What a joy it is to know about the king of kings and what all he did for our salvation!
    Have a great new year!
    Blessings and hugs

  7. This is what is all about, Diana! I love, love seeing the kids so happy and grandma so proud! :) Lovely pictures. Happy New Year!

  8. Diana, I love the three wise men, three gifts ,tie in. What a great way for children to learn. xoxo,Susie

  9. What a nice family! You are so lucky.

  10. Hi Diana,
    Thank you for sharing with us such a lovely time. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. Such darling pics. Looks like a super Christmas and with the most PERFECT gifts.

  12. What a fun Christmas!I love that the Christmas story was read from the bible before opening gifts.
    Great photos such a blessing!

  13. Beautiful to see they sat so quiet while the Story was read.

    I did that with my children my hubby and I. Now they are all married and their children are in late teens.

    Time flies.

    I enjoyed the pictures and the happiness on the faces of your Grandchildren and look at that. Sweet Cheeks love the big bear. How cute.

    The last pictures of the ladies . Very pretty they are.

  14. What a fun looking bunch, Diana!!! xo

  15. What a beautiful family you have Diana... so full of happiness and love... thanks for sharing your precious Christmas memories you captured... xoxo Julie Marie

  16. Oh, I just LOVE this post!!!! What a beautiful way to tie in the presents with the Wise Men's gifts. Your grandkids (and daughters) are beautiful!! Merry Christmas to you, Diana!!

  17. O, I wish I had thought of the 3 Gift Tradition...that's awesome.
    So glad you had such a great Christmas....

    Now, for staging my house to much furniture out to make it appear larger but enuf left for personality...clean, sparkling windows and glass doors, all personal photos and table top clutter removed....most of the wall stuff removed except for large mirrors.....clean clean clean...Febreeze sprayed for a fresh smell without subjecting the lookers to headaches with scented candles...outside just as clean and sharp as possible...clean carpets and tiles....clean clean clean....
    what else ???

  18. That is a great way to tie the gifts together with the birth of Christ story. Looks like a fun Christmas.

  19. So charming Diana...Jesus and children seem to be the reason for the season at your place. I don't comment much, too self absorbed, I suppose. This touched me this morning. Thank you for sharing..
    Happy New Year...
    hugs, glenda

  20. What a fun Christmas! Glad everyone had such a good time together!!!

  21. I love it! Those are beautiful kids as are their moms.
    What a great idea to stop in the story with the three gifts. I'm going to remember that.
    Looks like everybody at your house always has a memorable time. Happy New Year to you! Hugs.

  22. thank you so much for sharng your Christmas!

  23. My son-in-law read the birth of Jesus to his children but they seemed a bit distracted wanting to open gifts. I think it would work better if he did it on Christmas Eve but that's only what grandma thinks.

  24. Looks like you had a nice Christmas! Ours was wonderful as well, but I'm taking a little time off and will begin blogging some later. Right now, I'm enjoying the snow. It's Oklahoma. You have to enjoy the snow while you can because tomorrow it might be gone!

  25. Beautiful family pics, Diana. I love the idea of giving children three gifts.

  26. Reading the story of the magi before opening 3 Santa gifts is one of the best Christmas ideas I've heard of! Those girls certainly did give you a wonderful gift in those adorable grandkids!

  27. Beautiful family and such great memories these photos will make. I have tons of prints of Christmas Past, but these days we seem to keep it very low key. Such sweet looking children. I know you are having a ball with them. Happy Friday!

  28. Gather the little children,
    what special faces, and fyi I saw the billboard-SO COOL.
    Still wondering how your hero felt about sleeping with the elf-PURRRhaps he doesn't know??-LOL

  29. I like the idea of the story and the three gifts. Like I said on my blog, it's not really about the presents but those pictures just make me smile. Happy memories. Hmmmmmm, what are you up to now. I am stuck in a chair, on a new med for the stupid headaches and I am a zombie that still has a headache. I want to run away from this. xo

  30. Diana, what priceless pics! Such a sweet tradition, too! Have a Happy New Year :)

  31. What a great tradition, reading the story before opening the presents! I love their faces! Wonderful Christmas memories, Diana!

  32. Precious preciousness in each of those faces enjoying a wonderful Christmas! A joy seeing your pics :)

  33. I just saw those alligator Stompies at Target today. They didn't come in my size though! Looks like a beautiful Christmas. I love the idea of reading the story and them each getting three gifts.

  34. Love this post, Diana. Such a special tradition of reading the Christmas story. Everybody looks perfectly content with their gifts! The memories of this Christmas are still very fresh for all of us. It is really a great time to be able to be with the family.

    xo Nellie

  35. Diana, I am jealous of you being able to enjoy the grandchildren. I miss my children and my grandchildren being little kids at Christmas.

  36. Beautiful family and precious times shared. God bless you all in the new year.

  37. Christmas is always so special with little kids.

  38. Such a lovely family! looks like you had a very blessed Christmas. Happy New Year too!Jane

  39. Christmas isn't the same without kids...Love the pictures..Happy, smiling faces..

  40. I'm glad you all had such a good time, Diana! Love the kids expressive faces! My nephew got those gator stompers too, he loved them! Ok, I am officially adopting myself into your family, you guys just have way too much fun:)!

  41. Diana,
    I'm always happy to see your smiling face and your sweet comments!
    I LOVE all the pic's of the kids!!
    It's the kids that make Christmas truly special.
    Hope to see lots of you in the new year!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! to you and your family!

  42. I love the 3 gifts idea. Here it's 3 gifts under the tree just like Jesus had and the stockings are filled by "santa"...
    How fun to see all those happy faces!
    Happy New Year!

  43. Diana, what a wonderful story! I love the idea of the three gifts and tying this to Jesus! How precious! You have a lovely family and they are blessed to have you as their Nana! Children just make Christmas! Thank you for sharing yours!

  44. What great pics of your beautiful family! Everybody looks like they had a wonderful Merry Christmas! But wait, what did Santa bring Diana, hmmmm??? :)

  45. Hi Diana, I enjoyed seeing your family pictures and I know that you had a wonderful time by just looking at the pictures. I love BigBoyE's gator stompers. It looked as though Sweetcheeks teddy bear was as big as she was, and I know from looking at the pictures they were all enjoying themselves. Christmas is all about the kids and you got to love them. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  46. Oh Diana, how I love the fact that your daughter reads the story of the birth of Christ to the children and they listen!! What a beautiful tradition! Sweet Cheeks is so....well....'sweet'! As are the rest of your grands!! I love this post!


  47. What fun to have these grands in your life. No children here so our Christmas is pretty dull. ;-)
    Loved the post on Sweet Cheeks and her cookie. Classic! Gotta ask.........are these real scenarios or do you encourage these? ;-) I love your sense of humor and I feel like I'm in a fan club for Sweet Cheeks. LOL
    ~ Sarah

  48. It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas, Diana. You are so blessed with all your grandchildren. You know, Nel got a bear when she was little that looks very much like the one SweetCheeks has, and you know what? She still has it to this day, and puts it under the tree. I hope you have a grand new year, my friend, and I am so glad to have met you this year.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  49. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!! Happy New Year!

  50. Those two Hussies certainly did good. Love all of those sweet faces. Love the tradition of the Nativity story. What a wonderful Christmas you had!

  51. What beautiful and thoughtful hussies you have!
    And what they produced are gorgeous too!

  52. I love how your family reads the Bible and opens presents. I may have to take that idea and make it ours!

  53. Diana, These are such adorable pictures! How sweet that you read the story of baby Jesus to the kids:) SO important, right?!!

    I can tell there's lots of love in your family and there is no doubt everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

    Have a wonderful New Years Eve and wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!


  54. What a fun day! Everyone looked very pleased with their gifts. :) Happy New Year Miss. Diana! xoxo

  55. What a great day, Sweet D!
    I feel like it's a glimpse into our future Christmases as our grand babies begin to grow.

    Thanks for sharing!

  56. Ha ha .... wonderful.
    Like the way they are listening to the nativity story.


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