
Monday, December 31, 2012

Going Home On New Year's Eve - I Remember I Remember

Yesterday as I was thinking
about the New Year I found
my mind wandering back to
the place where I was born
and raised,
Bradford County, PA.
I don't have many pictures
of my time there
but I came across some
photos that stopped me in my 
Someone working for Google Earth
took stunning photos from our
farm setting and they are posted
for the world to see.
This is taken right in front of
our house- headed North.
Our farm house would have
set to the left about 100'
from the road.
You can see the shed my 
father and neighbor built
in the 50's on the right-hand
side of the road.
I remember playing with the
cut off pieces of wood and
sifting the sawdust through
my fingers.
I walked that road many a thousand  
and one times.
I remember when my father planted
the elm trees on the left and
they were just saplings.
My brother still owns part
of the old farm property.

From our kitchen window this 
is what we saw....
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-
the graveyard I wandered in
just across the road to the right.
To the far left and just out of sight
you can see the mountains and there
are seven counties visible on a clear day.

There used to be fences on both sides
of the road and the cows would be
pastured on the left side....
another road I walked thousands of
times as a I only walk
in my memory today.

The old church is beautiful.
It's a replica of a larger European church.
I didn't go there because we were not
Catholic-but several members of the
families attended mass there.
I have many relatives buried in the
grave yard to the right.

You can never really go home again,
can you?
Yet, I my dreams...
I remember the smell of ham in the
oven on a Sunday morning and
fresh baked biscuits on the sideboard.
There was always a pie or two
for dessert and 
GINGERBREAD for my father.
Click above for Taste of Home Recipes.
I remember laughter and love,
 flowing free and easy 
and covering us like a warm blanket.
But....there were also some sad times,
and trials and tribulations.

My parents have both
"gone home" now, 
leaving only my brother and I 
to relive the farm memories.
Leaving us to create our own memories
for the children that will follow us.
Someday they, too, will
"remember when"
and I hope their memories
are as happy as my own.

Happy New Year's Eve 
to all of you-
I hope you, too, can look
back and remember the 
good parts and that time has
dimmed whatever heartaches
and disappointments you have
encountered along life's path.
I wish you an Eve of 
Love and Sweet Memories.

ps.  I will  be back to my old
silly self tomorrow.


  1. what a beautiful post, so beautiful, happy new years eve to you,

  2. Ahh yes. Such beautiful memories and what a gorgeous environment your memories are set in. I too can still go back and relive those good things. Some of the not so good are not so bad when I look back at them. Miss my Mom and Dad too, but would not wish them back here. Happy New Year to you and I look forward to your silly self tomorrow.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful post! Happy New Year, Diana!

  4. Beautiful post, Diana. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

  5. What a beautiful post! We always have good memories! Happy New Year's Eve to you and yours too. xo

  6. I'm wiping away happy tears. A beautiful post. Wishing you a Happy and Blessed New Year.

  7. Happy New Year, Diana! I'm looking forward to starting a new year with a fresh, clean slate.

  8. Thank you for including us on your trip down memory lane! Such a beautiful place with beautiful memories.

  9. Such a beautiful post - wishing you all the best in 2013!

  10. A lovely post!!! Happy New Year!

    I loved the memories you shared and the beautiful photos!

  11. That is so amazing that you were able to find those photos on Google Earth, Diana! What sweet memories. Love that beautiful church, too. You are creating many wonderful memories for your own family, they are so lucky to have you!!

  12. Such a beautiful post Diana!! I have so many happy memories of my childhood and now we're creating those memories for our children. Thanks for sharing this with us! Happy New Year my sweet friend!

  13. What a lovely place to grow up in . . . thank you for sharing some of your childhood memories. It is nice getting to know you a little bit better.
    Happy New Year,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  14. Oh my friend..what sweet memories! YOu have stirred up good ones in my mind now! What a beautiful place to grow up!
    Sending you PEACE mixed with oodles of joy for 2013! xoxoxo

  15. Going home again, is never quite the same. My memories of my grandparent's home are always so special, and those are the memories that I treasure.

  16. It is a time for reflection. Time passes us much to quickly. Sending you a big hug, a hanky, and a smile.
    Your home... a beautiful place to grow up. The memories you've shared... beautiful.
    xo, Amber

  17. Oooh dear Diana... I not only love the silly you, but I also really love the sweet sentimental you... this is such a beautiful post for the new year... and yes, I think you CAN go back home again... you just did... in your thoughts and in your heart... for home is always there... all you need to do is close your eyes and you will be there... how wonderful someone posted these photos... just for you... it looks like such a peaceful and serene place to grow up, and your memories will never fade... my mama and daddy and sister are all gone now too... yet they are always close by, in my heart as well... wishing you only good things in the year ahead... you have got to me the most sincere, kindest and gentle lady I know, and I adore you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  18. Diana, this is a lovely story and post! I have so many happy memories of my childhood too! This looks like a picturesque place to grow up! It really is a time of reflection! Thank you for sharing such a special place! Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year filled with many blessings!

  19. What a beautiful post Diana!
    Happy New Year!!

  20. I loved your post and sharing of your thoughts of growing up. You can go home...or at least with me you know I try hard to do it!
    It is always hard to drive by my parents home, knowing someone lives there now...we had been the only people that had ever lived there. They seem like intruders to me.
    I am glad your brother has the farm so you can go back.
    Happy New Year dear friend.

  21. Wonderful post. My fondest memories go back to my grandparents and their home and grandma's home cookin.

  22. Sweet post, ahhh memories! Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year! xox

  23. Sweet memories! Your post is a thoughtful tribute to your family and childhood, Diana. And it's obvious that your are creating special memories for your little grandchildren with each new day.
    Happy New Year........Sarah

  24. Beautiful post, beautiful pictures, beautiful memories. And...I have found a beautiful new friend!

  25. Wow, what a great find you have there with those stunning photos. I love your memory of the trees as saplings. Our mind's eye is pretty incredible. And our noses never cease to amaze me either. Isn't it amazing how a smell can take us immediately back to a time and place? Great post - and best wishes for everlasting memories in the year to come.

  26. Sweet memories, thank you for sharing this wonderful post, your story got me thinking about many times when I was growing up.
    Have a wonderful NEW YEAR! Making memories to grow on every day, Mary

  27. Hello beautiful Nana, Am I showing up in your feed yet? I wanted to let you know I did stop by the other day and I am praying for your friend, I do hope that she is doing much better. You are blessed to have grown up on a farm, I grew up in a farming community in Limestone, Maine, my first job was in a potato field! I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas, by the look of your photos it does look like you did! I hope you have a very peaceful and prosperous 2013! Love, Tammy xx

  28. Beautiful home place. And no - I guess you can really never go home again. Because once you leave your original home is never home again. You make your home where ever you are and wherever you raise your family. But - it's nice to have nice memories.
    I spent part of my childhood on a farm, too. From 5th grade on. I hesitate to say I grew up on a farm because a 5th grader has already done a lot of growing up. We were a military family, so I grew up here and there and everywhere but we settled on a farm when my Dad retired. It was his Dad's farm and my Dad bought all of his brother's and sister's shares. My sister and her son lives on it now, and my parents are still there, so someday I may inherit a piece. My brother has a house on the old home place, too, so both him and my sister will be wanting any sections the rest of us might wish to sell. But who knows.... Dad might just outlive all of us.

  29. Oh Diana,
    This was such a special post to me because I have a few good 'ole memories myself while growing up. I love the old churches, and this one looks like a small one that me and my husband used to go to. You got a new blog design, I love it! Don't you just love the LARGER PICTURES? Now, I can what a wonderful photographer you really are. These pictures are so lovely and bright. I wanted to thank you for your friendship this year, and I hope the new year brings you so much goodness that you give to all of us every day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  30. Nicely done, Diana. There are also very few pictures of where I grew up. The area has changed a little at this point, and I really have no wish to do much exploring of it.

    xo Nellie

  31. What a nice surprise to find these images. Such a lovely area. I've enjoyed our friendship through blogging and I became a blog grandma/aunt too!!! (Sweet Cheeks!)
    All the best to you all in the new year.

  32. Absolutely beautiful!! I love things like this and the memories shared. I so wish I could find where my grandmother lived in Dallas, however, it's a really rough part of town now and I would be too afraid to drive through there. Not sure if the house is even standing. :( The house we grew up in seemed so large...and to see it now, it's very small. I guess kids feel spaces are larger, who knows? Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous photos!

    Happy New Year sweet lady ~

  33. Absolutely beautiful!! I love things like this and the memories shared. I so wish I could find where my grandmother lived in Dallas, however, it's a really rough part of town now and I would be too afraid to drive through there. Not sure if the house is even standing. :( The house we grew up in seemed so large...and to see it now, it's very small. I guess kids feel spaces are larger, who knows? Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous photos!

    Happy New Year sweet lady ~

  34. Dear Diana,
    That was so very beautiful. I can tell by the comments you touched a lot of people.
    There was/is a catholic church we would pass on the way to Grandma' made me think of that.

    I adore you
    hugs, love, and prayers

  35. I also love your childhood memories and the views are spectacular! Wishing you and yours a beautiful 2013 full of promise and new memories too!

  36. Dear Diana,
    What a special post. I can just see it all as you describe it. What a blessing to go back home in your memories. Special times that will always be held dear. Your words just brought me to a few tears thinking back on simplier times that I too cherish.

    I love your pics. I could live there now and feel completely content. Thank you for sharing.
    Wishing you a wonderful and blessed new year filled with many joys.
    Hugs, CM

  37. Diana, I loved traveling down memory lane with you-you were blessed with such a wonderful family. I too miss my mom, dad and older sister but thankfully still have my brother.
    From my heart to yours, New Year's blessings; may your days be filled with all that makes your heart soar and giggle.

  38. What wonderful memories....have a blessed and happy New Year! Hugs, Penny

  39. Hello Diana,
    What a gorgeous post!
    I need that hanky!
    Sometimes I day dream and go back to times way back and where I grew up.
    Mine are (unfortunately) not as happy as yours and I would not want to go back and visit.
    I do hope that my kids some day will look back and have happy memories that we have made together!

    I truly loved and enjoyed this post.
    Also I wanted to thank you for visiting me today!
    It was sweet and uplifting.
    Happy new year to you too.


  40. Would you quit making me cry?????

    Beautiful pictures and memories. What a glorious place to grow up. You are definitely making awesome memories for your kids and grandbabies!

    Happy New Year!

  41. Diana K Os 1?
    Funny thing.
    Everybody talking " K".
    And " The Rocce".
    Not only that, Cocuk .
    And that's the " Rubco" in larger pictures of GINGERBREAD.
    ( Which is not to be confused with Gyrobroyeurs or Thierry Dassault. Or Louisiana & Pthure.)

  42. Oh, Diana. What a beautiful post of pictures - they are stunning and how wonderful that it is of your growing up years. I love that you reminisced and reminded us of the good overcoming the tough times.
    Happy New Year to you!

  43. Happy New Year..Many Blessings to you and your family in 2013..May all your dreams be fulfilled..From my mountain to yours, Hugs and smiles Gloria

  44. Oh my gosh, that's just beautiful...I wish I could explain how happy, wistful, and sad all at the same time this has made me feel.

    You are never silly...take heart in your memories.


  45. Oh my, how true. I've recently noticed myself looking back and really understanding that part of my life is over. Even if I went back I wouldn't know it anymore. It's rather sad and scary isn't it? It must be why I've never liked New Year's. I used to embrace change now I avoid it. Thank you for this post it's comforting knowing someone else understands the same feelings. They're not all happy memories but its my life and yours.

  46. What a lovely post. My eyes are full of tears. I so hope that someday my children look back on their childhood and smile. I never really thought about it before. You are right though...the sad or bad times do tend to grow dim and the good times move to the front. I'm glad about that. Happy New Year dear...

  47. Happy New Year! Diana, such a beautiful walk down memory lane. It is the sweet memories we all hold onto and remember, not the comings and goings of every day life, but the simple things the time we spent with the people we love.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today and telling me about this beautiful post, xo Kathysue

  48. What a beautiful post! Sometimes I worry if my grandchildren will have the special memories of our home like I do of my parent's life and home. But then, they get together and start talking and they do have warm memories. I am so grateful for that.

    Happy new year.


  49. Oh Diana!You have beautifully put into words how so many of us feel about our roots.What a gift your parents gave you that no amount of money could buy. Lovely! Happy New Year! Jane

  50. what a beautiful post, Diana. My home that I grew up in burned to the ground 4 years ago so I can only remember it in my dreams, too.

  51. Beautiful photos.
    Happy New Year.
    Rick (Your latest follower)

  52. Thank you for this most precious post from your heart. These photos are amazing - I would have loved an old cemetery to romp through when I was young!
    Happy New Year to you and your family

  53. Such beautiful photos and memories Diana! Going back home in our minds and hearts is so comforting! Thank you so much for all of your kind words and friendship! I look forward to more sharing in 2013! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year! Hugs, Leena

  54. That looks like the most wonderful place to have grown up in. You were so lucky to be surrounded by so much beauty and love. You know, you kids and grandkids are going to have the most amazing memories of you and your home when they grow old...just like you do. That's something everyone should pass down the generations. Awesome post, loved it.

  55. Oh my goodness! This post gave me goosebumps. It is just beautiful! Here is a big virtual hug as you allow yourself this time of sentimentality. Thank you for sharing.

  56. Thank you Diana, for taking us along with you on the memory tour~ I love to get sentimental & think back of all the family history.... Beautiful settings!
    Happy New Year

  57. Beautiful post sweet Diana. We are home from our family visits. Saw lots of snow. I was like a kid in a candy store. Biggest snow this southern belle has ever seen.
    Love to all, XO Ginger

  58. I have felt overcome by memories the past couple of days. But I finally started cleaning this afternoon and it helped clear my mind. I like to think back...but even the good memories make you feel sad. Something about growing older, I think. Sweet hugs to you and Happy New year!

  59. What a gorgeous place to have memories of and what a beautiful, thought provoking post. I Love it. :)

  60. What a lovely post, Nana....just beautiful.
    I can;t tell you how many things "take me home again".....I feel a new post forming. :))

  61. What a beautiful post, Diana! Wonderful pictures and memories!


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