
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prayers Please For The Giltter Queen

Well, here I am once again,
asking for prayers.
I don't know how many of you
know Donna.
At least she SAYS that's her name.
I prefer to call her
The Glitter Queen.
There are lots of
sparkling personalities
out here in blogland...
but Donna takes
to a whole new level.
You see what I mean?
And look at THIS~
Donna needs our prayers.
She is a very private person
so I KNOW how hard
it is for her to
make such a personal

You see,
She is a GIVER,
rather than a receiver,
and it is hard for a
for anything for themselves.

Y'all know a few

Wednesday morning
Donna is having a tumor removed.
She has never had surgery.
She is scared,
and anxious,
living away from her family,
even though her hubby
will be by her side,
it is, ultimately,
a journey each person
takes alone.

If you are
a praying person
please lift her up in
Pray that her surgery goes
smoothly and that they
can do the laproscopic
procedure without having
to move to the more
invasive surgery.

Pop over to her blog
and wish her well.
Let her know she is loved
here in blogland
and that we are sending a
blessing her way.

And I thank you!


  1. Praying right now. I just can not sleep as a friend of ours son had a stroke at 13. I was checking for an update and did a bloggy check. I will pray for her to have an undeniable peace. What a wonderful friend to call out for prayer. Love to you.

  2. Sending prayers her way,
    I read a piece about the
    Christian singer, Mandisa,
    on Sunday. She said that
    she tweeted a prayer request
    for herself at a hard moment
    in her life. She'd never done
    anything like that, before ~
    ASK for prayers. The response
    she got overwhelmed her and
    filled her with peace. I am
    hoping that your Glitter Queen
    will find that same peace.

    xx Suzanne

  3. Diana, You have such a good heart. I will gladly pray for Donna. We all need prayer. God is Good, he hears our prayers and answers them. Hope you have a great day today. xoxo, Susie

  4. Diana,
    Thanks for the request on behalf of Donna. I will hold her up to the Great Physician to comfort and bring peace to her.

  5. I count it a privilege to pray for Donna! God inhabits the prayers of His people... May Donna be healed in Jesus name.

    Thank you for sharing sweets~ You are a wonderful friend...


  6. I left her a message and will pray for her. You are so sweet to post. Thanks.

  7. She is in my prayers. God sends angels like you to help others.

  8. I will stop right now and say a prayer for her.

  9. Bless her heart. I pray that all goes smoothly for her.

  10. Hi Diana,
    Thank you SO much, you are the sweetest ever, and I am glad to call you my friend:) Your prayers, and your prayer request, mean more to me than I can say! I've always said, "bloggers are the best"! Sounds like you deserve a dusting of glitter!

  11. Diana
    I will pray for your friend right now.

  12. Just happened by your blog, and will gladly hold her up in prayer. God bless you, too, for caring!

  13. Sending prayers her way. I follow her blog. I knew she was having surgery, but didn't know for what. Thanks for your post, my friend.

  14. I pray that all goes well and there will be a happy outcome for this sweet lady. Medical fears are the worst, in my book.

  15. What an awesome thing for you to do Diana. This is definately a person who can use a prayer. I will keep her in my thoughts!!

  16. Oh gosh, I am praying for our precious Glitter Queen!!! And I am hoping that all will go really well and that Donna will be perfectly healthy!!!! Love, Cindy

  17. Sometimes it is hard to ask for prayers for yourself. How nice that you did this for Donna...but then you are a very nice person. Heading over to her blog now.

  18. Donna is such a sweetie...many prayers are headed her way!

  19. Hi Diana,
    How sweet of you to remind us of one of our dear blogger friends that need our prayers. Donna is a very dear and giving person. I feel as though I've known her forever through her blog.
    I'll be sending up some special requests for her and for you too for being the way you are. You are a giver too you know.


  20. I so hope everything goes smoothly for her. I will pop on over to her blog and send her some love there also. BTW, you are such a sweet blogger.

  21. There you go again, Diana - being such a huge blessing in our lives. ♥ Love you for that. I will be keeping Donna in my prayers. Thank you for letting us know, sweetie. :)

    xoxo laurie

  22. no problem-o. Of course I will offer up a prayer on her behalf. Scary thing to have to go through.
    how fun to be a Glitter Queen.

  23. Your such a dear friend to share this with us and ask for prayer. I wish her well.




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