
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Please Pray For Rebecca From The Gathering Place & Two Prayer Updates

Tomorrow my friend,
is having
 If you want
to pop over and wish her
well-The link is here.
She has a gorgeous blog 
as you will see when you go 
visit her.

She is as beautiful inside
as she is on the outside.
Her surgery is being done on
both of her hands.
She will not be able to do
anything for several weeks.
The worst part is her hands
are her livelihood.
She paints and sews and does
all kinds of handiwork,
and she blogs.
She has a gorgeous blog,
but I think I said that before!;>)

This is going to be hard,
very hard for her.
It is causing her to re-examine
what she wants to do..
pray for her-for her surgery
and for her peace-of-mind.

Prayers Are Answered!
Tori- the little girl
that had her leg amputated-
as of now-
is cancer free!
Thank you, Lord!
Click on her picture to read
her story
This one is a REAL MIRACLE
Jessica-cancer free now-
beating a cancer that does 
not easily respond to treatment.
Click on her picture to
read her story.
Thank you, Lord!
What a great Christmas present!
Blessings to all of you-
Thank you ALL so much
for your faithfulness!


  1. Thank you sweet friend for telling us about Rebecca. I will have to call her...she is precious and came to see us, when Amy was in the hospital.
    I did not know about Jessica...PRAISE GOD!!!!
    I know you had a wonderful Christmas with Sweet Cheeks are two peas in a
    love to you my friend

  2. Diana, I will pray for all those wonderful ladies. I was thrilled with Tori's being cancer free now.
    Prayer helps. xo,Susie

  3. I will pray for these sweet people...and I pray every day for a cure for this hateful disease. It takes far too many away from us.

    We had a white Christmas and loved it to pieces. :))

  4. Thank you for these updates Diana! I will pray for them all. I have had Tori on my mind and in my prayers for some time now. I am so glad she is cancer free!

  5. Prayers their way. You can count on it. xo, Ron

  6. Amen for the power of prayer!

  7. Will add them to my prayers for sure. You are the sweetest thing and I know they are lucky to have a friend like you.

  8. I just love Miss Rebecca! I will most definitely keep her in my prayers.

  9. Prayers going up for Rebecca and thanks going up for the healing of the others. God is good!

  10. Diana
    The best Christmas news!
    Prayer does work.
    I'll pray for Rebecca.

  11. Prayers. Good for Tori. I somehow missed that post. God Bless her.
    Hope you had a great holiday.

  12. That is such good news about sweet Tori and Jessica! Yes, God is good! I had not heard about Rebecca's surgery, I will pop over and visit her. Thank you for letting us know:)

  13. Thanks so much for passing on these prayer requests. I will keep on praying.


  14. Thank you for the updates Diana! I will be praying for you my sweet blogging friend!

  15. You are so sweet Diana to always posts where prayers are needed most... Rebecca has been a dear friend of mine since the beginning of our blogs and my prayers are ongoing for her... and happy prayers answered for two sweet gals... so happy... xoxo Julie Marie

  16. So happy that both girls are cancer free!!
    Thank you for the reminder about Rebecca...I will visit her and say a few prayers.
    Happy New Year Diana!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  17. are so lovely my friend. Thank you for sharing about my surgery. I'm using today to pack up Christmas so the holiday clean-up for 2012 won't be looming over my head as I recover.

    I'm scared, but I'm not panicked. I know I'm in great hands and ultimately I will feel better once the surgery is over.

    Praying for the others on your list today and thanking God for His mercy, grace, love and healing. He is good. All the time.

    Love to you and blessings for a wonderful New Year. He is using you to touch the lives of others. I'm honored and blessed you included me.

    Love to you always~Rebecca

  18. Wow! What answers to prayer! God is good. :)

  19. Great news about Tori and Jessica. Now Rebecca is on the prayer list! Sending along hopes for all to go smoothly for her in her recuperation process.

    xo Nellie

  20. Thank you Diana for these updates. What a precious little girl with her gorgeous smile. I am so glad her cancer is gone. I can just tell that she will not let this get her down. It's amazing what people can endure and it sure helps knowing that people all over the country are thinking of them and sending prayers. I love Rebecca from A Gathering Place. Going to visit her now. Thank you!

  21. What wonderful blessings to hear the good news for these ladies. I will go over to Rebecca's blog and say hello to that beautiful lady.

  22. Prayer said. May her recovery be quick and may she be wise in her choices.

  23. God is merciful and powerful! Thank you for the prayer requests, Diana. So happy they were answered. I will pray for your blogging friend.

  24. Oh dear lady....thanks for posting about these sweet people.....Looks like prayers have indeed be answered.

    I know praying for her.



  25. Thanks for the updates, Diana, and I will pray for your friend Rebecca who is having surgery. Hand surgery is very scary.

  26. I love to hear good news from the people you asked us to pray for Tori and Jessica. I give the Lord the praise. Wonderful blessed news.

    Oh what a beautiful looking lady your friend Rebecca. I just prayed for her.She must have that surgery my daughter in-law had. Carpal Tunnel. My daughter in-law hands were used for being a Skincare Cosmetician.So her hands were a must to be operated on for her clients. She is fine now.

    Going for lunch now but will go over to her site after I eat.

  27. Thank you, Diana, for giving us the opportunity to pray. One of the best things about bloggers, I've found, is their willingness to reach out this way.

  28. Thank you for the updates!!! Thank you Jesus- they are feeling better. Now off to pray for Rebecca!

  29. Blessings to all these people. Pray the New Year will be much kinder to all.

  30. Oh Diana...I think I would rather lose the use of my legs than the use of my hands. I will pray your friend has a successful surgery and quick recovery. Happy New Year my friend...

  31. Hey Girl, Thanks for the prayer update and reminder about Rebecca-we all need prayer at one time or another. Hope you have a wonderful evening dear friend.

  32. Will add Rebecca to my prayers. Can't imagine hand surgery - in this day and age it's like not having a voice. Keep us posted.

  33. Praying for a New Year filled with many blessings for these lovely ladies! Thank you for sharing this! I love that we can ask for prayer all over the world through blogging! Prayers going up for them!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Diana...thank you so much for letting us know about Rebecca. I will stop over and wish her well. And praise God on the other two. Cancer is such an evil disease.


  36. Sending prayers from Rebecca!

    I can't tell you how happy I am about the two miracles. It gives me chills.

  37. Oh thank you for the wonderful updates! And the reminder about Rebecca, I know she is nervous about the surgery, I will pop over and give her a hug!


  38. praying now! wow, I love to hear testimonies of answered prayers. Go Jesus!

  39. Praying for Rebecca....Lord, this is your daughter who loves you, I know you will be with her and the doctors and nurses in surgery tomorrow. I pray she will have a quick recovery and the problem will be gone. By your stripes she is healed. Thank you Lord, for miracles! Thank you LORD for your HEALING power! Glory to your name! Roxie

  40. I am still filled with wonder when prayers are now you would think I would trust the Lord to hear and answer our greatest needs but still it fills my heart every.single.time. Praise be to Him. Sending prayers for Becca too.

  41. Diana, thank you so much for letting us know about Rebecca's need for prayers and for our prayers that have been answered! I knew Rebecca when we both sold through ebay, years ago, and got reacquainted with her through a blog party recently! I was really happy to see her again and will pop over right away and offer her my prayers and positive healing thoughts. Thank you for spreading the news of those in need and for blessing them with your support! Hugs, Leena

  42. Diana,
    thank you for reminding me about Rebecca. She is beautiful--both inside and out. I think her beautiful blog reflects that. Praying for her today.



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