
Sunday, December 30, 2012

SweetCheeks Gets Ready For Something Special

Most of you know that
I live in Green Bay, WI.
We are famous for more
than cheese.
Can  you guess what 
else we are famous for?
See if this gives you a hint.
SweetCheeks has 
invited a friend over.
Aren't they cute together?
SweetCheeks has her hair 
She is all smiles because she
is A FAN.
She's got her game-day
clothes on.
They start 'em early here!
So...what's it all about?
We are famous for being the
home of
The Green Bay Packers!
Ummmm..One daughter apparently
The Green And Gold memo.
I don't need  to tell her
I'm sure SweetCheeks
will correct her....
after all it IS her Mom! they say in 


  1. Good luck to your team. I believe in starting them young too. My grandchildren were told early that it is a requirement to be a University of Kentucky basketball fan, or we start to call the orphanage. :)

    Sweet cheeks looks so cute with her curled hair and her Packers shirt.


  2. You guys love your packers!! Nothing better then seeing brutally cold temps and the fans in the stands with cheese on their heads!! :)

  3. Sweet Cheeks and her friend are darling!

  4. Good luck! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun! Anytime you're all together its a party! Darling pics.

  5. We don't follow son does. And (sorry) he's a Chicago Bears fan! Anyway, recently I've been putting up old photos of the kids on FB, and I'd found one of him at Christmas in his Green Bay uniform...I thought it was cute and posted it. Whoops! I guess those to teams are rivals But he was a cute nine year old!! 😉

    Blessings my friend!

  6. DIANA! I AM IN MINNEAPOLIS!!!!!! Though I am a native Californian and I also lived in Boston, Mass. for 11 years, I am not partial to one team....I do know some friends here who are either die hard Packers or Vikings fans and I BEST STAY OUT OF THEIR WAY when they speak of their teams!!!!!!! HAVE FUN! Anita

    OH, thank you so much for coming to visit! Happy 2013

  7. I had NO idea that you lived in Green Bay; we spend half the year in Algoma!! And, yes, indeed, we are also Packers (and Saints) fans! Go Pack Go!
    What a SMALL WORLD!

  8. Good Luck to the Packers! I am not much of a football fan sorry to say. But I do love basketball and baseball.

  9. Oh, I bet you have a lot of cool things to eat on Game Day, am I right?
    I am afraid that I used to be such a HUGE football fan, that I had to give it up for my health, I thought I would have a heart attack!
    The Atlanta Falcons have almost given me several just this season, I know I said I gave it up, but I lied!
    For YOU, I will say GO PACKERS!!

  10. In Arkansas, if you don't wear Razorback Red home from the hospital, you are sent north.

  11. When we lived in WI, we took our kids to the training camp. The players rode bikes down the hill and signed was a lot of fun!

  12. I hope your team wins. I am not a NFL fan but I do cheer the ILLINI teams on. Especially their basketball team.

    Sweet Cheeks and her friend are so cute!

  13. Not a football fan Diana, but I am a fan of your adorable family... enjoy your day with them... oh yes, I also love your State's cheese!!!... xoxo Julie Marie

  14. Diana, You we have so much good LUCK with our football here in Indiana. When I was growing up, I liked the bears and also green bay..but I really like college ball the best. I do not know a darn thing about the rules,calls or any thing like that.I am famous for telling know around 11:00 at night , they tell all the scores, so you do not have to waste time just sitting through those games.LOL xo,Susie

  15. Go Packers...(since they're not against the Steelers :)..Happy NY..

  16. I can say "Good luck to the Packers" and mean it this year. My beloved Steelers are out of the running. :(

  17. Our six year old grandson is all about the Buckeyes and he lives in Colorado. He likes all sports and also likes the ones from Colorado. He was over the moon with Tebow and he was traded. I don't think he will ever been the same.

  18. Hmm...guess I won't be seeing the hubs today :) Just kidding. My inlaws just got back from Wisconsin, they have family there, oh it must be so cold. Happy new year my friend.

  19. When they play against the Chicago bears I say Go Pac Go.But we are Redskins fans in this house so today we will be cheering very loudly for our team!You may even hear us up in Wisconsin we are only 20 minutes from the state line LOL!

  20. I read about all of this but have to confess my ignorance! They all look great anyway! Joan

  21. Yeah, I know..that great team!! Good luck honey and for Sweet Cheeks, been she's such anadorable fan, lol..Pretty grand, pretty daughter and pretty SC. Thanks for your alwys so kind and generous visits, love lady. I wish first we can continue our rich blog friendship in the new year and may you all have a blessed, happy and healthy 2013. xoxo

  22. There are even Packer fans here in northern Illinois, especially the closer one gets to the Wisconsin border. I don't follow pro football myself.

  23. I so get it Diana - here in Montreal we are Hockey Maniacs - and the Montreal Canadiens are everywhere - babies wear the logo on their sleepers - mitts - hats - etc!
    Unfortunately we've all had to go through withdrawal this year with what's happening with the NHL -

  24. Do you have to eat a hunk of cheese when you watch the games? We watch the Browns here and there hasn't been a lot to get excited about lately. I think we're 5-10 this year, that gets you in the play offs, right? Have fun watching the game!


  25. Down in southeastern Wi it is a beautiful,sunny but very chilly day.Perfect Packer weather! Looking forward to watching the game by the fire with a big bowl of popcorn and maybe a Miller Lite!Hoping for win!!! Jane

  26. One of my old school friends lives in Appleton. She is a huge Packers fan.:-) Your Packers fans are cute as buttons.

    I just saw your comment at the Back Porch. I am on Typepad. I was on Blogger until a little over two years ago. I have the pro plan at Typepad. It's $14.95 month. The template I use is actually called Clean. I really like it. Adding banners is tricky and the blog name is always in the same place with this template. I compose all my posts in Windows Live Writer and size my photos there. I like Typepad better than Blogger, but it took some getting used to.

    Happy New Year!

  27. Go Packers & Patriots (since they aren't playing each other) LOL!!!

  28. SweetCheeks is absolutely darling! It must be Game Day! xo Nellie

  29. Those girls are adorable. As for football, I gave it up when we lost Tom Landry. Y'all have fun!

  30. :) our pastor is from Wisconsin, so we hear a few stories from him about his growing up years and the Packers. Thanks for all your sweet comments- happy new year to you too!

  31. Looks like quite the fan! So which do you guys like better, cheese, or football?????

  32. Why did I think you are from Florida?! sigh...I guess I am behind the times. Well, go Packers! Since we live in Colorado and it is Sunday, my husband is quite happy today since the Broncos won...I think it is neat too, but orange and blue are not my colors. =0)

  33. Sweet Cheeks does look adorable in her jersey, but I must say we had a houseful of people pretty happy with the outcome of the game today...being from the Twin Cities and all! Guess we'll be meeting up all over again next Saturday!

  34. well you guys have it better than we do...we are Eagles fans....
    love your photos!!

  35. Oh, well! right now my son is watching the Redskins game and I'm reading about Sweet Cheeks-Patriots Game! It's good to start them early!
    Beautiful girls!

  36. I'm not much for football, but I sure love your cheese curds!!!

    Happy New Year!

  37. I know nothing about football or any of the teams, but I think I could become a Packers fan 'cause green is my favorite color. What'dya think?

  38. Bellisimo, Feliz Año Nuevo.


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