
Monday, January 23, 2012

What I Did On My Winter Vacation

Oh! Wait!
I didn't GET my little
winter mini-vacation,
did I?

Wondering what
 I am talking about?
Read yesterday's post.

Well, give me lemons
and I will make lemonade...
or lemon meringue pie-
your choice!

We decided to drive down
to Milwaukee
to attend church with
my daughter, son-in-law
and two boys.

They have been
trying to find a good church
that has young families,
is warm, welcoming
and not too far from home.

BigBoyE seems to like it!

He toddles right off to the
kids' class in
Christ Church
in Mequon, WI.
We liked the church...

At the very end of the service,
all the little ones march to the
front and dance to the
exit music being played.
It was so much fun to
see him dancing with his
little classmates.

was a good boy, too.
After church we headed off
to a little local restaurant.
Being a Wisconsin gal
I had a ham & cheese omelet.
Gotta keep those cheese factories
in business.
I gave my
pancakes to
who ate some of them.
I'm pretty sure his
Daddy polished the rest of
them off
when I wasn't looking!;>)

After breakfast
we made a quick trip to their
house to pick up
some paperwork I needed.

We were greeted by the
that Mama & BigBoyE
created yesterday.
Just the right size for
LittleMan to help.
Is this the cutest little snowman
you ever saw?
We headed home
to beat the predicted
freezing rain.
And we did.

I don't mind driving in snow...
but I HATE driving
in freezing rain
although it is beautiful
as it dresses the pines.

So, in the end,
it was a very good day.
A day that made me smile.
I will be smiling about
all day
I hope
is full of smiles, too!


  1. We had omelets yesterday, too. We didn't go out- made them right here at home.
    Glad you got to go and love the short snowman, and I am so thankful you got home before the freezing rain.
    We got up to 50 last night and then had the worst line of thunderstorms roll through between 10-11pm.
    Keep smiling...

  2. Sucha cutie... hate the freezing rain situation too, and WOW that's a beautiful church. Never seen one like it.

  3. What a fun day you had...the little ones are precious and I am glad you made it home before the freezing rain....Talk about rain, it is pouring here as I write and most of the snow is gone!YIPEE!
    Have a happy week!
    Jil ♥

  4. I love those spur of the moment days with family. I might have been a tad bit sad about the trip being cancelled......but not if I got a baby fix x two.
    That baby is a big boy.
    Love the snow but do not like the ice to drive or walk in.
    Torbado warnings today.....what is going on.
    Happy To You.

  5. I love that it all turned out for the best and that you got home safely before the ice came.

    The snowman is adorable but your grandsons are even more adorable. Charles is just so....squeezable!

  6. I'm glad you got to spend some time with those cuties, Diana! Glad you got home before the ice, too. We had some of that the other night, but it seems to be gone this morning. It is pretty to look at, but I will not drive in it.

  7. such a great day, memory maker indeed.

  8. Well that is the cutest pint sized snowman I have seen! Your breakfast photos have made me hungry and I'm off to forage in the pantry now.

  9. Sounds like it was a perfect day. I love the picture of the ice on the pines. Ice is so pretty, but certainly dangerous.

  10. I have a fun post to put together at the end of the week - I meant to do it last week, but it didn't work out. After the event we attended we went to a restaurant - I got a vegie filled crape and my husband got an omelet with pancakes on the side - I helped him a wee bit with his pancakes :)
    Glad you had a wonderful day with family and it looks like they found a wonderful church!

  11. That snowman is super cute... but not as cute as BigBoyE.
    And we get a lot of freezing rain here. Not much snow.... just ice. And it is normally accompanied by a power outage somewhere. But - it is really beautiful. I use those times to sit by the fire and make Christmas stockings for future grand children. It's the only time I can sit still. And I only sit still then because I have to. If I get out from under the quilt during a power outage in an ice storm, I freeze... so I make good use of the time under the quilt.

  12. I am glad that the day turned out special. The snowman is so cute and so is BigBoyE. How fun that they get to dance at the end of service and that church is gorgeous.
    We are getting all that wonderful junk now, as I type it is sleeting. Ugh!

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog. I Googled Chinese Zodiac Signs and put in our dates. They were pretty funny to read. Don't you just love Sundays? And kudos to your daughter for taking her boys to church. Our country needs to get back to God. A country without God is no longer a free country. Have a wonderful week...

  14. What an adorable little baby! Is there anything sweeter? Thank you for introducing me to debie doo...I took your suggestion and linked the frame! I also got a pic of the real thing this am. Gotta love PB...they let us snap a pic and even gave us the source! :} Love to YOU!

  15. That freezing rain is a nightmare and certainly was a factor in our weekend. We had our grandsons trapped here...too cold and icy to go outside. Let's just say that I can barely stay awake today!

  16. wonderful happy post Diana
    Love that snowman too.

    we did not get snow yet
    just a coat of freezing rain on Friday-Sat and Sunday
    today is warmer and it is all melted weird winter weather I seem to keep saying to people.


  17. How adorable, looks so cute all bundled up for the winter cold! Cute snowman too and your lovely daughter, she's so sweet to take her kids to church on Sunday. Thank you for your kind and generous visit sweet lady. The hacienda is about an hour from the main city, Cuenca, in the Province of Cañar. Thanks for asking. Wishing you a lovely week.

  18. What a lovely day, Diana!

    The snowman is adorable! Looked like a great meal was shared by all! What better way to spend a Sunday than celebrating the Lord in a great church!


  19. Does a crepe count as an omelet? :O)
    Love the thought of looking for a good church with young families....I remember when we were at that place and it was so important to us!

    You make me SMILE!


  20. Well, I am glad you got to go do something fun anyway and going to see the grands is a favorite around here too! Such cute little guy! :D

  21. I had pancakes and over easy eggs. They have become a comfort food - especially when I don't want to do heavy cooking.

  22. Fun post my dear time is the best time in this world...I just added you to my follow list hope you do the same as I see you all over blogland and would like to get to know you better..hugs and smiles Gloria

  23. Oh wow, maybe it's a good thing you didn't leave because maybe you would have been caught on icy roads...I have a feeling it might have been for the best!!! Your little cutie is soooo adorable!!!

  24. What a wonderful day..spent with two beautiful children.
    His little snowman is so cute.
    Ya know after thinking about it, I don't think I have ever build a snowman. We have had little dustings of snow every few years, but nothing to brag about. LOL
    A heated neck warmer would be great in your part of the country. Better yet some people use them for their feet.
    Have a fabulous week,

  25. Diana, this is a lovely church! Your babies are gorgeous- okay handsome since they're boys! They're blessed to have Nana Diana! I know you had fun with them!

  26. well...despite the lack of your "get away"
    it looks like your time was well spent and wonderful
    AND...if I COULD CHOOSE, it would be lemon meringue pie...did I spell that right, my spelling is awful*
    but THAT is one of my favorites

  27. It's always great when you can spend time away with family..glad you got back before the freeze.

  28. It sounds like a wonderful day! Thank goodness you made it home before the freezing rain! That's no fun at all if you are driving!


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